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You Might Be In A Cult If........


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If you go to the eye doctor and your daughter thinks the device for covering the eye is a "rod of correction" ...You might be in a cult.

Just happened today icon_wink.gif;)-->

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If your child gets upset and vomits because of the smell of fresh cut grass in the full service tent at the Rock of Ages, and someone reproves you because your child throws up, You might be in a cult!

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Oh yes!!!

You might be in a cult if you spend your vacation driving a "honey wagon" from sun-up to sun-down, so the Word can move.. Damn Chimmy Chungas

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(this is a late reply to you)

The song went "God's Blessings on you-splash

From...when people sang Happy Birthday to people at HQ - they threw them in the Jordan River. So on the field in the USA people would sing "splash". Just another weird thing from Weirdwille land

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If you went to a festival on a farm in Ohio and arrived later than expected because of rain and did not report to the full meal tent to check in but rather made sure your tent was set up and your family taken care of first, prior to reporting in to your overseer(can you say Massa?)and then being ratted on by that overseer for being late in reporting in, only to be confronted and accused of casual thinking by his overseer...you just might be in a cult

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When You have so much Way brain that you act on "THE FIRST THOUGHT IS THE RIGHT THOUGHT"... all the time. And boy did that get you in a world of troble outside of Way world.

When you really believed that your stuff don't stink because you are God's anointed.

When you are on staff at H.Q in Hskg and you SIT over the toilet bowel your cleaning because you've been told that is where major decisions and revelation has taken place. icon_confused.gif:confused:-->

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When you still practice the 3min. shower you learned at Emporia.

When driving around these United States, you still think where you are in relation to H.Q, Gunnison, Emporia or Indiania and you think how many hours it would take to get there.

When you see or smell a pig farm you remiese your on Hwy 29 and 1 1/2 hrs. away from ROA.

When passing by on the Interstate...any of these locations, a great sadness hits you.

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If you think a 4 year-old sits quietly for two hours without being terrorized...

If you've never seen a miraculous healing but have heard more than 100 teachings on the topic...

If you grumble every time you see a nativity set...

If you have no friends who disagree with you on any topic of substance...

...you might be in a cult.

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  • 3 years later...

You know you're in a cult if:

You're expected to drop everything for an Advanced Class and if you don't go (because of former plans) - you're not believing big enough.

You're yelled at and told "if the shoe fits where it" and to basically shut up and not defend yourself.

Told you are lazy because you lack attention detail after you cooked for 2 hours, cleaned up after everyone else ate and there was a spot of water on the countertop

Never use the word HOPE because it's for the hope of Jesus Christ - not everyday life -- that we BELIEVE for

feel that You are superior to any Christian that ever lived.

Oh wait, you can't feel because feelings are natural and not real

I can't go on......

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  Through the Looking Glass said:
If you you break all the wings off your angel "HoHo" ornaments...

Omg! We had to do this too! My mom was also told to remove the horns off of my my little pony unicorns because magical things were evil.


If you were ever told by one of your friends that wearing a cross is like wearing a dog whistle for devil spirits...

...you might be in a cult

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