ExWayDaryl, don't you ever pick up that gun again! False doctrines have already caused enough harm. Don't add to the suffering that your friends and loved ones will experience if you are gone. Bless you, and I mean that in a good, non-cult like way.
Ok, from glancing over at the wall of my office where a few things from the past still linger I have a few.
If you were in a regimented leadership training program for three years but your graduation certificate says it was "four years of dedicated service".......
you could be in a cult.
If "going forth as leaders and workers in areas of concern, interest and need" only includes areas of concern of one group, the interest of the same group and the need of that group................
_If you worship mineral sprinkler stains on the side of an office building that have been there since the early 80's which suddenly "miraculously appeared" when they trimmed back the palms away from the building after many years, and I know because we used to clean the windows on that building back then and "she" was there all along but nobody but us window cleaners noticed and "she" can easily be cleaned off with Bio Kleen because we removed part of her years ago before she was a shrine because the previous owners wanted a section cleaned_ :D--> :D-->
If you gauge your spirituality on how many times you slept through a certain bible study class
........you might be in a cult
When your baby's first words are "Lo shanta mala kaseeta" instead of "mama" or "dada"
......you might be in a cult.
When you have been fired from your 4th job in one month, your spouse leaves you, and you don't know where your next meal will come from -- and you look at it as an "opportunity"
You might be in a cult if you take a two week class on couseling and you think you can deal with any mental issue.
If you think that this qualifies you a Christian Counselor and you intend to represent yourself as such for as long as you can get away with it...even after you've left the cult...you might STILL be in a (splinter) cult.
If you miss your Dad's retirement party because you are afraid if you leave the field to go, your lack of commitment to be on the field that week, might kill him.
Thank you for your message and your blessing! The gun will stay where it is, and won't be used except to protect myself or for target practice. I promise!
Also, if you are the same John Richeson I'm remembering, then I served as a WOW with your brother - Oceanside, Long Island, 1982-1983. Under different circumstances, it could have been a far better year. It's a long story...
I hope he is doing well. Please give him my best regards.
Lives in Franklin Park, Illinois with Alex, his cat
If you think that this qualifies you a Christian Counselor and you intend to represent yourself as such for as long as you can get away with it...even after you've left the cult...you might STILL be in a (splinter) cult.
I knew someone who was in TWI who called herself
a marriage counselor though she herself had never been married nor had she completed any
courses or degree program from a recongnized
college or university. She had only Way training and had read lots of relationship books. Amazing......
having ANYTHING closely resembling a triangle in your home/posession...
For speaking any kindnesses to those who were considered ''of seed''...
Made to feel like dog crap if you put your ''earthly'' family before your ''spiritual'' family for any reason...
If you referred to anything as ''devilish''...
If you still can't shake the whole ''tithe'' thing...ie: ''God won't bless my life until I start giving back to Him again...'' (that's a oughie for me...:(--> )
If people who had been your family (literally) for almost 20 years barely speak to you anymore...
And you know you're NOT in a cult anymore if you can talk to Him everyday and know He hears you and He talks back too... :D-->
When your therapist reads from a different vesion of the Bible and you have to translate it into the King James version (in your mind) to understand what she just read. [This really happened to me.]
After 12yrs. of no contact with TWI, your sister pulls out of the attic the album "All ABOARD" and the picture of V.P on the back scares you senceless.
You can resite the 12 sessions of the class without thinking about it.
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ExWayDaryl, don't you ever pick up that gun again! False doctrines have already caused enough harm. Don't add to the suffering that your friends and loved ones will experience if you are gone. Bless you, and I mean that in a good, non-cult like way.
Ok, from glancing over at the wall of my office where a few things from the past still linger I have a few.
If you were in a regimented leadership training program for three years but your graduation certificate says it was "four years of dedicated service".......
you could be in a cult.
If "going forth as leaders and workers in areas of concern, interest and need" only includes areas of concern of one group, the interest of the same group and the need of that group................
you might have graduated INTO a cult.
John Richeson
Tampa, FL
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Yes, I mixed up my names.
If you look at the first of THESE links and say "that's not God's Blue Book...."
then you might be in a cult.
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If you gauge your spirituality on how many times you slept through a certain bible study class
........you might be in a cult
When your baby's first words are "Lo shanta mala kaseeta" instead of "mama" or "dada"
......you might be in a cult.
When you have been fired from your 4th job in one month, your spouse leaves you, and you don't know where your next meal will come from -- and you look at it as an "opportunity"
....you might be in a cult.
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If your pants are not pressed enough for your
area leader you might be in a cult makes you go
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If you think that this qualifies you a Christian Counselor and you intend to represent yourself as such for as long as you can get away with it...even after you've left the cult...you might STILL be in a (splinter) cult.
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If you use the word "opportunity" for "problem"...
If you think a minister screaming and spitting during a teaching is normal...
If you ever bought wooden spoons as "spares"...
If you've ever corrected the terminology used by someone on television or in a movie while watching...
If your groups sells tapes of teachings you won't listen to but buy them anyway...
If your group sells a magazine you won't read but you subscribe anyway...
If your group sells [insert entire bookstore catalog list] that you won't use but buy it anyway...
...you might be in a cult.
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Dot Matrix
If you miss your Dad's retirement party because you are afraid if you leave the field to go, your lack of commitment to be on the field that week, might kill him.
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You might still be in a cult if the leaders of the offshoot you joined still have these statues on their desk......
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John ("Igotout"),
Thank you for your message and your blessing! The gun will stay where it is, and won't be used except to protect myself or for target practice. I promise!
Also, if you are the same John Richeson I'm remembering, then I served as a WOW with your brother - Oceanside, Long Island, 1982-1983. Under different circumstances, it could have been a far better year. It's a long story...
I hope he is doing well. Please give him my best regards.
Lives in Franklin Park, Illinois with Alex, his cat
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-Albert Einstein
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Told to keep going until you heard glass break. With the path determined by a man not God.
Told selflessness in service to your leaders was a gauge of spiritual maturity.
Told your earthly family couldn't add to your life so don't share with them fully.
Told to disregard common sense in bad weather travel so you make a class or meeting.
....you might be in a cult.
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waterbuffalo said:
If you think that this qualifies you a Christian Counselor and you intend to represent yourself as such for as long as you can get away with it...even after you've left the cult...you might STILL be in a (splinter) cult.
I knew someone who was in TWI who called herself
a marriage counselor though she herself had never been married nor had she completed any
courses or degree program from a recongnized
college or university. She had only Way training and had read lots of relationship books. Amazing......
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If you've ever been chastized for:
A piece of jewelry you were wearing...
A piece of artwork hanging in your home...
Listening to ''secular'' music...
having ANYTHING closely resembling a triangle in your home/posession...
For speaking any kindnesses to those who were considered ''of seed''...
Made to feel like dog crap if you put your ''earthly'' family before your ''spiritual'' family for any reason...
If you referred to anything as ''devilish''...
If you still can't shake the whole ''tithe'' thing...ie: ''God won't bless my life until I start giving back to Him again...'' (that's a oughie for me...
:(--> )
If people who had been your family (literally) for almost 20 years barely speak to you anymore...
And you know you're NOT in a cult anymore if you can talk to Him everyday and know He hears you and He talks back too...
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if you were ever on the receiving end of a shouting session that didn't really have anything to do with you, but you were told "if the shoe fits"
if you ever spent a week in an Ohio cornfield in the middle of August and realized that the flies were having a much better time than you were
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You know you were in a cult when you start to empathise with people who were once your "enemies"...like Jehovah Witnesses and Moonies!!!
when you still "believe" for better gas mileage on road trips!!
when you have more "nametags" and "pins" than you have jewelry!! and all your jewelry has Holy Spirit Doves on it!!
When you laugh with other people about all these things...and you Love them more than people you actually know : )
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When your therapist reads from a different vesion of the Bible and you have to translate it into the King James version (in your mind) to understand what she just read. [This really happened to me.]
After 12yrs. of no contact with TWI, your sister pulls out of the attic the album "All ABOARD" and the picture of V.P on the back scares you senceless.
You can resite the 12 sessions of the class without thinking about it.
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If you think referring to your group's local state as part of a tree (limb) is normal...
If you know the birthday of a dead religion leader but not your immediate family...
If you know the family history of a dead religion leader but not your own...
If you think the only reason to have a social event is to talk to others about your religion...
...you might be in a cult.
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What was that about no triangles in your house? Wow, that's a new one I hadn't heard before. Did TWI think there was something evil about triangles?
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Trefor Heywood
Perhaps because triangles were considered to be a representation of the Trinity?
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That was actually my first guess. Triangles = Trinity, so they're
Then again, they're also used as symbols for some other stuff lcm used
to scream about, so they MUST be bad.
Of course, RAINBOWS are ALSO symbols that have been used for stuff lcm
used to scream about, but lcm couldn't condemn them because he used
them in his AOS production.
The guy danced around in tights, and wore rainbow insignia.
If you just saw those clips, what would have been your FIRST guess
as to what they meant?
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Tom Strange
what about triangles as representative of pyramids? we all know how devilish those are!
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Yes. Pyramids are devilish because they are landing sites for the G'ould's spacecraft.....(Stargate Bible: book of G'ould chapter 3 verse 4)
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Tom Strange
OH NO! MyseestorEx! THE EYE!!!
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rebuke it FAST
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