That's really odd, danteh1. Please let us know what you find out.
BRC is not the only TWI-speak in that group. Their guest book has things like "WOW - Word over the World - COOOOLLL!!!!" and "The Word of God is the Will of God."
Those are red flag things to me and when I get out anything remotely resembling TWI-speak will cause me to run fast in the other direction.
Wasn't Anthony Gilmore 5th or 7th or one of those earlier "odd numbered" corps wasn't he? And according to x10th he wasn't related to Diane was 12th. :D-->
Dr. Strangelove, I have been to Belize and Costa Rica. Both countries have large and well developed American "ex patriot" communities, where Americans are retiring and living high on the hog on virtually peanuts. I have thought about it myself, but not til they get a grip on their skeeters and spiders!
I would be horrified if I found old friends talking about me and my life's work on the Internet. Whether they agreed with me, were supportive, or critical, whatever. So it would be pretty hypocritical of me to do so. ;)-->
PS Anthony and his wife were 8th, and some of the most wonderful people I ever met while in the cult. And Diane was no relation.
He does sign his name on the letter....he just doesn't put his corps number ;)-->
x10.....let me get this straight, Dante gets a letter out of no where, from people he doesn't know, asking for money, giving a website, and it isn't okay for us to talk about it?
Under most situations I would completely, 100% agree with you, but these people are actively seeking publicity and money. ror
You are probably on some other ex-way board or list somewhere - I get "spam" email from time to time from ex-ways because I was in a yahoo group at one time - but I haven't yet gotten any snail-mail with a request for money.
Nice folks or not, if they solcit money from ex-wafers without even giving their names, backgrounds, credentials, etc, then they are fair game for Internet conversation. Why the secrecy?
Per their website, the LTA is all about the secular education of children. Unless I missed it there is nothing there about Biblical Research Centers or moving the Word. However, the same group soliciting donations to build a Biblical Research Center that replicates the one from the good old days of TWI seems like a conflict of sorts amd makes me wonder what they are really up to.
If I send money to LTA will it go directly to educating children, or will some of it go to some ex-TWI corps/leader's non-profit attempt to re-create the good old days of TWI-1, with Wierwillian type books, classes, and a BRC? In other words do they keep the funds separate? Is this really about educating children or is is about moving "The Word" ?
I might would donate LTA for the education of children, but I would certainly not want to unknowlingly finance another TWI offshoot down in Belize complelte with a BRC, classes, books, SNS tapes, etc.
If LTA is Christiain ministry hoping to move the Word in Belize and they also want to operate schools as a charity that's fine. It's a lot more than TWI ever did. But 'IF' that is what they are doing then I think they should come right out and say it. Let's hope they are not mispreresenting what their true goals are on Website.
Geeeze Goey, there is no "secrecy." Anthony has his name on the website and the letter that was sent explaining what his "mission" is.
He's not part of any "offshoot," and is not trying to "recreate the good ole days of TWI." It just him and his vision of making a difference in the world. What I don't get is the automatic suspicion of anybody who happens to be an excorps person. And by the way, he was never any big-wig leader with the way. Just another corps person trying to do his best for Jesus Christ.
If you contact him, he is very excited and up front about what he's doing. And yes it is "secular" education. From what I understand, it was the Belize people who asked for a church to be built on the school property, and it is to be an interdenominational effort.
Heck, we get tons of letters asking for donations to groups and churches we have never heard of. It's not like it's a crime or anything to let people know what you're doing, and what the need is. Sheesh. There is a box to check on the reply form sent with the letter saying "do not contact me again" or something to that effect. If you want more info, he's easy to get ahold of, and quite willing to talk, or email, whatever.
This looks pretty interesting. Have no information on them, but I guess if I click on any one of the contact us links, that problem will be solved. Thanks for posting it danteh1. Seems fairly straightforward in a roundabout way. Don't know anything about Belize. Bonefishing you say? :)--> Excellent spot!
My gosh, I hadn't even so much heard of a nation called "Belize", let alone the existance of this apparent religious-educational commune thingy - are you sure this country called "Belize " even exists?
I don't recall hearing the name "Belize" (sounds like the name of a beer or an acne cream) mentioned in my 6th grade social studies class when we were studying South America - no sir, but that was back in '73 (lol).
I'm sure whatever help he provides down there, it is needed. My family used to sponsor children through Christian children's fund and 2 of them were from Belize. That was twenty years ago.
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I am sending you a private message.
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Tom Strange
So... WHO are these people? I only see one name on the website...
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George Aar
Their language and choice of Bible verses certainly have a Wayferish ring to them.
So they wanna teach kids in Belize? I guess there's worse goals in the world.
Makes me kinda wonder what else may be on the agenda though.
I know "Bonefishing" would be pretty high on my list of things to teach, were I going...
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That's really odd, danteh1. Please let us know what you find out.
BRC is not the only TWI-speak in that group. Their guest book has things like "WOW - Word over the World - COOOOLLL!!!!" and "The Word of God is the Will of God."
Those are red flag things to me and when I get out anything remotely resembling TWI-speak will cause me to run fast in the other direction.
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I know these people. Private topic me if you want.
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Tom Strange
myotherseestorEx... c'mon... share with the class...
bonefishing? hmmm Geo... I'll go with ya... I hear there's some really nice 'local vegetation' down there as well...
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Radar OReilly
Wasn't Anthony Gilmore 5th or 7th or one of those earlier "odd numbered" corps wasn't he? And according to x10th he wasn't related to Diane was 12th.
Dr. Strangelove, I have been to Belize and Costa Rica. Both countries have large and well developed American "ex patriot" communities, where Americans are retiring and living high on the hog on virtually peanuts. I have thought about it myself, but not til they get a grip on their skeeters and spiders!
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I would be horrified if I found old friends talking about me and my life's work on the Internet. Whether they agreed with me, were supportive, or critical, whatever. So it would be pretty hypocritical of me to do so.
PS Anthony and his wife were 8th, and some of the most wonderful people I ever met while in the cult.
And Diane was no relation.
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Tom Strange
I see your point myotherseestorEx10... but I do still find it odd they don't give any names or background info on the site...
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Radar OReilly
He does sign his name on the letter....he just doesn't put his corps number
x10.....let me get this straight, Dante gets a letter out of no where, from people he doesn't know, asking for money, giving a website, and it isn't okay for us to talk about it?
Under most situations I would completely, 100% agree with you, but these people are actively seeking publicity and money. ror
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Well there is a "contact us" link on the site.
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I take it Radar that the people might have ex-TWI backgrounds.
The picture on the back of the letter sure looks like the old BRC building that the SNS used to be held many moons ago.
In the last line of the last paragraph of the letter they state "We need you for our team. (The Mystery in motion!)"
How can they need me for thier teem when I didn't even 'KNOW' who they were untill I got the letter??
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Yeah, dante, they ARE ex-twi. They are ex-corpse.
You are probably on some other ex-way board or list somewhere - I get "spam" email from time to time from ex-ways because I was in a yahoo group at one time - but I haven't yet gotten any snail-mail with a request for money.
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Radar OReilly
Yes they are extwi/ex way corps. I wonder how you got on their snail mail list?
Anyway....I love your sign off quote...that is from The Man that Killed Liberty Valance isn't it?
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Nice folks or not, if they solcit money from ex-wafers without even giving their names, backgrounds, credentials, etc, then they are fair game for Internet conversation. Why the secrecy?
Per their website, the LTA is all about the secular education of children. Unless I missed it there is nothing there about Biblical Research Centers or moving the Word. However, the same group soliciting donations to build a Biblical Research Center that replicates the one from the good old days of TWI seems like a conflict of sorts amd makes me wonder what they are really up to.
If I send money to LTA will it go directly to educating children, or will some of it go to some ex-TWI corps/leader's non-profit attempt to re-create the good old days of TWI-1, with Wierwillian type books, classes, and a BRC? In other words do they keep the funds separate? Is this really about educating children or is is about moving "The Word" ?
I might would donate LTA for the education of children, but I would certainly not want to unknowlingly finance another TWI offshoot down in Belize complelte with a BRC, classes, books, SNS tapes, etc.
If LTA is Christiain ministry hoping to move the Word in Belize and they also want to operate schools as a charity that's fine. It's a lot more than TWI ever did. But 'IF' that is what they are doing then I think they should come right out and say it. Let's hope they are not mispreresenting what their true goals are on Website.
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Geeeze Goey, there is no "secrecy." Anthony has his name on the website and the letter that was sent explaining what his "mission" is.
He's not part of any "offshoot," and is not trying to "recreate the good ole days of TWI." It just him and his vision of making a difference in the world. What I don't get is the automatic suspicion of anybody who happens to be an excorps person. And by the way, he was never any big-wig leader with the way. Just another corps person trying to do his best for Jesus Christ.
If you contact him, he is very excited and up front about what he's doing. And yes it is "secular" education. From what I understand, it was the Belize people who asked for a church to be built on the school property, and it is to be an interdenominational effort.
Heck, we get tons of letters asking for donations to groups and churches we have never heard of. It's not like it's a crime or anything to let people know what you're doing, and what the need is. Sheesh. There is a box to check on the reply form sent with the letter saying "do not contact me again" or something to that effect. If you want more info, he's easy to get ahold of, and quite willing to talk, or email, whatever.
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This looks pretty interesting. Have no information on them, but I guess if I click on any one of the contact us links, that problem will be solved. Thanks for posting it danteh1. Seems fairly straightforward in a roundabout way. Don't know anything about Belize. Bonefishing you say?
:)--> Excellent spot!
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Every generation that receives God's word is a good thing.
Lots of good things got started with letters.
Try the epistles.
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My gosh, I hadn't even so much heard of a nation called "Belize", let alone the existance of this apparent religious-educational commune thingy - are you sure this country called "Belize " even exists?
I don't recall hearing the name "Belize" (sounds like the name of a beer or an acne cream) mentioned in my 6th grade social studies class when we were studying South America - no sir, but that was back in '73 (lol).
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Belize is not in South is in Central America...just south of Mexico and east of Guatemala.
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I'll be damned, there it is -
if you blink you'll miss it.
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Belize is the only English-speaking Latin American nation having been a British colony.
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I'm sure whatever help he provides down there, it is needed. My family used to sponsor children through Christian children's fund and 2 of them were from Belize. That was twenty years ago.
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I got one of those letters too. I've heard of Belize, but I didn't know who these people were. Figured they must be ex-twi. I just tossed it.
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