All-ll *right*! ... Yet Another Goosestepping Whitewasher for his Teacher and Man of God in the world!
You'd think that they would learn by now, and mature out of their doe-eyed, mindless, "What shall we do now O Master", adulance of that kraut, and *grow up*!
But nnooooo! ... And this is basically what their 'more than abundant life' leads to?
Wow, Liar. Congrats. Some questions though, please...
Who the heck is "noone"? Apparently noone is a real loon and won't step up to the plate like a real adult and take you for their huckleberry. I would but noone has first dibs. Plus I'm married, and my huckleberries are taken.
Noone, come out wherever you are, don't hide!
Another question, what's a "special seared consicence" and what does it have to do with Pete Rose? I've read about his gambling but if he's consicencing around too, I'd like to know more.
And, Do we really "lie in an age of grace"? What I mean is, do I HAVE to lie? I really don't want to, but if you're saying I have to "lie in an age of grace", I'll need some documentation. I figure you'll know, Liar.
I've got more questions but I'll hold them in abeyance until the right time.
LLPOF, you say that a lot (all?) of the accusations against Wierwille are false, and that you are inviting people to come down to St. Louis (I presume that's where you live) where you will refute the accusations. Or maybe just ask the accusers to pony up some proof.
I'll probably be passing through St. Louis on the way to the Weenie Roast in October, but I don't have any specific personal accusations against Wierwille, having only met him twice. My beef is with some of what he taught and how his policies were carried out "on the field".
What makes you think that you are equipped to decide what's truth and what's a lie with regard to Wierwille anyway?
I'm confused. Liar Liar do you think everyone is making this up? You must be in an offshoot or something if you actually live in St Louis..I know several years ago I heard all the innies left St Louis for different areas and that the entire city was shut down--I believe for the second time
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All-ll *right*! ... Yet Another Goosestepping Whitewasher for his Teacher and Man of God in the world!
You'd think that they would learn by now, and mature out of their doe-eyed, mindless, "What shall we do now O Master", adulance of that kraut, and *grow up*!
But nnooooo! ... And this is basically what their 'more than abundant life' leads to?
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Mister P-Mosh
I think that you need to read I Thessalonians 5:29 before you come in here criticizing the rest of us.
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Thank you for the invatation.
I am sure your invatation comes with airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars and meals.
I am sure a person with such integrity would not just make an empty invatation without the back up.
Just set up the (paid) reservation's for us, and we can make a party of it
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LLPOF, I doubt there are as many as 2 here who would waste their time like that. Your opinion just ain't worth it.
This thread, by the way, belongs in either the About The Way forum or the Doctrinal Forum, or better yet, the Vomitorium Forum.
Have a nice day. Please come back when you can't stay so long.
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Tom Strange
So then... LiarLiarPantsOnFire... did we hide our meds under our tongue this morning and pretend to swallow?
Did you elude the men in the white suits during "Library Day" long enough to log on to the old GSC?
It'll be OK soon son... just sit over there in a shady place, drink some water and practice your Knowles Breathing Method...
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You couldn't even pay my way and get me to go to St. Louis, been there done that and wouldn't take the freaking T-shirt!!!!!
Some place worth seeing and I would gladly take you on, and your 2 or three witnesses....... this jr high or what??????
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I don't know Steve! - I think it should go into Silly Stuff!
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I'm ready to meet my judge.
Last I checked, his name was not Liar Liar.
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Wow, Liar. Congrats. Some questions though, please...
Who the heck is "noone"? Apparently noone is a real loon and won't step up to the plate like a real adult and take you for their huckleberry. I would but noone has first dibs. Plus I'm married, and my huckleberries are taken.
Noone, come out wherever you are, don't hide!
Another question, what's a "special seared consicence" and what does it have to do with Pete Rose? I've read about his gambling but if he's consicencing around too, I'd like to know more.
And, Do we really "lie in an age of grace"? What I mean is, do I HAVE to lie? I really don't want to, but if you're saying I have to "lie in an age of grace", I'll need some documentation. I figure you'll know, Liar.
I've got more questions but I'll hold them in abeyance until the right time.
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Tom Strange
Excellent questions Mr. Socks!
I would also like to ask: Why Saint Louis?
Does the city have a special meaning or did you just like the song?
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Okay, let me see if I have this straight:
LLPOF, you say that a lot (all?) of the accusations against Wierwille are false, and that you are inviting people to come down to St. Louis (I presume that's where you live) where you will refute the accusations. Or maybe just ask the accusers to pony up some proof.
I'll probably be passing through St. Louis on the way to the Weenie Roast in October, but I don't have any specific personal accusations against Wierwille, having only met him twice. My beef is with some of what he taught and how his policies were carried out "on the field".
What makes you think that you are equipped to decide what's truth and what's a lie with regard to Wierwille anyway?
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Sorry, LiarLiar, but I for one am comfortable in what I have said. The truth stands, whether you believe me or not.
But I am curious: what "lies" can't you stomach? Wierwille's plagiarism? His sexual indiscretions? His doctrinal fallacies? His death from cancer?
Sometimes, truth hurts. Especially when you have been holding on to a fantasy.
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Tom Strange
Hey! There's an idea! Why not invite LLPOF to the weenie roast? Then we could roast his...
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I'm confused. Liar Liar do you think everyone is making this up? You must be in an offshoot or something if you actually live in St Louis..I know several years ago I heard all the innies left St Louis for different areas and that the entire city was shut down--I believe for the second time
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I think his dogma is writing checks his butt can't cash.
For such a big mouth, his profile is sadly lacking for detail.
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Tom Strange
Shouldn't this thread be in the "Just Plain Silly" forum?
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I never tell a lie !!
Think I just did.
Twi was a land of "make-believe" for a lot of years, but the stories told here, are the reality of what happened in that never-never land.
And that is no lie.
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Ya'll are being played.
This fool has: One thread, 9 posts, Lots of attention, No grasp of reality, No valid biblical perspective, Lots of bluff but absolutely no substance.
How many times shall we allow this kind of fool to stir up?
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Why Saint Louis?
5 letters and 2 words
Therefore, 5x2 = established grace.
What other reason do you think Liar needs?'
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Are you trying to suggest that LLPOF isn't going to pay our way to ST Louis?
Obviously, this person must be living the more than abundant life and would be happy to show off his or her success
Or, am I just calling his bluff
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here, fishy,fishy,fishy....
if you are NOT a troll, you are beyond pathetic-- a Klem Kadiddlehopper if there ever was one...
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Until it stops being fun...
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