Aw common...the all time WORST twi song was *father abraham* preformed with ALL the accompanying movements (shudder) by a room FULL of adults at an open state meeting...I was mortified ...but of course immediatly renewed my mind and participated....attempting to become spiritual enough to understand the deeper truths of this song...
Rrrr.... the whole country thing. Early in my TWI days, I asked about it. "Why is so much of the ministry's music country?" In fact, at the time, it seemed like almost all of it was. The answer I received from my TC and BC was that country music was "hot." Really? This was the late 80s. Was there a huge country revival that I missed? It was the end of the "hair metal" bands ear, as I recall. Grunge would come along not too far in the future.
I always felt so bad for the our folks who weren't caucasian and/or "country" trying to identify with "country in my veins."
You can tell all of them witches, Trinitarians and fags"
Sometimes I wondered how they still called themselves Christian with such controversial lyrics.
Trinitarians are not bad people. I've met quite a few in the past year, and I have to say they express a lot of love. I would never consider them evil. I've met some pretty nice homosexuals too. I haven't met any witches I've known of though. But I'm sure there are a few good-hearted ones out there too. ;)-->
You can tell all of them witches, Trinitarians and fags"
Sometimes I wondered how they still called themselves Christian with such controversial lyrics.
Trinitarians are not bad people. I've met quite a few in the past year, and I have to say they express a lot of love. I would never consider them evil. I've met some pretty nice homosexuals too. I haven't met any witches I've known of though. But I'm sure there are a few good-hearted ones out there too. ;)-->
Yeah, but twi REALLY loves to stick it to the Trinitarians. Under lcm, it was also
quite fashionable to attack homosexuals. (I've heard vpw pick on Trinitarians, but
I didn't catch him pick on homosexuals...which may just mean he hid it better.)
I've met some witches. Some are idiots, a few are good-hearted. One irony is that
Trinitarians might go on the warpath if you're A Christian but not a trin, and
witches-claiming Christians persecute them-sometimes will give Christians a hard
time. The irony of this has not escaped some others of them, who aren't quite so
silly. Usually they don't use the term "witch", either-most of the sensible ones,
anyway. The fake ones who just saw a movie and want to freak the normals ALWAYS
call themselves witches.
Steve!, Raf mentioned which one he meant on page 1, "Plurality Giving", and
explained why. I'm sure he still gets "Beautiful Ohio" flashbacks like the rest
of us do.
"Beatiful Ohio, where dreams come true..." "So I dreamed I KILLED HER!"-
ww.. It was sung a lot when I got involved ...was supposed to get your circulation going...wake you up etc...
*father abraham had two sons...
two sons had faaather aberham
they didn`nt laugh NO!
they didn`t cry NO! ...
this is what they did.....with the RIGHT hand....and you`d sing it all over again with your arm flailing then both then both legs....omg ...we looked like such freaks all singing this song flailing arms and hamds and head.....while we sang...later we found out that it was asong making fun of abraham lincolns autistic or retarded boys....gawd...we HAD to be brainwashed to do such a stupid thing in public.....
Morning wake-up song, huh? I can roflmao picturing these adults doing that, sorry! I remember my little sister learning that song in preschool, but it was like this (referring to Abraham in the Bible):
I agree "Farther Along" was a bad song. It made me feel down-trodden. Like I was some kind of old soul waiting to see Jesus and get some explanation. I never really felt that way because WE HAD ALL THE ANSWERS!!! (not really). But that song really is a bummer. It didn't make me feel excited about God.
Summer school, 1971, first morning on the way to the BRC for some breakfast. Mist coming off the pond, birds chirping. Slight nip in the air and a sweet quaint atmosphere permeating the place, rural, pastoral. Seeing others slowly walking up and in from various spots around the grounds and then suddenly... "Beautiful Ohio" hit the air. Scared the crap out of me, first time.
#1: Ohio IS beautiful! It's that place up north that you non-Buckeyes are confusing us with! ;)-->
Eph 6:10 (?) was the theme verse one year and some poor souls had to write choruses on the theme "Be Strong in The Lord". No offense, but some of them were awful.
Beeeeee strong in the Lord
and the pow-er of His might.
Beeeee strong in the Lord.
Be strong be strong be str-o-ng in the Lord
and the pow-er of His Might.
I dunno. I think they weakened my memory or soemthing.
And "I will not be afraid" with all those screeching high notes.
WG, true, true. Ohio does have a wonderful feel to it. Walking in to that song every morning sometimes made me feel like I was in "Morning of the Living Dead". Sort of an underwatery, slow motion feel..."coming this summer, the movie that will change how you look at your Fig Pep....forever!...they're up, they're awake and they're....hungry!"
Shaz, I hear ya. "Choooo choooooo!" A children's record, a lot of the songs did sound like that come to think of it. Can't recall how the jacket came together, but the front was a collage of stuff laid out and on the back a color photo of a suited VPW, holding a bible and with his left hand tucked up on his hip in one of those photo-studio poses that are supposed to make men look "natural" but in fact look like they're about to say "These heels hurt".
By far the WORST OF THE WORST is "Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Homos."
I always found this song to be offensive and hurtful. Anything that makes fun of anyone, whether it be fat people (LCM loved to tell fat jokes...this ....ed me off, too, since I know many people who were offended but never would say anything since "the man of God" told them...) alcoholics, etc. is not showing the love of God. I recall not laughing at gay jokes in the Corps (LCM loved these too) and was asked why I did not laugh. I disliked it then and still dislike those kind of jokes that put down people who struggle. It is easy to laugh at things you have no problem with.
I always felt sorry for the gal who had to sing it at the ROA's and Corps Weeks. I do not remember her name but my condolences are with her even today.
I always sang, "Beautiful Ohio where the skies are blue,
Who would think that people in the Way would screw?"
It kinda got me through the agony of that song and it got a chuckle out of the people I sang it around whenever it happened to be playing.
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Aw common...the all time WORST twi song was *father abraham* preformed with ALL the accompanying movements (shudder) by a room FULL of adults at an open state meeting...I was mortified ...but of course immediatly renewed my mind and participated....attempting to become spiritual enough to understand the deeper truths of this song...
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Rrrr.... the whole country thing. Early in my TWI days, I asked about it. "Why is so much of the ministry's music country?" In fact, at the time, it seemed like almost all of it was. The answer I received from my TC and BC was that country music was "hot." Really? This was the late 80s. Was there a huge country revival that I missed? It was the end of the "hair metal" bands ear, as I recall. Grunge would come along not too far in the future.
I always felt so bad for the our folks who weren't caucasian and/or "country" trying to identify with "country in my veins."
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Juan Cruz
If my memory serves me right, this was a recording by Pat Boone played over loud speakers, early mornings during the 1971 N.K. Advanced Class -.
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Juan - that was also played at rox o ages
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I'd trade those Singing Air Bags in tent dresses for country music any day of the week.
I also hated Father Abraham.
There is one song with the lyrics:
"We're not gonna drag those who kick and scream."
Our BC played that dang song at every fellowship for months pointing out that verse. I think he was trying to run people off.
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I never heard the "Father Abraham" song in twi,
but it IS a kids' song everywhere else.
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A la prochaine
Chiming in, all time 'not so favourite' song would have to be...
I believe it was on the Joyful Noise #1 or #2 or #3 album...not sure.
The words were sung by Ted Ferrell.
The lyrics were was the melody...
YUK YUK YUK according to my tastes that is!
No offense Ted.
:(--> but it's one of those songs that instantly starts playing in my head and goes on repeat for hours...ahhhhhhhhhh
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Sometimes I wondered how they still called themselves Christian with such controversial lyrics.
Trinitarians are not bad people. I've met quite a few in the past year, and I have to say they express a lot of love. I would never consider them evil. I've met some pretty nice homosexuals too. I haven't met any witches I've known of though. But I'm sure there are a few good-hearted ones out there too.
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So Raf, what song were you referring to in your initial post, anyway?
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Yeah, but twi REALLY loves to stick it to the Trinitarians. Under lcm, it was also
quite fashionable to attack homosexuals. (I've heard vpw pick on Trinitarians, but
I didn't catch him pick on homosexuals...which may just mean he hid it better.)
I've met some witches. Some are idiots, a few are good-hearted. One irony is that
Trinitarians might go on the warpath if you're A Christian but not a trin, and
witches-claiming Christians persecute them-sometimes will give Christians a hard
time. The irony of this has not escaped some others of them, who aren't quite so
silly. Usually they don't use the term "witch", either-most of the sensible ones,
anyway. The fake ones who just saw a movie and want to freak the normals ALWAYS
call themselves witches.
Steve!, Raf mentioned which one he meant on page 1, "Plurality Giving", and
explained why. I'm sure he still gets "Beautiful Ohio" flashbacks like the rest
of us do.
"Beatiful Ohio, where dreams come true..." "So I dreamed I KILLED HER!"-
Raf, before breakfast or a shower.
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ww.. It was sung a lot when I got involved ...was supposed to get your circulation going...wake you up etc...
*father abraham had two sons...
two sons had faaather aberham
they didn`nt laugh NO!
they didn`t cry NO! ...
this is what they did.....with the RIGHT hand....and you`d sing it all over again with your arm flailing then both then both legs....omg ...we looked like such freaks all singing this song flailing arms and hamds and head.....while we sang...later we found out that it was asong making fun of abraham lincolns autistic or retarded boys....gawd...we HAD to be brainwashed to do such a stupid thing in public.....
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Morning wake-up song, huh? I can roflmao picturing these adults doing that, sorry! I remember my little sister learning that song in preschool, but it was like this (referring to Abraham in the Bible):
Father Abraham
Had many sons,
Many sons had Father Abraham,
I am one of them,
and so are you......
Can't remember the rest.
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I agree "Farther Along" was a bad song. It made me feel down-trodden. Like I was some kind of old soul waiting to see Jesus and get some explanation. I never really felt that way because WE HAD ALL THE ANSWERS!!! (not really). But that song really is a bummer. It didn't make me feel excited about God.
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a lA-
Songwriters call that a success.
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Summer school, 1971, first morning on the way to the BRC for some breakfast. Mist coming off the pond, birds chirping. Slight nip in the air and a sweet quaint atmosphere permeating the place, rural, pastoral. Seeing others slowly walking up and in from various spots around the grounds and then suddenly... "Beautiful Ohio" hit the air. Scared the crap out of me, first time.
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Watered Garden
#1: Ohio IS beautiful! It's that place up north that you non-Buckeyes are confusing us with!
Eph 6:10 (?) was the theme verse one year and some poor souls had to write choruses on the theme "Be Strong in The Lord". No offense, but some of them were awful.
Beeeeee strong in the Lord
and the pow-er of His might.
Beeeee strong in the Lord.
Be strong be strong be str-o-ng in the Lord
and the pow-er of His Might.
I dunno. I think they weakened my memory or soemthing.
And "I will not be afraid" with all those screeching high notes.
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WG, true, true. Ohio does have a wonderful feel to it. Walking in to that song every morning sometimes made me feel like I was in "Morning of the Living Dead". Sort of an underwatery, slow motion feel..."coming this summer, the movie that will change how you look at your Fig Pep....forever!...they're up, they're awake and they're....hungry!"
Shaz, I hear ya. "Choooo choooooo!"
A children's record, a lot of the songs did sound like that come to think of it. Can't recall how the jacket came together, but the front was a collage of stuff laid out and on the back a color photo of a suited VPW, holding a bible and with his left hand tucked up on his hip in one of those photo-studio poses that are supposed to make men look "natural" but in fact look like they're about to say "These heels hurt".
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Some more for the yuck list:
Weeeeeee've got the power... to take the Word over the wooooooorld
In fact, with all due respect to the heart of the guy who put that tape together, I thought it was the worst collection of sings I'd ever heard.
The Trinity is idolatry, who's kidding who?
I am a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaf, I am a leeeeee-eeee-eeeeaf...
(I know, I listed that one already. But it deserves to be listed twice).
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I've got peace like a river, Joy like a fountain, Love for my savior in my soul...
Every time I would hear that song, it reminded me fo "100 bottles of beer on the wall."
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gee imbus maybe i would have liked it better had i thought about it that way
i didn't really care for the song "i'm building a bridge" by the victors
i'm building a bridge
i'm building it wide
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A la prochaine
Brat Brother Socks,
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By far the WORST OF THE WORST is "Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Homos."
I always found this song to be offensive and hurtful. Anything that makes fun of anyone, whether it be fat people (LCM loved to tell fat jokes...this ....ed me off, too, since I know many people who were offended but never would say anything since "the man of God" told them...) alcoholics, etc. is not showing the love of God. I recall not laughing at gay jokes in the Corps (LCM loved these too) and was asked why I did not laugh. I disliked it then and still dislike those kind of jokes that put down people who struggle. It is easy to laugh at things you have no problem with.
The next worst song, "Whose Kidding Who?" Yuck.
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Trefor Heywood
I never heard that song!
Hmm wonder what they thought that Mama could do about it?
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Lots of comments about "Beautiful Ohio."
I always felt sorry for the gal who had to sing it at the ROA's and Corps Weeks. I do not remember her name but my condolences are with her even today.
I always sang, "Beautiful Ohio where the skies are blue,
Who would think that people in the Way would screw?"
It kinda got me through the agony of that song and it got a chuckle out of the people I sang it around whenever it happened to be playing.
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