On at least three occasions a fellow 11th corps and I snuck out after hours and went to Freds for a beer. I don't know what was more satisfying, the Beer or not getting caught.
sunesis, i may have "believed" it at one time (in my young dysfunctional brain) but the more i knew him, the less i believed him. i know i did not believe it by the time he died
quote:You'd have thought that the guy was caught having sex with a fellow corps members wife or something!
Hey DMiller. This forum has been running for gawd knows how long, with people rehashing TWI doctrine ad nauseum all during that time, and you think that I should stop talking about it?
I think not.
Tell the boys down in "doctrine" to stop rehashing it why dont you.
Was just putting my "2 cents in", while trying to leave it all way, way open for you to continue, despite my "observation"
The one constant I have seen here, is that if someone asks another to stop posting, they will only post all the more! ;)-->
quote: Refiner -- if you're wishing to correlate similarities between twi, JW, and your Mr. Stone group, it seems like that has been accomplished. :)-->
I'd leave it alone too, once correlations were established, but that is me. Further discussion would only be repetitively redundant.
But hey -- t'is your thread!
That is all I said, and that is all I meant. I have never asked anyone here to stop discussing something (as if I had the right to), except for perhaps on the Mike thread, where I did ask him to delete it!
My "suggestion" (if you will), merely states that I personally would leave it alone, but you are obviously of a more "discussion oriented" mind-set than I am, and I realized that when I posted the above, knowing full well that you would continue in order to pursue your own "goals" as pertains to this thread.
Mea Culpa. Am sorry if I got you going on the wrong foot, irritated, upset, and any other "descriptive definition" that may apply here. :(-->
I hope you accept my apology, I was only responding to Def when I said what I did, and since you mention the Doctrinal forum, you may notice that he and I are rarely in agreement, and will discuss into the next century!
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On at least three occasions a fellow 11th corps and I snuck out after hours and went to Freds for a beer. I don't know what was more satisfying, the Beer or not getting caught.
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sunesis, i may have "believed" it at one time (in my young dysfunctional brain) but the more i knew him, the less i believed him. i know i did not believe it by the time he died
ha ha the ironyLink to comment
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Hey DMiller. This forum has been running for gawd knows how long, with people rehashing TWI doctrine ad nauseum all during that time, and you think that I should stop talking about it?
I think not.
Tell the boys down in "doctrine" to stop rehashing it why dont you.
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Refiner -- Peace!!
Was just putting my "2 cents in", while trying to leave it all way, way open for you to continue, despite my "observation"
The one constant I have seen here, is that if someone asks another to stop posting, they will only post all the more!
That is all I said, and that is all I meant. I have never asked anyone here to stop discussing something (as if I had the right to), except for perhaps on the Mike thread, where I did ask him to delete it!
My "suggestion" (if you will), merely states that I personally would leave it alone, but you are obviously of a more "discussion oriented" mind-set than I am, and I realized that when I posted the above, knowing full well that you would continue in order to pursue your own "goals" as pertains to this thread.
Mea Culpa. Am sorry if I got you going on the wrong foot, irritated, upset, and any other "descriptive definition" that may apply here.
I hope you accept my apology, I was only responding to Def when I said what I did, and since you mention the Doctrinal forum, you may notice that he and I are rarely in agreement, and will discuss into the next century!
Talk about "repetetive redundancy".
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