I was there too, in my 1st year in res! Where were you? I am certain we might have passshhhhed easssssh other (burp)in the nearest bar. We could have guzzled a few.
Those bible thumpers came to the ROA the following year too. They were scary. They got harassed by loving believers. Like when Del Duncan (God rest his soul) threw crap at them. Ha!
(Off subject - Hey, x how anout those Tampa Bay Lightening. Want me to get a Jersey in a very small size for someone? What size? Contact me.)
you have no idea how thrilled my little hockey nut and i are..... HIM MOST ESPECIALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he followed it through from the start and knows where they were placed, how they beat 'em, they were never in it, etc., etc...... he is sooooooooo happy for them
I was there also and neither can I remember the lemonade. And actually it was kind of fun. I got my very brief (a couple of seconds) exposure in "Changed" , jogging across the center of the picture.
Funny, my memory of Country Time lemonade comes from college, when I drank a bunch of it once and in less than a day my severe cold or flu, whichever it was, disappeared.
I guess it was just me that remembers the lemonade. It was served for free after each session. Now it's possible that I've confused PFAL 77 with Advanced Class 79 and that's where the crappy lemonade was at....
Can't imagine that they spent money on a brand name like Countrytime. I remember working at the full meal tent ROA the drink mix was some generic powder in drums. Cobaltkid, Ex10 do you remember what that was.
Hey I just thought of something I made the kool aid.
Agree about the lemonade. After all Grace Bliss taught about the goodness of the way God made things (which I supposed twi was all about: restoring into the world the pure goodness of the life God made) -- they introduced this chemical feast of lemonade, so called "Countrytime." I was so disappointed I was speechless.
(You got to know I'm from Berkeley CA area, home of Wholly Foods, USA., and taking "Lessons in Living by Grace Bliss but a plumb line of God's love and truth into the "natural foods" focus I had.
I'll love Grace Bliss till the day I die for her kindness and honesty into our lives.
The Countrytime Lemonade issue was for me, it seems in retrospect, Holy Spirit trying to get me to see what was going on.
Good PFAL77 memories:
PFAL77 was one of the last times I saw Michael Martin (from Alameda). And that made it worth the trip.
I loved Hearing Skip Mesquite play (and also seeing him at some help desk)
Jade plant died. Hope I still don't have the plate. These twi things keep coming to the surface. Spring cleanout projects a few weekends ago produced some Spanish pfal stuff. It's like Christmas tinsel that clogs the vacuum cleaner in July.:P-->(
PFAL 77 was a year before my time, but I believe teh Bible thumper was Jed Smock. He used to "preach" at the University of Illinois when I was there, and I recall someone saying they saw him at TWI headquarters.
HA !!! :D--> :D--> :D--> I thought I knew this guy! :)-->
quote: On April 15, 1974, Brother Jed Smock preached on campus for the first time at Indiana University in Bloomington. This is where God anointed him to proclaim a message of repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ, unwanted, uninvited, that has echoed throughout the major universities.
He would stand on a busy corner of Indiana University, right by Ballantine Hall where many science classes were held, and "preach" at the passer-by students.
I was a student there then, and happened to be passing by en route to a class one day, and stopped to listen for a bit. While he was harranging (sp?) the folks (many of whom also stopped for a minute to listen) one guy went walking right by him, and without breaking stride as he passed by, said "Yer fly is open". :D-->
Bro Jed had one hand up in the air to emphasize a point, and kept it there as he checked his zipper.
When he realized he had been had, he launched off into "what are you looking that way for??", and a scathing "teaching" on homosexuals and what they could expect if they continued in the lifestyle.
Thanks for the link Jim. :)--> :)--> You just got me thinking of some old, fun memories. ;)-->
That guy came to the U. of Mo. at Columbia, Mo. in 1978 when I lived there. He went near the student union and said that blue jeans and back packs were intrinsically evil. What a flake! Those students did NOT like him.
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Why is that?
I was at PFAL 77, and I don't remember the lemonade. What did I miss?
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A la prochaine
I remember the bible thumping maniac...oh my God.. I was hoping I'd forget that memory
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i was there .... i am trying so hard to remember something ..... because i like jim so much....
i do have country whatever lemonade in my cupboard i sowwy
when i look at it now i will think of dear jim
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I was there too, in my 1st year in res! Where were you? I am certain we might have passshhhhed easssssh other (burp)in the nearest bar. We could have guzzled a few.
Those bible thumpers came to the ROA the following year too. They were scary. They got harassed by loving believers. Like when Del Duncan (God rest his soul) threw crap at them. Ha!
(Off subject - Hey, x how anout those Tampa Bay Lightening. Want me to get a Jersey in a very small size for someone? What size? Contact me.)
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how about them TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING !!!!
you have no idea how thrilled my little hockey nut and i are..... HIM MOST ESPECIALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he followed it through from the start and knows where they were placed, how they beat 'em, they were never in it, etc., etc...... he is sooooooooo happy for them
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Lifted Up
I was there also and neither can I remember the lemonade. And actually it was kind of fun. I got my very brief (a couple of seconds) exposure in "Changed" , jogging across the center of the picture.
Funny, my memory of Country Time lemonade comes from college, when I drank a bunch of it once and in less than a day my severe cold or flu, whichever it was, disappeared.
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I guess it was just me that remembers the lemonade. It was served for free after each session. Now it's possible that I've confused PFAL 77 with Advanced Class 79 and that's where the crappy lemonade was at....
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Can't imagine that they spent money on a brand name like Countrytime. I remember working at the full meal tent ROA the drink mix was some generic powder in drums. Cobaltkid, Ex10 do you remember what that was.
Hey I just thought of something I made the kool aid.

Maybe I can get a new karma Maker of Kool Aid.
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Were those Bible thumpers those people across the street with the yelling guy?
Don't remember the lemonaide. I do remember getting a jade plant.
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yes. The jade plant, and an anniversary plate.
I still have the plate, the plant died long ago.
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Kit Sober
Countrytime Lemondade
Agree about the lemonade. After all Grace Bliss taught about the goodness of the way God made things (which I supposed twi was all about: restoring into the world the pure goodness of the life God made) -- they introduced this chemical feast of lemonade, so called "Countrytime." I was so disappointed I was speechless.
(You got to know I'm from Berkeley CA area, home of Wholly Foods, USA., and taking "Lessons in Living by Grace Bliss but a plumb line of God's love and truth into the "natural foods" focus I had.
I'll love Grace Bliss till the day I die for her kindness and honesty into our lives.
The Countrytime Lemonade issue was for me, it seems in retrospect, Holy Spirit trying to get me to see what was going on.
Good PFAL77 memories:
PFAL77 was one of the last times I saw Michael Martin (from Alameda). And that made it worth the trip.
I loved Hearing Skip Mesquite play (and also seeing him at some help desk
Jade plant died. Hope I still don't have the plate. These twi things keep coming to the surface. Spring cleanout projects a few weekends ago produced some Spanish pfal stuff. It's like Christmas tinsel that clogs the vacuum cleaner in July.
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PFAL 77 was a year before my time, but I believe teh Bible thumper was Jed Smock. He used to "preach" at the University of Illinois when I was there, and I recall someone saying they saw him at TWI headquarters.
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You're the man, George. Here's his website:
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HA !!!
:D--> I thought I knew this guy!
He would stand on a busy corner of Indiana University, right by Ballantine Hall where many science classes were held, and "preach" at the passer-by students.
I was a student there then, and happened to be passing by en route to a class one day, and stopped to listen for a bit. While he was harranging (sp?) the folks (many of whom also stopped for a minute to listen) one guy went walking right by him, and without breaking stride as he passed by, said "Yer fly is open".
Bro Jed had one hand up in the air to emphasize a point, and kept it there as he checked his zipper.
When he realized he had been had, he launched off into "what are you looking that way for??", and a scathing "teaching" on homosexuals and what they could expect if they continued in the lifestyle.
Thanks for the link Jim.
:)--> You just got me thinking of some old, fun memories.
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That guy came to the U. of Mo. at Columbia, Mo. in 1978 when I lived there. He went near the student union and said that blue jeans and back packs were intrinsically evil. What a flake! Those students did NOT like him.
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Right. He was more of a novelty & cheap entertainment, than anything else at IU.
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