Are you kidding? "The smartest thing"... Isn't that an oxy-moron? A moron lacking in oxyigen but professing to recieve new truth while fondling himself. OOOOppps sorry my potty mouth got away from me. :D-->
Once shortly after he was installed as pres he was talking about cartoons and how the "new" ones were so devilish. "I saw one last week where the guy had a devil spirit and made this other guy's rear end fall off. Good LORD!!! Whatever happened to Huckleberry Hound and Deputy Dawg???"
If LCM's intellect and common "horse sense" were turned to gasoline, it couldn't run a toy ant half-way around a BB ... He couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a ball bat ...
quote:How are you going to teach people how to get out of debt and respond to God's call to abundance if you lethargically and hard-heartedly wallow in it?
quote:Evil is still evil, no matter how it manifests itself.
quote:Any questions, check with your local leadership first
quote:You don't try to co-exist with gangrene; you cut it out.
quote:I have my hobbies and interests and things that I like to do, and items of life that I like to collect and have in my personal usage, but I would never want to cross the line into selfishness and greed in my enjoyments, indeed "luxuries" of life.
quote:Mouths must be stopped.
quote:Houses and minds must be cleared of contamination.
quote:The reason they continue to practice it, and the reason some of you will again practice it, is that deep down in your heart and soul you enjoy being a fag ...
quote:To deliver one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh means that the household should have nothing to do with him.
quote:I'd like to say to you "closet" homosexuals in the Corps household that you'd better run, because you cannot hide!
quote:You female fags, called lesbians, might as well have dogs lick your slimy twats as another woman!
quote:Howard Allen said quite a thing to me by way of a note the other day, when he said that he never saw Dr. Wierwille work as hard as I do to keep the household clean. He's right.
Having left before LCM could influence my life... I am really embarrassed and ashamed he said those things. You know on occasion I veiw him as a ruined man. I think of him as my brother in Christ and chrenge when I think what he has done to fellow believers. He is a slap in the face to Jesus Christ and all that is right about Christianity. What a disgrace.
OM, Thanks for posting that stuff. I knew it was bad but My God that is horrible. :(-->
Actually there was some talk about putting together a 'Life Lines' sort of thing for LCM's one liners. I'm not sure how far along it got before a few of his secrets hit the outside world.
"If you're not Corps, don't even talk to me."--LCM, main stage, ROA '85
Best advice I ever took.
I knew people that were intimidated into signing up for the WC because of this statement. Like talking to lcm would bring them closer to God.
Funny how the twi religion and other religions have the same patterns.
Then it went to the WC no longer being about becomming just FC's. It became about being leaders of at least tens, preferably hundreds. The ante was upped and these same people who just wanted to be good enough to talk to lcm were very stressed.
Actually there was some talk about putting together a 'Life Lines' sort of thing for LCM's one liners. I'm not sure how far along it got before a few of his secrets hit the outside world.
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The smartest thing he ever said?:
........................................ ((crickets chirping)) .....................................
............................ ((someone yawning in the background)) ...................................
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"The best thing for everyone is for me to step down as President of the Way International."
Or something along those lines.
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Are you kidding? "The smartest thing"... Isn't that an oxy-moron? A moron lacking in oxyigen but professing to recieve new truth while fondling himself. OOOOppps sorry my potty mouth got away from me.
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Once shortly after he was installed as pres he was talking about cartoons and how the "new" ones were so devilish. "I saw one last week where the guy had a devil spirit and made this other guy's rear end fall off. Good LORD!!! Whatever happened to Huckleberry Hound and Deputy Dawg???"
Words to live by.
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The smartest thing lcm ever said?...
C'mon...give us a clue.
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Kit Sober
true thing he said, (as we were reminded in another thread) "I could get a job in a gas station." (I think he could do this.)
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Trefor Heywood
I am sure if all his dumb saying were collected together that they would make a book.
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... and that would be one of the few books that I would actually support the total censorship of.
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Trefor Heywood
To read a book containing his smartest sayings we would no doubt require an electron microscope.
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Jason P
Paraphrased, since all the tapes and literature are at the bottom of a landfill somewhere, as they should be:
"Some people would be better off if they never saw a Bible and just lived by common sense."
The one time he spoke reasonably and I wasn't listening.
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Trefor Heywood
If LCM got a job in a garage how long would it be before he started pi$$ing off all the customers?
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If LCM's intellect and common "horse sense" were turned to gasoline, it couldn't run a toy ant half-way around a BB ... He couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a ball bat ...
Why, his mouth ran like a chicken's A S S ...
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"If you're not Corps, don't even talk to me."--LCM, main stage, ROA '85
Best advice I ever took.
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Here's some 'o Craig's sayings:
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Tom Strange
OM... did you mean to post these in the "What was the dumbest thing LCM ever said" thread?
In context, most of them could not be classified as "smart"...
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Having left before LCM could influence my life... I am really embarrassed and ashamed he said those things. You know on occasion I veiw him as a ruined man. I think of him as my brother in Christ and chrenge when I think what he has done to fellow believers. He is a slap in the face to Jesus Christ and all that is right about Christianity. What a disgrace.
OM, Thanks for posting that stuff. I knew it was bad but My God that is horrible.
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Actually, Tom, I thought the same thing, but then I looked at Oldiesman's list again and I realized these were the smartest things LCM ever said.
You should see the list of the dumbest things.
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Actually there was some talk about putting together a 'Life Lines' sort of thing for LCM's one liners. I'm not sure how far along it got before a few of his secrets hit the outside world.
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You're right but I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.
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The smartest thing LCM ever said?
When introducing himself he got his name right, I am sure. No, wait, it was Loy, not Craig. Well, whatever. He got Martindale right.
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I knew people that were intimidated into signing up for the WC because of this statement. Like talking to lcm would bring them closer to God.
Funny how the twi religion and other religions have the same patterns.
Then it went to the WC no longer being about becomming just FC's. It became about being leaders of at least tens, preferably hundreds. The ante was upped and these same people who just wanted to be good enough to talk to lcm were very stressed.
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Mark Clarke
Was it going to be called LC and Me? :P
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You can talk yourself into posession.
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