And Robin A. dancing around looking like a gd fool! I used to CRINGE!
And though I adored Brian B's music, talent and performances - puleeze -
"my country tis of thee
sweet land of liberty
O say can you see what's goin' on?"
Anything contrived was usually awful - and believe me, I wrote some of them, so I know how bad they were.
For me, it was easy to tell what songs came from the gut and what was written upon request.
Even the best writers/performers (IMO) in TWI wrote some pretty bad lyrics every now and then. They were mostly songs about the PFAL class, or some VPW/LCM catch-phrase that was going around at the time.
Socks - remember when all our lyrics were scrutinized? I wrote a song I was proud of, and someone who knew nothing about music or poetry or heart took it apart - ruined the rhyme and the rhythm - all for the sake of accuracy!!! EEEEK again!
Then come on down to my house, and I will let you in!"
We changed the words to "He Arose" when a bunch of us were at the Way Texas farm and it had rained and rained for days:
"Up from the mud we arose
With cu-cum-bers stuck between our toes!"
There were more - Joe Maestri used to change the words of a lot of Way Prod songs - I can't think of any right now - but they were hysterical.
Oh - one of them was a song that had the lyric: run thru a troop and leap over a wall. He changed it to: "step in some poop and slide into a wall". What fun!
Morning wake-up song, huh? I can roflmao picturing these adults doing that, sorry! I remember my little sister learning that song in preschool, but it was like this (referring to Abraham in the Bible):
It was ALL awful. At best the songs were advertising jingles, at worst... well they were farking nauseating.
I never bought a single "Way Prod" album (though somebody did give me TWI Orchestra tape once). To somebody who LOVES jazz and instrumental stuff performed by people who really knew how (Joe Venutti, Django Reinhardt, Joe Pass, Kenny Burell, Martin Taylor, Art Tatum, etc.), listening to WayWorld stuff was physically painful.
"The Worst" may be a little hard to come up with, given the sheer volume of choices, but "The Attic of Your Mind" or "PFAL" would have to be in the running...
I suppose that if you believe that Trinitarianism, homosexuality, and other forms of idolatry are fine, then I can see why you might object to Tom Burke's songs. (God had no problem with ridiculing idolatry -- take a look at 1 Kings 18.) Of course, maybe it's those doctrines that drove some of you out of TWI, anyway.
What annoyed me the most were songs whose lyrics were changed to be more "accurate," in the process ruining the rhyme and/or meter. And often the "corrected" versions were no more Biblically correct than the original.
Remember when Claudett R@yal would sing "I'v been born again"? Something about sitting at a busstop at 6am. and it was raining. Well remember the part where she somehow grawls her vioce? I always thought she was cleaning out her lungs. :D-->
But I did love when she sang "Preciuos Lord". That gave me a chill.
I was never in the official WAY corp. But, was taught by people who were. I loved it at first and then all of sudden things started to get very judgemental and everything was my fault. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found this website because I have great bitterness toward words uttered and blame my husband for getting me involved with the group. Re: the song -- Roll away, roll away, roll away where you have to do hand movements with it and stand up. My leader kicked people out of fellowship that wouldn't participate with it. Very nice -- when people are shy, let's rip the world of God away.
Haha. It's funny because even though I've never been to the Way Corp. in Ohio, all of these post make complete sense to me. I was taught it all. It wasn't until this past Feb. when I finally hit bottom and was like -- this sucks.
Given, I have learned alot, but it's the judgements thrown about -- "you're not believing", "you're not renewing your mind" -- on and on. Oh and the Advanced classes where Nancy Regan was blamed for ruining Ronald's presidency by contacting Psychics. It may be all in well true -- as I know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, it's spirit, but it just seem the whole point is to throw blame on someone else. I don't know. I recently finished reading "the way - living in love" and it was the creapiest thing I've ever read. Stepford wife syndrome.
Oh, and I forgot to add that every conversation opened with "When are you getting rid of those cats?" Like they were the plague. Sorry, I know this is a Song topic discussion - There was just something odd singing from the Sing Along the Way books with no music and then the "leader" getting ....ed that no one could carry a tune and how are we to represent the word of God as future leaders if we can't get melodies straight. JoY.
Very nice -- when people are shy, let's rip the world of God away.
quote:I recently finished reading "the way - living in love" and it was the creapiest thing I've ever read. Stepford wife syndrome.
quote:There was just something odd singing from the Sing Along the Way books with no music and then the "leader" getting ....ed that no one could carry a tune and how are we to represent the word of God as future leaders if we can't get melodies straight. JoY.
JustThinking offered the chair, Raf the coffee, and I would like to offer "you said volumes in three small posts". Welcome! :)-->
Raf, the song you asked about at the start of this thread was called "Country In My Veins", it's off the first Branded tape. Being a rock & roller from New York I always hated that song and would fast forward through it.
Socks, are we ever going to see the Joyful Noise albums sold as CD's on that "Music By Believers" web site. I've got CD's of Joyful Noise Vol. 1-3 and America Awakes that some one apparently mastered off the master tapes and passed on to some ex-way clergy, including my local clergy and I've love to hear the other albums on CD.
Dunno, Tommy. I've got a semi-large vinyl collection and have played with moving the audio over to digital stereo, mastered and then burned them to CD. It's fairly time consuming that way, but it works out. Someone wrote me out of the blue last year and asked if I had anything so I sent them what I had. No idea who they were really, but I guess they got them.
To sidebar for a second, I heard about the CD set you refer to long after the fact. I really don't even know if they were made from the master tapes or copies. The person who did them felt he had the right, I guess. I didn't mind, but it intrigued me that someone else apparently felt enough ownership of the collections to do that. In that sense, they were recorded in the spirit of them being owned by "the ministry". I can't swear by it cut for cut, but the songs themselves that were written and recorded by Joyful Noise were copyrighted to the Way - for the most part and "as far as I know". I had no problem doing that. I was employed by the Way, in the Way Corps and working in Way Productions and my job was to play music, write songs, perform, etc. It wasn't that cut and dried of course, there was a huge amount of personal ownership of the songs, lyrics, etc. because they were being written "from the heart", even when they were written to a theme idea that was proposed. But in the same way the company that I work for owns the computer applications that I write or training materials I develop, the Way owned the music I wrote because they were paying me to write it and because in most cases, I gave the copyright to them.
Still and all, the music was recorded in the spirit of a family effort. I am absolutely certain the current Way has no interest whatsoever in that old music. They haven't duplicated it, used it, performed it or done anything at all with it in many years and some of the material in question was written over 30 years ago. So personally I have no problem with duplicating it or anyone else doing it. Out of respect for the other contributors I wouldn't do a large scale "formal" duplication effort without the agreement of the primary contributors though, but that's because I participated in it. I've long been out of touch with some of the folks involved and it would seem the courteous thing to do, but that's me. Some ex-Wayfers could give a damn about that kind of thing - when they want something they just do it. I suppose they may still feel there's an echelon of those "still standing" ex-Wayfers who carry on the ancient traditions and rituals and apparently one of those is self-service. (not referring to you TommyZ, or the individual duplication of the music, just the formal duplicating of the collections for distribution to a select few).
Hey John how be ya.Yeah it was me who wrote We Dig ThE word While We Did The Coal and for your info I was born and raised in the coal mines of Wv.and some of my family died from complcations of balck lung.My Grandfather told me the story of We Dig The Word so many years later I made it into a song.
GeogeAar you sure do not like my old music at all as per Attic Of Your Mind and that's fine with me,A couple of years ago I got a phone call from a lady I did not know and she was not an exwayfer and she related to me that she was on the verge of commiting sucide but started playing Attic Of Yor Mind and decided to go on rether then go out.There is more to this story but i'e too long for typing George if for no other reason I wrote and recorded that song it was worth it all I'm sure if you had to listen to it over and over you would commit sucide eh! ha ha
La Procahine sorry about my song you dislike Ready To Go that was recorded thirty years ago and you stiil recall it? You know the last thing to go from your brain cells are lyrics and music so suffer ha ha
Exe while rehearsing with The Victors they kept singing Were Bulding A Bridge and not More Beer In The Fridge.I like your version better. hee! hee!
Hey you guys and gals why do we have to hammer on one another and be so unkind.We all are dong the best we can do.
NOt sure if God, even though He may hate sin, would want us to sing about it and make fun of it. I think the Homo song and Tinitarian song were out of line. I have read Romans 1 too as well as John 17 where it says Jesus Christ was going to return to His Father and share in the glory He had with Himbeforehand....hmmm....seems to me that I was taught that if ONE verse contradicted a clear verse, we had to understand it in light of the many other verses about the same subject.
quote: Note to dmiller: having alienated half of GSpot by saying I hate country, I LOVE bluegrass! Have had the fun of listening to Roger Sprung here, an old-time banjo man who, if he doesn't know EVERY song in the book, can fake it so you'd think he does! And still loves to jam at every opportunity....
Shaz -- I had MANY of Roger's Folkways Recordings back 30 plus years ago. Sadly, I do not have them today, but I remember how well he picked. :)-->
While Blue Grass is not "sacred" to me, it is the "music of preference", at my house. There is nothing finer than having the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, and bass, swatting out a tune with some vocals tossed in for good measure.
twi took the term "Blue Grass" and turned it into "True Grass", because "Blue" somehow indicated a negative, --> and we can't have that can we???
PFAL 77 -- I got a chance to "trade licks" on stage with Randy De*****. Both of us picking banjo, and having a fun time doing so!
Once was a time Bluegrass was an accepted form of music at twi, and they had to go and change the name to suit their whatever-ya-want-to-call-it. :(--> Their feeble attempt to be "politically correct" in the "spiritual" sense.
I liked that song 'Who's kidding who'. In fall of '79 there were two or three weeks in a row where Joyful Noise played that song before the teaching on the SNS tape. I liked THAT version better than the one that ended up on Breakthrough's first tape 5 years later. It just seemed to move smoother.
I used to sing 'Country in my veins' imitating Mick Jagger's voice. You didn't want to do that around some people.
Speaking of bluegrass vs truegrass, I am seriously wondering if the OT book of Lamentations were songs: BLUES SONGS! In 2 Chronicles 35:25 it says the singing men and women spake of Josiah (recently deceased king) in their lamentations...did you catch that? The SINGING men and women. Blues MEANS lament anyway, doesn't it? If you're singing the blues you're lamenting something.
I think we had very talented musicians in TWI but they were kept on a short leash sometimes. Shame.
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exousia, you sick puppy...
(glad I'm not the only one with alternative lyrics to those songs!)
Lo, from the grave he arose,
With little clods of dirt between his toes...
(thank you, CR, that song will never be the same for me ever again!)
Maybe we can change it to a bunch of gardeners in Iowa. THAT we can relate to! You know, "We dig the Word while digging in Des Moines...."
Sowwy...'course, you JN guys never had parody lyrics for any of your songs, you being so spirtchul 'n all...didya?
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Hope R.
"It's not by works, Maggie Muggins
It's not by works,
It's not by works, that you are saved"....
And Robin A. dancing around looking like a gd fool! I used to CRINGE!
And though I adored Brian B's music, talent and performances - puleeze -
"my country tis of thee
sweet land of liberty
O say can you see what's goin' on?"
Anything contrived was usually awful - and believe me, I wrote some of them, so I know how bad they were.
For me, it was easy to tell what songs came from the gut and what was written upon request.
Even the best writers/performers (IMO) in TWI wrote some pretty bad lyrics every now and then. They were mostly songs about the PFAL class, or some VPW/LCM catch-phrase that was going around at the time.
Socks - remember when all our lyrics were scrutinized? I wrote a song I was proud of, and someone who knew nothing about music or poetry or heart took it apart - ruined the rhyme and the rhythm - all for the sake of accuracy!!! EEEEK again!
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Hope R.
"If ever you are tempted to live a life of sin,
Then come on down to my house, and I will let you in!"
We changed the words to "He Arose" when a bunch of us were at the Way Texas farm and it had rained and rained for days:
"Up from the mud we arose
With cu-cum-bers stuck between our toes!"
There were more - Joe Maestri used to change the words of a lot of Way Prod songs - I can't think of any right now - but they were hysterical.
Oh - one of them was a song that had the lyric: run thru a troop and leap over a wall. He changed it to: "step in some poop and slide into a wall". What fun!
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That's the one I THOUGHT you guys meant....
(You can find almost anything online.)
"Farther Along" not only was not a twi-exclusive song, but it was nonsensical
for twi to use this song.
For those of you who took vpw's pfal Foundational class, you may remember when he
got to the part about understanding what terms MEANT, not what they would mean
NOW. One example was the verse "..but the end is not by-and-by". He said this
meant "NEARBY, CLOSE." Therefore, the end is not immediately following what was
spoken of in the verse.
(You remember the segment....."It's not like in the song, 'By the sweet by-and-by'...")
Then you sing "Farther Along"
where "We'll understand it all by-and-by."
We'll understand it "farther along", or "by-and-by"? Later, or very soon?
Why did people look at me like I had 2 heads when I brought that up also?
Once again, tho, we had a song with stanzas missing.
We never heard the last stanza, because it's antithetical to session 1,
segment 1 of pfal. We're supposedly slopping over with financial prosperity,
so we dare not suggest in a song that we're not.
Same problem with the song "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow."
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Did I read a post earlier that said that the song 'Beautiful Ohio' was a tape?
I am shocked if that is the case. I thought for sure that person just got up the way it sounded...hehe
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George Aar
It was ALL awful. At best the songs were advertising jingles, at worst... well they were farking nauseating.
I never bought a single "Way Prod" album (though somebody did give me TWI Orchestra tape once). To somebody who LOVES jazz and instrumental stuff performed by people who really knew how (Joe Venutti, Django Reinhardt, Joe Pass, Kenny Burell, Martin Taylor, Art Tatum, etc.), listening to WayWorld stuff was physically painful.
"The Worst" may be a little hard to come up with, given the sheer volume of choices, but "The Attic of Your Mind" or "PFAL" would have to be in the running...
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I suppose that if you believe that Trinitarianism, homosexuality, and other forms of idolatry are fine, then I can see why you might object to Tom Burke's songs. (God had no problem with ridiculing idolatry -- take a look at 1 Kings 18.) Of course, maybe it's those doctrines that drove some of you out of TWI, anyway.
What annoyed me the most were songs whose lyrics were changed to be more "accurate," in the process ruining the rhyme and/or meter. And often the "corrected" versions were no more Biblically correct than the original.
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Remember when Claudett R@yal would sing "I'v been born again"? Something about sitting at a busstop at 6am. and it was raining. Well remember the part where she somehow grawls her vioce? I always thought she was cleaning out her lungs.
But I did love when she sang "Preciuos Lord". That gave me a chill.
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I was never in the official WAY corp. But, was taught by people who were. I loved it at first and then all of sudden things started to get very judgemental and everything was my fault. Anyhow, I'm glad to have found this website because I have great bitterness toward words uttered and blame my husband for getting me involved with the group. Re: the song -- Roll away, roll away, roll away where you have to do hand movements with it and stand up. My leader kicked people out of fellowship that wouldn't participate with it. Very nice -- when people are shy, let's rip the world of God away.
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Welcome Hooner. Pull up a chair and stay as long as you like.
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ANOTHER new person?
I'm going to have to call Juan Valdez (and his burro Ramon) to order more coffee.
But we still have a few cups left. How do you take your coffee, Hooner?
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Haha. It's funny because even though I've never been to the Way Corp. in Ohio, all of these post make complete sense to me. I was taught it all. It wasn't until this past Feb. when I finally hit bottom and was like -- this sucks.
Given, I have learned alot, but it's the judgements thrown about -- "you're not believing", "you're not renewing your mind" -- on and on. Oh and the Advanced classes where Nancy Regan was blamed for ruining Ronald's presidency by contacting Psychics. It may be all in well true -- as I know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, it's spirit, but it just seem the whole point is to throw blame on someone else. I don't know. I recently finished reading "the way - living in love" and it was the creapiest thing I've ever read. Stepford wife syndrome.
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Oh, and I forgot to add that every conversation opened with "When are you getting rid of those cats?" Like they were the plague. Sorry, I know this is a Song topic discussion - There was just something odd singing from the Sing Along the Way books with no music and then the "leader" getting ....ed that no one could carry a tune and how are we to represent the word of God as future leaders if we can't get melodies straight. JoY.
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JustThinking offered the chair, Raf the coffee, and I would like to offer "you said volumes in three small posts". Welcome!
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Trefor Heywood
Welcome George and Hooner.
Before you equate trinitarianism with idolatry George may I suggest you read some of the reasoned arguments both pro and con the trinity.
And the same regarding homosexuality.
And if you are looking for a dragon - we have one here in Wales - it's red!
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I've read them. And I've read Romans 1, too.
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I used to change the words to "I'm Going to Carry My Bible to School" to "I'm Going to Carry My Rifle to School".
"I know my grades will all be E's cause I'm born of serpent seed..."
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Raf, the song you asked about at the start of this thread was called "Country In My Veins", it's off the first Branded tape. Being a rock & roller from New York I always hated that song and would fast forward through it.
Socks, are we ever going to see the Joyful Noise albums sold as CD's on that "Music By Believers" web site. I've got CD's of Joyful Noise Vol. 1-3 and America Awakes that some one apparently mastered off the master tapes and passed on to some ex-way clergy, including my local clergy and I've love to hear the other albums on CD.
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Dunno, Tommy. I've got a semi-large vinyl collection and have played with moving the audio over to digital stereo, mastered and then burned them to CD. It's fairly time consuming that way, but it works out. Someone wrote me out of the blue last year and asked if I had anything so I sent them what I had. No idea who they were really, but I guess they got them.
To sidebar for a second, I heard about the CD set you refer to long after the fact. I really don't even know if they were made from the master tapes or copies. The person who did them felt he had the right, I guess. I didn't mind, but it intrigued me that someone else apparently felt enough ownership of the collections to do that. In that sense, they were recorded in the spirit of them being owned by "the ministry". I can't swear by it cut for cut, but the songs themselves that were written and recorded by Joyful Noise were copyrighted to the Way - for the most part and "as far as I know". I had no problem doing that. I was employed by the Way, in the Way Corps and working in Way Productions and my job was to play music, write songs, perform, etc. It wasn't that cut and dried of course, there was a huge amount of personal ownership of the songs, lyrics, etc. because they were being written "from the heart", even when they were written to a theme idea that was proposed. But in the same way the company that I work for owns the computer applications that I write or training materials I develop, the Way owned the music I wrote because they were paying me to write it and because in most cases, I gave the copyright to them.
Still and all, the music was recorded in the spirit of a family effort. I am absolutely certain the current Way has no interest whatsoever in that old music. They haven't duplicated it, used it, performed it or done anything at all with it in many years and some of the material in question was written over 30 years ago. So personally I have no problem with duplicating it or anyone else doing it. Out of respect for the other contributors I wouldn't do a large scale "formal" duplication effort without the agreement of the primary contributors though, but that's because I participated in it. I've long been out of touch with some of the folks involved and it would seem the courteous thing to do, but that's me. Some ex-Wayfers could give a damn about that kind of thing - when they want something they just do it. I suppose they may still feel there's an echelon of those "still standing" ex-Wayfers who carry on the ancient traditions and rituals and apparently one of those is self-service. (not referring to you TommyZ, or the individual duplication of the music, just the formal duplicating of the collections for distribution to a select few).
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Hooner -- welcome!
Raf -- I'm willing to make a donation for more cups if you run out!
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TED Ferrell
Hey John how be ya.Yeah it was me who wrote We Dig ThE word While We Did The Coal and for your info I was born and raised in the coal mines of Wv.and some of my family died from complcations of balck lung.My Grandfather told me the story of We Dig The Word so many years later I made it into a song.
GeogeAar you sure do not like my old music at all as per Attic Of Your Mind and that's fine with me,A couple of years ago I got a phone call from a lady I did not know and she was not an exwayfer and she related to me that she was on the verge of commiting sucide but started playing Attic Of Yor Mind and decided to go on rether then go out.There is more to this story but i'e too long for typing George if for no other reason I wrote and recorded that song it was worth it all I'm sure if you had to listen to it over and over you would commit sucide eh! ha ha
La Procahine sorry about my song you dislike Ready To Go that was recorded thirty years ago and you stiil recall it? You know the last thing to go from your brain cells are lyrics and music so suffer ha ha
Exe while rehearsing with The Victors they kept singing Were Bulding A Bridge and not More Beer In The Fridge.I like your version better. hee! hee!
Hey you guys and gals why do we have to hammer on one another and be so unkind.We all are dong the best we can do.
Bye Bye Love to All
Ted F.
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Let's see...what other sin can we sing about?
NOt sure if God, even though He may hate sin, would want us to sing about it and make fun of it. I think the Homo song and Tinitarian song were out of line. I have read Romans 1 too as well as John 17 where it says Jesus Christ was going to return to His Father and share in the glory He had with Himbeforehand....hmmm....seems to me that I was taught that if ONE verse contradicted a clear verse, we had to understand it in light of the many other verses about the same subject.
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Shaz -- I had MANY of Roger's Folkways Recordings back 30 plus years ago. Sadly, I do not have them today, but I remember how well he picked.
While Blue Grass is not "sacred" to me, it is the "music of preference", at my house. There is nothing finer than having the guitar, mandolin, fiddle, banjo, and bass, swatting out a tune with some vocals tossed in for good measure.
twi took the term "Blue Grass" and turned it into "True Grass", because "Blue" somehow indicated a negative,
--> and we can't have that can we??? 
PFAL 77 -- I got a chance to "trade licks" on stage with Randy De*****. Both of us picking banjo, and having a fun time doing so!
Once was a time Bluegrass was an accepted form of music at twi, and they had to go and change the name to suit their whatever-ya-want-to-call-it.
:(--> Their feeble attempt to be "politically correct" in the "spiritual" sense.
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I liked that song 'Who's kidding who'. In fall of '79 there were two or three weeks in a row where Joyful Noise played that song before the teaching on the SNS tape. I liked THAT version better than the one that ended up on Breakthrough's first tape 5 years later. It just seemed to move smoother.
I used to sing 'Country in my veins' imitating Mick Jagger's voice. You didn't want to do that around some people.
Speaking of bluegrass vs truegrass, I am seriously wondering if the OT book of Lamentations were songs: BLUES SONGS! In 2 Chronicles 35:25 it says the singing men and women spake of Josiah (recently deceased king) in their lamentations...did you catch that? The SINGING men and women. Blues MEANS lament anyway, doesn't it? If you're singing the blues you're lamenting something.
I think we had very talented musicians in TWI but they were kept on a short leash sometimes. Shame.
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