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A movie about TWI?


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UH, I tried to look up Georgina Splevin and I think I set off the nudie alarm in the Network Administrator's office. icon_eek.gif She's too hot to play donna m, don't you think?

do you mean bobby moneyhands?

If so I think Tom Arnold with his hair painted white would be a better fit. icon_razz.gif:P-->

icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> Jerry's Kids icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Good point, Shaz.

Umm, oldiesman, I think that using that name may be going over the line. Current and past BOD members and their wives, current region leaders, current cabinet members of TWIt, etc, are all fair game. I don't think that you intended for that to be insulting to her, although I can see how it could be construed that way.

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You might be correct. But since her name and actions were used and published in "The Cult That Snapped", I think she's fair game. If not, the Greasespot Gods will intervene...

um besides, it was no insult, Kim Cattrall is hot ...

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I'v got the movie theme. "The Empire Srikes Back" ( Waydale and GS strike back)

The Evil Emperor-VPW

Darth Vader-LCM

Rosie-Jabba the Hut

Donna- The goatheaded dancer that was at the end of Jabbas chain.

HA- The general who was constucting the "Death Star" the actors last name is Rothbone I think.


R2D2-(?) Jim Miller

Luke Skywalker- Ralph Duoboski at first then... Then every male that walked away and spoke up against TWI.

Princess Leah- Every female that walked away from TWI and is on there athentic journey to be there own hero.

Chewbacca- Im at a loss. You fill in the blank.

Hans Solo-Fill in the blank here too.

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Actually -- just get the cast of "Are You Being Served?", a Brit-com aired on PBS. There is enough resemblence there in story line (selling wares), personnel "duty", hierarchy, worker disgruntlement, and they are all old --just like twi and their outfit. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

For that matter -- if the Brits haven't copyrighted it (which they probably have), even the title could be used. icon_smile.gif:)-->

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I think "Are you being served?" is perfect! The line is heard by newbies and they assume it is what their MOGs are asking them.


Chewbacca - LCM. Just needs to glue on a little more hair. He has the acting experience. :-)

I submit Paw for the role of Obi Wan. He exposes the dark side.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think either Woody Harrelson or Jim Balushi would be the perfict Loy

How about Bea Arther for Rosilla

I still say Karl Maldin for VPW.

Steve Bushemi as Howard A

And ya gotta put Robin Williams and Billy Crystal in there too but I can't think of who they could play

Any suggestions for Robin and Billy? or maybe Adam Sandler?

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William Shatner could also handle the dramatic parts of VPW. He might not like the wardrobe from the 70s though.

Martina Navr?lov?s Donna

Tim Conway as Walter Cummins

Esther Rolle (mom on Good Times) would have made a

good Claudette if she hadn't passed away. In her place I nominate Aretha Franklin

Richard Dean Anderson as Brad Thorpe

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