"First thought"...a term used by members of the way international, which is descriptive of the method used by the Allmighty to communicate directly to the way international follower. This form of communication (also referred to as "revelation")...is confined exclusively to those who have successfully completed the way international's classes and training programs. This is indicated by the nametag worn by the follower in question.
"Leaf"...A term used to describe an individual who is at the bottom of the food chain. Usually, an individual who is used for menial tasks and financial support...one who does not qualify for "first thought" revelation, (due to lack of training, and/or lack of personality and money)...and must refer to a "higher-up" for information regarding divine guidence.
"A.O.S."...Stands for "Athletes of the spirit". A false doctrine promulgated by "lcm" (see above)...in order to elevate himself above Christ and to establish himself as a "master of the word". The distortion of scriptures in this "biblical philosophy" was matched only by the arrogance of it's teacher.
*Also refers to the "dance production" of the same name, in which "lcm" is the featured "ballet dancer"...prancing about in leotards, leading "god's people" to heaven.
TC/TL/FC: Twig coordinator / twig leader / fellowship coordinator: As time move forward, so did the name of the person who was “running” the fellowship.
Translation according to usage: A technique used to try to explain a passage of scripture. At times this was less than accurate and/or was used to promote a doctrine instead of what the passage of scripture actually meant.
WOWmobile: any old, beat-up automobile, generally second- or third-hand, driven by a WOW ambassador (it was the only car that they could afford, because they spent most of their time doing ministry work, rather than working to afford a decent car).
HQ: Headquarters of the Way, in New Knoxville, OH.
Rock of Ages: Week-long gathering of the faithful followers of TWI, held in August at HQ. Sometimes attended by (reportedly) 20,000 people, in the heyday of the Way. Utilized (supposedly) "largest bigtop tent in America" as primary meeting space. Followers filled area hotels and motels, and a very large tent-camping area on HQ grounds.
Corps Week: Week-long gathering of Way Corps members and graduates, held on the same grounds as the ROA, one week prior to ROA. Included events such as teachings and single's dances.
Corps Weddings: Mass weddings, held at The Way College of Emporia, one day after Corps Graduation, with as many as 50 couples. Corps promised not to change their marital status during training, so people waited until the day after training ended to marry, and VPW would hang around for a day, to perform the ceremony.
strain at a gnat: any one of the arguments which twi-minds (and ex-twi minds) can become involved in, the basis of which is so unimportant as to become hilarious if you look at it.
sympathy: wayspeak => an insult
Christmas: wayspeak => an insult, a pagan holiday. Usually followed by a tirade.
Hope: wayspeak => Only valid for The Return of Christ" -- no "hope" in this life. Usually responded to by a tirade if you use the word "hope" regarding a paycheck, a promised visit of a friend or any other event you look forward to.
Christian: wayspeak => None. Certainly not Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Robert Schuller, Kathryn Kuhlman, Norman Vincent Peale, Oswald Chambers, or any other of the Christians who have lived. Twist Acts 11:25, "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." into an insult, rather than a simple statement of fact, and the beginning of the historical record of men and women who lived (and often died) for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sincerely: wayspeak => an insult. "Sincerity is no guarantee of truth," is a basic wayspeak tenet, which is a blanket phrase that helps twi degrade and insult all viewpoints outside of twi.
OCD -- What is this? (used on another thread by excathedra)
OCD is a term used by the "social worker community" meaning Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It could have connotations in twi, since "stringing chairs" would be OCD. :D-->
"Living at a needs level" never heard of that phrase - but that's what most people did - "believeing" day to day. Humbug!! Welfare recipients have more $ than some believers!! I was on welfare for awhile and going back to college for a much needed BA and I was criticised by quite a few believers. Then my son started acting up and I got superstitious (losing my hedge of protection?) and so I quit school and went back to work at boring jobs. Since then I've had better jobs - but still haven't earned my BA (I still have the phrase =
"believe God for a good job" running through my head - and sometimes I find them......I would be better off with a BA (sorry to derail....)
WordWolf, I trust this will add to any references we make regarding the legalistic and subtle control tactics skillfully used by their organization.
quote:Quotation taken from current Way magazine:
Fellowship with the like-minded believers is a vital key to our continued spiritual growth and development. The Way Ministry is primarily a home fellowship ministry. Home fellowships provide an environment that encourages each believer's spiritual nurture and growth. There, believers teach and share God's Word, pray for specific needs to be met, operate the worship manifestations of holy spirit, and serve in various capacities in accord with the local fellowship coordinator. From this power base of strength and loving support, we faithfully reach out to others to restore them to favor with God.
At first glance it looks like a formula for success if you are interested in helping someone with restoration to God. But there are two important messages there. The first being "in accord with the local fellowship coordinator", for without that approval you are powerless. Okay some may say I am stretching that a bit, I assure you I am not. The second being "from this power base...restore them to favor with God", which is not accurate. Our power base to aid in restoring someone is by way of Jesus Christ, it is not provided by way of an organization. And certainly is not limited to that ministry of which believes to be the only people in God's household.
Speaking in tongues with the same one interpreting it into a known language of the body of believers hearing it. And prophecy which is speaking a message not requiring the tongues prior. There is much more regarding it but in an effort to not derail this thread that is a brief.
I will expound on some of the definitions/explanations.
The Teacher, Father in the Word.
Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille is also known in the ex-way community as "The Huckster", "Vee Pee", "Doc Vic" and "Herr Doktor" among a few others. Many refuse to use Dr. and instead call him Mr. Wierwille" because his P.H.D came from an unaccredited Diploma mill.
MOGFODAT: Sometimes changed to "MOGFART".
moglet: Also known as "mini-mogs"
charity-work: TWI's Scriptural reference for lack of charity. Matt 14:7(First half only) "For ye have the poor with you always..."
Jesus Christ: But never "Jesus" without "Christ" attached. TWI taught that there is this deceiving demon/devil spirit named Jesus so if you say "Jesus" without saying Christ you are refering to a devil. Praying to "Jesus" is even worse. Anyone who prays to "Jesus" is praying to a devil - idolotry for sure. One might even get "possessed" this way.
Way Corps: TWI's "elite" leadership. Referred to by some as "Way Corpse." Way Corps were privy to "advanced teachings" and special meetings that others were not. Nearly all of TWI's "leaders" and Clergy were graduates of the "Way Corps" training program.
Waybrain: A mindset that usually sees most everything in either black or white. A Waybrain attemts to interpret the universe in terms used in PFAL or in TWI tradition. A person with waybrain is seldom wrong about anything - even things they are not educated in. A person with Waybrain will seldom use words/terms like, create, hope, good luck, sweet dreams, or problem. Folks with Waybrain typically demand and expect perfection from others while accepting mediocrity in themsleves (Especially true of many Way leaders)
TWI's "manifestations" are what the rest of Charasmatic Chrstianity calls the "gifts of the spirit." ("manifestation" is from 1Cor12:7)
The worship manifestations are:
Speaking in tongues, Intepretation of tongues, and Prophecy - (not to be confused with what a prophet does in fortelling the future)
A required part of every Way "beleivers meetings" was to have one or two folks speak in tongues and interpret and have someone "prophecy". The interprtation and prophecy were considered to be a message from God to the folks present - but was usually just paraphrased scripture mixed with wayspeak - the message could be in the first person like "I am your God and Father. What you give you will multiplied back to you"(Give more money) or in the in the third person like: "God has said "thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads the corn" (Give more money). It was never predictive nor was it personal to any specific individual like the relatively new practice of personal prophecy in some charismatic churches.
Gooey. Based on what you say there the Way movements "worship manifestations" of Tonguespeak and Prophecy are handled very similarly to the way they are handled in the Lloyd Longfield movement, Revival Centres International.
A dub is a Jehovahs Witness, Jay W, Jay Dub, Dub. ;)-->
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You Know your in a cult when your language consists of acronyms that span decades.
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tithe: twi teaches that God requires a minimum of 10% given to twi.
Without 10% minimum, "God won't even spit in your direction." -lcm
Was later raised to 15% by lcm. Currently back to 10% I think.
ABS: "abundant sharing: money given to twi in excess of the tithe.
Plurality giving: subtracting all the money you need to live on right
now, and giving all the rest of it to twi.
"The Garden of Living Waters". A water fountain and scupture at HQ.
vpw and the other dead trustees are buried nearby.
the Way Woods. Woods at hq. Some deceased members had their ashes
scattered there. Currently access to the site is tightly restricted by
"living at a needs level". Often a requirement for staff at twi, and
recommended to followers (who are encouraged to plurality give the rest
to twi.) Living at a 19th century standard of living, with no frills,
no month-to-month savings, and eating on a college-student budget.
People living at a needs level are familiar with making mac-and-cheese
last, and eating foods like "familia". (Whatever that is.)
At this level, pets are forbidden as a needless expense.
The bot/bod, of course, is exempt from this level of "committment."
"the household"-twi and its followers. According to twi, people who leave
their organization walk out from under the protection of God Almighty.
"greasespot by midnight".-lcm claimed that people who walked out on twi
would be run over by the devil and be a "greasespot by midnight",
something like a run-over animal.
"cop-out"-anyone who left twi.
phone hook-up: a phone/speaker connection to twi's phoneline for the
Sunday Night Service. Since the late 90s, followers are generally expected
to attend a phone hook-up, have a subscription to the SNS tapes of the
same timeframe, listen to the tape once a week during another night,
and have a teaching on the same subject during the week.
(The current bod seems to think their followers have short attention spans.)
spoon: instrument of torture at Root locales. Children are expected to be
punished by any adult present by a whack with a wooden spoon, carried by
the adults expecting to oversee kids. Children learn to fear that thing
like Freddy Kruger or Jason Voorhees.
Discipline: unquestioning loyalty even unto painful death. Husbands are
supposed to have this for twi, wives to their husbands (even abusive ones),
children to their parents (and by extension, adults running a meeting.)
Independent thought contrary to orders is punished socially or literally,
depending on the people and situation.
homo purge: in the 1990's, lcm periodically expressed nearly paralyzing
fears that there were spiritual dissidents in twi. He then set out on a
witchhunt, and many people left or were forced out with either the label
"homo" or "homo sympathizer".
debt: a term that has had varied meanings in twi. By sometime in the 1990's,
lcm declared that car loans and mortgages were debt, and forbidden.
Members were expected to discard all of them in their lives. Members who
refused were not in good standing and were restricted from certain functions.
According to the current bod, twi has never had a policy on debt one way or
the other.
"international countries"-places other than the US where someone in twi is,
even if it's a layover on a long plane trip.
"chorus choir"-the singing chorus at hq. Clips of them can currently be
seen on twi's website.
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The Teacher. vpw used this term for himself, and encouraged others to
do so (he used it in pfal, and it appears in the flyleaves of his books.)
This, of course, implies he is either of superior caliber to all other
teachers, or implies that he is the one and only teacher.
Father in the Word. Another term used for vpw.
GSC: the GreaseSpot Cafe. Where you're reading this.
MOGFODAT: "Man of God For Our Day And Time." A GSC term for the
never-to-be-articulated, but always strongly implied, concept that the
President of twi was God's spokesman on earth, sort of like a pope.
Sometimes simply "MOG"-same connotation, however.
Pope: Head of the Roman Catholic Church. Often a target of tirades by
vpw or lcm. The irony of their demands for what they insisted popes
were not entitled to perpetually escaped them.
moglet: a leader in twi who imitated as much as humanly possible about
the reigning mog (haircut, hobbies), and went around all but barking
out orders to those they considered underlings.
charity-work: a concept totally nonexistent in twi. All expenses are to
be paid for out-of-pocket by local members, and money, goods and services
are very rarely, if ever, to leave the Root locales for any reason.
Jesus Christ: the Messiah, whose involvement in things since the day of
Pentecost is effectively limited to invoking his name in prayer and
verses about him in the Bible. Members are not expected to look towards
Christ, they are to look towards the MOGFODAT. (This is rarely, if ever,
said aloud, but is implied and expected in varying degrees.)
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"First thought"...a term used by members of the way international, which is descriptive of the method used by the Allmighty to communicate directly to the way international follower. This form of communication (also referred to as "revelation")...is confined exclusively to those who have successfully completed the way international's classes and training programs. This is indicated by the nametag worn by the follower in question.
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"Leaf"...A term used to describe an individual who is at the bottom of the food chain. Usually, an individual who is used for menial tasks and financial support...one who does not qualify for "first thought" revelation, (due to lack of training, and/or lack of personality and money)...and must refer to a "higher-up" for information regarding divine guidence.
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"A.O.S."...Stands for "Athletes of the spirit". A false doctrine promulgated by "lcm" (see above)...in order to elevate himself above Christ and to establish himself as a "master of the word". The distortion of scriptures in this "biblical philosophy" was matched only by the arrogance of it's teacher.
*Also refers to the "dance production" of the same name, in which "lcm" is the featured "ballet dancer"...prancing about in leotards, leading "god's people" to heaven.
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TC/TL/FC: Twig coordinator / twig leader / fellowship coordinator: As time move forward, so did the name of the person who was “running” the fellowship.
Translation according to usage: A technique used to try to explain a passage of scripture. At times this was less than accurate and/or was used to promote a doctrine instead of what the passage of scripture actually meant.
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WOWburger: Hamburgers served at the Rock Of Ages.
WOWmobile: any old, beat-up automobile, generally second- or third-hand, driven by a WOW ambassador (it was the only car that they could afford, because they spent most of their time doing ministry work, rather than working to afford a decent car).
HQ: Headquarters of the Way, in New Knoxville, OH.
Rock of Ages: Week-long gathering of the faithful followers of TWI, held in August at HQ. Sometimes attended by (reportedly) 20,000 people, in the heyday of the Way. Utilized (supposedly) "largest bigtop tent in America" as primary meeting space. Followers filled area hotels and motels, and a very large tent-camping area on HQ grounds.
Corps Week: Week-long gathering of Way Corps members and graduates, held on the same grounds as the ROA, one week prior to ROA. Included events such as teachings and single's dances.
Corps Weddings: Mass weddings, held at The Way College of Emporia, one day after Corps Graduation, with as many as 50 couples. Corps promised not to change their marital status during training, so people waited until the day after training ended to marry, and VPW would hang around for a day, to perform the ceremony.
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I believe that was 1942 (1982 was the 40th anniversary).
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Kit Sober
strain at a gnat: any one of the arguments which twi-minds (and ex-twi minds) can become involved in, the basis of which is so unimportant as to become hilarious if you look at it.
sympathy: wayspeak => an insult
Christmas: wayspeak => an insult, a pagan holiday. Usually followed by a tirade.
Hope: wayspeak => Only valid for The Return of Christ" -- no "hope" in this life. Usually responded to by a tirade if you use the word "hope" regarding a paycheck, a promised visit of a friend or any other event you look forward to.
Christian: wayspeak => None. Certainly not Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Robert Schuller, Kathryn Kuhlman, Norman Vincent Peale, Oswald Chambers, or any other of the Christians who have lived. Twist Acts 11:25, "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." into an insult, rather than a simple statement of fact, and the beginning of the historical record of men and women who lived (and often died) for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sincerely: wayspeak => an insult. "Sincerity is no guarantee of truth," is a basic wayspeak tenet, which is a blanket phrase that helps twi degrade and insult all viewpoints outside of twi.
OCD -- What is this? (used on another thread by excathedra)
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OCD is a term used by the "social worker community" meaning Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It could have connotations in twi, since "stringing chairs" would be OCD.
OCB is pretty much the same (OCBehaviour).
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I didn't see WayGB mentioned earlier.
The spies, and "thought police" of twi who emulate the communist KGB in their actions, and threats.
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And none of us here have problems either. We do have opportunities though.
"problems" were merely "opportunities" to believe God bigger and better.
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"Living at a needs level" never heard of that phrase - but that's what most people did - "believeing" day to day. Humbug!! Welfare recipients have more $ than some believers!! I was on welfare for awhile and going back to college for a much needed BA and I was criticised by quite a few believers. Then my son started acting up and I got superstitious (losing my hedge of protection?) and so I quit school and went back to work at boring jobs. Since then I've had better jobs - but still haven't earned my BA (I still have the phrase =
"believe God for a good job" running through my head - and sometimes I find them......I would be better off with a BA (sorry to derail....)
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"WOW: Word Over the World Ambassadors. A one-year program, similar to mission
work, elsewhere in the US (usually). WOWs are expected to run pfal classes
and attract converts."
Missionaries huh?
Well thank goodness I finally found out what a "WOWMobile" is.
"Root/Trunk etc.
twi uses a tree analogy."
I like it. Root,trunk,branch,twig,leaf. Got it. Its got a homely non officious feel to it.
Ummm....WordWolf says
"AOS: Athletes of the Spirit. lcm's 2-hour dance production attempting to
use sports analogies to represent all aspects of the Christian's life."...
That one I GOT to see!
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WW.(and all)Many thanks.
I have printed all the pages out and have a complete list of your "LOADED lANGUAGE"
I'll be sure to refer to it in future when trying to decipher incomprehensible posts!
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WordWolf, I trust this will add to any references we make regarding the legalistic and subtle control tactics skillfully used by their organization.
At first glance it looks like a formula for success if you are interested in helping someone with restoration to God. But there are two important messages there. The first being "in accord with the local fellowship coordinator", for without that approval you are powerless. Okay some may say I am stretching that a bit, I assure you I am not. The second being "from this power base...restore them to favor with God", which is not accurate. Our power base to aid in restoring someone is by way of Jesus Christ, it is not provided by way of an organization. And certainly is not limited to that ministry of which believes to be the only people in God's household.
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A recent Way publication is quoted with the following term being used pertaining to home fellowship meetings:
That is a most peculiar turn of phrase.
What does it mean?
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Speaking in tongues with the same one interpreting it into a known language of the body of believers hearing it. And prophecy which is speaking a message not requiring the tongues prior. There is much more regarding it but in an effort to not derail this thread that is a brief.
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I will expound on some of the definitions/explanations.
The Teacher, Father in the Word.
Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille is also known in the ex-way community as "The Huckster", "Vee Pee", "Doc Vic" and "Herr Doktor" among a few others. Many refuse to use Dr. and instead call him Mr. Wierwille" because his P.H.D came from an unaccredited Diploma mill.
MOGFODAT: Sometimes changed to "MOGFART".
moglet: Also known as "mini-mogs"
charity-work: TWI's Scriptural reference for lack of charity. Matt 14:7(First half only) "For ye have the poor with you always..."
Jesus Christ: But never "Jesus" without "Christ" attached. TWI taught that there is this deceiving demon/devil spirit named Jesus so if you say "Jesus" without saying Christ you are refering to a devil. Praying to "Jesus" is even worse. Anyone who prays to "Jesus" is praying to a devil - idolotry for sure. One might even get "possessed" this way.
Way Corps: TWI's "elite" leadership. Referred to by some as "Way Corpse." Way Corps were privy to "advanced teachings" and special meetings that others were not. Nearly all of TWI's "leaders" and Clergy were graduates of the "Way Corps" training program.
Waybrain: A mindset that usually sees most everything in either black or white. A Waybrain attemts to interpret the universe in terms used in PFAL or in TWI tradition. A person with waybrain is seldom wrong about anything - even things they are not educated in. A person with Waybrain will seldom use words/terms like, create, hope, good luck, sweet dreams, or problem. Folks with Waybrain typically demand and expect perfection from others while accepting mediocrity in themsleves (Especially true of many Way leaders)
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I thought Is throw in a few loaded terms that Im personally familiar with:
"Jehovah, Jesus, 144,000, Remnant, Governing Body, Zone Overseer, Branch Overseer, District Overseer, Circuit Overseer, Congregation Presiding Overseer, Elder, Ministerial Servant,Pioneer, Regular Publisher, Inactive Publisher, Disassociated person, disfellowshipped person, Apostate."
There you go, the feeding chain top to bottom.
Currently in the heirachy I occupy the position of bottom feeding scum.
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TWI's "manifestations" are what the rest of Charasmatic Chrstianity calls the "gifts of the spirit." ("manifestation" is from 1Cor12:7)
The worship manifestations are:
Speaking in tongues, Intepretation of tongues, and Prophecy - (not to be confused with what a prophet does in fortelling the future)
A required part of every Way "beleivers meetings" was to have one or two folks speak in tongues and interpret and have someone "prophecy". The interprtation and prophecy were considered to be a message from God to the folks present - but was usually just paraphrased scripture mixed with wayspeak - the message could be in the first person like "I am your God and Father. What you give you will multiplied back to you"(Give more money) or in the in the third person like: "God has said "thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treads the corn" (Give more money). It was never predictive nor was it personal to any specific individual like the relatively new practice of personal prophecy in some charismatic churches.
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What are "dubs" ?
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Gooey. Based on what you say there the Way movements "worship manifestations" of Tonguespeak and Prophecy are handled very similarly to the way they are handled in the Lloyd Longfield movement, Revival Centres International.
A dub is a Jehovahs Witness, Jay W, Jay Dub, Dub.
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