When I left HQ, my best friend went to Gunnison. This was in 2001. I talked to her quite a few times after she went there, and she said she was riding horses and fishing a lot. It probably looks deserted because there are hardly any "committed" ones who want to be in the kork.
Oh, and when I was there, I had to see what it was like to talk to a devoted Corps or staff innie. After I did my driving up in the public lands, I drove up County Road 9 and stopped at the gatehouse. There was someone there manning the post. I asked a couple of questions about the camp without identifying myself as anything other than a tourist - an eccentric one at that. The guy started in on the Wayspeak. I was very pleased with myself to realize these people no longer frighten me, I just find them very annoying. I thanked the young man and told him that was nothing I was interested in and left.
In hindsight, I should have asked him if he would pray for my dog to get a dog house with red drapes. My dog, a 4 lb chihuahua, was all dressed up in her cute little western ensemble -denim jacket and miniature red bandanna. She was so cute and polite, how could he have refused?
Since I still can't get to sleep (tomorrow's going to be a triple shot espresso morning) I'll just respond to myself again.
My dog doesn't really have a dog house. My house is her house which would mean if Way Boy's prayer worked, I'd have to live with the red drapes. I hate drapes of any color. I am much more of a plain wash and wear curtain type of person.
About TWI's Gunnison properties and activity related to said property i have no personal knowledge...however, i would assume the reason the area appears abandoned relates to the lack of persons involved now days.
About yer doggie's house issue...huhmmm...i can not recall a time a "prayer" i made was "answered", unless i took "believing action" (i.e. i did everything required to achieve my goal, which came out how i wanted).
So, maybe go buy the stuff and set it up, then pray...BAM! Action=result..hey hey hey! It was "God's" fault :)-->
quote: i can not recall a time a "prayer" i made was "answered", unless i took "believing action" (i.e. i did everything required to achieve my goal, which came out how i wanted).
I do feel sorry for you if this is the case. :(-->
Docvic happened to promote prayer, as did many other folk. For anyone of them to be wrong (and many are/were, including docvic), does NOT negate the fact that prayer works.
Docvic had a take on it that left the sour taste, and in my experience, others did the same. The fact that a MAN could "dictate" how prayer was to be, or not to be, "accomplished" - means zilch to me.
Honest heart, honest request -- God listens. Reguardless what the "bozo" MOG (of whatever denomination) says.
Yes -- my "I believe" button is long gone. My "I ask" button is with me daily.
And as I said -- "I/we don't ask for "red drapes".
Mary C - I loved your post and I got the joke about the drapes - I thought it was funny.
Leads me to wonder if you got your chihauha already potty trained or if you did that yourself. I wonder cause I received a 5 or 6 month old that wasn't trained and was unable to get him to do it outside. I could walk him for a half hour and within 5 minutes of coming inside, the deed was done on the carpet.
Other than that - loved that dog. I was surprised to see how much I enjoyed him, being that he was almost always right under my feet as I cooked. He was a great foot warmer for me as I worked at my desk and nobody could approach the house without me knowing it thanks to him.
It was a sad day when I had to give up on him.
And now to derail my derail:
I've never been to Gunnison - ain't that cool!? Now whenever I finally get to CO, my memories will only be of CO - not twi-related in any way, shape or form! I like that thought.
Great idea about CO!! I had never been to Gunnison either, so CO can be just a CO memory. I will NEVER go to Ohio (or the midwest) if I can help it. I still have dreams about corn and soybean fields.
Derail: Bowtwi I posted a link for my wedding pictures under the picture thingy.....sorry, I haven't had coffee yet.
My chihuahua, Rosa, was potty trained when I adopted her. She is very funny and soo-o-o-o cute. She sleeps with me and loves to snuggle. When we drive, she sleeps on my lap for hours at a time. I wish I had a job where I could take her to work.
Of course you scare me. ;)--> Do you think I should call Camp Gunnison and ask if they'd pray for red grapes?
TJ had just left Gunnison when I got there in rez. I think he had enough of me when he had to put up with me during ROA '84. He told me I didn't show enough "reverence" towards the Wierwille family and that he would make a phone call and have my assignment changed to going out WOW. (like that was a bad thing??) He didn't know what to say when I told him nothing would make me happier and I'd start working on getting my money together. Either he didn't make the phone call or whoever he called didn't answer because I spent my interim year with the D and W Wierwille household. The time I spent with D and W wasn't too bad.
TJ was at Emporia my last year in rez, but he never spoke to me for the couple of weeks I was there. I thought he'd look for the chance to make my life hell because I said a few other things to him during his stay at chez Wierwille that left him pezzed off and/or speechless. Not sure why he didn't. I think he was too preoccupied with cleaning up a Martindale mess. Weird happenings that year...
vicr uses all caps for werd. maybe it's a top secret acronym, perhaps a code used to signal the evil waygb or the martian sea monkey people. i am getting my coffee now... i will stop it....
I am sure the TPW wrote all kinds of nasty things about me that ended up in my secret file. Like most of the other TWI bullies, if you stood up to them, they didn't have the spine or gonats to respond to your face. They did the whispering, notes in the file, behind your back crap.
I wonder if TJ's boys grew up to be just like him?
I remember camp Gunnison when twi first aquired it...I was there in 1976,77,78...
Thanks to all that abs money and the log home builders they lucked out getting into their cult, they developed the property quite nicely.
It really was/is a beautiful location...twi certainly doesn't deserve to own such a place...
I think that they should give it to ex-wayfers in compensation for all the damage they did. Perhaps Paw could coordinate a rotating vacation schedule from the GS...We could have bonfires, drink beer and even play the deebil's music real loud...
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When I left HQ, my best friend went to Gunnison. This was in 2001. I talked to her quite a few times after she went there, and she said she was riding horses and fishing a lot. It probably looks deserted because there are hardly any "committed" ones who want to be in the kork.
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Mary Cate
Oh, and when I was there, I had to see what it was like to talk to a devoted Corps or staff innie. After I did my driving up in the public lands, I drove up County Road 9 and stopped at the gatehouse. There was someone there manning the post. I asked a couple of questions about the camp without identifying myself as anything other than a tourist - an eccentric one at that. The guy started in on the Wayspeak. I was very pleased with myself to realize these people no longer frighten me, I just find them very annoying. I thanked the young man and told him that was nothing I was interested in and left.
In hindsight, I should have asked him if he would pray for my dog to get a dog house with red drapes. My dog, a 4 lb chihuahua, was all dressed up in her cute little western ensemble -denim jacket and miniature red bandanna. She was so cute and polite, how could he have refused?
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Mary Cate
Since I still can't get to sleep (tomorrow's going to be a triple shot espresso morning) I'll just respond to myself again.
My dog doesn't really have a dog house. My house is her house which would mean if Way Boy's prayer worked, I'd have to live with the red drapes. I hate drapes of any color. I am much more of a plain wash and wear curtain type of person.
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About TWI's Gunnison properties and activity related to said property i have no personal knowledge...however, i would assume the reason the area appears abandoned relates to the lack of persons involved now days.
About yer doggie's house issue...huhmmm...i can not recall a time a "prayer" i made was "answered", unless i took "believing action" (i.e. i did everything required to achieve my goal, which came out how i wanted).
So, maybe go buy the stuff and set it up, then pray...BAM! Action=result..hey hey hey! It was "God's" fault
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Vic -- with all due respect, lotsa prayer both asked for, given, and answered in the Prayer Forum on this site.
My "I believe" button is on the boat right along side of yours.
And "red drapes" are the least of our concerns.
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Can you say "facetious", and still pray?
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I do feel sorry for you if this is the case.
Docvic happened to promote prayer, as did many other folk. For anyone of them to be wrong (and many are/were, including docvic), does NOT negate the fact that prayer works.
Docvic had a take on it that left the sour taste, and in my experience, others did the same. The fact that a MAN could "dictate" how prayer was to be, or not to be, "accomplished" - means zilch to me.
Honest heart, honest request -- God listens. Reguardless what the "bozo" MOG (of whatever denomination) says.
Yes -- my "I believe" button is long gone. My "I ask" button is with me daily.
And as I said -- "I/we don't ask for "red drapes".
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Sorry for the de-rail.
Ticks me off to see God blamed for the actions of those who CLAIM to speak for Him.
Nuff said.
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Mary Cate
The red drapes for the dog house...
was a joke. Apparently a misunderstood one, and maybe a bad one. Maybe no one remembers the red drapes from PFAL.
If I really wanted red drapes, I would go to the store and get some.
I was up to late, bein' way too goofy and now I have to go and get that triple shot espresso so I can function at work.
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Mary C - I loved your post and I got the joke about the drapes - I thought it was funny.
Leads me to wonder if you got your chihauha already potty trained or if you did that yourself. I wonder cause I received a 5 or 6 month old that wasn't trained and was unable to get him to do it outside. I could walk him for a half hour and within 5 minutes of coming inside, the deed was done on the carpet.
Other than that - loved that dog. I was surprised to see how much I enjoyed him, being that he was almost always right under my feet as I cooked. He was a great foot warmer for me as I worked at my desk and nobody could approach the house without me knowing it thanks to him.
It was a sad day when I had to give up on him.
And now to derail my derail:
I've never been to Gunnison - ain't that cool!? Now whenever I finally get to CO, my memories will only be of CO - not twi-related in any way, shape or form! I like that thought.
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Great idea about CO!! I had never been to Gunnison either, so CO can be just a CO memory. I will NEVER go to Ohio (or the midwest) if I can help it. I still have dreams about corn and soybean fields.
Derail: Bowtwi I posted a link for my wedding pictures under the picture thingy.....sorry, I haven't had coffee yet.
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Tom Strange
MC... I got it also (Bullinger)... (I don't know if that should scare you or not though!)
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Mary Cate
My chihuahua, Rosa, was potty trained when I adopted her. She is very funny and soo-o-o-o cute. She sleeps with me and loves to snuggle. When we drive, she sleeps on my lap for hours at a time. I wish I had a job where I could take her to work.
Of course you scare me.
;)--> Do you think I should call Camp Gunnison and ask if they'd pray for red grapes?
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Mary Cate
Were you joking or serious?
Maybe you could tell me what bee leaving axion Juan would take if Juan were to pray for a tornado to not drop a house on Juan's local cult leader.
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mary cate, i loved everything you posted especially posting to yourself (a habit of my own)
i think he/she was joshing, but what does WERD mean ?
anyway, i spent a lot of time in gunnison, unfortunately with TJ (not tick junior)
thanks again for your post
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Mary Cate
Hi Ex,
TJ had just left Gunnison when I got there in rez. I think he had enough of me when he had to put up with me during ROA '84. He told me I didn't show enough "reverence" towards the Wierwille family and that he would make a phone call and have my assignment changed to going out WOW. (like that was a bad thing??) He didn't know what to say when I told him nothing would make me happier and I'd start working on getting my money together. Either he didn't make the phone call or whoever he called didn't answer because I spent my interim year with the D and W Wierwille household. The time I spent with D and W wasn't too bad.
TJ was at Emporia my last year in rez, but he never spoke to me for the couple of weeks I was there. I thought he'd look for the chance to make my life hell because I said a few other things to him during his stay at chez Wierwille that left him pezzed off and/or speechless. Not sure why he didn't. I think he was too preoccupied with cleaning up a Martindale mess. Weird happenings that year...
Mr. vicramsey,
What does WERD mean? Why won't you tell us?
I never even wanted the da-am drapes.
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i'm impressed you left that little teethpicking weazle speechless ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h
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I dunno for sure what vicr meant, but when bow jr says "WERD" it means
Right on, or I hear ya, or What she said, or I couldn't have said it better myself
I love this thread
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Tom -- would that be right? (the Bullinger part)
Shouldn't that be -- I also (Bullinger) got it? Putting the "also" after "it" means you got "something else", besides that which was "joked about".
Just wunderin' ---
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When Vic says "WERD", it must mean he/she has no I key on the keyboard.
Some of us, (myself included) spend too much time using using
the - "I" - key!
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Mary Cate
vicr uses all caps for werd. maybe it's a top secret acronym, perhaps a code used to signal the evil waygb or the martian sea monkey people. i am getting my coffee now... i will stop it....
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Mary Cate
I am sure the TPW wrote all kinds of nasty things about me that ended up in my secret file. Like most of the other TWI bullies, if you stood up to them, they didn't have the spine or gonats to respond to your face. They did the whispering, notes in the file, behind your back crap.
I wonder if TJ's boys grew up to be just like him?
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I remember camp Gunnison when twi first aquired it...I was there in 1976,77,78...
Thanks to all that abs money and the log home builders they lucked out getting into their cult, they developed the property quite nicely.
It really was/is a beautiful location...twi certainly doesn't deserve to own such a place...
I think that they should give it to ex-wayfers in compensation for all the damage they did. Perhaps Paw could coordinate a rotating vacation schedule from the GS...We could have bonfires, drink beer and even play the deebil's music real loud...
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Mary Cate
Love that idea. We should also have REAL Christmas parties and plaster the word Christmas everywhere.
And we could have a GS Western Weenie Roast there during the first week of June.
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