Interesting analogy, M3C, though I think there's a difference in heart between witnessers and spammers. At least the witnessers have the guts (and take the time) to meet you face to face.
If I know someone comes to my door and they are Mormon or JW, I tell them I was already involved in a cult for 20 years and that I am not looking for another to join.
I live in Mormon country right now, but I haven't seen any missionaries. When I was on staff in Ohio, there were Mormon missionaries there. I noticed them following me in KMart one day. I knew I was being pegged for witnessing. When they approached me, I told them I worked at The Way. They said OK and walked away.
Right now we get people at our door invituing us to to t a christian concert. They are honest though. They say that people will be there to talk about Jesus. I just tell them I am happy at my church and that I'm born again already.
I just tell them to go to health and be done with it.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just kidding.
I prayed with a couple of Mormon missionaries one time because they asked me to after I invited them into my home, and they turned down my offer to help them financially. I was very kind to them because I believe, like us, they were doing what they were doing for God, really, not the organization.
Also, I told them I had been involved with the way and would never get involved with another group like that and they had never heard of it but apparently their superiors had because they never came by again.
It wouldn't have been the Temple itself you visited but the Visitor Center. Admission to the Temple itself is only for faithful Mormons who hold recommends.
VPW made an error in PFAL when he talked about the acoustics in the SLC Temple - he meant the Tabernacle (which is an entirely different building located behind the Temple) which is open to all.
Missionaries are always polite and they are willing to help you with things as part of their time is allocated to social works - they have helped tidy my garden and rebuild my fence for instance. Once one even ironed my shirts but they didn't look any less creased afterwards! :D-->
I hate door to door and they still make us do that, btw. As a result of my distaste for it and remembering others are forced to do the same thing, when someone comes to my door I'm very polite, but I don't invite them in the house.
Im always very nice to Mormon missionaries, they are just poor overworked kids with worn out shoes. I always give them a cool drink and allow them to sit awhile.
An interesting note about them, if two mormon girls come to the door and you invite them in, they wont enter unless there is a female in the house.It didnt matter if my 10 year old son was there. They wouldnt enter.
I think I heard that some Momo Mishie boys got tied to beds and used as sex slaves by a group of old biddies a few years back. The church doesnt want that kind of thing happening again.
How awful for those kids , Refiner! Like I said before , I remember all too well what it's like to be on the other side of that door doing what you think is God's will. A smile and a kind word (even in refusal) doesn't take a huge chunk out of my time. Intrusive and irritating ? Sometimes, yes, but I've done the same thing to folks myself.
Trefor, I had an offer from two cute lil Mormons to do some work around the house for me , and while it was tempting, I know me...I would have felt like I had to go to a few meetings or something to even the score--hah ! general rule is "just say no" !
Never seen them in worn out shoes unless you refer to the amount of walking that they actually do.
There are strict rules regarding whom they may be alone with - male missionaries would be equally reluctant to enter a house with a single female in it. I don't know about "old biddies" but there was a famous case back in the seventies over here over a woman called Joyce McKinney and how she seduced a male missionary on his own, so they are always together except for the bathroom etc. They even sleep in the same room, but not in the same bed.
way back:
As I was at the time already attending meetings there was no reciprocal obligation to worry about but I still fed them - they are very dependant on good meals from church members as left to their own devices it will be McDonalds or cereals. I also let them send emails home to family or girl friends until the higher ups in SLC decided that this was a no no.
How kind of you, Trefor ! I had heard that these kids depend on the church to feed them, buy their groceries, etc. And generally, around here, it seems they're pretty well taken care of. Bet they get homesick, though. Interesting religion, isn't it ?
i always took the attitude that you never know who you'll meet door to door
so even though i never actually got anybody to take any classes or anything sometimes i could have a good time with it
when people come and do the same to me these days lots of times i chat with them for a while so far though nothing has ever been said by any of them to cause me to question any beliefs i hold
but i'm glad that i don't have to simply kick them out which is what i probably would do if i was never expected to do the same thing myself
i dont have too many funny witnessing stories
most of the funniest door to door stories i have come from when i was a kid selling things door to door.
personally i get no end of kicks out of them but
i'd say that for the most part you had to be there
Missionaries and their families have often been saving up towards a mission - usually from when they obtain the Aaronic priesthood in their early teens. It's not like the WOW programme which was often a short notice decision and all the costs of their outward transportation and money for a monthly allowance will have been met. The church pays for their accomodation and their return flights. In some missions (such as mine) they may even be provided with a car so they don't all have to resort to cycling or walking.
Of course they get homesick - who doesn't when you are on a programme such as this,but they are encouraged to write weekly letters home and can phone home on Christmas day and Mother's Day.
I don't think they are given domestic courses as part of their missionary training though so unless others cook for them it's fairly basic. They get a day off each week for laundry and R&R called "P Day".
They always appreciate a meal and they can open up and share things about their lives and their interests - they don't feel like they always have to be "moving things" in the way TWI sees it.
I have to agree with 3 cents. I watch way too many crime shows and don't like to open the door for ANYBODY. Ding Dong psycho calling. Just because they come to the door doesn't mean I have to open it.
I confess I am a total wuss when it comes to live flesh and blood people, no matter how grouchy or self absorbed or rude they appear to be.
I cant't help but be cheerful and/or kind. Maybe it's my ego and pride, but somehow I think that I can take the time to be kind to a fellow human. It costs me nothing. :)-->
If i'm sober and in a "happy" mood i tell nicely to beat it.
If i am intoxicated (i have an alcholic beverage in hand or close by if i am drinking) i play with 'em,or tell em i gotta take my meds.
NEVER EVER EVER!! get to the point where you have to explain your beliefs! Religious people hate "godless sinners born of the Pit of Hell"...erm, i AM "born again" and can "S.I.T."...Damn me, someone please do a study with "S.I.T."ing and a C.A.T. scan to see if it is the same thing mentally as using a ouiji board please?
I tell them my husband and I both have associates of theology degrees. Every time I've used that line the people say they are glad to see someone taking it so seriously and they leave.
Has anybody had any wayfers knock on their door? I used to be paranoid that they would when I first left, so I prepared myself with what I would say to them.
I actually got "witnessed to" by some wayfers about 10 years ago, after I had been gone from the cult for quite a while.
I politely told them that I was quite familiar with TWI. And had gotten involved in mid-70's and left in the mid-80's. I told them that I graduated from the 10th corps, and knew VP personally, as well as other members of the family, as well as the trustees. And if there was anything they wanted to know about the history of "the Ministry" and why most of the followers left in the late 80's, I would be happy to sit down and talk with them. Then I gave them my name and phone number. I never saw or heard from them again. :)-->
I just had to do this the other day!! I opened the door and saw white shirts, ties and name tags (not way ones) but nametags!!! I said oh no not today please leave. I don't want to discuss anything with you so just please leave.
Yeah now that I think about it I was pretty nice to them normally I am not especially after a week like this past week I had had.
The time before that I threatened call the police and to press charges on them for tresspassing cuz they didn't leave when I asked them too. They never should have argued with me about what I should want to do. To me they are just another form of telemarketers and I don't want them to come knocking on my door or calling me on my phone
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Interesting analogy, M3C, though I think there's a difference in heart between witnessers and spammers. At least the witnessers have the guts (and take the time) to meet you face to face.
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GS George is right. Someone at my doorstep deserves to be treated civilly. Spam on the computer deserves to be deleted.
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I HATED door-to-door witnessing myself.
If I know someone comes to my door and they are Mormon or JW, I tell them I was already involved in a cult for 20 years and that I am not looking for another to join.
I live in Mormon country right now, but I haven't seen any missionaries. When I was on staff in Ohio, there were Mormon missionaries there. I noticed them following me in KMart one day. I knew I was being pegged for witnessing. When they approached me, I told them I worked at The Way. They said OK and walked away.
Right now we get people at our door invituing us to to t a christian concert. They are honest though. They say that people will be there to talk about Jesus. I just tell them I am happy at my church and that I'm born again already.
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I just tell them to go to health and be done with it.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just kidding.
I prayed with a couple of Mormon missionaries one time because they asked me to after I invited them into my home, and they turned down my offer to help them financially. I was very kind to them because I believe, like us, they were doing what they were doing for God, really, not the organization.
Also, I told them I had been involved with the way and would never get involved with another group like that and they had never heard of it but apparently their superiors had because they never came by again.
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Trefor Heywood
It wouldn't have been the Temple itself you visited but the Visitor Center. Admission to the Temple itself is only for faithful Mormons who hold recommends.
VPW made an error in PFAL when he talked about the acoustics in the SLC Temple - he meant the Tabernacle (which is an entirely different building located behind the Temple) which is open to all.
Missionaries are always polite and they are willing to help you with things as part of their time is allocated to social works - they have helped tidy my garden and rebuild my fence for instance. Once one even ironed my shirts but they didn't look any less creased afterwards!
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I hate door to door and they still make us do that, btw. As a result of my distaste for it and remembering others are forced to do the same thing, when someone comes to my door I'm very polite, but I don't invite them in the house.
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Im always very nice to Mormon missionaries, they are just poor overworked kids with worn out shoes. I always give them a cool drink and allow them to sit awhile.
An interesting note about them, if two mormon girls come to the door and you invite them in, they wont enter unless there is a female in the house.It didnt matter if my 10 year old son was there. They wouldnt enter.
I think I heard that some Momo Mishie boys got tied to beds and used as sex slaves by a group of old biddies a few years back. The church doesnt want that kind of thing happening again.
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way back in the 70s
How awful for those kids , Refiner! Like I said before , I remember all too well what it's like to be on the other side of that door doing what you think is God's will. A smile and a kind word (even in refusal) doesn't take a huge chunk out of my time. Intrusive and irritating ? Sometimes, yes, but I've done the same thing to folks myself.
Trefor, I had an offer from two cute lil Mormons to do some work around the house for me , and while it was tempting, I know me...I would have felt like I had to go to a few meetings or something to even the score--hah ! general rule is "just say no" !
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Trefor Heywood
Never seen them in worn out shoes unless you refer to the amount of walking that they actually do.
There are strict rules regarding whom they may be alone with - male missionaries would be equally reluctant to enter a house with a single female in it. I don't know about "old biddies" but there was a famous case back in the seventies over here over a woman called Joyce McKinney and how she seduced a male missionary on his own, so they are always together except for the bathroom etc. They even sleep in the same room, but not in the same bed.
way back:
As I was at the time already attending meetings there was no reciprocal obligation to worry about but I still fed them - they are very dependant on good meals from church members as left to their own devices it will be McDonalds or cereals. I also let them send emails home to family or girl friends until the higher ups in SLC decided that this was a no no.
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way back in the 70s
How kind of you, Trefor ! I had heard that these kids depend on the church to feed them, buy their groceries, etc. And generally, around here, it seems they're pretty well taken care of. Bet they get homesick, though. Interesting religion, isn't it ?
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i always took the attitude that you never know who you'll meet door to door
so even though i never actually got anybody to take any classes or anything sometimes i could have a good time with it
when people come and do the same to me these days lots of times i chat with them for a while so far though nothing has ever been said by any of them to cause me to question any beliefs i hold
but i'm glad that i don't have to simply kick them out which is what i probably would do if i was never expected to do the same thing myself
i dont have too many funny witnessing stories
most of the funniest door to door stories i have come from when i was a kid selling things door to door.
personally i get no end of kicks out of them but
i'd say that for the most part you had to be there
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Trefor Heywood
Missionaries and their families have often been saving up towards a mission - usually from when they obtain the Aaronic priesthood in their early teens. It's not like the WOW programme which was often a short notice decision and all the costs of their outward transportation and money for a monthly allowance will have been met. The church pays for their accomodation and their return flights. In some missions (such as mine) they may even be provided with a car so they don't all have to resort to cycling or walking.
Of course they get homesick - who doesn't when you are on a programme such as this,but they are encouraged to write weekly letters home and can phone home on Christmas day and Mother's Day.
I don't think they are given domestic courses as part of their missionary training though so unless others cook for them it's fairly basic. They get a day off each week for laundry and R&R called "P Day".
They always appreciate a meal and they can open up and share things about their lives and their interests - they don't feel like they always have to be "moving things" in the way TWI sees it.
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i don't handle them, but apparently refiner knows about those who do !!!!!
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I have to agree with 3 cents. I watch way too many crime shows and don't like to open the door for ANYBODY. Ding Dong psycho calling. Just because they come to the door doesn't mean I have to open it.
Usually I just hide. I'm a big chicken.
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I confess I am a total wuss when it comes to live flesh and blood people, no matter how grouchy or self absorbed or rude they appear to be.
I cant't help but be cheerful and/or kind. Maybe it's my ego and pride, but somehow I think that I can take the time to be kind to a fellow human. It costs me nothing.
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Great Topic!
If i'm sober and in a "happy" mood i tell nicely to beat it.
If i am intoxicated (i have an alcholic beverage in hand or close by if i am drinking) i play with 'em,or tell em i gotta take my meds.
NEVER EVER EVER!! get to the point where you have to explain your beliefs! Religious people hate "godless sinners born of the Pit of Hell"...erm, i AM "born again" and can "S.I.T."...Damn me, someone please do a study with "S.I.T."ing and a C.A.T. scan to see if it is the same thing mentally as using a ouiji board please?
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I tell them my husband and I both have associates of theology degrees. Every time I've used that line the people say they are glad to see someone taking it so seriously and they leave.
See...they do come in handy!
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Has anybody had any wayfers knock on their door? I used to be paranoid that they would when I first left, so I prepared myself with what I would say to them.
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What would you say?
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I actually got "witnessed to" by some wayfers about 10 years ago, after I had been gone from the cult for quite a while.
I politely told them that I was quite familiar with TWI. And had gotten involved in mid-70's and left in the mid-80's. I told them that I graduated from the 10th corps, and knew VP personally, as well as other members of the family, as well as the trustees. And if there was anything they wanted to know about the history of "the Ministry" and why most of the followers left in the late 80's, I would be happy to sit down and talk with them. Then I gave them my name and phone number. I never saw or heard from them again.
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I just had to do this the other day!! I opened the door and saw white shirts, ties and name tags (not way ones) but nametags!!! I said oh no not today please leave. I don't want to discuss anything with you so just please leave.
Yeah now that I think about it I was pretty nice to them normally I am not especially after a week like this past week I had had.
The time before that I threatened call the police and to press charges on them for tresspassing cuz they didn't leave when I asked them too. They never should have argued with me about what I should want to do. To me they are just another form of telemarketers and I don't want them to come knocking on my door or calling me on my phone
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