I guess I was a bad girl. I never got rid of any of my music and never would have considered it. We used to joke about cranking up the "devil music" while we painted the barns at Rome City, and no one gave us a hard time about it.
If you look in some of the Older threads here on Gs in the archives. The thread is called "TWI/MUSIC/"WAY PROD EARLY DAYS"/THE BEAT GOES ON". If you do a search you'll find it. Many people who've posted on this thread posted there. Socks did a great little explanation of the book you speak of 'The Marxist Minstrels'.
quote:I guess I was a bad girl. I never got rid of any of my music and never would have considered it. We used to joke about cranking up the "devil music" while we painted the barns at Rome City, and no one gave us a hard time about it.
I think that in some ways the staff had it easier than the rank-and-file believers. I'd often crank up Jackson Browne loud in the A/V shop to test equipment and nobody ever said a word.
I was at a FC's house, who was running a foundational class, and she was asked why she was playing a cd whose author had left TWI. She was told to get rid of it.
Now why would they do this about someone's music who was once an innie and not to the music of one who was never in TWI?
Could they be thinking that one of the innies could pull Madonna in for a class and they could impress her with one of her videos?
The closest thing they ever came to metal was around 85 or 86 @ the Rock. I don't remember the name of the band but Mike and Vic were two of the guys in it. They were Junior Corps brothers of ours. That was hilarious watching them bang their heads with all that hair. My brother was in the audiance doing the same. The people behind him were getting ....ed at him because he was whipping them with his hair. lol
By any chance, was that band called "Ezra"?
I remember before '89, the 2 youngest people bands were Kerusso and Ezra.
before i got involved in the way i always lived alone after my military service expired and enjoyed it.
but being hungry for "the word" i was willing to give that up in order to persue my new found love for what i thought was a purer version of it.
i missed my own space. at some point ,i think on the wow field, i felt closed in on every side and intruded upon. my every move scrutinized.
i missed the simple pleasure of just being able to go nude when i wanted. and i like being nude.
so when i met a guy i liked on the wow field, and he owned a house i hung out there every chance i got after work.(he gave me a key)just for the sake of my own sanity and having some distance between my wow 'family' and myself.
when we went back to the ROA. i did not camp out on the grounds but got a hotel room in town.
it seemed like heaven to me.
today i have all the space i want and then some! thank you lord(i mean that.thank you god!)
since i left the way you have blessed me beyond measure with your love and goodness.
M&O...That's an excellant point about the privacy thing...For me music was always a personal thing...there was music that I would play when a bunch of folks were around and then there was the music that I played when I was alone...The intrusion by twi into my "music world", was indeed, an intrusion into my privacy. They dug into my root cellar, so to speak. Even after I left twi, I was always "spiritualizing" the music I listened to, out of habit...it took me awhile to recapture my own "center" and go back to the business of being an individual again.
I guess the turning point for my recovery came when I returned to finally finish college...communications major with a keen interest in radio...I ended up working for several radio stations until it culminated when I became program director for an NPR, public radio station. I went through a complete "musical metamorhis" and emerged into a more honest appreciation of secular music, and to a much greater extent than even my pre-twi days...I have many to thank...amoung them are the likes of Thelonias Monk, Miles Davis, Frank Zappa, Bob Marley and of course...the great one, Ray Charles..."Life after twi is sweet as moms apple pie!"
In various areas, we were taught that much of secular music was "devil spirit driven" or inspired. Even heard some vague references to "The Marxist Minstrels", but by and large, there wasn't an overt campaign to make people burn their secular record collection. I know I wasn't about to do such a thing. I believe the pressure to get rid of "devilish music" varied greatly from location to location, and was largely dictated by the beliefs of the powers- that-be in each area. In one area, some Corp Nazi had people afraid the mere physical presence of certain secular record albums would cause you to be possessed. In another, area leadership played the popular music of the day at parties they hosted. There was no hard and fast rule. The category of egregious oppression varied from place to place and leader to leader.
I was in TWI from 76 - 82. I heard some "suggestions" about music, which I basically ignored as either stupd or ignorant. But no one ever told me to get rid of anything I had. Then again few folks actually knew what I had - Beatles, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Joe Walsh, Eagles, Stones, etc.
I don't recall buying but one TWI album. IMO, most of it was too amateurishly done for me to take very seriously.
I have made friends with the most wonderful people!!!They are soooooooooo wonderful, sooooooo much fun.
Twenty years of no fun makes more than one weak (week?)!!!!LOL
I am enjoying sooooooo much fun and much more prosperity. And ooooh! a job that has health and dental and vision coverage. Wahoo! wahoo!
I really am glad that these %%&&*$'s were so nasty though. I may still be lulled to sleep if their fangs hadn't shown.
I know a lot of people in many areas that are just as unqualified to look after people. But they aren't quite as perfect and judgemental as those to whom I made myself subject.
I kick my a%% almost daily for letting this sh%$ happen. But!! I am still having fun!!! :)-->
"Leadership" never directly told me to get rid of any of my music. In fact, from 1988 until about 1995 I was a deejay and supplemented the station's music with vinyl that I bought at a local used music store.
It was my ex-wife who pressured me to get rid of all my records, since, according to her, I was bringing devil spirits into the house. Grrrrr.
As a music industry professional, I can remember being chided for not coming to fellowship, each and every time it was scheduled. I advised that I was working on the road and was not home to attend twig. Looking into very pained eyes, I added that I would find a twig wherever I was on the road. THat made 'em happy.
Also, have to add that I like the comment in the thread about the quality of ministry music not just in talent but in technical. I sort of at one time thought my place in the body was to contribute some constructive criticism, based on my background to those in charge. To say that it was met with a dull thud is an understatement as I was admonished that I was missing the spirituality. I responded that I wasn't missing that part at all, it was just that if you want to get the Word in culture, you have to play at a certain calibur. It was thanks but no thanks.
Oh well.
Never gave it up. At one point was told point blank "we have enough musicians in the ministry, you need to find some other function God has called you to do". (That's how I go into research and teaching of health & healing). The next year another leader told me "But being a musician is something you are, not something you do- you can't hide your light". I think I found only one musical soulmate in the ministry.
Well, that's my two cents. Still playing........................................
I remember after my wow year around 1981-82 ole LCM anounced at the rock how tickeled he was that he bought the newest Stone Temple Pilots or was it pirates before his daughter did. I don't know much about the S.T.P band, plus I remember him playing alot of "worldly music" at the dances.
I was told to get rid of my music tapes and albums but I refused to do it. The only thing I got rid of was my weegie board, took it out back and burned it. Also during my wow year we got the notice from VP to only listen to country music, which was fine by me cuz I love country music as well as just about any music except Jazz never did like jazz and still don't.
OH by the way if you want to listen to some absract hard rock by my sons band clear your address bar on your toolbar and type in suffer.net you can listen to a couple of his songs and see him singing and if you e-mail him he will send you a suffer t-shirt and a CD of his music. I don't care for some of his music but love his voice when he sings ballads.
During the year before I went into residence, the local leadership rode me mercilessly...they were "preparing me" to become corps. There was one nazi corps guy especially...that really got involved with me. He had the wonderful idea that I should haul my entire 150 album collection, of some of the finest music of the 60's and 70's, and toss them into the bon fire on Uncle Harry day. The limb leader concurred with him, thinking that it would help me in my quest to assimilate the doctrine of voluntary induction and of course, it would set a wonderful example to all the slackjawed waybrains, who would be in attendance.
There were ooohs and aaahs, as I pushed the wheelbarrow full of vinyl towards their firey grave...I gritted my teeth with determination as I flung handful after handful of albums, like square pizzas, seperating from each other and finding a home in the inferno, which would cleanse them forever of the insideous demons that resided within...The limb leader and the corp guy both stood off to the side with knowing smiles...I had completed a rite of passage...I now was welcome into the hallways of the initiated ones...I had cut the ballast loose and was now free to soar with the spiritual wings of a sogwap!
Yeah...I burned em all...scheesh, how stupid could I have been! Got talked into it...I should have thrown the nazi corps guy into the fire instead of my records.
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TED Ferrell
Don't know if you have seen my thread about free CD.Sure would be happy to send you and Janet to put in your antique museum.
Send mailing address if you would like to have.John you still be the best picker of all.
Love Ya!
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i love tommy strange, johhny socks, and teddy ferrell, and many more
that's all i wanted to say
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Linda Z
I guess I was a bad girl. I never got rid of any of my music and never would have considered it. We used to joke about cranking up the "devil music" while we painted the barns at Rome City, and no one gave us a hard time about it.
I still have my vinyl from the late 60s and on.
Any albums lost were lost at parties.
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I never did get rid of anything either. Then again I wasn't told to, but I did know those who were "instructed" to in the past.
no censorship, right. Just like when they said not to read these sites. What did they THINK we would do?
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A la prochaine
If you look in some of the Older threads here on Gs in the archives. The thread is called "TWI/MUSIC/"WAY PROD EARLY DAYS"/THE BEAT GOES ON". If you do a search you'll find it. Many people who've posted on this thread posted there. Socks did a great little explanation of the book you speak of 'The Marxist Minstrels'.
Happy Reading!
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I think that in some ways the staff had it easier than the rank-and-file believers. I'd often crank up Jackson Browne loud in the A/V shop to test equipment and nobody ever said a word.
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Linda Z
You wild A/V guys!
Actually, I was on staff for only 4 of my 17 years "in," and no one ever gave me trouble about music out in the real world, either.
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I was at a FC's house, who was running a foundational class, and she was asked why she was playing a cd whose author had left TWI. She was told to get rid of it.
Now why would they do this about someone's music who was once an innie and not to the music of one who was never in TWI?
Could they be thinking that one of the innies could pull Madonna in for a class and they could impress her with one of her videos?
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By any chance, was that band called "Ezra"?
I remember before '89, the 2 youngest people bands were Kerusso and Ezra.
Ezra was heavy metal.
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one thing i remember giving up was privacy.
before i got involved in the way i always lived alone after my military service expired and enjoyed it.
but being hungry for "the word" i was willing to give that up in order to persue my new found love for what i thought was a purer version of it.
i missed my own space. at some point ,i think on the wow field, i felt closed in on every side and intruded upon. my every move scrutinized.
i missed the simple pleasure of just being able to go nude when i wanted. and i like being nude.
so when i met a guy i liked on the wow field, and he owned a house i hung out there every chance i got after work.(he gave me a key)just for the sake of my own sanity and having some distance between my wow 'family' and myself.
when we went back to the ROA. i did not camp out on the grounds but got a hotel room in town.
it seemed like heaven to me.
today i have all the space i want and then some! thank you lord(i mean that.thank you god!)
since i left the way you have blessed me beyond measure with your love and goodness.
i am sooooo happy.
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M&O...That's an excellant point about the privacy thing...For me music was always a personal thing...there was music that I would play when a bunch of folks were around and then there was the music that I played when I was alone...The intrusion by twi into my "music world", was indeed, an intrusion into my privacy. They dug into my root cellar, so to speak. Even after I left twi, I was always "spiritualizing" the music I listened to, out of habit...it took me awhile to recapture my own "center" and go back to the business of being an individual again.
I guess the turning point for my recovery came when I returned to finally finish college...communications major with a keen interest in radio...I ended up working for several radio stations until it culminated when I became program director for an NPR, public radio station. I went through a complete "musical metamorhis" and emerged into a more honest appreciation of secular music, and to a much greater extent than even my pre-twi days...I have many to thank...amoung them are the likes of Thelonias Monk, Miles Davis, Frank Zappa, Bob Marley and of course...the great one, Ray Charles..."Life after twi is sweet as moms apple pie!"
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Cherished Child
In various areas, we were taught that much of secular music was "devil spirit driven" or inspired. Even heard some vague references to "The Marxist Minstrels", but by and large, there wasn't an overt campaign to make people burn their secular record collection. I know I wasn't about to do such a thing. I believe the pressure to get rid of "devilish music" varied greatly from location to location, and was largely dictated by the beliefs of the powers- that-be in each area. In one area, some Corp Nazi had people afraid the mere physical presence of certain secular record albums would cause you to be possessed. In another, area leadership played the popular music of the day at parties they hosted. There was no hard and fast rule. The category of egregious oppression varied from place to place and leader to leader.
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Well, I ignored what they said until I bought a house to be used as a "Way Home."
The "spiritual leader" made me get rid of whatever she knew was "bad", like
Elton John (including a rare original release of Honky Chateau)
Rolling Stones (another rare original release)
Stevie Nicks/ Fleetwood Mac
She missed a lot of stuff because she was older and didn't know about a good portion of the collection.
Then we go to the ROA and listen to AC/DC played in the big tent. ....ed me off, but too late to do much.
Guess my evil possessed mind was the reason the Way Home didn't last......
sign me
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I was in TWI from 76 - 82. I heard some "suggestions" about music, which I basically ignored as either stupd or ignorant. But no one ever told me to get rid of anything I had. Then again few folks actually knew what I had - Beatles, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Joe Walsh, Eagles, Stones, etc.
I don't recall buying but one TWI album. IMO, most of it was too amateurishly done for me to take very seriously.
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FUN!!! With people, my husband, my child.
Got stolen!
I have made friends with the most wonderful people!!!They are soooooooooo wonderful, sooooooo much fun.
Twenty years of no fun makes more than one weak (week?)!!!!LOL
I am enjoying sooooooo much fun and much more prosperity. And ooooh! a job that has health and dental and vision coverage. Wahoo! wahoo!
I really am glad that these %%&&*$'s were so nasty though. I may still be lulled to sleep if their fangs hadn't shown.
I know a lot of people in many areas that are just as unqualified to look after people. But they aren't quite as perfect and judgemental as those to whom I made myself subject.
I kick my a%% almost daily for letting this sh%$ happen. But!! I am still having fun!!!
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"Leadership" never directly told me to get rid of any of my music. In fact, from 1988 until about 1995 I was a deejay and supplemented the station's music with vinyl that I bought at a local used music store.
It was my ex-wife who pressured me to get rid of all my records, since, according to her, I was bringing devil spirits into the house. Grrrrr.
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As a music industry professional, I can remember being chided for not coming to fellowship, each and every time it was scheduled. I advised that I was working on the road and was not home to attend twig. Looking into very pained eyes, I added that I would find a twig wherever I was on the road. THat made 'em happy.
Also, have to add that I like the comment in the thread about the quality of ministry music not just in talent but in technical. I sort of at one time thought my place in the body was to contribute some constructive criticism, based on my background to those in charge. To say that it was met with a dull thud is an understatement as I was admonished that I was missing the spirituality. I responded that I wasn't missing that part at all, it was just that if you want to get the Word in culture, you have to play at a certain calibur. It was thanks but no thanks.
Oh well.
Never gave it up. At one point was told point blank "we have enough musicians in the ministry, you need to find some other function God has called you to do". (That's how I go into research and teaching of health & healing). The next year another leader told me "But being a musician is something you are, not something you do- you can't hide your light". I think I found only one musical soulmate in the ministry.
Well, that's my two cents. Still playing........................................
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I remember after my wow year around 1981-82 ole LCM anounced at the rock how tickeled he was that he bought the newest Stone Temple Pilots or was it pirates before his daughter did. I don't know much about the S.T.P band, plus I remember him playing alot of "worldly music" at the dances.
I was told to get rid of my music tapes and albums but I refused to do it. The only thing I got rid of was my weegie board, took it out back and burned it. Also during my wow year we got the notice from VP to only listen to country music, which was fine by me cuz I love country music as well as just about any music except Jazz never did like jazz and still don't.
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OH by the way if you want to listen to some absract hard rock by my sons band clear your address bar on your toolbar and type in suffer.net you can listen to a couple of his songs and see him singing and if you e-mail him he will send you a suffer t-shirt and a CD of his music. I don't care for some of his music but love his voice when he sings ballads.
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I don't get your son's band when I type in suffer.net
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During the year before I went into residence, the local leadership rode me mercilessly...they were "preparing me" to become corps. There was one nazi corps guy especially...that really got involved with me. He had the wonderful idea that I should haul my entire 150 album collection, of some of the finest music of the 60's and 70's, and toss them into the bon fire on Uncle Harry day. The limb leader concurred with him, thinking that it would help me in my quest to assimilate the doctrine of voluntary induction and of course, it would set a wonderful example to all the slackjawed waybrains, who would be in attendance.
There were ooohs and aaahs, as I pushed the wheelbarrow full of vinyl towards their firey grave...I gritted my teeth with determination as I flung handful after handful of albums, like square pizzas, seperating from each other and finding a home in the inferno, which would cleanse them forever of the insideous demons that resided within...The limb leader and the corp guy both stood off to the side with knowing smiles...I had completed a rite of passage...I now was welcome into the hallways of the initiated ones...I had cut the ballast loose and was now free to soar with the spiritual wings of a sogwap!
Yeah...I burned em all...scheesh, how stupid could I have been! Got talked into it...I should have thrown the nazi corps guy into the fire instead of my records.
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Oak -- Raf has the site on the Open Forum in the thread "Dovie's Son Mike & His Website"
Or go to www.suffermusic.net from here.
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