Hey George, the idea of not being able to SIT unless you were born again, coupled with the assurance that SIT could not be faked, led to the identification of some pretty strange people having proof that they wer going to heaven and all hell couldn't stop them.
And what effect does all this speaking in tongues quietly to yourself have on one's psyche?
Song Remains the Same said: "I do not SIT anymore except special occassions of memory and then i halt that gig to a sudden stop because, i just do not know if that deal is for real..."
Amen to that. I find myself doing it occasionally, and have exactly the same reaction. It just puts me back in the cult again...maybe it's a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but that's ok at this point...the bathwater, the baby, the tub, the soap, the shower curtain, remodel the bathroom...LOL
From George, my favorite curmudgeon: "And the idea that a simple parlor trick was the primary motivation to lay waste to fifteen years of my life, doesn't set too well with me. But, in the interest of intellectualy honesty, one has to at least consider the possibility, doesn't he?"
Ain't that the truth? That was the "proof" that convinced us that we knew that we knew that we knew, blah, blah, blah...Looking back, I remember as a child I would make up languages and talk to myself all the time (I was an only child, what can I say?)...I know I had no thought of communicating with God at the time, that much is certain.
If God knows our hearts, and already knows what we need (and everyone else that we pray for too), then why do we need a secret language to talk to Him anyhow??
For those curious on what happens when you said 'no, I won't speak in tongues and interpret' when it was requested of you in twig ... LOL, I'm proof you can do that and not get killed off by an overzealous twig leader. This is not to say I didn't get into a lot of trouble. Guess it didn't help much that my brother in law was leading twig that night. He didn't talk to me much after that day and avoided me all he could.
I've never been one who likes to speak in front of a group and twig was no different. I found it easier to say no than to make myself a nervous wreck by doing as asked. For those that don't know, I have Crohn's Disease and stress makes me flare badly. The physical pain was much worse than getting avoided or yelled at any day.
Maybe its just me, but- the "messages" given in King James english, thees and thou's- kinda made my hair stand on end.. kind of wanted to scream "counterfiet" or something. Sounded so much like just another fresh out of the can religious speech.
Sure I speak in tongues....doesn't everybody??...remember THAT bumpersticker or calling card.
I still believe you're letting your spirit pray when you SIT..so I LOVE doing it..especially on bike rides.
Gotta side with what DMiller said initally on this thread...I think its super important to God that we SIT in our private prayer lives..I mean lets face it...you can't really screw it up & IMHO if you're "faking it" when its just you & God...then you might want to re-examine your agenda in praying via the spirit.
Guess what I'm not too sure about is:whether we can REALLY direct our tongue to that which we picture. Might be..Might not be..the bible doesn't really say..but that doesn't prevent me from at least SIT ing for another...worst case scenerio..its still building me up in the inner man!! So I'll do it..what the hay..like to Sing in tongues ..in fact I like to sing heartily in tongues (S*IT)..especially after a filling meal... LOLOL
Allan said: "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'...(It's o.k. have at it critics and flamers..I have my 'fire extinguisher' at the ready !!)"
Allan, are you posting so that you can upset others on purpose, then hoping that they will respond in a negative way? If you are enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian' then I think Jesus said "...Thou shalt love...thy neighbour as thyself."
Quit being mean to yourself and it will be easier to be nicer to others :)-->
No..I'm responding because the thread was about s.i.t., I'm for it and others are against it.
The against get their 'dander up' as much as anybody else and I'm not surprised given that Bramble for instance has 'come out' and said in another thread that they consider themselves an 'anti-witness' whatever the hell that means to a 'Wicca' !
You know..I guess that makes me a 'for-witness'??!
Alan, I read it as she is calling you an anti-witness. If I were interested in Christianity and I read your diatribes on here I would be totally turned off from Christianity.
You still exude the arrogant, elitist and close-minded nature taught to us by TWI. Remember that Jesus was nothing but love and nothing but kindness towards people - primarily those that TWI would have turned their back on. You come across as a pharisee or sadduccee as opposed to a real live Christian.
Tone of voice doesn't come across in type so I'm inclined to give you the benefit of doubt, but your posts come across as arrogant and full of anything but the love of Christ.
No..I'm responding because the thread was about s.i.t., I'm for it and others are against it.
The against get their 'dander up' as much as anybody else and I'm not surprised given that Bramble for instance has 'come out' and said in another thread that they consider themselves an 'anti-witness' whatever the hell that means to a 'Wicca' !
You know..I guess that makes me a 'for-witness'??!
You're not the only person "for" sit. But you did set yourself up to be against people who don't sit by saying "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'" there by implying that those who don't sit don't enjoy/live the christian life.
As for me, I don't/won't argue with how someone believes anymore. Stating an opinion or belief doesn't have to be confrontational or demeaning, its just "an opinion". Not one of us knows the mind of God and what He thinks is right, we just think we do!
ok, this is really none of my business and I'll butt out now.
No..I'm responding because the thread was about s.i.t., I'm for it and others are against it.
The against get their 'dander up' as much as anybody else and I'm not surprised given that Bramble for instance has 'come out' and said in another thread that they consider themselves an 'anti-witness' whatever the hell that means to a 'Wicca' !You know..I guess that makes me a 'for-witness'??!
Um, excuse me-- I was calling Allan's unkind treatment of Rascal an 'anti witness'. As in,not showing his faith in a good light. I WAS NOT calling myself an'anti witness'. Believe what you will. I believe people should research and choose their own belief system. Period.
Bramble quote.."Rascal is as far as I know Christian, but you being around could steer her towards where I am, an 'anti witness'"
What Bramble actually said:
Rascal, as far as I know, is Christian, but with you around, you just might steer her my way. The anti witness--turning people off from your faith..
The quote is close, but many words are changed. Al's quote puts in a comma, making it appear like "anti-witness" is describing "where I am".
Bramble's statement, in my opinion, could have been a smidgeon more clear, but the context indicates pretty clearly that she is not referring to herself, but Al.
Read what's written, as a certain cult founder used to say. You are misunderstanding what is being said, then changing the words to better fit your misunderstanding.
How many other keys of right dividing are you getting wrong? You seem to *think* you KNOW what the word says thereby discounting anything that discredicts that which contradicts what you want to believe. How about "What God Wants is NOTHING from us"? How does that strike you?
I don`t know, I don`t sit much anymore, and I haven`t noticed any lack in my life....
Seems like most of my prayer life these days is with my understanding, by in large just thanking him for what has been provided....so many blessings to be humbly gratefull for....
It is just a different mindset for me....
My days of thinking that I can control the outcome of situations or make myself more spiritual by doing it non stop are finished...
I have done both, I know what works and is comfortable for me....
Belle...would you agree that God "wants" LOVE from each of us..since we're his Kids..I know I'd like to be loved now & then by my babies & I'm not saying I'm God or anything...& perhaps SIT is a loving thing to do "at " God..in some way perhaps it makes him feel loved by us being obedient & faithful to what he deems important..just a thought!!
I don`t know, I don`t sit much anymore, and I haven`t noticed any lack in my life....
Seems like most of my prayer life these days is with my understanding, by in large just thanking him for what has been provided....so many blessings to be humbly gratefull for....
It is just a different mindset for me....
And Rascal -- there ain't a thing wrong with that!!!
I choose to go the opposite way -- but that is my choice, and it works for me, while the path you have chosen works for you! :)-->
(Which one do you want to drive?? The porsche, or the truck?) :D-->
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Hey George, the idea of not being able to SIT unless you were born again, coupled with the assurance that SIT could not be faked, led to the identification of some pretty strange people having proof that they wer going to heaven and all hell couldn't stop them.
And what effect does all this speaking in tongues quietly to yourself have on one's psyche?
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Song Remains the Same said: "I do not SIT anymore except special occassions of memory and then i halt that gig to a sudden stop because, i just do not know if that deal is for real..."
Amen to that. I find myself doing it occasionally, and have exactly the same reaction. It just puts me back in the cult again...maybe it's a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but that's ok at this point...the bathwater, the baby, the tub, the soap, the shower curtain, remodel the bathroom...LOL
From George, my favorite curmudgeon: "And the idea that a simple parlor trick was the primary motivation to lay waste to fifteen years of my life, doesn't set too well with me. But, in the interest of intellectualy honesty, one has to at least consider the possibility, doesn't he?"
Ain't that the truth? That was the "proof" that convinced us that we knew that we knew that we knew, blah, blah, blah...Looking back, I remember as a child I would make up languages and talk to myself all the time (I was an only child, what can I say?)...I know I had no thought of communicating with God at the time, that much is certain.
If God knows our hearts, and already knows what we need (and everyone else that we pray for too), then why do we need a secret language to talk to Him anyhow??
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To the top for Alan.
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For those curious on what happens when you said 'no, I won't speak in tongues and interpret' when it was requested of you in twig ... LOL, I'm proof you can do that and not get killed off by an overzealous twig leader. This is not to say I didn't get into a lot of trouble. Guess it didn't help much that my brother in law was leading twig that night. He didn't talk to me much after that day and avoided me all he could.
I've never been one who likes to speak in front of a group and twig was no different. I found it easier to say no than to make myself a nervous wreck by doing as asked. For those that don't know, I have Crohn's Disease and stress makes me flare badly. The physical pain was much worse than getting avoided or yelled at any day.
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Once I heard someone singing in tongues, it was beautiful! I believe that was at your house Evan, do you remember?
I don't remember if there was an interpretation.
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Maybe its just me, but- the "messages" given in King James english, thees and thou's- kinda made my hair stand on end.. kind of wanted to scream "counterfiet" or something. Sounded so much like just another fresh out of the can religious speech.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
and don't forget the tc that would have "a word of profacy" that would last for what seemed like 20 min.
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Second James
Sure I speak in tongues....doesn't everybody??...remember THAT bumpersticker or calling card.
I still believe you're letting your spirit pray when you SIT..so I LOVE doing it..especially on bike rides.
Gotta side with what DMiller said initally on this thread...I think its super important to God that we SIT in our private prayer lives..I mean lets face it...you can't really screw it up & IMHO if you're "faking it" when its just you & God...then you might want to re-examine your agenda in praying via the spirit.
Guess what I'm not too sure about is:whether we can REALLY direct our tongue to that which we picture. Might be..Might not be..the bible doesn't really say..but that doesn't prevent me from at least SIT ing for another...worst case scenerio..its still building me up in the inner man!! So I'll do it..what the hay..like to Sing in tongues ..in fact I like to sing heartily in tongues (S*IT)..especially after a filling meal... LOLOL
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Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'.
No,learning 'how to' s.i.t. didn't 'seal it' for me at the time but it sure 'seals it for me now'.
(It's o.k. have at it critics and flamers..I have my 'fire extinguisher' at the ready !!)
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Allan said: "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'...(It's o.k. have at it critics and flamers..I have my 'fire extinguisher' at the ready !!)"
Allan, are you posting so that you can upset others on purpose, then hoping that they will respond in a negative way? If you are enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian' then I think Jesus said "...Thou shalt love...thy neighbour as thyself."
Quit being mean to yourself and it will be easier to be nicer to others
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No..I'm responding because the thread was about s.i.t., I'm for it and others are against it.
The against get their 'dander up' as much as anybody else and I'm not surprised given that Bramble for instance has 'come out' and said in another thread that they consider themselves an 'anti-witness' whatever the hell that means to a 'Wicca' !
You know..I guess that makes me a 'for-witness'??!
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Quoted from 'this is about the way forum/for new readers, posters' started by Wordwolf
Bramble quote.."Rascal is as far as I know Christian, but you being around could steer her towards where I am, an 'anti witness'"
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Alan, I read it as she is calling you an anti-witness. If I were interested in Christianity and I read your diatribes on here I would be totally turned off from Christianity.
You still exude the arrogant, elitist and close-minded nature taught to us by TWI. Remember that Jesus was nothing but love and nothing but kindness towards people - primarily those that TWI would have turned their back on. You come across as a pharisee or sadduccee as opposed to a real live Christian.
Tone of voice doesn't come across in type so I'm inclined to give you the benefit of doubt, but your posts come across as arrogant and full of anything but the love of Christ.
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You're not the only person "for" sit. But you did set yourself up to be against people who don't sit by saying "Yes, I still enjoy s.i.t. much, maybe thats because I'm still enjoying being involved in life 'as a christian'" there by implying that those who don't sit don't enjoy/live the christian life.
As for me, I don't/won't argue with how someone believes anymore. Stating an opinion or belief doesn't have to be confrontational or demeaning, its just "an opinion". Not one of us knows the mind of God and what He thinks is right, we just think we do!
ok, this is really none of my business and I'll butt out now.
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Um, excuse me-- I was calling Allan's unkind treatment of Rascal an 'anti witness'. As in,not showing his faith in a good light. I WAS NOT calling myself an'anti witness'. Believe what you will. I believe people should research and choose their own belief system. Period.
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Al's quote:
What Bramble actually said:
The quote is close, but many words are changed. Al's quote puts in a comma, making it appear like "anti-witness" is describing "where I am".
Bramble's statement, in my opinion, could have been a smidgeon more clear, but the context indicates pretty clearly that she is not referring to herself, but Al.
Read what's written, as a certain cult founder used to say. You are misunderstanding what is being said, then changing the words to better fit your misunderstanding.
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Oak--I wasn't clear--I just added the phrase--turning people off etc...
Of course I knew exactly what I was saying in my own mind and yes, did expect everyone would get it
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How many other keys of right dividing are you getting wrong? You seem to *think* you KNOW what the word says thereby discounting anything that discredicts that which contradicts what you want to believe. How about "What God Wants is NOTHING from us"? How does that strike you?
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One last post for clarity:
Being a meany = anti witness because people won't want to go to church with you.
Being loving = witness so people might want to go to church with you.
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I don`t know, I don`t sit much anymore, and I haven`t noticed any lack in my life....
Seems like most of my prayer life these days is with my understanding, by in large just thanking him for what has been provided....so many blessings to be humbly gratefull for....
It is just a different mindset for me....
My days of thinking that I can control the outcome of situations or make myself more spiritual by doing it non stop are finished...
I have done both, I know what works and is comfortable for me....
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Second James
Belle...would you agree that God "wants" LOVE from each of us..since we're his Kids..I know I'd like to be loved now & then by my babies & I'm not saying I'm God or anything...& perhaps SIT is a loving thing to do "at " God..in some way perhaps it makes him feel loved by us being obedient & faithful to what he deems important..just a thought!!
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And Rascal -- there ain't a thing wrong with that!!!
I choose to go the opposite way -- but that is my choice, and it works for me, while the path you have chosen works for you!
(Which one do you want to drive?? The porsche, or the truck?)
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