A friend looking up the article with the scripture index just e-mailed me that they could not find it after 1976 when the index begins? Does that help?
Well Pat tape #807 Follow Me was a bust not it. There was however a interesting quote
" Peter kept his fishing boat long after he followed Jesus thats why he could say I go a fishing" "Boy oh boy where did you ever get the idea that when you talk about people going into full time service... now we sell our automobile we sell our farms we give everything away .....Why thats crazy"
Guess Craig missed that teaching maybe he was out practicing dancing. So much for selling the house.
Pat -- was it originally an article listed in the table of contents for the magazine, or was it an "our times" in the magazine? -->
Most of the "OT's" do not have titles. Mar/Apr '75 "OT's" talks about a certain level of affluence needed to pay bills, "and have enough left over to get that new bible".
The Word Speaks -- Ok -- will go thru these guys again!! WhiteDove -- you have my e-mail addy. Could you be real specific there?? Would help me search better. :)-->
The earliest mag I have is from '75. But almost all from then to '85.
From a follower of The Way I received a copy of an article with the above caption. Naturally I was interested and I know you must be also.
I have noted in my teaching travels across the country that there are a number of groups who refer to themselves as "The Way". I just recently heard of a radio broadcast called "The Way". I have a small publication in my office which is being circulated rather widely in northern Ohio, published by a group called "The Way". It is such a wonderful name and everyone who is a Christian is entitled to call himself "The Way"...
I should make it clear that I'm quoting from the Our Times book referenced in the first post on this thread. I do not have the article and do not know when it was published.
Pat: for your needs, the book may be enough to establish that Wierwille actually wrote this. TWI never challenged it, and it was published by The Way, albeit indirectly (The Way in Great Britain while it was under Geer's control).
I dug up all the Way Mags. from December 1972 which was my earliest all thru the end of 1974. Also looked in some from 1975 and 1976. Not there. Judging from Raf's quote, it sounds like something that would have been said well before 1973. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Question: as part of the lawsuit, can't you get TWI to produce all of the pre-1976 Way Magazines?
quote:Question: as part of the lawsuit, can't you get TWI to produce all of the pre-1976 Way Magazines?
Answer:TWI's history of telling the truth and being honest answers that question, doesn't it? Ooops, we threw those magazines out because copouts wrote articles in those magazines.......
TWI's attorneys said that the article "followers of The Way" re-published in the book "Our Times" was not authentic.
Someone out there must have a copy or know which way magazine this was in first. Both cases need this evidence and apparently TWI is not going to acknowledge the existance of the article unless we rub their noses in it.
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Can you be more specific?
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Who is the author?
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It was originally published as an earlier Way Magazine article in the area of 1980 or 1970 ish we think
Pat check my email again it is before 1976 unless it was reprinted in a later year as in post 89.... I'm thinking 72- 73
The author is Victor Paul Wierwille
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A friend looking up the article with the scripture index just e-mailed me that they could not find it after 1976 when the index begins? Does that help?
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Yes Pat that helps a little. I'll see if I can dig up what you're looking for.
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I and others appreciate your help. Thanks
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Well Pat tape #807 Follow Me was a bust not it. There was however a interesting quote
" Peter kept his fishing boat long after he followed Jesus thats why he could say I go a fishing" "Boy oh boy where did you ever get the idea that when you talk about people going into full time service... now we sell our automobile we sell our farms we give everything away .....Why thats crazy"
Guess Craig missed that teaching maybe he was out practicing dancing. So much for selling the house.
Edited by WhitedoveLink to comment
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Pat -- was it originally an article listed in the table of contents for the magazine, or was it an "our times" in the magazine?
Most of the "OT's" do not have titles. Mar/Apr '75 "OT's" talks about a certain level of affluence needed to pay bills, "and have enough left over to get that new bible".
What is the phrase/evidence you are looking for?
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David it was an article and that is not it. But thanks
It would be a short article most likely under the section the word speaks.
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The Word Speaks -- Ok -- will go thru these guys again!! WhiteDove -- you have my e-mail addy. Could you be real specific there?? Would help me search better.
The earliest mag I have is from '75. But almost all from then to '85.
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David will do but I really think we are looking for 70-73
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Someone else was quoting from it earlier.
It begins:
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Yep that would be the one Raf.
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WhiteDove -- 70 to 73 I do not have. Sounds like Raf to the rescue !!
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I should make it clear that I'm quoting from the Our Times book referenced in the first post on this thread. I do not have the article and do not know when it was published.
Pat: for your needs, the book may be enough to establish that Wierwille actually wrote this. TWI never challenged it, and it was published by The Way, albeit indirectly (The Way in Great Britain while it was under Geer's control).
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Maybe but from my experiance an original would be the best way to go.
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Pat as far as the other some possibles are:
9/19/1965 audio tape- What we have in Christ
Summer school audio tape -Night Owl Fellowship The way in which Jesus Christ handled his People.
3/21/1965 audio tape - Christians Walk
08/06/1972 audio tape - First Corps Graduation
I'll try to give them a listen in the next few days.
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I'm thinking this probably was also in the "By The Way" series of paid articles
vpw wrote that were published in local papers,
and also compiled for sale by twi.
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Nope already looked.
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Hi Pat,
I dug up all the Way Mags. from December 1972 which was my earliest all thru the end of 1974. Also looked in some from 1975 and 1976. Not there. Judging from Raf's quote, it sounds like something that would have been said well before 1973. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Question: as part of the lawsuit, can't you get TWI to produce all of the pre-1976 Way Magazines?
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Answer:TWI's history of telling the truth and being honest answers that question, doesn't it? Ooops, we threw those magazines out because copouts wrote articles in those magazines.......Link to comment
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I got a hold of 2 copies of the our times book from ex-way friends.
I still need to find the original article mentioned in the first post.
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Hey everyone, help!!
TWI's attorneys said that the article "followers of The Way" re-published in the book "Our Times" was not authentic.
Someone out there must have a copy or know which way magazine this was in first. Both cases need this evidence and apparently TWI is not going to acknowledge the existance of the article unless we rub their noses in it.
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uh -oh. Don't think I have early enough issues, but will go over them all again.
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