I spoke in tounges like a house of fire (to coin a phrase). I first SIT about the 9th session of VP’s PFAL class. However, interpretation was a different story. My first intermediate class was Earl Burton’s class when it first came out. There were so many dos and don’ts that I was unable to do it.
I absolutely hated Earl Burton's "Intermediate" class. I thought it was completely needless, boring and long-winded. What he take -15 to 20 hours or so - to drag on about what vp presented in 3? (when the old intermediate class was appended to the end of PFAL, at least when I took it back in '78)
quote:(when the old intermediate class was appended to the end of PFAL, at least when I took it back in '78)
hmmm... that must've been something they did special in your area... we weren't doing it then... it was still a seperate thing... but that doesn't sound like a bad idea...
When I took PFAL in '78, it was also one class. Actually, the the Intermediate class that was filmed later was included in the $100 "donation" and scheduled as if they were one class.
And in 1994 they ran the TIP session, as well as "The Day Jesus Christ Died" and maybe even "The Unforgiveable Sin" as a supplemental session about a month after the regular class
It's kind of nice to know that others were nervous also -- I always felt wrong for feeling that way. I never made things up, it always seemed to flow no matter how nervous I was.
Some of you mentioned ending with "in the name of Jesus Christ." I've never heard that in manifestations, however, I have done it in 3rd person, i.e. Your God is strong and capable.....etc.... My leader was always blwon away when I did that. Only happened 3 times I believe in 7 years. Anyone ever do that?
Hi Everbody that wants to talk about the gift of holy spirit
Here what I understand about it
1. its your tongue that speaks in tongues with the help of your lips and mouth but its your heart of your brain that tells your tongue what to say and how to make each sound
Then who or what tells your brain what to do and how I believe its the holy spirit in you the gift of Christ in you which comes after new seed has been planted
One footnote to these writtens in the times of old between the fall of Adam and the gift of holy spirit receive for the first time after Jesus Christ won over death that the seed of Christ could be planted in others
During these times there are many things to note first God taught his sons by the five sences most of the time
Most say that it was the spirit of Adam that die in Genesis 3 but I believe just because a part of you Adam die that he did not lose his spirit he just walk around with a dead spirit
That would mean we all have been born with a dead spirit but with the seed of Christ planted its was made alive for us
Now if part of the body is dead it causes others parts of the body to die unless you cut off the dead part
But these dead parts may be of some use but very little here where I am going
The spirit was dead in days of old but they still dream dreams from the spirit of God but it took a man with the spirit of God over showing his life to understand the dreams like Joseph did and others
So these means our brain was taught by a dead spirit after the living spirit of God taught it
This as far as I understand is proff that God is greater than death and that we can over come death
Now after seed of Christ is planted in us its the living spirit of God talking to our living spirit as a seed first and later as a new babe in the belly of God
Its God that takes care of our every need just like a mother with a baby in her belly takes care of its every need
Now all words spoken whether speaking in tongues or intertaion of tongues or even words of prophecy receive today its God’s spirit telling Jesus Christ spirit in us what to tell our new spirit seed what to tell our brain to do and how
But in those days of old some where receive by God telling things in the five sences to do Like in days of Moses the bush talk to Moses and Moses told the people what he heard from the bush who only spoke the words God told it to speak
Or at times there were where God spoke to holy men of God dead spirit and their dead spirit talk to them like in dreams
2. gifts of healing how does it work
God tells you what will help them believe their body has the power to be healed because God gave it that power in the begining
Now some times people just will not believe but we can confort them until they are ready to believe or die to this world just so they can awake to a better life and world
Now yes we hear God talk to us in our brains because that the center point of where the seed is planted
Is not the natural seed planted with the blueprints on how to grow a person or a dog or etc
Now these is just how I understand a small part of the gift in us
quote: obviously when you said in the name of jesus christ amen, that was a message FOR god not FROM god to the believers present amen
Ex -- take a look in Acts about the first occurrence of SIT. I know you don't like the bible (or so I assume from what you have posted), but there was never a "message from God to the believers" in the original SIT. It was men speaking the wonderful works of God, not God giving a message to the believer's.
First time I got called on to manifest, the guy running the metting didn't know that I had taken just pfal, and NOT the intermediate class. He called on me to "do the honors", and nervous as hell, I did it but froze up out of fear and stop halp way through the intertation
I wish I had been as bold as you
with love Roy
--> --> -->
Is this really a quote from me???? I never froze up. Or are you saying you did??? I don't understand what you mean. -->
I guess I am naive enough to believe that what God promises, He can do. My bad -- as they say - (whoever the Hel* they are. --> I did it, and once this thread got started, I remembered how it was for me in the beginning.
Speaking in tongues (or rather the definition thereof), is one of the few things docvic got right, even if he did get it from someone else. It is NOT a gift. It is proof that you have Spirit within.
And for those who do not wish to utilize it, fine. No problem. Do what you wish. As far as I am concerned, those who don't utilize this, and/or take advantage of it -- you may as well have won the POWERBALL, and decided to toss out the winning ticket as "so much trash".
And again -- SIT may have been a matter of "faking" it with some, but (imho), it is prayer that God looks for, and is NOT something He looks at as "validation" in a "believer's" meeting.-->
Forget the believer's meetings. Do it on your own, privately, no one else around, that sort of thing. Just do it before God -- you and Him, no TC's present, and see what kind of answers you get.
SIT is one of the greatest "gifts" to mankind in my opinion. If you had a million dollars in your bank account, you would "tap" into it. If I had a 1923 Lloyd Loar F-5 mandolin (cream of the crop - for those of you that don't know about mandolins), I would pick it. If I had a Porshe 911, I would drive it, and not park it in the garage.
What I am saying is that we have a very special ability to speak directly to the Father, and though one experience (twi), might have soured that, don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Maybe dmiller...but then again...maybe I like talking to God with my understanding better....maybe I would chose my comfortable though not nearly so valuable keyser keys guitar over your high dollar mandolin ( me playing my cheaper guitar would sound better than me ATTEMPTING to play your mandolin no?) Either way ..the music is played...
Or concievably...I might prefer my own pick up truck over your porshe...lol either vehicle will get us where we are going...but if I am hauling hay...or doing farm chore at the time......I really DO think that my truck serves me better though battered and not nearly as pretty as the porshe... :-)
My, this thread has grown in the last couple of days!
I took PFAL in Champaign, IL, in 1978. At the time, the Intermediate class was offered as an addendum to the Foundational Class, but about a week later, to let the FC material sink in. Since I had not been told about the extra sessions, and would be out of town during them, the class coordinator played the TIP "short form" for me.
Fast forward a couple of months to a "Witnessing and Undersheperding" class in Peoria. At a believer's meeting after one of the sessions, the leader asked me to SIT and interpret. I did, and to quote dmiller, it was a "rush."
When I finally took the IC later, the class coordinater (the branch coordinator) noticed that I appeared confident and asked if I had interpreted before. When I told her about Peoria, she sort of grinned and said, "Oh...because they didn't know!" I told her about the TIP class, and said that that was all the teaching I needed for me to believe to interpret. She agreed that everyone has his own needs in that area.
Incidentally, I have given "third person" interpretations and prophecies, but rarely.
And sometimes a biblical theme is in my head before manifestations are done in fellowship. I try to block them out, so as NOT to fake it if I'm called upon.
lol absolutely word wolf ...If I WANTED to use both...however, these days...I find my truck preferable for the present....I don`t feel or see a lack in my life nor do I feel guilty for not really caring about whether or not I drive the porshe ... since my truck suits my needs admirably...nor do I feel like there is something wrong with me anylonger because I find my guitar enjoyable.....
That does NOT preclude you from driving your porshe or denigrate the enjoyment you recieve from operating your vehicle of choice....and I know I would love to hear dmiller with his wonderfull mandolin ...as I am sure it the music produced will be outstanding in his hands:-)
quote: lol absolutely word wolf ...If I WANTED to use both...however, these days...I find my truck preferable for the present
Rascal -- Amen to that. :)-->
I didn't mean to suggest that SIT was the only way. Matter of fact, I'm envious of you for being able to "talk things out" with the understanding so well.
What Word Wolf said about using both, and what you said about choosing when to use that which you have -- both make perfect sense.
(personally - I prefer the truck too, when it comes to vehicles!) ;)-->
I did fake an interPREtation once, but never the SIT. I do not SIT anymore except special occassions of memory and then i halt that gig to a sudden stop because, i just do not know if that deal is for real...
Its a terrible thing I did, but I was able to immitate people's tongues after hearing them for a while. Who was going to correct me? It was the spirit giving the utterance. Along the same lines, I had a WOW brother who would always give the same interpretation. So I used it once before he had a chance. Poor guy just repeated what I had already said. I guess that established it LOL.
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I absolutely hated Earl Burton's "Intermediate" class. I thought it was completely needless, boring and long-winded. What he take -15 to 20 hours or so - to drag on about what vp presented in 3? (when the old intermediate class was appended to the end of PFAL, at least when I took it back in '78)
What a waste.
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Tom Strange
hmmm... that must've been something they did special in your area... we weren't doing it then... it was still a seperate thing... but that doesn't sound like a bad idea...Link to comment
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Watered Garden
PFAL used to have a 3 hour trailer that was SIT, Interpret and Prophecy.
It was in the VERY early 70's. My honey took it that way (I'm pretty sure) in 1971 or so. Probably should've stayed that way.
But they didn't aske me, did they?
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Tom Strange
Thanks WG... cuz when you guys came around in 74 it was two seperate classes and was until I left... thanks again for the info... take care...
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When I took PFAL in '78, it was also one class. Actually, the the Intermediate class that was filmed later was included in the $100 "donation" and scheduled as if they were one class.
And in 1994 they ran the TIP session, as well as "The Day Jesus Christ Died" and maybe even "The Unforgiveable Sin" as a supplemental session about a month after the regular class
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Hi -- I appreciate everyone's insight.
It's kind of nice to know that others were nervous also -- I always felt wrong for feeling that way. I never made things up, it always seemed to flow no matter how nervous I was.
Some of you mentioned ending with "in the name of Jesus Christ." I've never heard that in manifestations, however, I have done it in 3rd person, i.e. Your God is strong and capable.....etc.... My leader was always blwon away when I did that. Only happened 3 times I believe in 7 years. Anyone ever do that?
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i can't remember hooner
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God first
Hi All
I have took the time to look for old post that talk about speaking in tongues that some of the newer friends here might like to read
here where they are now they could change pages by one or two by next day or so
Just for some reading on speaking in tongues that a old topic called
“MANIFESTATIONS. I need your opinion's GS'ers!†on page 53
under About the Way
“The Other Six Manifestations -or- "Greater “ â€on page 45 under About the Way
“The Role of the Gift of the Holy Spirit†on page 16 under About the Way
The last is the best reading I believe
with love Roy
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Hi Everbody that wants to talk about the gift of holy spirit
Here what I understand about it
1. its your tongue that speaks in tongues with the help of your lips and mouth but its your heart of your brain that tells your tongue what to say and how to make each sound
Then who or what tells your brain what to do and how I believe its the holy spirit in you the gift of Christ in you which comes after new seed has been planted
One footnote to these writtens in the times of old between the fall of Adam and the gift of holy spirit receive for the first time after Jesus Christ won over death that the seed of Christ could be planted in others
During these times there are many things to note first God taught his sons by the five sences most of the time
Most say that it was the spirit of Adam that die in Genesis 3 but I believe just because a part of you Adam die that he did not lose his spirit he just walk around with a dead spirit
That would mean we all have been born with a dead spirit but with the seed of Christ planted its was made alive for us
Now if part of the body is dead it causes others parts of the body to die unless you cut off the dead part
But these dead parts may be of some use but very little here where I am going
The spirit was dead in days of old but they still dream dreams from the spirit of God but it took a man with the spirit of God over showing his life to understand the dreams like Joseph did and others
So these means our brain was taught by a dead spirit after the living spirit of God taught it
This as far as I understand is proff that God is greater than death and that we can over come death
Now after seed of Christ is planted in us its the living spirit of God talking to our living spirit as a seed first and later as a new babe in the belly of God
Its God that takes care of our every need just like a mother with a baby in her belly takes care of its every need
Now all words spoken whether speaking in tongues or intertaion of tongues or even words of prophecy receive today its God’s spirit telling Jesus Christ spirit in us what to tell our new spirit seed what to tell our brain to do and how
But in those days of old some where receive by God telling things in the five sences to do Like in days of Moses the bush talk to Moses and Moses told the people what he heard from the bush who only spoke the words God told it to speak
Or at times there were where God spoke to holy men of God dead spirit and their dead spirit talk to them like in dreams
2. gifts of healing how does it work
God tells you what will help them believe their body has the power to be healed because God gave it that power in the begining
Now some times people just will not believe but we can confort them until they are ready to believe or die to this world just so they can awake to a better life and world
Now yes we hear God talk to us in our brains because that the center point of where the seed is planted
Is not the natural seed planted with the blueprints on how to grow a person or a dog or etc
Now these is just how I understand a small part of the gift in us
with love Roy
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Ex -- take a look in Acts about the first occurrence of SIT. I know you don't like the bible (or so I assume from what you have posted), but there was never a "message from God to the believers" in the original SIT. It was men speaking the wonderful works of God, not God giving a message to the believer's.
docvic had it wrong.
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Is this really a quote from me???? I never froze up. Or are you saying you did??? I don't understand what you mean.
I guess I am naive enough to believe that what God promises, He can do. My bad -- as they say - (whoever the Hel* they are.
--> I did it, and once this thread got started, I remembered how it was for me in the beginning.
Speaking in tongues (or rather the definition thereof), is one of the few things docvic got right, even if he did get it from someone else. It is NOT a gift. It is proof that you have Spirit within.
And for those who do not wish to utilize it, fine. No problem. Do what you wish. As far as I am concerned, those who don't utilize this, and/or take advantage of it -- you may as well have won the POWERBALL, and decided to toss out the winning ticket as "so much trash".
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And again -- SIT may have been a matter of "faking" it with some, but (imho), it is prayer that God looks for, and is NOT something He looks at as "validation" in a "believer's" meeting.
Forget the believer's meetings. Do it on your own, privately, no one else around, that sort of thing. Just do it before God -- you and Him, no TC's present, and see what kind of answers you get.
SIT is one of the greatest "gifts" to mankind in my opinion. If you had a million dollars in your bank account, you would "tap" into it. If I had a 1923 Lloyd Loar F-5 mandolin (cream of the crop - for those of you that don't know about mandolins), I would pick it. If I had a Porshe 911, I would drive it, and not park it in the garage.
What I am saying is that we have a very special ability to speak directly to the Father, and though one experience (twi), might have soured that, don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
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Maybe dmiller...but then again...maybe I like talking to God with my understanding better....maybe I would chose my comfortable though not nearly so valuable keyser keys guitar over your high dollar mandolin ( me playing my cheaper guitar would sound better than me ATTEMPTING to play your mandolin no?) Either way ..the music is played...
Or concievably...I might prefer my own pick up truck over your porshe...lol either vehicle will get us where we are going...but if I am hauling hay...or doing farm chore at the time......I really DO think that my truck serves me better though battered and not nearly as pretty as the porshe... :-)
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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But if you have BOTH,
why not use BOTH-
each when it's best for the job at hand?
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God first
Hi DMiller
Yes it was me that froze up I got out about half the intertation
I used your words to try to say my story was like your story but the ending was differ
with love Roy
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My, this thread has grown in the last couple of days!
I took PFAL in Champaign, IL, in 1978. At the time, the Intermediate class was offered as an addendum to the Foundational Class, but about a week later, to let the FC material sink in. Since I had not been told about the extra sessions, and would be out of town during them, the class coordinator played the TIP "short form" for me.
Fast forward a couple of months to a "Witnessing and Undersheperding" class in Peoria. At a believer's meeting after one of the sessions, the leader asked me to SIT and interpret. I did, and to quote dmiller, it was a "rush."
When I finally took the IC later, the class coordinater (the branch coordinator) noticed that I appeared confident and asked if I had interpreted before. When I told her about Peoria, she sort of grinned and said, "Oh...because they didn't know!" I told her about the TIP class, and said that that was all the teaching I needed for me to believe to interpret. She agreed that everyone has his own needs in that area.
Incidentally, I have given "third person" interpretations and prophecies, but rarely.
And sometimes a biblical theme is in my head before manifestations are done in fellowship. I try to block them out, so as NOT to fake it if I'm called upon.
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lol absolutely word wolf ...If I WANTED to use both...however, these days...I find my truck preferable for the present....I don`t feel or see a lack in my life nor do I feel guilty for not really caring about whether or not I drive the porshe ... since my truck suits my needs admirably...nor do I feel like there is something wrong with me anylonger because I find my guitar enjoyable.....
That does NOT preclude you from driving your porshe or denigrate the enjoyment you recieve from operating your vehicle of choice....and I know I would love to hear dmiller with his wonderfull mandolin ...as I am sure it the music produced will be outstanding in his hands:-)
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God first
Hi Rascal
I too see it better to talk with God than read my bible
I see that reading by bible was good than but now I only use it to find questions to talk with Jesus Christ about or to teach from
I feel the bible is second hand words of God and why should I take hand downs when I can get first's
I hope this gets you to talk with God more and more one on one because that what its all about
The bible is the milk but the one on one is the meat
And if you need a little milk to wash the meat down I am sure you hear it in the second words of others
Because I believe if one confesses a truth that is God word
To many people look for the words itself but its in the heart of the words
I glad you just talk with God even since I still do both some times
with love Roy
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Roy -- Now I understand. Thanks.
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Rascal -- Amen to that.
I didn't mean to suggest that SIT was the only way. Matter of fact, I'm envious of you for being able to "talk things out" with the understanding so well.
What Word Wolf said about using both, and what you said about choosing when to use that which you have -- both make perfect sense.
(personally - I prefer the truck too, when it comes to vehicles!)
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I did fake an interPREtation once, but never the SIT. I do not SIT anymore except special occassions of memory and then i halt that gig to a sudden stop because, i just do not know if that deal is for real...
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The stuff we used to do.
Its a terrible thing I did, but I was able to immitate people's tongues after hearing them for a while. Who was going to correct me? It was the spirit giving the utterance. Along the same lines, I had a WOW brother who would always give the same interpretation. So I used it once before he had a chance. Poor guy just repeated what I had already said. I guess that established it LOL.
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I speak in tongues.
Just because TWI ticked me off doesn't mean SIT is wrong. It is the Word. At least htat is what I see.
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