The best research book that I have enjoyed for decades is "A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament" by E.W Bullinger.
You can no longer get this book for it is out of print. TWI use to sell it and I grabed one. If you can find one,it is a keeper. It makes word studies a snap.
Now here is a great business idea for someone still "in" the books from the Way still in the plastic cover and auction them off on will make a good profit. Someone paid over $50.00 for "Are the Dead Alive Now" a few months ago.
If I could ask one thing of TWI that they would have to answer under oath in court it would be this: What is the standard in TWI for dealing with extra marital sexual situations with leader ship? Are there two standards for TWI leadership? Consider these two situations that occurred in 1994 1995.
In depositions made under testimony and referenced in a judges decision on this site it is clear that RFR was told by LCM about his sexual habits in 1995, and this was before the incidents that lead to the Allen lawsuit occurred in 1996.
Consequences: LCM is dismissed and RFR is promoted but only when it is forced by the lawsuit in 2000- five years later
In Atlanta around1994 a single corps twig coordinator was discovered to be having a sexual relation with a single woman in his twig (I knew them personally and knew they were “sweet” on each other but did not know how sweet) The corps twig coordinator was relieved of his twig but stayed in the area. His corps brother and branch coordinator had known for a while and covered for them. He was kicked out of the area and not given any responsibility. I was his assistant TC (not a big deal but that is why I was told these details). I was told that because he had covered it up he had actually been worse than the TC. This all happened as soon as Limb was aware of the problem- it was as quick and quiet as possible- but I have to believe that LCM was in on the original decision loop- another detail- the banished branch coordinator told me he wrote a letter of apology to LCM and ask if he could continue his ROA assignment as one of the PFAL cartoon characters- and LCM refused.
Consequences: TC and BC both punished as soon as leadership above them was made aware of the situation. BC punished more and relived of any responsibility because he failed to act and pass it up the way tree.
Anyone else know of situations like the one I describe in Atlanta?
My question to any leader there now at TWI in Authority who sets policy or to the ones who sit on any board is why can't you just offer a Fing public apology to at least acknowledge some bit of remorse for the pain your group has inflicted on it's past followers ? To those you have marked and avoided, to the victims that have suffered sexual abuse, to the children who were put in harms way by allowing pedophiles that were protected by leadership !.to those who suffered emotional damage, to those who were publicly humiliated by a leader & other so called leaders who were out of control and to yeah a whole lot of other issues too !See I was a loyal follower & supporter of your evil rotten organization and I trusted you with my well being and I even before I left would still think the best of you who were in authority.You so called Men and Woman of God who had no backbone and instead of looking to change and repair the damage you just allowed it to get worse because you at the top are selfish and I really do not know how some of you sleep at night ? Yes some say I am bitter and need to get over it but hey I didn't suffer as bad as some but that doesn't mean I can allow your evil ways to be ignored like sticking my head in the sand and pretending it never happened. Many of us on here put in the cost of time to some of your programs that in some ways made us unwilling puppets to your charade of misrepresenting what I know we all thought was a ministry with God's love at the top and you waited too long to deal with LCM and only removed him when it became neccesary to protect your shattered image ! So I have taken a long time to answer here on what I would ask but I personaly too like someone else stated in a post somewhere, hope your evil rotten organazation shrivels up ! I have nothing against your members who choose to be in your group nor do I wish anyone bad will but hey TWI POWER BROKERS it is all out in the open anyway your rotten evil ways so I ASK and wonder too why no one has the backbone to publicy issue an apology ?? For me it would bring some closure but not undo the damage you have caused and to you spineless leaders I ask you to consider what I say . I have heard some at TWI monitor this site and I do hope you report back with what I have said. I don't count on any official public apology soon because that would be bad business for a business in ministry sheep clothing ! I do hope too any law suits against your group exposes more and more to the public how rotten you really have been and how rotten you still are ! Ok enough said !I can say so much more ! --> :(--> A public apology would be a gesture that at least there is some acknowledgement of humanity and maybe some day your followers will clean house of you corrupted power heads and do some remodeling on Wierwille Rd. and then maybe that Public Apolgy Will Come !!!!!!!!!!See I joke around on the post at times but this is my heart and just little of the tip of the iceberg issues I have. So thanks for your time my fellow gs friends and thank you too for for being you and true to yourselves the ones I love and ones who have shown me what God's love in action can still do for the heart ! :)--> p.s. It was people too like you I described that kept me in all those years and you are the ones that offered some much needed relief and yeah to me that is one thing I do not regret !
I know of a clergyman who was told to leave grounds during ROA 1995. I heard it was because he was fooling around with another woman while he was married. I also heard this man had recurring problems in this area. If this is true, did he get booted because twi had to show they were moral....yeah right....or was it because he stepped in on lcm's booty call???
It has been brought up here recently that you have opened your bookstore to the public.
This was one of the first questions asked on this thread. Could you please clear this one up for everyone?
I was involved with TWI for a long time and I'm thankful for all the good that I learned. I wish no ill will toward your ministry but only would like some questions answered.
In 1994, my wife and I and two of our children were told to never attend a Way meeting again. We were Marked and Avoided. Our oldest son was allowed to attend all functions.
At our last meeting, the area leader told us that our middle son
was a gangster and our dauther, along with her many friends (girls) that she brought to fellowship, were whores.
One year after our excommunication, the area leader who made all these pronouncements, was fired by the Way, International.
We were told by Corps witnesses, who were at that meeting, that the REASON that this area leader (a way corp grad) was FIRED was because: "He was making devilish decisions that were hurting believers" Witnesses told me these facts.
My question to the BOD is this.
Why have you not contacted my oldest son, who is a way corp grad, and told him that that decisions that this displaced area leader made WERE WRONG? That he was fired, by the BOD.
Why, after this area leader was fired, the Way leadership in my area continued to speak bad things about me; and criticize believers for even mentioning my name or talking to me?
Why have you not apoligized to my oldest son and told him the truth?
Why have you not contacted us and apoligized for one of your former employees errors of judgement; and make available, at our option, the restoration of fellowship?
Way International, it's your turn to make a move. Nothing in this life will work for you or prosper until you do the right thing.
I will not stop letting the world know, via the World Wide Web, that you have not apoligized for your actions. When you apoligize to my son and the rest of our family, I will stop informing the world of your spiritual crimes.
My question is the same as yours but for all of the people who were so casually tossed aside. Many were harassed then canned by dictators who are no longer there. Have they gone back and figured out if these people actually did anything wrong?
I once asked a senior rev this question. The answer I got was "well, if they were still in a position of leadership then they were working in conjunction with HQ." As if HQ has never been fooled before?! Pretty d**m lazy answer, if you ask me! His view was that if the person were truly innocent then they could have gone to the next level of leadership and all would have been well. Yep, the ole Way Tree never fails.
The BOD will never admit that any decision that happened on their watch was ever wrong.
In the mid-nineties our branch coordinator was M&A'ing people right and left, often on the spur of the moment, sometimes he would check with the Limb Coordinator, but that was it.
A year later Martindale informed all leadership that they were to go through the three steps of confrontation from Matthew (one-on-one; with one or two witnesses; before the "church" before M&A'ing), which was "according to the Word"
When questioned about all the people who were ousted "contrary to the Word" we were told something like God covered, so it was still right.
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What books would you like, Glad?
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I have since found them, but you are very sweet to ask. Thanks
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There is a book I would like to read. I have no clue how good it is. Mrs. Wierwille's book.
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It's usually a surprise to outies to find out just how good the quality
of a lot of the commercially-available Christian stuff is.
I already had some idea, since my original thinking was to supplement
twi stuff with the best I could find OUTSIDE twi, and thus benefit from
both. However, I underestimated how good the best stuff is.
For example: want a concordance? A Bible Atlas? Interlinear? Lexicon?
Manners and Customs of the Bible? Wilson's Old Testament Word Studies?
All of those are easily purchased thru any Christian bookstore, or
any good secular bookstore. They'll order it for you if it's not in
stock. Bullinger's books, too-the Companion Bible, How to Enjoy the
Bible, Number in Scripture, Figures of Speech Used in the Bible,
the Wonderful Cloud of Witnesses, and others are all in the same
places-and some are viewable ONLINE, no order needed. Saw Lamsa's
Bible on sale at Barnes & Noble. Kenyon's books in a Christian
I've also found books as good and better than similar efforts would
have been on different subjects of interest-no relying on the
skills and weaknesses of ONE team of writers or photocopiers.
How about Stiles and Leonard? Where do we find their books, folks?
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The best research book that I have enjoyed for decades is "A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament" by E.W Bullinger.
You can no longer get this book for it is out of print. TWI use to sell it and I grabed one. If you can find one,it is a keeper. It makes word studies a snap.
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Order B.G. Leonard's books here.
I've picked up a few. I have very little to say about them.
Stiles is harder to find, but the Gift of the Holy Spirit book can be found here.
Kenyon, you can find on
And lookie here: Bullinger's Lexicon!
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Ie., using that analogy, TWI is kinda like someone who eats and eats, and has their butt corked. ... Something is gonna blow!
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I suspect one of the reasons Bullinger's Greek Lexicon might be out of print
is there are so many computer programs and websites that provide the same
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George Aar
To be just a tad more pragmatic, I'd have to ask,
What's the best resort in the Bahamas?
(this is obviously one of the few areas of BOD expertise)
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My boy, I think you've nailed it!
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Now here is a great business idea for someone still "in" the books from the Way still in the plastic cover and auction them off on will make a good profit. Someone paid over $50.00 for "Are the Dead Alive Now" a few months ago.
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This may be one of the reasons I've heard rumblings that a change in bookstore policy is imminent.
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George Aar
For anyone interested in Stiles "Holy Spirit" book, I think this is a better site (cheaper anyhow) than the one Rafael posted:
BTW, for the uninitiated, is the greatest for rare/old or just hard-to-find books.
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If I could ask one thing of TWI that they would have to answer under oath in court it would be this: What is the standard in TWI for dealing with extra marital sexual situations with leader ship? Are there two standards for TWI leadership? Consider these two situations that occurred in 1994 1995.
In depositions made under testimony and referenced in a judges decision on this site it is clear that RFR was told by LCM about his sexual habits in 1995, and this was before the incidents that lead to the Allen lawsuit occurred in 1996.
Consequences: LCM is dismissed and RFR is promoted but only when it is forced by the lawsuit in 2000- five years later
In Atlanta around1994 a single corps twig coordinator was discovered to be having a sexual relation with a single woman in his twig (I knew them personally and knew they were “sweet” on each other but did not know how sweet) The corps twig coordinator was relieved of his twig but stayed in the area. His corps brother and branch coordinator had known for a while and covered for them. He was kicked out of the area and not given any responsibility. I was his assistant TC (not a big deal but that is why I was told these details). I was told that because he had covered it up he had actually been worse than the TC. This all happened as soon as Limb was aware of the problem- it was as quick and quiet as possible- but I have to believe that LCM was in on the original decision loop- another detail- the banished branch coordinator told me he wrote a letter of apology to LCM and ask if he could continue his ROA assignment as one of the PFAL cartoon characters- and LCM refused.
Consequences: TC and BC both punished as soon as leadership above them was made aware of the situation. BC punished more and relived of any responsibility because he failed to act and pass it up the way tree.
Anyone else know of situations like the one I describe in Atlanta?
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My question to any leader there now at TWI in Authority who sets policy or to the ones who sit on any board is why can't you just offer a Fing public apology to at least acknowledge some bit of remorse for the pain your group has inflicted on it's past followers ? To those you have marked and avoided, to the victims that have suffered sexual abuse, to the children who were put in harms way by allowing pedophiles that were protected by leadership !.to those who suffered emotional damage, to those who were publicly humiliated by a leader & other so called leaders who were out of control and to yeah a whole lot of other issues too !See I was a loyal follower & supporter of your evil rotten organization and I trusted you with my well being and I even before I left would still think the best of you who were in authority.You so called Men and Woman of God who had no backbone and instead of looking to change and repair the damage you just allowed it to get worse because you at the top are selfish and I really do not know how some of you sleep at night ? Yes some say I am bitter and need to get over it but hey I didn't suffer as bad as some but that doesn't mean I can allow your evil ways to be ignored like sticking my head in the sand and pretending it never happened. Many of us on here put in the cost of time to some of your programs that in some ways made us unwilling puppets to your charade of misrepresenting what I know we all thought was a ministry with God's love at the top and you waited too long to deal with LCM and only removed him when it became neccesary to protect your shattered image ! So I have taken a long time to answer here on what I would ask but I personaly too like someone else stated in a post somewhere, hope your evil rotten organazation shrivels up ! I have nothing against your members who choose to be in your group nor do I wish anyone bad will but hey TWI POWER BROKERS it is all out in the open anyway your rotten evil ways so I ASK and wonder too why no one has the backbone to publicy issue an apology ?? For me it would bring some closure but not undo the damage you have caused and to you spineless leaders I ask you to consider what I say . I have heard some at TWI monitor this site and I do hope you report back with what I have said. I don't count on any official public apology soon because that would be bad business for a business in ministry sheep clothing ! I do hope too any law suits against your group exposes more and more to the public how rotten you really have been and how rotten you still are ! Ok enough said !I can say so much more !
:(--> A public apology would be a gesture that at least there is some acknowledgement of humanity and maybe some day your followers will clean house of you corrupted power heads and do some remodeling on Wierwille Rd. and then maybe that Public Apolgy Will Come !!!!!!!!!!See I joke around on the post at times but this is my heart and just little of the tip of the iceberg issues I have. So thanks for your time my fellow gs friends and thank you too for for being you and true to yourselves the ones I love and ones who have shown me what God's love in action can still do for the heart !
:)--> p.s. It was people too like you I described that kept me in all those years and you are the ones that offered some much needed relief and yeah to me that is one thing I do not regret !
Edited by dougie73Link to comment
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I know of a clergyman who was told to leave grounds during ROA 1995. I heard it was because he was fooling around with another woman while he was married. I also heard this man had recurring problems in this area. If this is true, did he get booted because twi had to show they were moral....yeah right....or was it because he stepped in on lcm's booty call???
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It has been brought up here recently that you have opened your bookstore to the public.
This was one of the first questions asked on this thread. Could you please clear this one up for everyone?
I was involved with TWI for a long time and I'm thankful for all the good that I learned. I wish no ill will toward your ministry but only would like some questions answered.
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I have a question for the BOD.
In 1994, my wife and I and two of our children were told to never attend a Way meeting again. We were Marked and Avoided. Our oldest son was allowed to attend all functions.
At our last meeting, the area leader told us that our middle son
was a gangster and our dauther, along with her many friends (girls) that she brought to fellowship, were whores.
One year after our excommunication, the area leader who made all these pronouncements, was fired by the Way, International.
We were told by Corps witnesses, who were at that meeting, that the REASON that this area leader (a way corp grad) was FIRED was because: "He was making devilish decisions that were hurting believers" Witnesses told me these facts.
My question to the BOD is this.
Why have you not contacted my oldest son, who is a way corp grad, and told him that that decisions that this displaced area leader made WERE WRONG? That he was fired, by the BOD.
Why, after this area leader was fired, the Way leadership in my area continued to speak bad things about me; and criticize believers for even mentioning my name or talking to me?
Why have you not apoligized to my oldest son and told him the truth?
Why have you not contacted us and apoligized for one of your former employees errors of judgement; and make available, at our option, the restoration of fellowship?
Way International, it's your turn to make a move. Nothing in this life will work for you or prosper until you do the right thing.
I will not stop letting the world know, via the World Wide Web, that you have not apoligized for your actions. When you apoligize to my son and the rest of our family, I will stop informing the world of your spiritual crimes.
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My question is the same as yours but for all of the people who were so casually tossed aside. Many were harassed then canned by dictators who are no longer there. Have they gone back and figured out if these people actually did anything wrong?
I once asked a senior rev this question. The answer I got was "well, if they were still in a position of leadership then they were working in conjunction with HQ." As if HQ has never been fooled before?! Pretty d**m lazy answer, if you ask me! His view was that if the person were truly innocent then they could have gone to the next level of leadership and all would have been well. Yep, the ole Way Tree never fails.
Sigh...can they take responsibility for anything?
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The BOD will never admit that any decision that happened on their watch was ever wrong.
In the mid-nineties our branch coordinator was M&A'ing people right and left, often on the spur of the moment, sometimes he would check with the Limb Coordinator, but that was it.
A year later Martindale informed all leadership that they were to go through the three steps of confrontation from Matthew (one-on-one; with one or two witnesses; before the "church" before M&A'ing), which was "according to the Word"
When questioned about all the people who were ousted "contrary to the Word" we were told something like God covered, so it was still right.
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