I too was always nervous... In fact I never really got comfortable with it in 12 years in twi - probably because 99% of the time it was faked (after awhile I realized that most people said the same things over and over, and it seemed if it was really from God, He would have been a bit more versatile!)
I usually "pre-thought" something because whenever I tried to just let it flow I'd stumble and there was nothing there (as the comedian says "there's your sign"...) In the beginning I was fearful that those with all that in-depth spiritual perception would know that I was "cheating", but they NEVER caught on. What a surprise ;)-->
I was also told that I had a long suit in interpretation and prophecy, when in reality I was just good at stringing together a bunch of Wayspeak BS and using flowery language. Like everything else in twi, if there ever was anything real or true about the manifestations (and I'm not too sure there was), it was legislated out of the process with all the rules and legalism.
You move your lips, your mouth...blah, blah, blah,..."shanta kalamista..."
IMHO, Veepee was to the holy spirit field, what Jeffery Dahmer was to gourmet dining. He took the information that he plagiarized and turned it into part of his "fast food" spiritual growth program. As far as the genuine Christian experience goes...twi "queered" the whole thing by making it some formulated, mechanical spewing forth of twi doctrinal diatribes.
Hooner, I know what you are talking about. Pre-planned in case I'm called on, But other times it suprised me, it flowed out. Maybe my subconscience kicking in after the having it drilled in. To this day I hear SIT and it sounds repetitive. I see it written in the Bible. So what say all of you out there, Is it real or power of suggestion, subconscience gobbledygook? or what.
I don`t know Mr. Moonlight...I can only say that after leaving twi, I haven`t heard it practiced much.....n to tell you the truth, I really haven`t missed it at all.
I faithfully participated and preformed when called on for nearly 15 years....I always knew that I should be excited and feel reverential, like I was hearing from God...but in truth, it seemed repetative and dull...I was embarrassed that inside ...I didn`t *feel* more excited....I am sorry...I just have not felt like I have lost anything by not participating in manifestations....
At the risk of spouting "Wayspeak," it's not about feelings, it's about the spirit of God. All the feelings you've expressed -- nervousness, fear, uncertainty -- just mean that you're human; but it doesn't invalidate the truth. If the Bible IS the Word of God, then you CAN speak in tongues, etc. (You also CAN fake it, but why do so? Whom are you trying to impress?)
Hooner, if you're still an "innie," (I don't remember) you may have trouble expressing your concerns to your coordinator; but you might give it a shot. Hopefully, he/she will take the time to work with you.Just sitting in a Bible class isn't always enough instruction. (I remember LCM saying that he didn't SIT at the end of PFAL.)
As far as the manifestations getting repetitive is concerned, there are two possibilities: people manifesting are just acting out of habit, or maybe God has something to say that nobody's been listening to! :D-->
still laughing over the DWA statement, but -- ahem! time to get serious!
quote: Anyone have any thoughts from their experience with SIT and interpretation???
Yes, and here they are.
I got "in" in 1975, and back then you were NEVER called on to manifest at meetings unless you had been thru the Intermediate class, where "interpretation" was taught. Am guessing now that the twi "take" on it was "if we did not teach you how to do it, you don't know how to do it."-->
First time I got called on to manifest, the guy running the twig didn't know that I had taken just pfal, and NOT the intermediate class. He called on me to "do the honors", and nervous as hell, I did. Without a flaw, (according to twi theology), since what docvic taught as "interpretation", was actually nothing more than prophecy, but I did not know that then.
To expand on this subject, we'd have to move to the doctrinal Forum, but suffice it to say, that I did what was required, and though nervous, I did it. Needless to say the TC got himself a new one, reamed out by the BC, who knew I was "just" a grad of the foundatinal class, and nothing more. (Hear that Mike?? Just a grad of pfal???)
I, for one, had NO problems with it, and in fact, it gave me a "high", knowing I could do what the Word said. It pleased me to no end. I could do, (or in those days -- it was called "operate"), what the Word said, and perhaps that is one of the things that kept me there for the next 10 years.
Dunno, but perhaps.
Fast forward to 2004. Here we are. Do I still speak in tongues? For myself, I can only say ABSOLUTELY. Daily. Hourly. You name it. I rarely ever pray for any person, or situation "by my knowledge". Perhaps I am naive, but when I think of a person, any person, I consider that as a call to pray, and since I do not know what is going on with them, I trust in the fact that God does. And if SIT is "the Spirit praying thru my spirit" (or whatever), I am believing (sorry about the use of that word - but it is applicable), that God called me to pray for that person, situation, etc., right then and there.
Now -- do I do the same in a church setting?? No. I do not go to church. I would love to find one that could at least articulate with a small modicum of sense solid, half-way accurate belief in the bible. I would settle for half-way, but I don't even find that (these days).
Were I to find such a group here , I would be glad to participate, and if they called on me to manifest, yea -- I'd be really nervous. It has been such a long time (20 years now) since I have done so in public.
When I first SIT it sounded like Chinese. Scared the living baagggeebbbeees out of me. I asked God to change it or I changed it. Well now it is sorta French sounding. I don't SIT anymore. I like communicating with my understanding much better.
In the summer of 1975, I got "born again" while returning to my barracks from a Bible Study at the Hansen Christian Center in Kin, Okinawa. We had been studying Romans chapters 9 through 11 that night. You've probably guessed by now that I'm referring to Romans 10:9-10, and you're right. I saw the instructions there, plain as day, and just did it.
I wasn't introduced to TWI until April of 1984. By this time, I had spoken in tounges on 3 different occasions, and I thought I was somehow a psychic because I kept having visions and dreams that all came true in the course of time. If anything, taking PFAL set me straight about what was really going on and what I had done that day in '75.
I was VERY apprehensive as to whether I would be able to SIT on the last session of the class, even though I had done so before, just in a private setting instead of in front of a room full of people. I suceeded at the PFAL class, but when I was asked to "manifest" after graduating the intermediate class, I felt like a deer in the headlights. I did it anyway, and have been continuing to do so in my private prayers ever since.
I must admit, there was one time that I tried to fake it and got "busted" in the process. Outside of that one time, I never tried to fake it, and I was always nervous when asked to SIT in Twig, so don't feel alone.
I faked it too. Preplanned what I was going to say. I also felt "inspired" sometimes, but I believe it was my subconscience from hearing the same things over and over through the years. I still SIT in my private prayer life, but I don't feel a need for a believer's meeting. I can hear exhortation and comfort in my own language just as well.
I too likewise was always quite grateful to get through the manifestations part of the fellowship without getting picked out to speak with tongues and interpret. The styrofoam cup of coffee and raw brocolli and open conversations following all the formal jang-a-lang became all the more welcome.
Just hanging out and shooting the breeze.
When I tried to speak in tongues during a practice session during my first class someone said that I sounded like an American Indian.
Thinking back, it was probably the spirit of a Mohegan foretelling of the casinos to come to my state, as opposed to whatever improvisational "interpretation" I provided at the time.
I always planned what I was going to say ahead of time in case I got nailed during a meeting. Had to make sure I said something that was "on the word" don't you know.
Every single time I did the speaking in tongues thing, it always sounded exactly the same. Only the "interpretation" changed.
I spoke in tounges like a house of fire (to coin a phrase). I first SIT about the 9th session of VP’s PFAL class. However, interpretation was a different story. My first intermediate class was Earl Burton’s class when it first came out. There were so many dos and don’ts that I was unable to do it. I had to make something up just so I didn’t look like and unbeleiver. It wasn’t until I came back from Living Victorious that I was able to actually interpret correctly.
Through out most of the years I spent in TWI, I mostly (about 60%) made up what I said. It wasn’t to impress anybody it was because of the fear that I might mess-up and get in some body’s cross hairs. I knew the key to survival in TWI was to keep a low profile.
There was plenty of time that my interpretations were inspired and right on. Several times my interpretations fit right in with what was covered during the teaching that followed sometimes word-for-word. One time, I remember, the person teaching told me how thankful he was after fellowship. I had some weird experiences too. I remember one time I interpreted and at the end I said “in the name of Jesus Christ, Amenâ€. Boy did I feel weird after that. I thought I was going to get nailed but I didn’t.
I still SIT when ever I think about it or if I really need God’s help on something.
I’m glad to hear that other people made it up to. I always felt bad making it up but a preferred that to the alternative.
Belle, just saw your post. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only person that ended with "in the name of... or Amen". It may very well have been one of the ones I made up. I don't remember. I do remember how shocked I was when I finished.
Yes I felt "shy" when being asked to speak in tongues and interpret at a believer's meeting?
But like you and others got bold and the fear fell away as I boldly manifested
with love Roy
Hi 2fortheroad
Yes it was faked out of fear at times but what part was fake the tongue or the intertation of it or both
I head people talk about fakeing the intertation but not the tongue but it could of been faked too or it could be real
And no one can add a percent to it Now this is just my understanding
with love Roy
Hi UncleHairy
Yes you move your lips, tongue, and mouth but let me add your brain controls the movement of your lips, tongue, and mouth but where do you believe
I believe in the heart of your brain by spirit part tells my brain part what to do and I just do it
Now mankind can make many sounds one can speak the tongues of other nations and other animals
Do I believe speaking in tongues is real yes I do
that all with love Roy
Hi Mr Moonlight
I understand too
with love Roy
Hi Rascal
Yes after trig I do not hear it alot too but I still love it
But when I was in trig I began to hear it less and less
It makes me think to they still do it
with love Roy
Hi George St George
Your words blessed me yes some do it out of habit and some are slow to learn the teaching giving
with love Roy
Hi Tom Strange
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi DMiller
First time I got called on to manifest, the guy running the metting didn't know that I had taken just pfal, and NOT the intermediate class. He called on me to "do the honors", and nervous as hell, I did it but froze up out of fear and stop halp way through the intertation
I wish I had been as bold as you
with love Roy
Hi Imbus
My has seem to change at times too or more than one tongue I may seem to speake
with love Roy
Hi Steve Swenton
dreams and visions are a subect I like I believe they are part of the manifestion of the spirit
Just our spirit us telling us things while in a dream or vision
with love Roy
Hi WaywardWayfer
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Wayfer Not
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Simpleton
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi The InvisibleDan
I can not see you are you invisble or just not here
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Oakspear
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Pirate1974
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Belle
I never did but at times I had wish that I could but it never ended that way for me
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I too was always nervous... In fact I never really got comfortable with it in 12 years in twi - probably because 99% of the time it was faked (after awhile I realized that most people said the same things over and over, and it seemed if it was really from God, He would have been a bit more versatile!)
I usually "pre-thought" something because whenever I tried to just let it flow I'd stumble and there was nothing there (as the comedian says "there's your sign"...) In the beginning I was fearful that those with all that in-depth spiritual perception would know that I was "cheating", but they NEVER caught on. What a surprise
I was also told that I had a long suit in interpretation and prophecy, when in reality I was just good at stringing together a bunch of Wayspeak BS and using flowery language. Like everything else in twi, if there ever was anything real or true about the manifestations (and I'm not too sure there was), it was legislated out of the process with all the rules and legalism.
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You move your lips, your mouth...blah, blah, blah,..."shanta kalamista..."
IMHO, Veepee was to the holy spirit field, what Jeffery Dahmer was to gourmet dining. He took the information that he plagiarized and turned it into part of his "fast food" spiritual growth program. As far as the genuine Christian experience goes...twi "queered" the whole thing by making it some formulated, mechanical spewing forth of twi doctrinal diatribes.
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Mr Moonlight
Hooner, I know what you are talking about. Pre-planned in case I'm called on, But other times it suprised me, it flowed out. Maybe my subconscience kicking in after the having it drilled in. To this day I hear SIT and it sounds repetitive. I see it written in the Bible. So what say all of you out there, Is it real or power of suggestion, subconscience gobbledygook? or what.
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I don`t know Mr. Moonlight...I can only say that after leaving twi, I haven`t heard it practiced much.....n to tell you the truth, I really haven`t missed it at all.
I faithfully participated and preformed when called on for nearly 15 years....I always knew that I should be excited and feel reverential, like I was hearing from God...but in truth, it seemed repetative and dull...I was embarrassed that inside ...I didn`t *feel* more excited....I am sorry...I just have not felt like I have lost anything by not participating in manifestations....
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At the risk of spouting "Wayspeak," it's not about feelings, it's about the spirit of God. All the feelings you've expressed -- nervousness, fear, uncertainty -- just mean that you're human; but it doesn't invalidate the truth. If the Bible IS the Word of God, then you CAN speak in tongues, etc. (You also CAN fake it, but why do so? Whom are you trying to impress?)
Hooner, if you're still an "innie," (I don't remember) you may have trouble expressing your concerns to your coordinator; but you might give it a shot. Hopefully, he/she will take the time to work with you.Just sitting in a Bible class isn't always enough instruction. (I remember LCM saying that he didn't SIT at the end of PFAL.)
As far as the manifestations getting repetitive is concerned, there are two possibilities: people manifesting are just acting out of habit, or maybe God has something to say that nobody's been listening to!
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Tom Strange
UnkleHairy! LOshanta! You better go do your DWA retemories some more...
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Tom ---
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still laughing over the DWA statement, but -- ahem! time to get serious!
Yes, and here they are.
I got "in" in 1975, and back then you were NEVER called on to manifest at meetings unless you had been thru the Intermediate class, where "interpretation" was taught. Am guessing now that the twi "take" on it was "if we did not teach you how to do it, you don't know how to do it."
First time I got called on to manifest, the guy running the twig didn't know that I had taken just pfal, and NOT the intermediate class. He called on me to "do the honors", and nervous as hell, I did. Without a flaw, (according to twi theology), since what docvic taught as "interpretation", was actually nothing more than prophecy, but I did not know that then.
To expand on this subject, we'd have to move to the doctrinal Forum, but suffice it to say, that I did what was required, and though nervous, I did it. Needless to say the TC got himself a new one, reamed out by the BC, who knew I was "just" a grad of the foundatinal class, and nothing more. (Hear that Mike?? Just a grad of pfal???)
I, for one, had NO problems with it, and in fact, it gave me a "high", knowing I could do what the Word said. It pleased me to no end. I could do, (or in those days -- it was called "operate"), what the Word said, and perhaps that is one of the things that kept me there for the next 10 years.
Dunno, but perhaps.
Fast forward to 2004. Here we are. Do I still speak in tongues? For myself, I can only say ABSOLUTELY. Daily. Hourly. You name it. I rarely ever pray for any person, or situation "by my knowledge". Perhaps I am naive, but when I think of a person, any person, I consider that as a call to pray, and since I do not know what is going on with them, I trust in the fact that God does. And if SIT is "the Spirit praying thru my spirit" (or whatever), I am believing (sorry about the use of that word - but it is applicable), that God called me to pray for that person, situation, etc., right then and there.
Now -- do I do the same in a church setting?? No. I do not go to church. I would love to find one that could at least articulate with a small modicum of sense solid, half-way accurate belief in the bible. I would settle for half-way, but I don't even find that (these days).
Were I to find such a group here , I would be glad to participate, and if they called on me to manifest, yea -- I'd be really nervous. It has been such a long time (20 years now) since I have done so in public.
But then again -- there's that "high".
"What a long strange trip it's been."
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When I first SIT it sounded like Chinese. Scared the living baagggeebbbeees out of me. I asked God to change it or I changed it. Well now it is sorta French sounding. I don't SIT anymore. I like communicating with my understanding much better.
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Steve Swenton
In the summer of 1975, I got "born again" while returning to my barracks from a Bible Study at the Hansen Christian Center in Kin, Okinawa. We had been studying Romans chapters 9 through 11 that night. You've probably guessed by now that I'm referring to Romans 10:9-10, and you're right. I saw the instructions there, plain as day, and just did it.
I wasn't introduced to TWI until April of 1984. By this time, I had spoken in tounges on 3 different occasions, and I thought I was somehow a psychic because I kept having visions and dreams that all came true in the course of time. If anything, taking PFAL set me straight about what was really going on and what I had done that day in '75.
I was VERY apprehensive as to whether I would be able to SIT on the last session of the class, even though I had done so before, just in a private setting instead of in front of a room full of people. I suceeded at the PFAL class, but when I was asked to "manifest" after graduating the intermediate class, I felt like a deer in the headlights. I did it anyway, and have been continuing to do so in my private prayers ever since.
I must admit, there was one time that I tried to fake it and got "busted" in the process. Outside of that one time, I never tried to fake it, and I was always nervous when asked to SIT in Twig, so don't feel alone.
Just a thought...
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I always fake it. I get one ready mentally while we're on our way to fellowship in case I get called on. Same with prophecy.
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I faked it too. Preplanned what I was going to say. I also felt "inspired" sometimes, but I believe it was my subconscience from hearing the same things over and over through the years. I still SIT in my private prayer life, but I don't feel a need for a believer's meeting. I can hear exhortation and comfort in my own language just as well.
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I'm a faker too.
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I too likewise was always quite grateful to get through the manifestations part of the fellowship without getting picked out to speak with tongues and interpret. The styrofoam cup of coffee and raw brocolli and open conversations following all the formal jang-a-lang became all the more welcome.
Just hanging out and shooting the breeze.
When I tried to speak in tongues during a practice session during my first class someone said that I sounded like an American Indian.
Thinking back, it was probably the spirit of a Mohegan foretelling of the casinos to come to my state, as opposed to whatever improvisational "interpretation" I provided at the time.
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...Verily, I say unto thee, today will I build my casino...(where would YOU put the comma?)
Lo shanta!
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...Verily I say, unto thee today will I build my casino...
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This casino, this day, I will build, unto you, verily.
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I always planned what I was going to say ahead of time in case I got nailed during a meeting. Had to make sure I said something that was "on the word" don't you know.
Every single time I did the speaking in tongues thing, it always sounded exactly the same. Only the "interpretation" changed.
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Did you ever end your prophecy or tongues with "in the name of Jesus Christ" or "Amen"? I've done that a few times and heard others do it.
I wonder if that's an indication of who was prepared ahead of time and who wasn't.
It always amazed me that God knew what the proper words for the "present truth" were to use in manifestations.
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I spoke in tounges like a house of fire (to coin a phrase). I first SIT about the 9th session of VP’s PFAL class. However, interpretation was a different story. My first intermediate class was Earl Burton’s class when it first came out. There were so many dos and don’ts that I was unable to do it. I had to make something up just so I didn’t look like and unbeleiver. It wasn’t until I came back from Living Victorious that I was able to actually interpret correctly.
Through out most of the years I spent in TWI, I mostly (about 60%) made up what I said. It wasn’t to impress anybody it was because of the fear that I might mess-up and get in some body’s cross hairs. I knew the key to survival in TWI was to keep a low profile.
There was plenty of time that my interpretations were inspired and right on. Several times my interpretations fit right in with what was covered during the teaching that followed sometimes word-for-word. One time, I remember, the person teaching told me how thankful he was after fellowship. I had some weird experiences too. I remember one time I interpreted and at the end I said “in the name of Jesus Christ, Amenâ€. Boy did I feel weird after that. I thought I was going to get nailed but I didn’t.
I still SIT when ever I think about it or if I really need God’s help on something.
I’m glad to hear that other people made it up to. I always felt bad making it up but a preferred that to the alternative.
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Belle, just saw your post. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only person that ended with "in the name of... or Amen". It may very well have been one of the ones I made up. I don't remember. I do remember how shocked I was when I finished.
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Tom Strange
You people are all in BIG trouble!
You're going to have to take the intermediate class over (and this time, no napping).
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obviously when you said in the name of jesus christ amen, that was a message FOR god not FROM god to the believers present amen
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God first
Hi Honner
Yes I felt "shy" when being asked to speak in tongues and interpret at a believer's meeting?
But like you and others got bold and the fear fell away as I boldly manifested
with love Roy
Hi 2fortheroad
Yes it was faked out of fear at times but what part was fake the tongue or the intertation of it or both
I head people talk about fakeing the intertation but not the tongue but it could of been faked too or it could be real
And no one can add a percent to it Now this is just my understanding
with love Roy
Hi UncleHairy
Yes you move your lips, tongue, and mouth but let me add your brain controls the movement of your lips, tongue, and mouth but where do you believe
I believe in the heart of your brain by spirit part tells my brain part what to do and I just do it
Now mankind can make many sounds one can speak the tongues of other nations and other animals
Do I believe speaking in tongues is real yes I do
that all with love Roy
Hi Mr Moonlight
I understand too
with love Roy
Hi Rascal
Yes after trig I do not hear it alot too but I still love it
But when I was in trig I began to hear it less and less
It makes me think to they still do it
with love Roy
Hi George St George
Your words blessed me yes some do it out of habit and some are slow to learn the teaching giving
with love Roy
Hi Tom Strange
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi DMiller
First time I got called on to manifest, the guy running the metting didn't know that I had taken just pfal, and NOT the intermediate class. He called on me to "do the honors", and nervous as hell, I did it but froze up out of fear and stop halp way through the intertation
I wish I had been as bold as you
with love Roy
Hi Imbus
My has seem to change at times too or more than one tongue I may seem to speake
with love Roy
Hi Steve Swenton
dreams and visions are a subect I like I believe they are part of the manifestion of the spirit
Just our spirit us telling us things while in a dream or vision
with love Roy
Hi WaywardWayfer
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Wayfer Not
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Simpleton
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi The InvisibleDan
I can not see you are you invisble or just not here
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Oakspear
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Pirate1974
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Belle
I never did but at times I had wish that I could but it never ended that way for me
With Love Roy
Hi Mountain Top CO
God bless your heart
with love Roy
Hi Excatherdra
God bless your heart
with love Roy
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