It's at the same location as the past several years. Wyndham Anatole Hotel in Dallas 11/25-28. Bet that hotel is sad about the declining numbers attending.
I mean give me a break, air fair is highest at Thanksgiving than any other time of the year, not to mention it is suppose to be a FAMILY holiday. And I just kept going to them, duh! My but one would think I had to go again this year. Moving on now... -->
That's done so that when TWIt goes surfing for those names, they won't find them.
The names don't need to be totally obliterated, just rendered unsearchable.
It is legal, yes, but when there are responses in these threads that mention those names - and that happens frequently - then that can open Pawtucket up to liability, potentially. It's easier to just put an asterisk here and there.
I would not presume that becasue TWI repackaged the 'Four D's of Doulos Doings' that Martindale was still pulling the strings. That's a pretty big leap.
Hey Goey - you were probably long gone by the time PoP was read and LCM came out of his "fog" - so you may not be aware of what happened after that time.
Every song written by people who left TWI was removed from the "Sing Along The Way" song book (with the exception of those that were copyright by TWI). All the books and collaterals that were written by clergy who left TWI (like Walter C., JAL and others), were removed from TWI's book store. Any music that was written and performed by Way Prod. who were no longer standing was no longer sold at any ministry function - and those of us who had the old tapes were instructed not to play them as background music before or after fellowships.
Why? Because they were all written and/or performed by "cop-outs" and were considered "old wine skins" - or worse, a dog returning to its own vomit.
Even VPW's teachings and classes were included in that category for a while, unless they were cited in a Way Rag or STS Teaching. We were not to listen to the old tapes we may have had in our closets - and were actually told that it was best to throw them out all together.
IMO, the fact that they haven't gotten rid of LCM's books, teachings and "present truth" tells me that they still consider his words to be the words of the MOG. To my knowledge, they haven't refuted anything he's taught. I don't even think they've even come out and said simply and succinctly that adultery is always wrong in any situation (some innie please correct me if I'm wrong - it's been 4 years since wegotout).
So - again, IMO, if they got rid of all the other cop-out authored teachings and sharings because these people had "turned their backs on God and the household", why haven't they ditched the works of the man who not only committed adultery multiple times, but lied about it for years and years as well?
IMO - because I think they still consider what he taught to be THEEEEE word of God from the Man of God - the present truth, the new light, and therefore, this man is still respected and revered because of his words. He's still in charge spiritually because the powers-that-be at TWI have allowed his classes to be taught, his book to be read and his old teachings to be regurgitated again and again in Way Magazine articles and Sunday services.
IMO (and it will continue to be my opinion, WayGB), until they get rid of all of LCM's trappings - they'll be beholden to him and he will continue to be their MOG.
HopeR... it's after reading posts like yours that I just slap myself up the side of mah haid and say "this crap happens and they're still in!?!?!"... scary, very scary...
glad you're back from your little "home visit"... I know you had fun!
quote:So - again, IMO, if they got rid of all the other cop-out authored teachings and sharings because these people had "turned their backs on God and the household", why haven't they ditched the works of the man who not only committed adultery multiple times, but lied about it for years and years as well?
Because committing adultery and lying about it is not as bad in twi-2,3 world as turning your back on God and the household, and/or getting marked and avoided.
Another possible reason why they haven't ditched his teachings is, because they have nothing better to replace them with right now. It's the best that's avaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil able.
True, true, oldies - turning your back on the household is just about the worst sin a man can commit in TWI-land.
I thought about the fact they don't have anything better than LCM's teachings to offer - sad, isn't it?
Now, don't jump all over me folks, but for those who haven't taken WAP - PFAL might be a just bit more easy to swallow than Craigger's class. If I were in charge down on the farm - I'd somehow figure out how to correct the obvious errors in PFAL and teach that class live.
I know you're lurking out there Mr. F & Mr. L - maybe you could suggest that to Rosary. Touting LCM's teachings aren't a good idea, IMO. First of all - they don't make much sense (Eve was a what??). Second - the man has been weighed in the balances - and on the internet - and in the ex-way community - and in the current TWI household - and has been found quite wanting. And third - dead men are easier to defend. Why I'll bet there are still plenty of Wierville worshippers out there who would be very supportive if you promoted VP's stuff as a "back to basics" revival. You might even win some cop-outs back who left after PoP.
I'm really not trying to help - just trying to show how illogical it is for the powers in TWI to show so much enthusiasm for a class that left most people dazed and confused - and was taught by someone who no longer "stands in the gap" for them or anyone else.
The fact that LCM's class was A LOT harder to swallow was established for me when the local leadership, after the airing of the "Eve" segment, commented on how difficult that was to comprehend/accept. I'd been thinking the same thing - I was A/V at that class - but didn't DARE voice it. She was WC and said it and she'd sat thru that class several times.
It seems like nothing has changed - just a few names and that was only to protect the guilty!
Jonifer, I believe insurgent may not be able to offer any articles at this time due to work. Please check out "Bittersweet" in "Open". So in their needed absence I put together a brief (yea right) of the article. I trust it will be fine by insurgent.
I will refer to "we" to make it easier for my conveyance.
Building upon a Solid Foundation by M**k R**chards
"As workers together with God, we earnestly desire to grow in our ability to edify and build up the Church according to God's plan. We are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we seek to build according to God's blueprint for the ages, which is His Holy Word."
Refers to II Tim 3:16 and how we can draw upon and learn from all the Word. The blueprints being the seven epistles stating they set the doctrine and true standard for our believing. "Once we know the specifications we can build upon them."
Quoted from STS "We have one standard that we attempt to adhere to in the ministry when it comes to building, and that is, we do not build anything without a set of plans. A set of blueprints helps us get clear and concerned and focused on what it is we want, and it helps us eliminate the temptation to get distracted by considering things we don't want."
He speaks of his secular occupation closing with "The home's outcome is determined by how well the final plans are designed in detail and how well the project is coordinated among all aspects of the building process." "If building a physical home requires such deliberation and planning, we can be assured that God's version for building His household far surpasses any design of man."
Refers to I Corn 3:9 and how we "labor for God for rise and expansion, to cultivate and to perpetuate this building God has made for His home." Quotes VPW's "God's Dwelling Place".
Refers to I Corn 3:16, 6:16 and how God wants us to dwell in (oikos) with Him, "to abide in a tender family, a household in which we learn and grow."
Refers to Eph 2:19 and how we now have access to God via the new birth therefore are no longer wandering around without a home. "We are His sons and daughters in His household."
Refers to Eph 2:20-22 and how God is the architect that designed and built us for His dwelling place. Not being available until Jesus Christ became the cornerstone. Defines cornerstone, including quoting Matt 21:42.
Refers to Luke 6:47-49 and how Jesus Christ laid out how to build upon the solid rock as well as the consequences for not doing so "when the elements of the world beat vehemently, what has been built will be ruined and lost." Refers to the children's song "the wise man built his house upon the rock." "We take heed how we build upon that foundation that God laid in Christ Jesus and the apostles and prophets."
Gives example of a building he worked in that did not have the necessary support and how it began to move. Mentions shifting sand and refers to Psa 11:3. And tells how this applies to the ministry. "The reason TWI has continued for over sixty years is that it is built upon the Word of God, which is faithful."
Refers to I Corn 3:9-11 and how Paul received the grand vision, plans, blueprints, Grace Administration via the seven epistles.
"God has given us a complete set of tools and resources that are crucial to the building's beauty, longevity, maintenance, and worth." Stating the first and most important is to utilize the Word being the only measure and standard, being the stability of our times.
Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. "It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity." "With the help of the gift ministries, we continue to improve ourselves no matter what our stage of growth or season of life because we want to give, to edify others, and to build up the Temple of God to His glory."
Refers to Gal 6:10 "God wants us to do good to everyone at every opportunity, to manifest love and grace we have been given." "The proper balance to keeping our own priorities and making the time to bless others as stated in Prov 3:27."
Refers to Rom 14:19 "We are to have the mind-set to follow after, or diligently pursue, things that build each other up. Every one of us is so blessed when someone tells us or writes a note of thanks for something that hit the sweet spot and helped renew their mind or healed their heart. Pursing edification is a life-style and a long suit that can be developed more and more as we apply this powerful verse."
Refers to I Corn 14:26 "In a home fellowship, we want to be sure that all things are done to build up the entire church body. This takes planning, preparation, and practice."
Refers to I Thes 5:11 "There is a great resource of comfort and edification in the household. We learn to speak the right thing at the right time, appropriately, to edify. In the household we learn to set priorities-determining what needs attention, what can wait-and how to give with no strings attached. We also learn to give and receive with an attitude of gratitude."
Refers to I John 4:19 stating the love relationship between God and the household of believers. Mentioning Gal 5:22 "activates by causing our doing." And Gal 5:6 "love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation that energizes our believing."
Battery charged and renewed minds, "see people not where they are now, but where they can be, painting a clear picture for them of living the Word that they can believe and achieve."
"The relationship in the household between disciples and the gift ministries in operation involves love and mutual believing. When these qualities are manifested, God energizes magnificent things. There is great mending and maturing growth from the edification that results, bringing great goodness and power to believers in the church."
Rewards now and the future and how that is an aspect of the Hope.
Refers to Heb 11:6 "God is just and keeps the score."
Refers to Phil 2:16-17 stating how we are to keep the finish line in goal looking forward to Christ's return. "Not only do we have the joy of serving now, seeing ourselves and others mature in the household, but also we have rewards in store for joyful and loving service when Christ returns."
Refers to I Corn 15:58 "God has given us all we need to edify and build up His household." Recaping how we have the blueprints, resources, gift ministries. "His love will not wear out with use, rather they will cause our lives to become better, sharper, and our efforts more accurate." Laboring in love, growing together, immediate and eternal benefits as we build upon the foundation according to God's plan.
1. "As workers together with God, we earnestly desire to grow in our ability to edify and build up the Church according to God's plan. We are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we seek to build according to God's blueprint for the ages, which is His Holy Word."
I as assuming that in WayLand that "the church" still means just them?
2. "Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. 'It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity.'"
Just like I remember. More and more what one is supposed to do but not how to do it. Or did I miss it somewhere? Admittedly, this is a summary but my bet is that it's not in there.
3. "Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. "It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity." "With the help of the gift ministries, we continue to improve ourselves no matter what our stage of growth or season of life because we want to give, to edify others, and to build up the Temple of God to His glory."
More of what we do but not how to do it. Why not just print a booklet that says "you should read out books, memorize them, give us your money and listen to us at all times?" Are there ever articles in the Way Rag that are NOT about:
1. Following your leaders is the key to anything good
2. Why living in TWI is so cool
2. Planning (Ironic as TWI directs so much of your daily life. But it's still your fault when the plan fails)
3. Recruiting new Way people (Getting born again or living for God outside of TWI is NOOOOOt enough!)
4. Vague direction to "believe" for things without instruction on how exactly that works.
5. Sugar-coated reports about goings-on in TWI-land. "The Way Disciples were moving forward with the Word by... blah blah blah. [insert example of glassy-eyed follower gushing about how they hoodwinked unsuspecting recruit prospect to come to their house not long after arriving in Palookahville"
It's hard to find your way regarding what they think is the church, family of God, body of Christ and household. They share what God's Word says about it then buries it in qualifications defined by them. Why I think it was so hard for some to leave them, there was truth mixed in. If it had been outlandish mind tricks all the time few would have stayed IMO.
The "how to do it" is referred to by stating the Word has the blueprints. But the point I saw was without the confines of their household even if you could understand them you would not reap the desired results. Repeatedly "within the household" was stated.
From front to back the magazine continues to remind people to stay in the household.
Now let's all go tip-toe through the tulips (ugh I hated that song). -->
JT, you mentioned it in your observations, but left it out of your list:
6. Give us your money. God only honors proper giving and that would be to "give back to the ministry that taught you the Word."
Even the STS is always about these same topics. Nothing new under the sun. They must subscribe to the philosphy that if you say it enough times ("Stay in the household or bad things will happen. TWI is the greatest ministry.") and people will eventually believe it.
There is no substance to their teachings. I wonder if there ever were or if I was so desperate for answers when I got involved that it just seemed like they had substance to their teachings.
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Hundreds? They used to max out at 3000 at the Dallas hotel. Must be a lot smaller these days.
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Tom Strange
So... where's it gonna be? We could have a GSC Weenie Roast there!
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Oh, that would be fun! Since it's Texas, should they be big weenies? Oh, I'm sorry, they'll be inside. ;-)
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It's at the same location as the past several years. Wyndham Anatole Hotel in Dallas 11/25-28. Bet that hotel is sad about the declining numbers attending.
I mean give me a break, air fair is highest at Thanksgiving than any other time of the year, not to mention it is suppose to be a FAMILY holiday. And I just kept going to them, duh! My but one would think I had to go again this year. Moving on now...
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Tom Strange
in Dallas again??? gee... maybe the family will come visit...
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It's perfectly legal to name the author of a published article.
I don't see the need to hide them behind asteriks.
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That's done so that when TWIt goes surfing for those names, they won't find them.
The names don't need to be totally obliterated, just rendered unsearchable.
It is legal, yes, but when there are responses in these threads that mention those names - and that happens frequently - then that can open Pawtucket up to liability, potentially. It's easier to just put an asterisk here and there.
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Everything is bigger in Texas!
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Except -- perhaps -- the ACS!!
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Hope R.
Hey Goey - you were probably long gone by the time PoP was read and LCM came out of his "fog" - so you may not be aware of what happened after that time.
Every song written by people who left TWI was removed from the "Sing Along The Way" song book (with the exception of those that were copyright by TWI). All the books and collaterals that were written by clergy who left TWI (like Walter C., JAL and others), were removed from TWI's book store. Any music that was written and performed by Way Prod. who were no longer standing was no longer sold at any ministry function - and those of us who had the old tapes were instructed not to play them as background music before or after fellowships.
Why? Because they were all written and/or performed by "cop-outs" and were considered "old wine skins" - or worse, a dog returning to its own vomit.
Even VPW's teachings and classes were included in that category for a while, unless they were cited in a Way Rag or STS Teaching. We were not to listen to the old tapes we may have had in our closets - and were actually told that it was best to throw them out all together.
IMO, the fact that they haven't gotten rid of LCM's books, teachings and "present truth" tells me that they still consider his words to be the words of the MOG. To my knowledge, they haven't refuted anything he's taught. I don't even think they've even come out and said simply and succinctly that adultery is always wrong in any situation (some innie please correct me if I'm wrong - it's been 4 years since wegotout).
So - again, IMO, if they got rid of all the other cop-out authored teachings and sharings because these people had "turned their backs on God and the household", why haven't they ditched the works of the man who not only committed adultery multiple times, but lied about it for years and years as well?
IMO - because I think they still consider what he taught to be THEEEEE word of God from the Man of God - the present truth, the new light, and therefore, this man is still respected and revered because of his words. He's still in charge spiritually because the powers-that-be at TWI have allowed his classes to be taught, his book to be read and his old teachings to be regurgitated again and again in Way Magazine articles and Sunday services.
IMO (and it will continue to be my opinion, WayGB), until they get rid of all of LCM's trappings - they'll be beholden to him and he will continue to be their MOG.
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ROTFLMAO! Plenty of "hot Bible", plenty o' food (that you paid for) and plenty of places to sit (no pun intended)!
Let's see, latest WayRag...
Insurgent, any more articles read yet?
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Tom Strange
HopeR... it's after reading posts like yours that I just slap myself up the side of mah haid and say "this crap happens and they're still in!?!?!"... scary, very scary...
glad you're back from your little "home visit"... I know you had fun!
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Because committing adultery and lying about it is not as bad in twi-2,3 world as turning your back on God and the household, and/or getting marked and avoided.
Another possible reason why they haven't ditched his teachings is, because they have nothing better to replace them with right now. It's the best that's avaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil able.
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Hope R.
True, true, oldies - turning your back on the household is just about the worst sin a man can commit in TWI-land.
I thought about the fact they don't have anything better than LCM's teachings to offer - sad, isn't it?
Now, don't jump all over me folks, but for those who haven't taken WAP - PFAL might be a just bit more easy to swallow than Craigger's class. If I were in charge down on the farm - I'd somehow figure out how to correct the obvious errors in PFAL and teach that class live.
I know you're lurking out there Mr. F & Mr. L - maybe you could suggest that to Rosary. Touting LCM's teachings aren't a good idea, IMO. First of all - they don't make much sense (Eve was a what??). Second - the man has been weighed in the balances - and on the internet - and in the ex-way community - and in the current TWI household - and has been found quite wanting. And third - dead men are easier to defend. Why I'll bet there are still plenty of Wierville worshippers out there who would be very supportive if you promoted VP's stuff as a "back to basics" revival. You might even win some cop-outs back who left after PoP.
I'm really not trying to help - just trying to show how illogical it is for the powers in TWI to show so much enthusiasm for a class that left most people dazed and confused - and was taught by someone who no longer "stands in the gap" for them or anyone else.
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The fact that LCM's class was A LOT harder to swallow was established for me when the local leadership, after the airing of the "Eve" segment, commented on how difficult that was to comprehend/accept. I'd been thinking the same thing - I was A/V at that class - but didn't DARE voice it. She was WC and said it and she'd sat thru that class several times.
It seems like nothing has changed - just a few names and that was only to protect the guilty!
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what about the "Building Upon a Solid Foundation" article?
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Jonifer, I believe insurgent may not be able to offer any articles at this time due to work. Please check out "Bittersweet" in "Open". So in their needed absence I put together a brief (yea right) of the article. I trust it will be fine by insurgent.
I will refer to "we" to make it easier for my conveyance.
Building upon a Solid Foundation by M**k R**chards
"As workers together with God, we earnestly desire to grow in our ability to edify and build up the Church according to God's plan. We are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we seek to build according to God's blueprint for the ages, which is His Holy Word."
Refers to II Tim 3:16 and how we can draw upon and learn from all the Word. The blueprints being the seven epistles stating they set the doctrine and true standard for our believing. "Once we know the specifications we can build upon them."
Quoted from STS "We have one standard that we attempt to adhere to in the ministry when it comes to building, and that is, we do not build anything without a set of plans. A set of blueprints helps us get clear and concerned and focused on what it is we want, and it helps us eliminate the temptation to get distracted by considering things we don't want."
He speaks of his secular occupation closing with "The home's outcome is determined by how well the final plans are designed in detail and how well the project is coordinated among all aspects of the building process." "If building a physical home requires such deliberation and planning, we can be assured that God's version for building His household far surpasses any design of man."
Refers to I Corn 3:9 and how we "labor for God for rise and expansion, to cultivate and to perpetuate this building God has made for His home." Quotes VPW's "God's Dwelling Place".
Refers to I Corn 3:16, 6:16 and how God wants us to dwell in (oikos) with Him, "to abide in a tender family, a household in which we learn and grow."
Refers to Eph 2:19 and how we now have access to God via the new birth therefore are no longer wandering around without a home. "We are His sons and daughters in His household."
Refers to Eph 2:20-22 and how God is the architect that designed and built us for His dwelling place. Not being available until Jesus Christ became the cornerstone. Defines cornerstone, including quoting Matt 21:42.
Refers to Luke 6:47-49 and how Jesus Christ laid out how to build upon the solid rock as well as the consequences for not doing so "when the elements of the world beat vehemently, what has been built will be ruined and lost." Refers to the children's song "the wise man built his house upon the rock." "We take heed how we build upon that foundation that God laid in Christ Jesus and the apostles and prophets."
Gives example of a building he worked in that did not have the necessary support and how it began to move. Mentions shifting sand and refers to Psa 11:3. And tells how this applies to the ministry. "The reason TWI has continued for over sixty years is that it is built upon the Word of God, which is faithful."
Refers to I Corn 3:9-11 and how Paul received the grand vision, plans, blueprints, Grace Administration via the seven epistles.
"God has given us a complete set of tools and resources that are crucial to the building's beauty, longevity, maintenance, and worth." Stating the first and most important is to utilize the Word being the only measure and standard, being the stability of our times.
Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. "It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity." "With the help of the gift ministries, we continue to improve ourselves no matter what our stage of growth or season of life because we want to give, to edify others, and to build up the Temple of God to His glory."
Refers to Gal 6:10 "God wants us to do good to everyone at every opportunity, to manifest love and grace we have been given." "The proper balance to keeping our own priorities and making the time to bless others as stated in Prov 3:27."
Refers to Rom 14:19 "We are to have the mind-set to follow after, or diligently pursue, things that build each other up. Every one of us is so blessed when someone tells us or writes a note of thanks for something that hit the sweet spot and helped renew their mind or healed their heart. Pursing edification is a life-style and a long suit that can be developed more and more as we apply this powerful verse."
Refers to I Corn 14:26 "In a home fellowship, we want to be sure that all things are done to build up the entire church body. This takes planning, preparation, and practice."
Refers to I Thes 5:11 "There is a great resource of comfort and edification in the household. We learn to speak the right thing at the right time, appropriately, to edify. In the household we learn to set priorities-determining what needs attention, what can wait-and how to give with no strings attached. We also learn to give and receive with an attitude of gratitude."
Refers to I John 4:19 stating the love relationship between God and the household of believers. Mentioning Gal 5:22 "activates by causing our doing." And Gal 5:6 "love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation that energizes our believing."
Battery charged and renewed minds, "see people not where they are now, but where they can be, painting a clear picture for them of living the Word that they can believe and achieve."
"The relationship in the household between disciples and the gift ministries in operation involves love and mutual believing. When these qualities are manifested, God energizes magnificent things. There is great mending and maturing growth from the edification that results, bringing great goodness and power to believers in the church."
Rewards now and the future and how that is an aspect of the Hope.
Refers to Heb 11:6 "God is just and keeps the score."
Refers to Phil 2:16-17 stating how we are to keep the finish line in goal looking forward to Christ's return. "Not only do we have the joy of serving now, seeing ourselves and others mature in the household, but also we have rewards in store for joyful and loving service when Christ returns."
Refers to I Corn 15:58 "God has given us all we need to edify and build up His household." Recaping how we have the blueprints, resources, gift ministries. "His love will not wear out with use, rather they will cause our lives to become better, sharper, and our efforts more accurate." Laboring in love, growing together, immediate and eternal benefits as we build upon the foundation according to God's plan.
quotes and titles copyright twi 2004
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Quotes from house's summary:
1. "As workers together with God, we earnestly desire to grow in our ability to edify and build up the Church according to God's plan. We are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we seek to build according to God's blueprint for the ages, which is His Holy Word."
I as assuming that in WayLand that "the church" still means just them?
2. "Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. 'It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity.'"
Just like I remember. More and more what one is supposed to do but not how to do it. Or did I miss it somewhere? Admittedly, this is a summary but my bet is that it's not in there.
3. "Refers to Eph 4:11-13 gift ministries given as resources for edification. "It takes perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ collectively to spiritually complete the continuing process of maturity." "With the help of the gift ministries, we continue to improve ourselves no matter what our stage of growth or season of life because we want to give, to edify others, and to build up the Temple of God to His glory."
More of what we do but not how to do it. Why not just print a booklet that says "you should read out books, memorize them, give us your money and listen to us at all times?" Are there ever articles in the Way Rag that are NOT about:
1. Following your leaders is the key to anything good
2. Why living in TWI is so cool
2. Planning (Ironic as TWI directs so much of your daily life. But it's still your fault when the plan fails)
3. Recruiting new Way people (Getting born again or living for God outside of TWI is NOOOOOt enough!)
4. Vague direction to "believe" for things without instruction on how exactly that works.
5. Sugar-coated reports about goings-on in TWI-land. "The Way Disciples were moving forward with the Word by... blah blah blah. [insert example of glassy-eyed follower gushing about how they hoodwinked unsuspecting recruit prospect to come to their house not long after arriving in Palookahville"
Did I leave a topic out?
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It's hard to find your way regarding what they think is the church, family of God, body of Christ and household. They share what God's Word says about it then buries it in qualifications defined by them. Why I think it was so hard for some to leave them, there was truth mixed in. If it had been outlandish mind tricks all the time few would have stayed IMO.
The "how to do it" is referred to by stating the Word has the blueprints. But the point I saw was without the confines of their household even if you could understand them you would not reap the desired results. Repeatedly "within the household" was stated.
From front to back the magazine continues to remind people to stay in the household.
Now let's all go tip-toe through the tulips (ugh I hated that song).
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That's the TWI way.
JT, you mentioned it in your observations, but left it out of your list:
6. Give us your money. God only honors proper giving and that would be to "give back to the ministry that taught you the Word."
Even the STS is always about these same topics. Nothing new under the sun. They must subscribe to the philosphy that if you say it enough times ("Stay in the household or bad things will happen. TWI is the greatest ministry.") and people will eventually believe it.
There is no substance to their teachings. I wonder if there ever were or if I was so desperate for answers when I got involved that it just seemed like they had substance to their teachings.
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J0nny Ling0
Good questions CC,
especially the one about whether or not the younguns after college and careers return to active involvement with The Way..
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