quote: Aparantly God has a loophole to get around that annoying little restriction. He gets humans to do the lying for him. This way God gets off on a technicality and your whole bible does not fall apart.
That one is a *classic*, dude! :)--> Definitely a keeper. Hhmm, God using a deceptive practice to communicate truth. ... Yah!
Would be interesting to see how the strict Bible literalists and the 'Bible has no errors' faithful get around THAT one.
quote:Originally posted by GeorgeStGeorge:
quote:Originally posted by Bob:
"Weakness brings down strength."
I'm not sure that that was dumb. In a lot of cases, it's quite true.
Even with your examples, just stop and think how not only illogical that sounds, but how arguments like that were used by people like Adolph Hitler to further their inhuman goals. I would hope that we live in a more civilized society than that.
I dunno about the other basketball references, but I remember while in Alabama and driving a truck, the man directing me while I backed up would always say (jokingly, I assume) "keep a'comin' till ya hear glass!" Yeah, even in that context I thought it was kinda stupid. Maybe it's just a dim-witted, southern expression?
Anyway, my vote for A dumb thing that Loyboy said (GAWD there's sooooo many to choose from) would be whilst in a TC "Area" meeting he was reading from some press bulletin and came across a word he didn't understand. Then he calls to the audience "Hey, what does 'impunity' mean?"
I guess for a Junior High School student or dropout I could understand that knowing such a simple word, but from a man who could run any corporation in America?(!)
GeorgeStGeorge - I agree that the dumbest thing LCM ever did was to put the Corps on full time Waypay. The action wasn't thought through, the consequences were totally ignored. Prefacing the sentence with "the Father told me..." was the only thing he needed to say to get the troops behind him, no matter how stupid they thought the idea may have been. The MOG said it - that settles it.
When I think of how many people gave up good careers (not just jobs - careers!), businesses, homes, moved away from relatives and jerked their kids out of their familiar surroundings to "go full time Corps" because "the father told me..." - it just makes me more convinced that IMO - TWI is a cult.
Cowgirl - I don't remember the "break class" one-liner being used strictly in a confrontational situation - I think he used it in any teaching where a person might be up against something and had to "break glass" to get through it. Whoever said that it referred to the basketball goal breaking sort of brought that back to mind. That's what I seem to recall, anyway.
I think one of the dumbest things he said wasn't just a one liner - it was his speech in general. I think his use of vocabulary to make others think he was some kind of super-human Dictionary/Thesaurus was ridiculous. I will say that in my younger years, I did have to look up some of the words he used, which wasn't such a bad thing because at least I did learn something!
Anyone recall his over-usage of the word "icon" in the mid 90's? Drove me nuts - and sometimes it was the wrong word to use all together! He got stuck on some new word he'd learned and beat it to death (the word "tenacity" comes to mind). It was almost like he over-used words to make sure that he understood what they meant!
Hope R, I remember it being taught just within in minutes before hearing that class on marriage, that he and Donnna did, and I do recall very vividly, it was in reference to confronting someone.......
Cowgirl - I'm not saying I disagree with or doubt your recollection. Not at all! I was just thinking that he probably thought it was pretty clever because he used it over and over and over and over again whenever he thought it was appropriate. I know I heard it more than once and only took the "Believers' Family" class one time (thank God).
quote:I simply mentioned that in the Bible it says that it is impossible for God to lie.
Aparantly God has a loophole to get around that annoying little restriction. He gets humans to do the lying for him. This way God gets off on a technicality and your whole bible does not fall apart.
Goey (and Garth),
Are your responses tongue-in-cheek? (If not, you appear to be agreeing with LCM.) Obviously, God does not lie, or tell others to lie. There is no "contradiction." The Bible does, however, faithfully record lies as they were spoken. God didn't tell the Pharisees to say that Jesus, "was a Samaritan" and had "a devil." It's true that they said it, even if what they said wasn't true.
LCM said you could only get some one born again by revelation because after you get born again, the guardian angel splits. At the time, I believed him but now I see it was stupid.
Also, he said that if you are only working for a paycheck you are out of fellowship. I recall feeling really annoyed at that one, like, gee is everything we do wrong? You're lucky if you love your job, but it's not a sin if you don't. How dare he, we were sending in over 20% of those paychecks to HQ! And he dares to criticize us if we are "working for our paychecks." How dare he, he didn't have to hold a job.
The point of the guardian angel stuff was that once you got born again, you don't need a guardian angel, because you have a direct link with God via His spirit. the doctrine was derived from Heb. 1:14, saying that angels were to minister to those who would become heirs of salvation, not those who already were. And I think the teaching began with VPW, not LCM.
He really did say that about the paycheck. I recall my deep annoyance at hearing that.
I'm sure he's not out of fellowship at Ballyboys because he must love his job. I'm sure he loves loading trucks too if that's what he's really doing. I mean, he wouldn't say one thing and do another would he?
I don't have an exact quote, but does anyone remember the tape of Loy's Y2K paranoid rantings, when he and other "leaders" (most of whom are long gone now) were discussing how to prepare for the impending disaster? Among many other now-hilarious fantasies and delusions, he mentioned that he never trusted microwaves and thought they could leak and cause who-knows-what kind of horrors.
As he mused about believers possibly buying radiation detectors to keep tabs on these terrible things (not everyone, of course, maybe one for each fellowship to pass around...), everyone around him just muttered agreement. They (and many of us on the field) were awestuck at how the MOGFODAT clearly saw right through all the B.S. that clouded everyone else's minds and recognized the danger in our midst.
Okay, this isn't so much a dumb LCM saying as an example of the rest of the Koolaid drinkers giving themselves whiplash nodding enthusiastic agreement to every nonsensical noise he blurted out. And I stuck around four more years...
His use of numerous, really mean terms for homosexuals in the main tent at ROA '95. Terms like "rump ranger" and "pillow biter." I had my kids there for goodness sakes! Even if it wasn't the last one, I certainly wouldn't have had them back anyway. So much for a "family" event.
ROA 95 was the last one?? I got out 3 months b4 that so I did not attend. But that is cool that it was the last one.
During an advance class, they were showing us a film depicting a satanic "black mass"...it involved an attractive young lady dressed up in black, sashaying about in a provocative manner.
Lcm thought his mike was turned off...he turned to one of his assistants and laughingly said "I wonder if she's any good in bed"...over 500 people heard him...
Once during his anniversary celebration, I heard that man blubbering on and on in front of the staff about how much he loved his wife. If he did, why in the H did he cheat on her so much?
The most heartbreaking thing I heard was him saying he would go and raise a dead twig coordinator, reprove him, and tell him to die again. This twig coordinator has died from health reasons. It had been comfirmed to lcm by corps in that area that this man had been warned about his unhealthy life-style (eating and lacking of exercise). I can't believe the ego lcm had. If ever I hated anyone, it would be him. I loath that man.
quote:he mentioned that he never trusted microwaves and thought they could leak and cause who-knows-what kind of horrors.
I remember that! What a freakin' dummy. I remember shortly after that a guy on staff who understood microwaves explained it. But there was always somewhere where the sky was falling in lcm's life. Probably his guilt got to him and his conscience but his pride kept him from relieving the guilt.
At Corps Week, he told us how, when he read that the runner guru Jim Fix had died while running, that he laughed. I thought it was a little weird that some one would laugh at some one else's death, but what did I know.
And remember Jerry's kids? How LCM would yell and scream about Jerry's kids. (Jerry Lewis' telethon) Like it was such a terrible thing to raise money to help those sick kids.
Despite being thesaurus-boy, he really didn't know how to use words properly most of the time; getting the rough definition right, but missing the nuance.
The biggest one to bug me was his misuse of the word "digress". He used it when he meant "regress". I would cringe whenever he used it in that way...and then The Singin' Ladies o' the Way incorporated the phrase into a song...LCM bad definition and all!
I think '95 was the last one. CRS (Can't remember s**t) is kicking in though. It was terrible. It was also the end of the WOW program. In fact, it was just creepy. The whole thing was run as a week-long class. Can't remember the topic. Probably something with "prevailing" or "holiness" in it.
My most strong memory was sitting behind W***e C***p and seeing his face when LCM cancelled the WOW program. Craiggers said at least 10% of the outgoing WOWs were homos and that the program was "infested." The silence was deafening before the corps brigade next to the stage jumped up in unison to start clapping. Then the audience slowly stood up and joined in.
Poor W***e's expression was one of "I guess I have to stand up now." NO enthusiasm at all.
I kind of wondered how a bright guy like C***p felt trying to teach a twit like LCM and act as if HE was the genius.
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Kit Sober
thanks, Cowgirl. I had never heard the "doctrine" of cruelty.
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That one is a *classic*, dude!
:)--> Definitely a keeper. Hhmm, God using a deceptive practice to communicate truth. ... Yah!
Would be interesting to see how the strict Bible literalists and the 'Bible has no errors' faithful get around THAT one.
Even with your examples, just stop and think how not only illogical that sounds, but how arguments like that were used by people like Adolph Hitler to further their inhuman goals. I would hope that we live in a more civilized society than that.
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well i was a little miffed about the eve and adam thing
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George Aar
I dunno about the other basketball references, but I remember while in Alabama and driving a truck, the man directing me while I backed up would always say (jokingly, I assume) "keep a'comin' till ya hear glass!" Yeah, even in that context I thought it was kinda stupid. Maybe it's just a dim-witted, southern expression?
Anyway, my vote for A dumb thing that Loyboy said (GAWD there's sooooo many to choose from) would be whilst in a TC "Area" meeting he was reading from some press bulletin and came across a word he didn't understand. Then he calls to the audience "Hey, what does 'impunity' mean?"
I guess for a Junior High School student or dropout I could understand that knowing such a simple word, but from a man who could run any corporation in America?(!)
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Hope R.
GeorgeStGeorge - I agree that the dumbest thing LCM ever did was to put the Corps on full time Waypay. The action wasn't thought through, the consequences were totally ignored. Prefacing the sentence with "the Father told me..." was the only thing he needed to say to get the troops behind him, no matter how stupid they thought the idea may have been. The MOG said it - that settles it.
When I think of how many people gave up good careers (not just jobs - careers!), businesses, homes, moved away from relatives and jerked their kids out of their familiar surroundings to "go full time Corps" because "the father told me..." - it just makes me more convinced that IMO - TWI is a cult.
Cowgirl - I don't remember the "break class" one-liner being used strictly in a confrontational situation - I think he used it in any teaching where a person might be up against something and had to "break glass" to get through it. Whoever said that it referred to the basketball goal breaking sort of brought that back to mind. That's what I seem to recall, anyway.
I think one of the dumbest things he said wasn't just a one liner - it was his speech in general. I think his use of vocabulary to make others think he was some kind of super-human Dictionary/Thesaurus was ridiculous. I will say that in my younger years, I did have to look up some of the words he used, which wasn't such a bad thing because at least I did learn something!
Anyone recall his over-usage of the word "icon" in the mid 90's? Drove me nuts - and sometimes it was the wrong word to use all together! He got stuck on some new word he'd learned and beat it to death (the word "tenacity" comes to mind). It was almost like he over-used words to make sure that he understood what they meant!
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Hope R, I remember it being taught just within in minutes before hearing that class on marriage, that he and Donnna did, and I do recall very vividly, it was in reference to confronting someone.......
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Hope R.
Cowgirl - I'm not saying I disagree with or doubt your recollection. Not at all! I was just thinking that he probably thought it was pretty clever because he used it over and over and over and over again whenever he thought it was appropriate. I know I heard it more than once and only took the "Believers' Family" class one time (thank God).
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Goey (and Garth),
Are your responses tongue-in-cheek? (If not, you appear to be agreeing with LCM.) Obviously, God does not lie, or tell others to lie. There is no "contradiction." The Bible does, however, faithfully record lies as they were spoken. God didn't tell the Pharisees to say that Jesus, "was a Samaritan" and had "a devil." It's true that they said it, even if what they said wasn't true.
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LCM said you could only get some one born again by revelation because after you get born again, the guardian angel splits. At the time, I believed him but now I see it was stupid.
Also, he said that if you are only working for a paycheck you are out of fellowship. I recall feeling really annoyed at that one, like, gee is everything we do wrong? You're lucky if you love your job, but it's not a sin if you don't. How dare he, we were sending in over 20% of those paychecks to HQ! And he dares to criticize us if we are "working for our paychecks." How dare he, he didn't have to hold a job.
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that one's a killer outie.... if you're only working for a paycheck, you're out of fellowship ?????
wonder how ballyboy feels . but he probably still is blessed to be getting more than his paycheck ? i don't know
how dare these smug leecho's say all this stuff
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oh and the revelation about getting someone born again and losing the guardian angel
wasn't craig the a s s hole that said witness to everything that moves ? or am i having a flahsback from drug days
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The point of the guardian angel stuff was that once you got born again, you don't need a guardian angel, because you have a direct link with God via His spirit. the doctrine was derived from Heb. 1:14, saying that angels were to minister to those who would become heirs of salvation, not those who already were. And I think the teaching began with VPW, not LCM.
(My God, have I become an apologist for Loy?)
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He really did say that about the paycheck. I recall my deep annoyance at hearing that.
I'm sure he's not out of fellowship at Ballyboys because he must love his job. I'm sure he loves loading trucks too if that's what he's really doing. I mean, he wouldn't say one thing and do another would he?
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oh i remember all that crap GsG
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ps. that's why i never witness to my kid
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Jason P
I don't have an exact quote, but does anyone remember the tape of Loy's Y2K paranoid rantings, when he and other "leaders" (most of whom are long gone now) were discussing how to prepare for the impending disaster? Among many other now-hilarious fantasies and delusions, he mentioned that he never trusted microwaves and thought they could leak and cause who-knows-what kind of horrors.
As he mused about believers possibly buying radiation detectors to keep tabs on these terrible things (not everyone, of course, maybe one for each fellowship to pass around...), everyone around him just muttered agreement. They (and many of us on the field) were awestuck at how the MOGFODAT clearly saw right through all the B.S. that clouded everyone else's minds and recognized the danger in our midst.
Okay, this isn't so much a dumb LCM saying as an example of the rest of the Koolaid drinkers giving themselves whiplash nodding enthusiastic agreement to every nonsensical noise he blurted out. And I stuck around four more years...
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ROA 95 was the last one?? I got out 3 months b4 that so I did not attend. But that is cool that it was the last one.
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During an advance class, they were showing us a film depicting a satanic "black mass"...it involved an attractive young lady dressed up in black, sashaying about in a provocative manner.
Lcm thought his mike was turned off...he turned to one of his assistants and laughingly said "I wonder if she's any good in bed"...over 500 people heard him...
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Once during his anniversary celebration, I heard that man blubbering on and on in front of the staff about how much he loved his wife. If he did, why in the H did he cheat on her so much?
The most heartbreaking thing I heard was him saying he would go and raise a dead twig coordinator, reprove him, and tell him to die again. This twig coordinator has died from health reasons. It had been comfirmed to lcm by corps in that area that this man had been warned about his unhealthy life-style (eating and lacking of exercise). I can't believe the ego lcm had. If ever I hated anyone, it would be him. I loath that man.
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At Corps Week, he told us how, when he read that the runner guru Jim Fix had died while running, that he laughed. I thought it was a little weird that some one would laugh at some one else's death, but what did I know.
And remember Jerry's kids? How LCM would yell and scream about Jerry's kids. (Jerry Lewis' telethon) Like it was such a terrible thing to raise money to help those sick kids.
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Despite being thesaurus-boy, he really didn't know how to use words properly most of the time; getting the rough definition right, but missing the nuance.
The biggest one to bug me was his misuse of the word "digress". He used it when he meant "regress". I would cringe whenever he used it in that way...and then The Singin' Ladies o' the Way incorporated the phrase into a song...LCM bad definition and all!
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I want a dictionary like you have!!! Your's is ACCURATE!
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I think '95 was the last one. CRS (Can't remember s**t) is kicking in though. It was terrible. It was also the end of the WOW program. In fact, it was just creepy. The whole thing was run as a week-long class. Can't remember the topic. Probably something with "prevailing" or "holiness" in it.
My most strong memory was sitting behind W***e C***p and seeing his face when LCM cancelled the WOW program. Craiggers said at least 10% of the outgoing WOWs were homos and that the program was "infested." The silence was deafening before the corps brigade next to the stage jumped up in unison to start clapping. Then the audience slowly stood up and joined in.
Poor W***e's expression was one of "I guess I have to stand up now." NO enthusiasm at all.
I kind of wondered how a bright guy like C***p felt trying to teach a twit like LCM and act as if HE was the genius.
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