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The First Sin of Mankind


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Thanks WordWolf your a real pal!

Well I have another comment or two to make.....

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, runs with other ducks, and someone sees it doing its 'duck stuff', then it PROBABLY IS A DUCK.

Not being a 'Duck' myself, I don' t truly know how a duck thinks or feels, or why it does what it ducky does -- but I've seen Pictures of a Duck -- good enough for me to KNOW when I SEE ONE..... :dance:

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Jet...No...I don't know it for a fact, nor can I prove it. Can they sue me for what I said in my post?

...sure they could sue me...IF it's a false accusation.

True, or False, it doesn't matter - in a court of law you would have the burden of proof - but regardless, it would be considered SLANDER anyhow. I wouldn't worry, do they READ these?

I'm pretty curious how in the 'sam hill' Rosie became Pres - anyhow. I sure thought that TWI's take on a Woman in a leadership position was pretty 'chovenistic' (sp?) Back in my day, with the Way -- Women were to NEVER be superior to the Men Folk, they were suppose to be subordinate.

She must be pretty Macho? :offtopic:

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I am currently working at a treatment center for addicts of all kind. Sex addiction is one of the hardest (no pun intended) addictions to recover from, just like anorexia. With anorexia the compultion to abstain from food is the very thing that kills you. With sex addicts...men are very visual creatures. Their first impulse sexually is derived by site. Every thing in our culture is based on visual sex appeal. Now the thing that takes healthy desires into the realm of addiction is chemistry. The body release endorphines upon climax. Those endorphines is a natural cocain for the body. With the sex addicts they become addicted to their own bodies cocain so to speak and have a hard time stopping. There are some folks that are so compulsed to get that high that they accually do damage to thier organs.

Now here is where the worse degree of this addiction plays out...on the internet. Just like heroin you need a little bit more to achieve the same high. You need a little more intensity to get the desired results. If a partner is not avaiable then the internet is the next best thing. Remember the desire for the bodies natural high increases with anxeity and stress. The down side to any detox is depression and overwelming craving for the drug/sex of choice.

With LCM...he is a man tormented in more ways than one. He is very wounded by his behavior and probly has some addiction/compultion going on to help cope with his mental and phisical. As much as I don't like the man...he is ruined and would take years of therapy to just get to baseline.

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Not at all. Personally I believe he should do jail time for what he did. He effected so many lives in a negitivly powerful way. If any thing I'm try to understand what lead to this devient behavior. Dr. Vic was a seductive perpetrator. Even to LCM. LCM must have handed his conscious (personal power) and moral integrity to the master of deception. I'm sure at the beginning LCM had thoughts that this is not right and didn't challange V.P or did and it got rationalized away. So LCM was groomed to be a sex addict under the clock of spiritualiy. But there came a point which he made a deliberate decision to not follow his moral integrity and is responcibile for abuse of power.

I'm sure his parents didn't teach him infidelity. I'm sure they didn't teach him to pray on women sexually. Where in Gods name did he get this stuff even when every religious society (Christianity) condones such behavior. I do not believe LCM started out this way. I believe he became the victuim through seduction by V.P and the victuimizer. V.P did con all of us but conned him as well. What a waste of life.

LCM has to live with the realization/humilation of destroying a ministy, right or wrong, victuimizing men , women and children and losing all credability as a human being. Todate I have not heard of any remorse so I assume he has an addiction in place to deal with any shame or guilt that might seep out of his soul. I can't amagin that he maintains rightous indignation for being caught or called on the carpet. Well he is a sick man and chose to follow an even slicker more sicker human being.

LCM had more than one addiction in place when he ruled TWI. Yo name a few other then sex...power and rage.I wonder what addictions he is using now to compensate for his addictive loss and ruined life?

Edited by lilbit
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As far as the Fall of Mankind goes, we have too many men obsessed with sex interpreting this...thus the reason for bizarre and weird conclusions.

I doubt the Fall had anything to do with sex but something else far more reaching in consequences. It was not lesbianism or homosexuality not married sex or self-gratification.

LCM and others took Greek and selected the usage they wanted to fit their desire on what they wanted it to be.



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