Thanks for the offer on the Shiners. Isn't that a Texas beer? I remember in the days of much beer, there was a beer that had yeast at the bottom and was on the sweet side. Yes? They sold a bock and this one. Can't remember the name off hand.
I was just throwing the idea out for a small response. But as far as being a "Bible" carring event, not for me thanks, I had enough in 'TWI'. Which included being dressed up for the sunday services when i was living in Emporia.
The wennie roast sounds like a good idea. We could have it where i live here in Iowa during the Labor Day weekend. The town has a parade on Labor Day monday with a fairly good flea market in the city park. Several orginizations have a food setup during the flea market. Also the Labor Day festivities has a bathtub race, where they have an old bathtub fixed up with a stearing wheel filled with water, driver sits in the water, and 3 people push the bathtub on a obstacle course around orange conesto the opposite end of the course frome the starting line and then makes a straight run back to the starting line.
Of course on the tub race, people on the sidelines can throw water ballons at the people if they want. But the main thing is they do have prizes for the fastest 3 top teams of 4 people.
and last year they had an antiuqe car show for the people with restored cars. The winners in each of the classes got a trophy and a ribbon for thier display class. They even have people who have old restored farm tractors that they show.
there is a lake west of town that has primitive and electric camping setups but no showers that i know of. At the town soth of here they have 2 motels, a "Day's Inn" and another large motelabout a block west of the first one. and also there is a camping area on the south side of the town sout of here that does have camping "with showers" for those of you that wouldn't want to go with the non-shower campground. and the people that run the "with showers" campground do have a few rooms to rent to I belive.
The town south of here is Shenandoah, Iowa and has 3 Pizza parlors Breadough, Godfathers, and Pizza Hut. McDonnalds, Burger King are 2 other resturaunts in Shen. Plus a resturaunt named "Mondo's" that is a full survice resturaunt.
But that is only an idea from me. Most of you probably wouldn't want to go to some small, off the beaten path, town in Iowa. But, hey, let me know what you think.
I almost forgot one main thin on Labor Day monday night the town also has a 'Demo Derby' that is fairly good too.
Ummm, dante, there is already a thread about the THIRD annual weenie roast!
It's set for Columbus Day weekend, in a state park in Tennessee!
And there's a thread about a Minnesota get-together, I think in July if I'm not mistaken!
But that doesn't mean that you can't get something going in Iowa for Labor Day weekend as well. There are ex-wayfers in Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa that might be inclined to attend.
Hey Oakspear, I didn't know that you lived so close. How long ago did you deliver the World Hearald??
I used to deliver a newspaper that the World Hearald bought out, The Council Bluffs Non-Parrel was a part of the total block that the W-H bought which included the "Valley News Today" which is the Shenandoah, Iowa paper.
If anyone that lives close enough like 1 or 2 hours away the main activities (parade, flea market in the park, and Demo Derby) are on Labor Day monday. They have a free weenie feed on mainstreet on the sunday before which coinsides with the bathtub race, I can post more info. when they get the information posted.
I can also check up on the local prices for motels and the people who have the camper parking with the shower area for those so inclined to "camp out".
Essex, Iowa is fairly easy to get to from the KC area and is about 2 to 3 hours north on interstate 29 to the Nebraska City, Nebraska exit. then is about 30 miles east of I 29. on hiway 2 go through Sidney, Iowa (home of the Sidney, Iowa Rodeo) over to Shenandoah, Iowa then North on hiway 48 about 5 miles to Essex.
Heck, there is even a historic old Hotel/b&b place here if you could get a reservation into the people who run it for then.
The FULL name is "The Southern Comfort Weenie Roast"
The first one was held in 2002 in Tennessee and was attended by four Grease Spotters and their children and dogs.
They had such a great time that thirteen Grease Spotters, plus children, dogs, and agnostics attended the 2nd annual SCWR, also held in Tennessee.
It has achieved the status of legend, of tradition, of sacred ritual. We are already planning for the Third Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast on Columbus Day weekend.
A little update for those who said that they 'Might' be interested in this area, 2 to 3 hour drive away who aren't going to the annual "Wieenie roast" back east.
The people who have the campground "With Showers" said that they get $20 a day for the camper parking spot, 2 person occupancy. I think that they have electrical hookups, and the spot includes the shower/restroom usage.
Also a person here in town said that the fliers telling what is going on on the Labor Day weekend are supposed to be at the printer's and i can post more on what the weekend activities will cover when they post the fliers.
I will also check out the prices of the 2 motels rooms would run if anyone is still interested in a non-camping experience.
Well, have to go for now, but thought that i would keep everyone posted on what i've found out so far.
P.S. the city of shenandoah also has a very nice 'NEW' swimming pool with a water slide. Good if your kids like to swim. The pool also has several lifeguards posted duing the open hours and lifeguards posted on the waterslide for the kisd and adults safety.
just a note about the Labor Day celebration here in Essex, Iowa.
I guess the city of Essex's fire department has done away with thier free "Weenie feed" that they used to have, but here is a partial list of what they are having on the labor day weekend.
Saturday from 6 pm to 8 pm is a local student band (Skin Deep) that is going to play downtown, then from 9 pm to 1 am the essex fire and rescue is having a street dance with the group "Dirty John".
Sunday the 4th of september from 9 am to they are having a motorcycle poker run registration, then at 1:30pm a kids water fight ( a can on a overhead wire and hoses to see which team can get the can to thier end of the wire ) in the downtown area of essex. at 3 pm in the park are kids games for the younger kids, at 4pm the famous essex "tub races" for whoever would like to see if thier team is good at running the obstical course with a driver in a stearable tub full of water and 3 people pushing the tub.(downtown), 4 pm to 8 pm a beer garden with a DJ and Kareoke by the essex ire and rescue (downtown). and from 9 pm to 1 ama street dance with (Hurricane Annie) run by the essex fire and rescue.
On Monday (Labor Day) lunch in the park (have to pay ) has 2 stands the Essex Child Care Center and the Page County Pork Producers. starting at 8 am is the all day flea market runs usually till about 4:30 to 5 pm when the dealers start closing down. also starting at 8 am is the 10k fun run/walk registration. at 9 am is the antique tractor and car show registration, at 9:30 is a baby show (for the proud parents of great looking kids), 10 am to 11 am is the participant tractor and car show judging, 12:30 pm is the judging for the parade float and horse judging, at 2 pm is the parade, and at 4 pm is the demo derby at the northeast corner of town.
So thats about it for the labor day weekend if anyone is interested.
I could dig the event, but who would want a long hair rokker 2 da bone attending such a meet... hmmm ... the thought i have would be that i would fit right in...
Tom Strange
If this were going to be a "Bible Meeting"... I'd probably still go... I'll hang out in the back or in the hallway if I feel uncomfortable... but I doubt that I'll feel that way... most of the time I manage to create my own 'environment' ... I'll focus on meeting the folks I don't know, reconnecting with the ones that I do... and have fun...
You would be the one I would hook with, but then again I would show up solo and never know who you are.
Hi, I am St**** Ho****** aka TheSongRemainsTheSameR at GSC...
Oh my my ... nametags eh... I seriously doubt that... and if it were... there would be another AKA.
I thinks I will wait till the 6th weenie till i make an appearance the smiles former twiers.
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Tom Strange
well Imbus... you just find me... I'll be the guy with the ice chest full of Shiner...
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Thanks for the offer on the Shiners. Isn't that a Texas beer? I remember in the days of much beer, there was a beer that had yeast at the bottom and was on the sweet side. Yes? They sold a bock and this one. Can't remember the name off hand.
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I always thought that was what the offshoot stuff was all about ex-wafers pretending to still being in the cult!
it works for many they enjoy it . it is to close to insanity with a bad picture reception for me tho.
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I was just throwing the idea out for a small response. But as far as being a "Bible" carring event, not for me thanks, I had enough in 'TWI'. Which included being dressed up for the sunday services when i was living in Emporia.
The wennie roast sounds like a good idea. We could have it where i live here in Iowa during the Labor Day weekend. The town has a parade on Labor Day monday with a fairly good flea market in the city park. Several orginizations have a food setup during the flea market. Also the Labor Day festivities has a bathtub race, where they have an old bathtub fixed up with a stearing wheel filled with water, driver sits in the water, and 3 people push the bathtub on a obstacle course around orange conesto the opposite end of the course frome the starting line and then makes a straight run back to the starting line.
Of course on the tub race, people on the sidelines can throw water ballons at the people if they want. But the main thing is they do have prizes for the fastest 3 top teams of 4 people.
and last year they had an antiuqe car show for the people with restored cars. The winners in each of the classes got a trophy and a ribbon for thier display class. They even have people who have old restored farm tractors that they show.
there is a lake west of town that has primitive and electric camping setups but no showers that i know of. At the town soth of here they have 2 motels, a "Day's Inn" and another large motelabout a block west of the first one. and also there is a camping area on the south side of the town sout of here that does have camping "with showers" for those of you that wouldn't want to go with the non-shower campground. and the people that run the "with showers" campground do have a few rooms to rent to I belive.
The town south of here is Shenandoah, Iowa and has 3 Pizza parlors Breadough, Godfathers, and Pizza Hut. McDonnalds, Burger King are 2 other resturaunts in Shen. Plus a resturaunt named "Mondo's" that is a full survice resturaunt.
But that is only an idea from me. Most of you probably wouldn't want to go to some small, off the beaten path, town in Iowa. But, hey, let me know what you think.
I almost forgot one main thin on Labor Day monday night the town also has a 'Demo Derby' that is fairly good too.
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Ummm, dante, there is already a thread about the THIRD annual weenie roast!
It's set for Columbus Day weekend, in a state park in Tennessee!
And there's a thread about a Minnesota get-together, I think in July if I'm not mistaken!
But that doesn't mean that you can't get something going in Iowa for Labor Day weekend as well. There are ex-wayfers in Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri and Iowa that might be inclined to attend.
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Dante, your little town sounds lovely. Another year perhaps? If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise.........
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I know where Shenandoah is! I was there when I worked for the Omaha World-Herald; we're practically neighbors!
But I'm going to Tennessee for the Weenie Roast
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Hey Oakspear, I didn't know that you lived so close. How long ago did you deliver the World Hearald??
I used to deliver a newspaper that the World Hearald bought out, The Council Bluffs Non-Parrel was a part of the total block that the W-H bought which included the "Valley News Today" which is the Shenandoah, Iowa paper.
If anyone that lives close enough like 1 or 2 hours away the main activities (parade, flea market in the park, and Demo Derby) are on Labor Day monday. They have a free weenie feed on mainstreet on the sunday before which coinsides with the bathtub race, I can post more info. when they get the information posted.
I can also check up on the local prices for motels and the people who have the camper parking with the shower area for those so inclined to "camp out".
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I am committed to attending the 3rd Annual Weenie Roast in TN, but I'm just wondering how far your town is from the Kansas City, MO area.
I'm originally from WI where we used to have bathtub races and Wiener and Kraut Day celebrations regularly - sounds like a hoot to me!
I'm vacationing in the KC, MO area now and may well be back here again during Labor Day weekend.
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I worked for the OWH from 1983-85 and 1987-1999 as a sales rep and regional sales manager.
I believe I am less than 2 hours from you - about one hour from Nebraska City. Maybe we can get together in Neb city for coffee or a burger.
Car pooling is available to the weenie roast
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Dumb question. The Weenie Roast is a real event? Who is allowed to come? Is it for ex-TWI folks?
I pulled up the thread but it's 25 pages long and spans over a year's time! Thanks to anyone who can save me a whole morning or reading.
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JT, there are *TWO* threads regarding the weenie roasts!
One of them is about the SECOND annual roast, which was last year. THIS year's is the THIRD annual weenie roast.
It's open to any G'Spotter - exTWI, current TWI, never-been-way (NBW).
Heck, treat this as a recruitment event! Bring people that you would like to have as GSpot friends!
And yes, it is ABSOLUTELY a real event!
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Would I go? If it involved any of the below, the answer would be no:
1. Mud
2. Thunderstorms
3. Bless Patrol
4. Circus Tents
5. Golf Carts
6. Beautiful Ohio
7. Humidity above 80%
8. Communal showers
9. ID bracelets
10. Hierarchical nametags
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i would go if given use of my own golf cart
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Essex, Iowa is fairly easy to get to from the KC area and is about 2 to 3 hours north on interstate 29 to the Nebraska City, Nebraska exit. then is about 30 miles east of I 29. on hiway 2 go through Sidney, Iowa (home of the Sidney, Iowa Rodeo) over to Shenandoah, Iowa then North on hiway 48 about 5 miles to Essex.
Heck, there is even a historic old Hotel/b&b place here if you could get a reservation into the people who run it for then.
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The Weenie Roast is a real event
The FULL name is "The Southern Comfort Weenie Roast"
The first one was held in 2002 in Tennessee and was attended by four Grease Spotters and their children and dogs.
They had such a great time that thirteen Grease Spotters, plus children, dogs, and agnostics attended the 2nd annual SCWR, also held in Tennessee.
It has achieved the status of legend, of tradition, of sacred ritual. We are already planning for the Third Annual Southern Comfort Weenie Roast on Columbus Day weekend.
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Can we sing and butcher songs like
Tennesee Jed (by the Grateful Dead)
at the wennie roast at night instead of wake up to Beautiful Ohio?
Tennessee, Tennessee
There ain't no place I'd rather be
Baby won't you carry me
Back to Tennessee
Drink all day and rock all night
Law come to get you if you don't walk right
Got a letter this morning and all it read:
You better head back to Tennessee, Jed
Tennessee, Tennessee
Ain't no place I'd rather be
Baby won't you carry me
Back to Tennessee
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Hi everyone
A little update for those who said that they 'Might' be interested in this area, 2 to 3 hour drive away who aren't going to the annual "Wieenie roast" back east.
The people who have the campground "With Showers" said that they get $20 a day for the camper parking spot, 2 person occupancy. I think that they have electrical hookups, and the spot includes the shower/restroom usage.
Also a person here in town said that the fliers telling what is going on on the Labor Day weekend are supposed to be at the printer's and i can post more on what the weekend activities will cover when they post the fliers.
I will also check out the prices of the 2 motels rooms would run if anyone is still interested in a non-camping experience.
Well, have to go for now, but thought that i would keep everyone posted on what i've found out so far.
P.S. the city of shenandoah also has a very nice 'NEW' swimming pool with a water slide. Good if your kids like to swim. The pool also has several lifeguards posted duing the open hours and lifeguards posted on the waterslide for the kisd and adults safety.
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just a note about the Labor Day celebration here in Essex, Iowa.
I guess the city of Essex's fire department has done away with thier free "Weenie feed" that they used to have, but here is a partial list of what they are having on the labor day weekend.
Saturday from 6 pm to 8 pm is a local student band (Skin Deep) that is going to play downtown, then from 9 pm to 1 am the essex fire and rescue is having a street dance with the group "Dirty John".
Sunday the 4th of september from 9 am to they are having a motorcycle poker run registration, then at 1:30pm a kids water fight ( a can on a overhead wire and hoses to see which team can get the can to thier end of the wire ) in the downtown area of essex. at 3 pm in the park are kids games for the younger kids, at 4pm the famous essex "tub races" for whoever would like to see if thier team is good at running the obstical course with a driver in a stearable tub full of water and 3 people pushing the tub.(downtown), 4 pm to 8 pm a beer garden with a DJ and Kareoke by the essex ire and rescue (downtown). and from 9 pm to 1 ama street dance with (Hurricane Annie) run by the essex fire and rescue.
On Monday (Labor Day) lunch in the park (have to pay ) has 2 stands the Essex Child Care Center and the Page County Pork Producers. starting at 8 am is the all day flea market runs usually till about 4:30 to 5 pm when the dealers start closing down. also starting at 8 am is the 10k fun run/walk registration. at 9 am is the antique tractor and car show registration, at 9:30 is a baby show (for the proud parents of great looking kids), 10 am to 11 am is the participant tractor and car show judging, 12:30 pm is the judging for the parade float and horse judging, at 2 pm is the parade, and at 4 pm is the demo derby at the northeast corner of town.
So thats about it for the labor day weekend if anyone is interested.
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I could dig the event, but who would want a long hair rokker 2 da bone attending such a meet... hmmm ... the thought i have would be that i would fit right in...
Tom Strange
You would be the one I would hook with, but then again I would show up solo and never know who you are.
Hi, I am St**** Ho****** aka TheSongRemainsTheSameR at GSC...
Oh my my ... nametags eh... I seriously doubt that... and if it were... there would be another AKA.
I thinks I will wait till the 6th weenie till i make an appearance the smiles former twiers.
Rok On
You can put your weed in here.
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