"The difference between TWI and JW comes down to pre-existence. JWs teach that Christ existed before his birth as an angel (the archangel Michael, if I'm not mistaken)."
Entirely correct.
Quote: "TWI teaches that he did not exist at all prior to his birth, except in the foreknowledge of God."
How strange.
Quote: "Witnesses agree with TWI on the nature of death, but not on eschatology (the order and timing of the "end times)."
Ahh well, now theres something that interests me greatly. The Witlesses have an extensive history of date setting and failed expectation.
How mant times has "Way" predicted the end.
I percieve that the recurring term "greasespots" is somehow connected to a failed prediction.
quote:I percieve that the recurring term "greasespots" is somehow connected to a failed prediction.
Sort of. Not a end times kind of prediction. This loud mouth guy that used to be the way prez said if you ever leave the "household of God" you'll be a greasespot by midnight. Like ex said, here we are!!! Need an oil change?
Refiner: TWIt never predicted the "end times." They go along with the "no one knows when it will happen" majority on that one. When they do have a failed prediction (like the Y2K disaster one), they can squirm out of it by saying that their "believing action" (the hoarding and what-have-you before Y2K, for instance) prevented the disaster. This is justified by saying "revelation given once might change," as when Nineva wasn't destroyed in Jonah's time because of their change of heart. The JWs could take a lesson from TWI's masterful waffling and backpedaling techniques. They are clumsy but effective.
TWI has NEVER been wrong about ANYTHING. Any apparent contradictions are therefore problems with your perception, understanding and believing.
Sorry, Raf I've been out since Fall or so and have lurked and dropped into the chat room now and then so I forgot I'm "new." Just finally figured it was time to register and drop $.02 here and there...
Quote: "When they do have a failed prediction (like the Y2K disaster one), they can squirm out of it by saying that their "believing action" (the hoarding and what-have-you before Y2K, for instance) prevented the disaster."
I am familiar with the line of reasoning.
Its very popular in flying saucer/ "Ascended Master" cults.
Quote: "TWI has NEVER been wrong about ANYTHING. Any apparent contradictions are therefore problems with your perception, understanding and believing."
Yeah. do they burn their old books and alter old texts to fit the new interpretation?
A curious mind wants to know.
I think a "private topic" is beyond my capability to start at this moment. I dont see anywhere such a discussion can take place.
Ok, look at the top of this page. See my picture? And above my picture, my name? And above my name the words "Rate It!" And above the words Rate It, it says "Go."
Click on Go and a pull down menu will appear. The first item on the pull down menu is "My Space." Bring your mouse over that and another pull down menu will appear. "Private messaging" is the fifth item on that menu. Click on that, and we can pick up the chat on Parallel Dispensationalism.
quote:ohforgodssake. why are you going to private topic? are you still searching for TRUTH ? how old are you?
Goodness, take a pill. We're taking a discussion on parallel dispensationalism to private topic out of consideration for others who might be BORED by such a thing. If you'd rather we discuss it publicly, then say so.
And I'm old enough not to have to put up with your ....y mood if I think it's uncalled for, which, by the way, it is.
Didn't say you weren't allowed to talk, excy. Say what you want. Feel free. And by the way, I have the right to start a private topic and I don't need your permission or blessing to do so.
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Raf. Regarding your points:
"The difference between TWI and JW comes down to pre-existence. JWs teach that Christ existed before his birth as an angel (the archangel Michael, if I'm not mistaken)."
Entirely correct.
Quote: "TWI teaches that he did not exist at all prior to his birth, except in the foreknowledge of God."
How strange.
Quote: "Witnesses agree with TWI on the nature of death, but not on eschatology (the order and timing of the "end times)."
Ahh well, now theres something that interests me greatly. The Witlesses have an extensive history of date setting and failed expectation.
How mant times has "Way" predicted the end.
I percieve that the recurring term "greasespots" is somehow connected to a failed prediction.
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Tom Strange
Excathedra belongs to us all... she is "the reverend mother" and carries a chair with her wherever she goes...
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Hey ExCath you havent told me if youre a girl or not.
No Fair.
I told you, now you got to tell me.
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oh i thought you could tell from my picture
i'm a girl
who has no spiritual help or guidance for your life
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Tom Strange
Refiner, what kind of reaction would I get on that board if I asked about the pedophilia in the JW community? are they mean?
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the new man of god (after our father in the word) said you would be a greasespot by midnight if you left "the way"
so we are greasespots
someone tell me if i got this wrong
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All the posters on that board are "apostates".
Which, (I assume) is the equivalent of being a "Greasespot" in Mr Wierwills eyes.
Noone there supports the Jehovah Witless "Organization".
In the main they are "Violently opposed to the Truth"
Im sure you would be welcomed with the same open arms I am being welcomed with here.
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quote:I percieve that the recurring term "greasespots" is somehow connected to a failed prediction.
Sort of. Not a end times kind of prediction. This loud mouth guy that used to be the way prez said if you ever leave the "household of God" you'll be a greasespot by midnight. Like ex said, here we are!!! Need an oil change?
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Craig Martindale, the former president of The Way apparently said that if you leave the organization, you will be a "greasespot by midnight."
Hence the slogan: "and it's way past midnight."
Martindale is to The Way what Rutherford was to the Jehovah's Witnesses, except Rutherford was better at keeping a base of followers.
As for failed predictions, I'll leave that to those who heard them.
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ExCath , sounds promising.
(attempts quotation)
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The JWitlesses have predicted Armaggedoin innumerable times.
1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1921, 1925 and 1975.
We are still here.
Their datesetting mechanism revolves around a thing called "Parallel dispensationalism" and moves in 3.5, 7 , 40 and 70 year cycles.
I wont bore you with the details here.
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Well, I'm fascinated. Maybe others are bored but I sure ain't.
I'll start a private topic: do you know how they work?
By the way, it's 8 p.m. Friday in Florida. What time is it in Oz?
P.S. Two pages in less than two hours! GREAT THREAD!
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Sounds like a real uh, blast.
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Jason P
Refiner: TWIt never predicted the "end times." They go along with the "no one knows when it will happen" majority on that one. When they do have a failed prediction (like the Y2K disaster one), they can squirm out of it by saying that their "believing action" (the hoarding and what-have-you before Y2K, for instance) prevented the disaster. This is justified by saying "revelation given once might change," as when Nineva wasn't destroyed in Jonah's time because of their change of heart. The JWs could take a lesson from TWI's masterful waffling and backpedaling techniques. They are clumsy but effective.
TWI has NEVER been wrong about ANYTHING. Any apparent contradictions are therefore problems with your perception, understanding and believing.
(edited to fix crappy grammar)
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Where all these new people coming from?
Sheesh, we're gonna need a lot of Java to keep up:
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Jason P
Sorry, Raf I've been out since Fall or so and have lurked and dropped into the chat room now and then so I forgot I'm "new." Just finally figured it was time to register and drop $.02 here and there...
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Jason P:
Quote: "When they do have a failed prediction (like the Y2K disaster one), they can squirm out of it by saying that their "believing action" (the hoarding and what-have-you before Y2K, for instance) prevented the disaster."
I am familiar with the line of reasoning.
Its very popular in flying saucer/ "Ascended Master" cults.
Quote: "TWI has NEVER been wrong about ANYTHING. Any apparent contradictions are therefore problems with your perception, understanding and believing."
Yeah. do they burn their old books and alter old texts to fit the new interpretation?
A curious mind wants to know.
I think a "private topic" is beyond my capability to start at this moment. I dont see anywhere such a discussion can take place.
Please send instructions.
Im most willing though.
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Ok, look at the top of this page. See my picture? And above my picture, my name? And above my name the words "Rate It!" And above the words Rate It, it says "Go."
Click on Go and a pull down menu will appear. The first item on the pull down menu is "My Space." Bring your mouse over that and another pull down menu will appear. "Private messaging" is the fifth item on that menu. Click on that, and we can pick up the chat on Parallel Dispensationalism.
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Ex-Vitness from down under!!!!!!
I was raised Mormon and then joined TWI, jumping one cult to another with one hell of a party, lasted a few years between!!!!!
I had Vitness nieghbors as a Mormon and the worked with many over the years.........
Like Mormon, the Vitnesses I knew were for the most part just good people,,,,,,,,, now the doctrine is another story
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ohforgodssake. why are you going to private topic? are you still searching for TRUTH ? how old are you?
sorry i am in a ....y mood bless me father for i have sinned
yes, revelation given once may change, twice it is established
it was never given twice in the friggin way ministry .... please forgive me for calling it a ministry
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quit being so willing damn it
lightning bolt... i can no longer post
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Goodness, take a pill. We're taking a discussion on parallel dispensationalism to private topic out of consideration for others who might be BORED by such a thing. If you'd rather we discuss it publicly, then say so.
And I'm old enough not to have to put up with your ....y mood if I think it's uncalled for, which, by the way, it is.
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excuse me rev. raf i'm allowed to talk here regardless of how it rubs you the wrong "way"
i actually think the bloke can handle it ooooh
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Didn't say you weren't allowed to talk, excy. Say what you want. Feel free. And by the way, I have the right to start a private topic and I don't need your permission or blessing to do so.
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