Ex-con, Do you mean with ex-TWI members? Absolutely. But that does not mean we can not have awesome relationships with others as well. It is just a different part of life.
We usually throw a huge Christmas party. We invite ex-twi as well as friends, aquaintances and neighbors. It is an interesting mix. The twi-ers do not hang together. In fact we all co-mingle quite well.
At other times we have had get togethers with only ex-twi folks. It is quite comfortable and barriers are already broken down. Our common ground is some of our experiences in TWI. In fact, sometimes that is all we end up talkikng and laughing about.
But I think it could be that way with other groups, college fraternities, platoons, missionary groups, or work groups. Being from a large family with many brothers and sisters, I also experience a closeness and comfort when we get together for family reunions, much similar to the ex-twi closeness that can prevail.
I really do not have anything else to compare it to. I think the main thing is to be reaching out and making or forming new friendships throughout our lives.
I am more comfortable with ex-twi than most folks I know.
They (ex-twi) and I may not agree -- but hey -- we have both been through the same "mud puddle" of life, and can at least agree about what is not important.
And as Igotout says -- that does not preclude us from forming new relationships, friendships, etc.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oooh i like jello !!! Momos ha ha ha ha ha ha (i like to be referred to as a wayfer, well ex-wayfer of course !!!!)
yeah i see what you mean you's guys ;)-->
"ex-con", i just spit coffee,thanks damie
so nice to see YOU karmie !!!! wish we could get together and not fit in with each other :)-->
i hope refiner asks about stringing chairs. uh oh then he might find out about raking carpets
"Some of my best friends are never-been-Way" sounds condescending, but it's true. My friends come from different aspects of my life -- Scrabble, Lyme, gymnastics, dance, preschool education. Each understands a part of me. Each means more to me than just the one interest we share.
But where else can everybody laugh, groan, and understand when you talk about stringing chairs?
It has taken me years to learn how to make friends, keep friends and be a friend. All the friends I have are not TWI imprinted.
When I come here to GS it is like comming home to a part of myself that has been denied or has had no creative expression, but does now. (Here there is an itch that gets scratched).
I ponder weither I am recreating the same addictive cycles that once plagued my life being apart of TWI. I think not. I'm older, wiser and hopfully alot smarter.
I do realize that I have no face to face ex-friends of TWI and to be honest I am frightened to go there. It is so much safer being in front of a P.C then a person.I guess that part will come in time.
Thanks Z...making a road trip this way anytime soon?
I have to say...my "I don't fit in" remark is not a poor me-I have no friends-I'm lonely kind of statement...
The thing is I no longer have a set of beliefs. Everytime I think I have a concrete truth to tie into, I see the intrinsic error in the notion. Concepts, ideas, truths have become fluid, and as much as I love to consider or discuss different points of view...eventually a line is drawn in the sand and uncomfortable silence is inevitable....
The only other option I see are those who want to talk about shopping, other people or kids in the neighborhood...superficial, meaningless banter by people who fear silence and are unwilling to accept their own flawed beauty...
There are ex-Way people who I do not get along well with, even some other GSers; although the ones I have met in person I (mostly) mesh well with.
I don't hang out with any of the ex-Way people in Nebraska, although I run into several on a regular basis (my plumber and electric company rep for example) and have made many friends in various walks of life and with varied backgrounds.
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I am not comfortable with anybody anymore...I don't fit in...anywhere!
But it's nice to see you, friend!
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As long as we don't start stringing chairs.
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Ex-con, Do you mean with ex-TWI members? Absolutely. But that does not mean we can not have awesome relationships with others as well. It is just a different part of life.
We usually throw a huge Christmas party. We invite ex-twi as well as friends, aquaintances and neighbors. It is an interesting mix. The twi-ers do not hang together. In fact we all co-mingle quite well.
At other times we have had get togethers with only ex-twi folks. It is quite comfortable and barriers are already broken down. Our common ground is some of our experiences in TWI. In fact, sometimes that is all we end up talkikng and laughing about.
But I think it could be that way with other groups, college fraternities, platoons, missionary groups, or work groups. Being from a large family with many brothers and sisters, I also experience a closeness and comfort when we get together for family reunions, much similar to the ex-twi closeness that can prevail.
I really do not have anything else to compare it to. I think the main thing is to be reaching out and making or forming new friendships throughout our lives.
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I am more comfortable with ex-twi than most folks I know.
They (ex-twi) and I may not agree -- but hey -- we have both been through the same "mud puddle" of life, and can at least agree about what is not important.
And as Igotout says -- that does not preclude us from forming new relationships, friendships, etc.
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I'm just thankful that I didn't join up with the Hari Krishnas...
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...or was that "Hairy Krishnas"?...Hairy fishnuts?...hmmmm
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I think someone should create a giant ex cult board and we can all mix there, Momos, JWs and Penties...Sevvies and TWIers....
There should be a giant jello tub onsite which we can all wrestle and roll in.
Nekkid of course.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oooh i like jello !!! Momos ha ha ha ha ha ha (i like to be referred to as a wayfer, well ex-wayfer of course !!!!)
yeah i see what you mean you's guys
"ex-con", i just spit coffee,thanks damie
so nice to see YOU karmie !!!! wish we could get together and not fit in with each other
i hope refiner asks about stringing chairs. uh oh then he might find out about raking carpets
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Dear exy,
"Some of my best friends are never-been-Way" sounds condescending, but it's true. My friends come from different aspects of my life -- Scrabble, Lyme, gymnastics, dance, preschool education. Each understands a part of me. Each means more to me than just the one interest we share.
But where else can everybody laugh, groan, and understand when you talk about stringing chairs?
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jell remler
I think you should invite some current TWi'ers to your Xmass party.
jest fer yucks
never mind
please report back on this within 24 hours
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I like it here.
I also like it other places I don't visit with you guys.
Including under other screen-names.
So, sometimes, yes, but if twi was swallowed up by a hole in the earth,
and the GSC was deleted by Paw the next day as he retired to Tibet with
the shirt proceeds and a truck of mac and cheese,
my heart would go on.
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George Aar
I think I can relate to Karmic's viewpoint best.
I don't relate to anyone all that well anymore.
I think I'd make a good hermit.
"People-person" I'm not (I know, you're all shocked)
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It has taken me years to learn how to make friends, keep friends and be a friend. All the friends I have are not TWI imprinted.
When I come here to GS it is like comming home to a part of myself that has been denied or has had no creative expression, but does now. (Here there is an itch that gets scratched).
I ponder weither I am recreating the same addictive cycles that once plagued my life being apart of TWI. I think not. I'm older, wiser and hopfully alot smarter.
I do realize that I have no face to face ex-friends of TWI and to be honest I am frightened to go there. It is so much safer being in front of a P.C then a person.I guess that part will come in time.
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A couple quick comments...
1. I have string on my chairs (for my cat to play with).
2. Karmicdept, I think you fit in fine! And, you are a kind wonderful lady!
3. I have had the pleasure of meeting some people that post here. It is always good to make new friends.
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Thanks Z...making a road trip this way anytime soon?
I have to say...my "I don't fit in" remark is not a poor me-I have no friends-I'm lonely kind of statement...
The thing is I no longer have a set of beliefs. Everytime I think I have a concrete truth to tie into, I see the intrinsic error in the notion. Concepts, ideas, truths have become fluid, and as much as I love to consider or discuss different points of view...eventually a line is drawn in the sand and uncomfortable silence is inevitable....
The only other option I see are those who want to talk about shopping, other people or kids in the neighborhood...superficial, meaningless banter by people who fear silence and are unwilling to accept their own flawed beauty...
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see karmie i wish we could get together....
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So.....come over!
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I am most comfortable with people who
1. Accept me as I am
2. Have the ability to think
3. Other things too, but it's late
There are ex-Way people who I do not get along well with, even some other GSers; although the ones I have met in person I (mostly) mesh well with.
I don't hang out with any of the ex-Way people in Nebraska, although I run into several on a regular basis (my plumber and electric company rep for example) and have made many friends in various walks of life and with varied backgrounds.
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