This would take way too long to get into and I am tired.. I would tend to agree however that current doctrine follows the teachings from Eph that you quoted as well as Eph 6. (See Heb. about how Sara called Abraham lord) etc. They have a new class out on this and related topics now.. haven't taken it.. but of course it would and probably does go over this stuff...any innies seen it?
Are you referring to the "Christian Family and Sex" class? If so, this is the class that taught that wives are indeed supposed to serve their husbands, wooden spoons are to be used on children, and it's OK for singles to have sex because after a certain age (30, I think) we all have certain "needs". It was a disgusting class. And look what happened to the Martindales who taught it.
Living God's Word As A Family...taught by the Coulter's...requirement is Intermediate Class Grad...brief on class "young and old who are seeking to increase their understanding of God's beautiful design for their functions in the household."
Does that help? Innies I know are not talking about class until more people take it or something.
They teach in the new class that sex outside the marriage is wrong. This includes pre-marital sex. They also go over bestiality being wrong. -->
I'm having computer problems, but I will try to type up part of the syllabus this week.
The wife is still in subjection to the husband and he has the final say on matters, but if they disagree on a big matter then they are to "hold it in abeyance" until both can agree.
I just saw the movie "The Stepford Wives," and near the end of the movie, the women are released from the computer program that had turned them into robots. They then loudly confront their spouses. The head of Stepford looks at the chaos with dismay and shouts, "Men, control your wives!" Sounded just like Wierwille.
Wierwille was a man's man in every bad sense. He taught about the love of God, but he exemplified a domineering attitude toward his own wife, and that example filtered down to many of the leaders and followers.
He talked about the thing that impressed him enough to listen to the man who taught him to speak in tongues was how he "handled" his wife, as quoted in an authorized book about TWI. He told his wife to give their newborn to relatives to raise for a year, because they were going to India. He parked the motorcoach outside the family home and slept there while his wife slept in the house. But Wierwille did not sleep alone.
quote:Oldiesman, if there's some clarification there, it'll be a good thing, right? Maybe not a lot, but anything would be a step in the right direction.
Socks, I fully agree. So what's the answer? Are they now formally teaching that adultery is wrong, or not? Inquiring minds want to know.
As promised here is part of the syllabus on this subject. There is more, but this is all I have time for today.
Joshua….”as for me and my house….” That’s leadership. That’s what our hearts in this ministry should be. We are going to stand and our whole household is going to stand.
Colossians is written to born-again believers who choose to walk as disciplined followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and live faithfully in the household.
Col 3:12-14
Put on charity – this is the love of and for God in the renewed mind in manifestation is the cohesive element, that which ties relationships together in the household.
Col 3:15,16
Let the peace of God rule – umpire, what will make for Godly peace in a situation.
Dwellin you richly – how will it get there if you don’t read the word and think the word?
Teaching and admonishing one another – requires teaching and reminding others of what the word says. When it dwells in us richly we have the word to share with others.
Col 3:17-19
Whatsover ye do in word or deed – all believers are to do this.
Husbands love your wives – don’t allow yourself to keep negative thoughts and emotions in your heart and head. Those are fiery darts from the adversary and very destructive. A husband should be most kind and gentle and tender and forgiving towards his wife – forgive and forget.
People will stay upset as long as they allow themselves to be upset.
Col 3:18,19 (from Amplified)
Col 3:20,21
Do you youngsters want to please the lord? How many things should you obey in? In ALL things. Listen, remember and obey.
Col 3:21 (amplified)
Col 3:22-25
Fearing – reverence
Ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance – you want rewards don’t you? You have to live the standard of the word if you want any rewards.
I and 2 Timothy and Titus are pastoral epistles. Everone can learn from these.
1 Tim 4:12
behavior and a set of check points for young people as they grow in this ministry
1 Tim 5:1-8
v 8 the faith – the household of faith
Titus 2:1-8
The older women are to teach the younger women.
The wife should lve her husband as a priority then her children.
2 Cor 4:6,7
earthen vessels – our bodies
1 Thess 4:1-7
We acquire and take control of every aspect of our life to line it up with the word including sexual aspects of life and continuing this patter through our whole life.
1 Thess 4:3 (Literal accdg to use)
For this is the thing willed by God, namely, lead a life as one set apart to God, holding onesefl off from and above all sexual immorality.
1 Thess 4:3,4 (Amp Vers)
Control your passions, don’t let them control you.
1 Thess 4:6,7
Go beyond – pass over the line which divides right from wrong. Exceeding proper limits
Defraud – wrong or take advantage of – selfishly use (sexually or any other way)
The lord is the avenger of all such – We won’t be rewarded for those actions. This is God’s justice.
God designed sex as an aspect of compaionship for a man and his wife. The contesxt for sex is the marriage relationship.
Eph 4:14
The adversary tries to lead people astray according to the course of the world.
The only way to beat the adversary’s system is to have a better system, and WE HAVE THE BEST SYSTEM, THE WORD OF GOD LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD
Our decisions relating to sexual behavior will impact our lives, our physical and mental health, our walk on the Word, our service in the household, AND OUR REWARDS
We know that the OT is for our learning…..lets see what it is not.
Not sex with animals
Lev 20:15-16
Psalms 8:4,5 – God put us in an elevated positon. Devil spirits try to trick people into degrading perversions.
We aren’t living in the law and we don’t impose civil penalties, but we should know God’s opinion of sexual behavior. We should never allow ourselves to become involved in this perversion, not in our thoughts, words or deeds.
Not Homosexuality
Lev 20:13
Romans 1:18
Hold the truth – suppress the truth
Romans 1:22, 23
An image – idols. Sexual deviations and perversions are closely linked to idolatry.
Not Rape or Forced Sex
2 Sam 13:1-7
Not Plygamy/Adultery
Gen 4:19, 23, 24
This is the first record in the Bible of a man having 2 wives. Lamech of Cain’s line. Somehow the adversary was able to introduce the idea of 2 wives, and it was an attack on God’s instruction of the two becoming one flesh.
Polygamy was not God’s will. Culture does not define the truth.
Jacob fathered 12 sons by four different women. Just because he followed the culture of the time does not mean it was God’s will.
Deut 17:14-19
Kings were nto exempt from the original plan of one man and one woman becoming one flesh.
Ex 20:1-3, 12-14
Honor thy father and monther
Thou shalt not murder
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Kin david would have known this word and it applied to him and he was responsible to do the word. David broth both of these commandments.
1 Kings 11:1-12
Solomon didn’t remain true and faithful to one waife, and he didn’t stay true and faithful to one God. Solomon would have been a better man of God if he had stayed on the Word in this category of life.
It is available to walk and not get caught up in adultery or other illicit sexual relations.
Always avoid an unfavorable situation. Don’t be compromised. It is wise not only to avoid the compromising situation but also situations where it could look evil to others. We don’t give the adversary place.
In living God’s word as a family, we should remember God designed man and his wife. The way to get our need and desire met is very clear:
Therefore shal a man leave his father… flesh…
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This would take way too long to get into and I am tired.. I would tend to agree however that current doctrine follows the teachings from Eph that you quoted as well as Eph 6. (See Heb. about how Sara called Abraham lord) etc. They have a new class out on this and related topics now.. haven't taken it.. but of course it would and probably does go over this stuff...any innies seen it?
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Are you referring to the "Christian Family and Sex" class? If so, this is the class that taught that wives are indeed supposed to serve their husbands, wooden spoons are to be used on children, and it's OK for singles to have sex because after a certain age (30, I think) we all have certain "needs". It was a disgusting class. And look what happened to the Martindales who taught it.
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I thought Martindale gave it a new name? Maybe I'm not as up on what is going on like I thought.
I did hear that once though, that people could choose to have sex depending on the circumstances.
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Martindale's class was replaced with a new one. Don't know the name or who taught it.
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The new class was talked about on another thread
Steve! said:
"Here's the skewp:
Living God's Word As A Family...taught by the Coulter's...requirement is Intermediate Class Grad...brief on class "young and old who are seeking to increase their understanding of God's beautiful design for their functions in the household."
Does that help? Innies I know are not talking about class until more people take it or something.
Smurfette out
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Martinpuke's version of the sex class was called "Believer's Family Class".
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They teach in the new class that sex outside the marriage is wrong. This includes pre-marital sex. They also go over bestiality being wrong.
I'm having computer problems, but I will try to type up part of the syllabus this week.
The wife is still in subjection to the husband and he has the final say on matters, but if they disagree on a big matter then they are to "hold it in abeyance" until both can agree.
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So then according to this new class, adultery is wrong?
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Belle, I'm glad they cleared that one up. I'm sure the farm animals around The Farm in New Knoxville will sleep easy now.
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Oldiesman, if there's some clarification there, it'll be a good thing, right? Maybe not a lot, but anything would be a step in the right direction.
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I just saw the movie "The Stepford Wives," and near the end of the movie, the women are released from the computer program that had turned them into robots. They then loudly confront their spouses. The head of Stepford looks at the chaos with dismay and shouts, "Men, control your wives!" Sounded just like Wierwille.
Wierwille was a man's man in every bad sense. He taught about the love of God, but he exemplified a domineering attitude toward his own wife, and that example filtered down to many of the leaders and followers.
He talked about the thing that impressed him enough to listen to the man who taught him to speak in tongues was how he "handled" his wife, as quoted in an authorized book about TWI. He told his wife to give their newborn to relatives to raise for a year, because they were going to India. He parked the motorcoach outside the family home and slept there while his wife slept in the house. But Wierwille did not sleep alone.
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I think the pertinent question here is, WHY are they teaching that sex outside of marriage is Wrong?
Is it because that is the correct biblical position
Is it because they have had to shell out so much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?
If it is the former more power to them--
but I sadly fear that it is the latter and this is more a face saving mechanism than any turning to Godliness.
On the bright side -- Whichever it is, the rank and file will, for the most part, take the message to heart and so improve their own spritual walk
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Yes. It is taught that adultery is wrong.
As promised here is part of the syllabus on this subject. There is more, but this is all I have time for today.
Joshua….”as for me and my house….” That’s leadership. That’s what our hearts in this ministry should be. We are going to stand and our whole household is going to stand.
Colossians is written to born-again believers who choose to walk as disciplined followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and live faithfully in the household.
Col 3:12-14
Put on charity – this is the love of and for God in the renewed mind in manifestation is the cohesive element, that which ties relationships together in the household.
Col 3:15,16
Let the peace of God rule – umpire, what will make for Godly peace in a situation.
Dwellin you richly – how will it get there if you don’t read the word and think the word?
Teaching and admonishing one another – requires teaching and reminding others of what the word says. When it dwells in us richly we have the word to share with others.
Col 3:17-19
Whatsover ye do in word or deed – all believers are to do this.
Husbands love your wives – don’t allow yourself to keep negative thoughts and emotions in your heart and head. Those are fiery darts from the adversary and very destructive. A husband should be most kind and gentle and tender and forgiving towards his wife – forgive and forget.
People will stay upset as long as they allow themselves to be upset.
Col 3:18,19 (from Amplified)
Col 3:20,21
Do you youngsters want to please the lord? How many things should you obey in? In ALL things. Listen, remember and obey.
Col 3:21 (amplified)
Col 3:22-25
Fearing – reverence
Ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance – you want rewards don’t you? You have to live the standard of the word if you want any rewards.
I and 2 Timothy and Titus are pastoral epistles. Everone can learn from these.
1 Tim 4:12
behavior and a set of check points for young people as they grow in this ministry
1 Tim 5:1-8
v 8 the faith – the household of faith
Titus 2:1-8
The older women are to teach the younger women.
The wife should lve her husband as a priority then her children.
2 Cor 4:6,7
earthen vessels – our bodies
1 Thess 4:1-7
We acquire and take control of every aspect of our life to line it up with the word including sexual aspects of life and continuing this patter through our whole life.
1 Thess 4:3 (Literal accdg to use)
For this is the thing willed by God, namely, lead a life as one set apart to God, holding onesefl off from and above all sexual immorality.
1 Thess 4:3,4 (Amp Vers)
Control your passions, don’t let them control you.
1 Thess 4:6,7
Go beyond – pass over the line which divides right from wrong. Exceeding proper limits
Defraud – wrong or take advantage of – selfishly use (sexually or any other way)
The lord is the avenger of all such – We won’t be rewarded for those actions. This is God’s justice.
God designed sex as an aspect of compaionship for a man and his wife. The contesxt for sex is the marriage relationship.
Eph 4:14
The adversary tries to lead people astray according to the course of the world.
The only way to beat the adversary’s system is to have a better system, and WE HAVE THE BEST SYSTEM, THE WORD OF GOD LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD
Our decisions relating to sexual behavior will impact our lives, our physical and mental health, our walk on the Word, our service in the household, AND OUR REWARDS
We know that the OT is for our learning…..lets see what it is not.
Not sex with animals
Lev 20:15-16
Psalms 8:4,5 – God put us in an elevated positon. Devil spirits try to trick people into degrading perversions.
We aren’t living in the law and we don’t impose civil penalties, but we should know God’s opinion of sexual behavior. We should never allow ourselves to become involved in this perversion, not in our thoughts, words or deeds.
Not Homosexuality
Lev 20:13
Romans 1:18
Hold the truth – suppress the truth
Romans 1:22, 23
An image – idols. Sexual deviations and perversions are closely linked to idolatry.
Not Rape or Forced Sex
2 Sam 13:1-7
Not Plygamy/Adultery
Gen 4:19, 23, 24
This is the first record in the Bible of a man having 2 wives. Lamech of Cain’s line. Somehow the adversary was able to introduce the idea of 2 wives, and it was an attack on God’s instruction of the two becoming one flesh.
Polygamy was not God’s will. Culture does not define the truth.
Jacob fathered 12 sons by four different women. Just because he followed the culture of the time does not mean it was God’s will.
Deut 17:14-19
Kings were nto exempt from the original plan of one man and one woman becoming one flesh.
Ex 20:1-3, 12-14
Honor thy father and monther
Thou shalt not murder
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Kin david would have known this word and it applied to him and he was responsible to do the word. David broth both of these commandments.
1 Kings 11:1-12
Solomon didn’t remain true and faithful to one waife, and he didn’t stay true and faithful to one God. Solomon would have been a better man of God if he had stayed on the Word in this category of life.
It is available to walk and not get caught up in adultery or other illicit sexual relations.
Always avoid an unfavorable situation. Don’t be compromised. It is wise not only to avoid the compromising situation but also situations where it could look evil to others. We don’t give the adversary place.
In living God’s word as a family, we should remember God designed man and his wife. The way to get our need and desire met is very clear:
Therefore shal a man leave his father… flesh…
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