You know, I think its a great idea. The problem here is that they don't have enough to go around. When they do have places you can go for one day its always when I have to be at work. The place I go to see my doctor is an extension of mayo clinic. They don't know when they will receive the vaccine and if there will be enough.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Got one today. :)--> Got an "atta boy" for my blood pressure, 117/74. It's been down for the last couple years, was higher a few years ago.
I've also been poking around with vitamins. I'm taking a multi-vitamin, some extra C and E, with an Omega 3 and Alpha Lipoic acid supplement to make it all go round better, plus more veggies. This isn't in response to the flu season specifically, just trying to get my overall health rolling in the right direction this winter. A healthy immune system is the best defense.
It's so very far away, takes about a half a day to get there,
Hmmm, I rarely get flu shots, but maybe this year . . .
Socks, that Alpha Lipoic acid in conjunction with L-Carnitine is going to be heard about a lot more in coming years - it cleans out free radicals like crazy!
Vickles, take the CNN article to your local health department. This is a little piece of it. Read entire article on
Last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson urged people to be vaccinated, even though the flu season has already begun.
"There is plenty of vaccine to meet demand, so protect yourself and those who you love and go out and get vaccinated right now," Thompson said in a statement on the CDC Web site.
I had mine a couple of weeks ago (high risk group being a diabetic) and then went down with the flu! However it was a milder form and should be covered for the types they prepared the vaccine for.
I hate to nag you people, but this story leads with: "The warning sirens are screaming: A deadly, contagious strain of flu will emerge, possibly soon, flu experts say, and the world is not ready to deal with it."
Flu vaccine shots are often given out free, and if not free, they are $10 or less at a variety of locations. The flu can kill you. Take it seriously.
MadMan says - - "The lessons are repeated until they are learned"
I got the flu...brought it home to my father. We both got pneumonia...I lived...he didn't!
If you don't care about yourself getting the least protect your elder loved ones...they don't have enough reserve to be successful in fighting it off.
I got a flue shot 2 weeks ago, its the first time I ever got a flue shot, but I have had shots to prevent pnuemonia, as I had it so often, but not since I got the shot, so in addition to the flu shot you might consider also the pnuemonia shot.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
The latest thinking on the pneumonia vaccine is that if you are under 65 - and have had the vaccine more than 8 - 10 years ago, it's a good idea to get another shot.
Generally folks aged 65 only need it once but people with serious health issues and those with lung diseases may be advised otherwise according to their doctors.
It was a hard lesson. The actual cause of death was a massive heart attack provoked by the pneumonia. He had never had a heart attack, but it was discovered after his death that with or without the pneumonia, sooner or later it was "destined" to happen.
"All six were children, ranging from 21 months to 15 years old."
i just read that re: Colorado. Scary right ?
I'm getting one today and my son is also. I've never gotten one and our pediatrician in years gone by has not encouraged it unless a child has asthma problems
but this year i think is different
even though it's a new strain and it seems a little late to be getting it, i hope whatever happens, it will help some, you know like not be as severe
are there any downsides to flu shots ? i don't mean a sore arm. i just wonder why my son's doctor didn't think they were a good idea except in some cases. i'll have to ask him again
You can get the flu from a flu shot. It's rare, but 2 years back, I did. It was bad while it lasted, but lasted 3 days and it was gone. I was flu-free the rest of the year.
There are always potential reactions and side-effects. Where kids are concerned, watch them closely for the following 24 hours, and don't scare them, but make sure they tell you if they aren't feeling well.
The % of reactions is extremely low, but nothing should be taken for granted.
well... I've only gotten a flu shot once in my life... and then... later that year... I got the flu! (I usually get a cold once or twice a year, that's it)....
...I guess it was the fear in the heart...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
6300 sick in Colorado. Comin' on strong you people.
I just read that you can't get it from a shot. Maybe they are right. If so, the flu shot must tax the immune system (which makes sense, since if forces you to generate antibodies), which lowers your resistance to other (similar?) diseases. If you have any kind of respiratory infection, they won't give it to you until you're over it. Maybe that's why.
QQ: Mostly correct. The flu vaccine contains certain proteins of the flu virus that triggers the antibody response without actually being infected. You may get the histamine reactions (stuffy nose, increased bronchial secretions, slight fever, etc.) for a while, as if you had contracted the flu, but once the antibodies form, you're good to go. You don't want it with an upper-respiratory infection because it does make you more susceptible to other airborne pathogens while the antibody machine is gearing up to speed.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
Rocky's just mad because Boris Badunov thinks Bullwinkle's the brains of the outfit. news info that this year's flu shot might not cover this year's flu. That's not really a problem.
There are 3 strains in the vaccine. One and only one has drifted (long technical explanation given later upon request)...and if you happen to become inflicted with that one strain....your shot will most likely protect you anyway by making the symptoms and duration less significant.
You know QQ and you know me! We don't succumb to "hysteria" (at least I rarely do) QQ is made of steel!
Please take steps to protect you and your loved ones. You can't give them the flu if you don't get it...and how many of you can afford to risk up to a week's worth of work??
If you do get the flu, there are prescriptions for it now. Tamaflu is one. See a doctor ASAP because they lose their effectiveness after the early stage.
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You know, I think its a great idea. The problem here is that they don't have enough to go around. When they do have places you can go for one day its always when I have to be at work. The place I go to see my doctor is an extension of mayo clinic. They don't know when they will receive the vaccine and if there will be enough.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Got an appt Dec 9 to get shot. Better late than never I hope.
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Got one today.
:)--> Got an "atta boy" for my blood pressure, 117/74. It's been down for the last couple years, was higher a few years ago.
I've also been poking around with vitamins. I'm taking a multi-vitamin, some extra C and E, with an Omega 3 and Alpha Lipoic acid supplement to make it all go round better, plus more veggies. This isn't in response to the flu season specifically, just trying to get my overall health rolling in the right direction this winter. A healthy immune system is the best defense.
It's so very far away, takes about a half a day to get there,
If we travel by my dragonfly....
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Hmmm, I rarely get flu shots, but maybe this year . . .
Socks, that Alpha Lipoic acid in conjunction with L-Carnitine is going to be heard about a lot more in coming years - it cleans out free radicals like crazy!
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Vickles, take the CNN article to your local health department. This is a little piece of it. Read entire article on
Last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson urged people to be vaccinated, even though the flu season has already begun.
"There is plenty of vaccine to meet demand, so protect yourself and those who you love and go out and get vaccinated right now," Thompson said in a statement on the CDC Web site.
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Trefor Heywood
I had mine a couple of weeks ago (high risk group being a diabetic) and then went down with the flu! However it was a milder form and should be covered for the types they prepared the vaccine for.
Go for it if you can!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Next flu pandemic could wreak global havoc.
I hate to nag you people, but this story leads with: "The warning sirens are screaming: A deadly, contagious strain of flu will emerge, possibly soon, flu experts say, and the world is not ready to deal with it."
Flu vaccine shots are often given out free, and if not free, they are $10 or less at a variety of locations. The flu can kill you. Take it seriously.
This has been a public service annoyance.
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MadMan says - - "The lessons are repeated until they are learned"
I got the flu...brought it home to my father. We both got pneumonia...I lived...he didn't!
If you don't care about yourself getting the least protect your elder loved ones...they don't have enough reserve to be successful in fighting it off.
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Damn, Krys. Hard lesson.
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I got a flue shot 2 weeks ago, its the first time I ever got a flue shot, but I have had shots to prevent pnuemonia, as I had it so often, but not since I got the shot, so in addition to the flu shot you might consider also the pnuemonia shot.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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The latest thinking on the pneumonia vaccine is that if you are under 65 - and have had the vaccine more than 8 - 10 years ago, it's a good idea to get another shot.
Generally folks aged 65 only need it once but people with serious health issues and those with lung diseases may be advised otherwise according to their doctors.
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It was a hard lesson. The actual cause of death was a massive heart attack provoked by the pneumonia. He had never had a heart attack, but it was discovered after his death that with or without the pneumonia, sooner or later it was "destined" to happen.
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"All six were children, ranging from 21 months to 15 years old."
i just read that re: Colorado. Scary right ?
I'm getting one today and my son is also. I've never gotten one and our pediatrician in years gone by has not encouraged it unless a child has asthma problems
but this year i think is different
even though it's a new strain and it seems a little late to be getting it, i hope whatever happens, it will help some, you know like not be as severe
are there any downsides to flu shots ? i don't mean a sore arm. i just wonder why my son's doctor didn't think they were a good idea except in some cases. i'll have to ask him again
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You can get the flu from a flu shot. It's rare, but 2 years back, I did. It was bad while it lasted, but lasted 3 days and it was gone. I was flu-free the rest of the year.
There are always potential reactions and side-effects. Where kids are concerned, watch them closely for the following 24 hours, and don't scare them, but make sure they tell you if they aren't feeling well.
The % of reactions is extremely low, but nothing should be taken for granted.
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if it is so rare to get the flue from the flue shot then why is it I hear of people getting it all the time.
every other person says I got the shot and ended up feeling really sick.
I do not think it is so rare ..
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Tom Strange
well... I've only gotten a flu shot once in my life... and then... later that year... I got the flu! (I usually get a cold once or twice a year, that's it)....
...I guess it was the fear in the heart...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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6300 sick in Colorado. Comin' on strong you people.
I just read that you can't get it from a shot. Maybe they are right. If so, the flu shot must tax the immune system (which makes sense, since if forces you to generate antibodies), which lowers your resistance to other (similar?) diseases. If you have any kind of respiratory infection, they won't give it to you until you're over it. Maybe that's why.
Just a hunch.
flu facts
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fwiw, I got mine last month.
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QQ: Mostly correct. The flu vaccine contains certain proteins of the flu virus that triggers the antibody response without actually being infected. You may get the histamine reactions (stuffy nose, increased bronchial secretions, slight fever, etc.) for a while, as if you had contracted the flu, but once the antibodies form, you're good to go. You don't want it with an upper-respiratory infection because it does make you more susceptible to other airborne pathogens while the antibody machine is gearing up to speed.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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krys news info that this year's flu shot might not cover this year's flu. That's not really a problem.
There are 3 strains in the vaccine. One and only one has drifted (long technical explanation given later upon request)...and if you happen to become inflicted with that one strain....your shot will most likely protect you anyway by making the symptoms and duration less significant.
You know QQ and you know me! We don't succumb to "hysteria" (at least I rarely do) QQ is made of steel!
Please take steps to protect you and your loved ones. You can't give them the flu if you don't get it...and how many of you can afford to risk up to a week's worth of work??
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Hey Linder, if this thread gives you the idea to arrange flu shots for all the flacks and lackeys at HQ, will you give Greasespot the credit?
It's only right. Make sure you get the URL right.
This might help a bit with the man upstairs (the North Pole). Santa's checking his list, and you're still on the naughty side.
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wouldn't that be.... like.... third aid ?
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If you do get the flu, there are prescriptions for it now. Tamaflu is one. See a doctor ASAP because they lose their effectiveness after the early stage.
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