Since this is an open letter to you, I want to open up with a sincere salutation. You are my brother in Christ, I love you, and we are in a wonderful family that has an amazing capacity for forgiveness when we walk with Jesus Christ and our Father.
Since the context of this thread is so negative and speculative, I might as well indulge a little. I have often wondered how much worse things would have gone if anyone else but you were placed in the top position in 1982. We have seen in scripture that God picks the best He has available to do such demanding jobs as running a ministry to serve God’s people.
I have come to learn that your failures at TWI are typical of the human condition of not having been born with spirit, and the 5-senses orientation we all were saddled with in our youth. It is comforting to know that from 1942 to 1982, and then until 1985, God blessed us with the service of Dr. Wierwille to put into written form this Word that will totally reverse this human condition of separation from God and His will.
Of course you are not the only failure in the TWI debacle that followed Dr’s death, as all of us are now licking our wounds from not being obedient to our father in the Word’s final instructions to master PFAL and kick out all profane doctrines. You have served as the prototype of what will happen to us if we fail to follow Dr. Wierwille’s final instructions in mastering PFAL. Of course, our symptoms and consequences will vary from yours as well as they vary from each other, but the main result will be the same in inability to accurately operate all nine of the manifestations of holy spirit.
However, I prefer to focus on the scenario where we all finally obey Dr’s final instructions and read what’s written in PFAL, master it, and live it.
I look forward to your recovery and your ability to return to the Body of Christ as we carry out Dr’s final instructions to master PFAL. It will be exciting to see what you are able to do along with us within the Body of Christ as we rise to meet the Lord in the air, in the God-breathed air of pure doctrine in PFAL.
Please feel free to contact me for any help I may be capable of offering in accelerating your return to PFAL and to genuine service to the Body.
Since this is an open letter to you, I want to open up with a sincere salutation. You are my brother in Christ, I love you, and we are in a wonderful family that has an amazing capacity for forgiveness when we walk with Jesus Christ and our Father.
Since this is an open letter to you, I want to open up with a sincere salutation. You are my brother in Christ, I love you, and we are in a wonderful family that has an amazing capacity for forgiveness when we walk with Jesus Christ and our Father.
Up til now, we have an on-topic post.....
Since the context of this thread is so negative and speculative, I might as well indulge a little. I have often wondered how much worse things would have gone if anyone else but you were placed in the top position in 1982. We have seen in scripture that God* picks the best He has available to do such demanding jobs as running a ministry to serve God’s people.
I have come to learn that your failures at TWI are typical of the human condition of not having been born with spirit, and the 5-senses orientation we all were saddled with in our youth. It is comforting to know that from 1942 to 1982, and then until 1985, God* blessed us with the service of Dr. Wierwille to put into written form this Word* that will totally reverse this human condition of separation from God and His will.*
Of course you are not the only failure in the TWI debacle that followed Dr’s death*, as all of us are now licking our wounds from not being obedient to our father in the Word’s* final instructions to master PFAL* and kick out all profane doctrines. You have served as the prototype of what will happen to us if we fail to follow Dr. Wierwille’s final instructions in mastering PFAL*. Of course, our symptoms and consequences will vary from yours as well as they vary from each other, but the main result will be the same in inability to accurately operate all nine of the manifestations of holy spirit.
However, I prefer to focus on the scenario where we all _finally _obey Dr’s final instructions* and read what’s written in PFAL, master it*, and live it.
I look forward to your recovery and your ability to return to the Body of Christ as we carry out Dr’s final instructions to master PFAL*. It will be exciting to see what you are able to do along with us within the Body of Christ as we rise to meet the Lord in the air, in the God-breathed air of pure doctrine in PFAL.*
Up to this point, we switched to a commercial. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled thread.
Please feel free to contact me for any help I may be capable of offering in accelerating your return to PFAL and to genuine service to the Body.
I added asterisks for the various products we're being peddled.
Got a real love fest going for ole craiggers don't you...
quote:Since the context of this thread is so negative and speculative, I might as well indulge a little. I have often wondered how much worse things would have gone if anyone else but you were placed in the top position in 1982. We have seen in scripture that God picks the best He has available to do such demanding jobs as running a ministry to serve God’s people.
If God were doing the picking... I'm sure it would have been someone else. GOD DIDN"T PICK wee p w picked...
quote: . It is comforting to know that from 1942 to 1982, and then until 1985, God* blessed us with the service of Dr. Wierwille to put into written form this Word* that will totally reverse this human condition of separation from God and His will
Could you please explain to lil' ol' 5 senses orientated non-PFAL mastering Me how Dr's decision to back the plan of the Ohio TWI TO cover for, relocate and reaasign a homosexual pediophilic TC so that he molest anew correlates with
quote: God* blessed us with the service of Dr. Wierwille
Cause frnkly the spritual me is haveing trouble regarding this as a blessing of any kind.
I have no idea. I wasn't there, and I haven't collected any first hand data from it, nor could I. I choose not to engage in such gossip.
Can you tell me why God installed David as King when he went on to not only have an affair and knock up Bathsheba, but that he then KILLED her husband?
Can you tell me why God overlooked that the best He could, and went on to give David more revelations to write down when he got back in fellowhip?
The spiritual you is anemic. It needs to feed off the pure Word. Come back to PFAL and get that spiritual side cooking again. Then you’ll understand AT LEAST why God still worked with David.
You wrote: “If God were doing the picking... I'm sure it would have been someone else. GOD DIDN"T PICK wee p w picked... I know you think they're the same but .... NOT”
According to the Bible God picked King Saul, David, and Solomon as well as Balaam and Judas to stand for Him and speak forth His Word, in spite of their flaws.
According to your criteria, He didn’t. I reject your criteria.
I do NOT think Dr and God are the same, only that in some writings (PFAL) and some spoken words, Dr got it accurate form God, and that in these situatioons Dr spoke with all the authority of God almighty, just like we were taught (RHST p.113 7th ed.) that at Corneilus’ house Peter spoke with all the authority of God Almighty.
quote: However, I prefer to focus on the scenario where we all finally obey Dr’s final instructions and read what’s written in PFAL, master it, and live it.
Two questions --
1) When is the book "VPW IS GOD" coming out?, and --
I am sorry to hear that bad things happened in your family, and I would like to help you with your painful situation. However, I insist on proceeding in a Godly manner.
If you think the passing along of only one side of a story without due process is not gossip, then let’s invent a special word for it, and I will not partake in that either. I’m not a trained investigator so I’m not going to even try to look into your case here in a public setting. If you did not go to the proper authorities, then maybe you ought to. This board is not the proper authorities.
I focus on what God wrought in Dr’s ministry that I experienced and what I have in print. I know mistakes were made in the ministry, especially after Dr’s death, but I will not focus on them here on this public board.
How would you expect one of the members of Uriah’s family to behave after his murder? Should they support the killer King David or not? If you think this is a hypothetical situation, it is not. Many people in ancient Israel had to decide whether or not to support David in the years after Uriah’s murder. They were traumatized, and had to deal with it, but the ones who saw that God still supported David were in the right. Those who abandoned David were in the wrong and missed out on the blessing God would have supplied them in David’s subsequent Psalms.
I have been traumatized by some people in my life. I know what it is like to hunger for revenge. I resist it daily. Without God and His Word this is impossible.
If you want me to help you to deal with the trauma you face, I will only do it in private, and not here. I can help you get back to God and His Word, but I cannot help you with the vengeance you seek. You’ll have to wait on God’s justice, and quit trying to implement your own. God will make it up to you and your family if you continue to walk with Him.
You wrote: “Lookin' for the redirector... Page 2. It's Mike! Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on... TWI II was bad but not my VP! Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on...”
If you don’t like me re-directing things when I show up, maybe you ought to get a hold of a message with substance. Then you can get people’s attention and stand your ground. When people who only want to bitch and moan try to obscure you message, you cant expose their shallowness too. I’d like some company in this re-directing.
There were a lot of bad things that happened in the ministry. Because the Word says there’s evil in all men, all of Adam’s descendants, I know Dr had evil to deal with in his life, just like you do. How well are you dealing with your evil? Come back to PFAL and find God’s help on this again.
The only areas of the ministry I see that are truly good are the revelations that God had Dr put into written form.
Let’s get back to the topic now. I’m tired of re-directing this thread. I may have some more things to say to Craig in this open letter later.
quote: but I cannot help you with the vengeance you seek. You’ll have to wait on God’s justice, and quit trying to implement your own
PLease do not put words in my mouth that I never said--It's unsanitary I don't know where your hands have been!!
I find it amusing that you asume that God hasn't blessed my life since TWI. BUt of course, you must maintain that position in order to uphold VPW and LCM. I mean if all of us Christians out here are receiving blessings from GOD on a daily basis, Like I am and I am sure many others, Then TWI and Piffle don't remain as the only link to GOD.
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i think bally boy works for UPS also
ha ha ha ha ha, you weren't fakin' it, were you? You REALLY are a big dumb oakie
Remember that "finger" you slipped me as a "welcome back"? BACK AT YA A$$ ole.
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Especially so if he were to apply at TBN.
But I don't think he has a $1500 theology to match the clothes.
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Dear Craig,
Since this is an open letter to you, I want to open up with a sincere salutation. You are my brother in Christ, I love you, and we are in a wonderful family that has an amazing capacity for forgiveness when we walk with Jesus Christ and our Father.
Since the context of this thread is so negative and speculative, I might as well indulge a little. I have often wondered how much worse things would have gone if anyone else but you were placed in the top position in 1982. We have seen in scripture that God picks the best He has available to do such demanding jobs as running a ministry to serve God’s people.
I have come to learn that your failures at TWI are typical of the human condition of not having been born with spirit, and the 5-senses orientation we all were saddled with in our youth. It is comforting to know that from 1942 to 1982, and then until 1985, God blessed us with the service of Dr. Wierwille to put into written form this Word that will totally reverse this human condition of separation from God and His will.
Of course you are not the only failure in the TWI debacle that followed Dr’s death, as all of us are now licking our wounds from not being obedient to our father in the Word’s final instructions to master PFAL and kick out all profane doctrines. You have served as the prototype of what will happen to us if we fail to follow Dr. Wierwille’s final instructions in mastering PFAL. Of course, our symptoms and consequences will vary from yours as well as they vary from each other, but the main result will be the same in inability to accurately operate all nine of the manifestations of holy spirit.
However, I prefer to focus on the scenario where we all finally obey Dr’s final instructions and read what’s written in PFAL, master it, and live it.
I look forward to your recovery and your ability to return to the Body of Christ as we carry out Dr’s final instructions to master PFAL. It will be exciting to see what you are able to do along with us within the Body of Christ as we rise to meet the Lord in the air, in the God-breathed air of pure doctrine in PFAL.
Please feel free to contact me for any help I may be capable of offering in accelerating your return to PFAL and to genuine service to the Body.
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Sounds to me, Mikey, like you're licking something else besides wounds.
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Such is the nature of YOUR wounded hearing.
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Mike -- you shoulda stopped there.
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I'll accommodate you.
Forgiveness is an ability that only spiritual people are capable of.
I myself struggle with it at times, but I continue to learn about it more, day by day.
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Mike, 5/17/04, pg-2.
I added asterisks for the various products we're being peddled.
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Tom Strange
yeah... quit trying to sneak your doctrinal thread crap back up here...
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Thank you for repeating my commercial, free of charge.
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Al Poole
Hey Mikey....
Got a real love fest going for ole craiggers don't you...
If God were doing the picking... I'm sure it would have been someone else. GOD DIDN"T PICK wee p w picked...
I know you think they're the same but .... NOT
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Could you please explain to lil' ol' 5 senses orientated non-PFAL mastering Me how Dr's decision to back the plan of the Ohio TWI TO cover for, relocate and reaasign a homosexual pediophilic TC so that he molest anew correlates with
????Cause frnkly the spritual me is haveing trouble regarding this as a blessing of any kind.
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I have no idea. I wasn't there, and I haven't collected any first hand data from it, nor could I. I choose not to engage in such gossip.
Can you tell me why God installed David as King when he went on to not only have an affair and knock up Bathsheba, but that he then KILLED her husband?
Can you tell me why God overlooked that the best He could, and went on to give David more revelations to write down when he got back in fellowhip?
The spiritual you is anemic. It needs to feed off the pure Word. Come back to PFAL and get that spiritual side cooking again. Then you’ll understand AT LEAST why God still worked with David.
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Al Poole,
You wrote: “If God were doing the picking... I'm sure it would have been someone else. GOD DIDN"T PICK wee p w picked... I know you think they're the same but .... NOT”
According to the Bible God picked King Saul, David, and Solomon as well as Balaam and Judas to stand for Him and speak forth His Word, in spite of their flaws.
According to your criteria, He didn’t. I reject your criteria.
I do NOT think Dr and God are the same, only that in some writings (PFAL) and some spoken words, Dr got it accurate form God, and that in these situatioons Dr spoke with all the authority of God almighty, just like we were taught (RHST p.113 7th ed.) that at Corneilus’ house Peter spoke with all the authority of God Almighty.
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I think the ratio was 1000:1 Dr blessing us.
You have not even come close to seeing the finality of the blessings in PFAL.
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can't wait
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Lookin' for the redirector...
Page 2. It's Mike!
Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on...
TWI II was bad but not my VP!
Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on...
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Two questions --
1) When is the book "VPW IS GOD" coming out?, and --
2) Doesn't this belong in the doctrinal forum??
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For your enlightenment gossip is passing along second hand (or more) information
First hand accounts are not gossip
three of the children molested by said TC were mine
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I am sorry to hear that bad things happened in your family, and I would like to help you with your painful situation. However, I insist on proceeding in a Godly manner.
If you think the passing along of only one side of a story without due process is not gossip, then let’s invent a special word for it, and I will not partake in that either. I’m not a trained investigator so I’m not going to even try to look into your case here in a public setting. If you did not go to the proper authorities, then maybe you ought to. This board is not the proper authorities.
I focus on what God wrought in Dr’s ministry that I experienced and what I have in print. I know mistakes were made in the ministry, especially after Dr’s death, but I will not focus on them here on this public board.
How would you expect one of the members of Uriah’s family to behave after his murder? Should they support the killer King David or not? If you think this is a hypothetical situation, it is not. Many people in ancient Israel had to decide whether or not to support David in the years after Uriah’s murder. They were traumatized, and had to deal with it, but the ones who saw that God still supported David were in the right. Those who abandoned David were in the wrong and missed out on the blessing God would have supplied them in David’s subsequent Psalms.
I have been traumatized by some people in my life. I know what it is like to hunger for revenge. I resist it daily. Without God and His Word this is impossible.
If you want me to help you to deal with the trauma you face, I will only do it in private, and not here. I can help you get back to God and His Word, but I cannot help you with the vengeance you seek. You’ll have to wait on God’s justice, and quit trying to implement your own. God will make it up to you and your family if you continue to walk with Him.
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Just Thinking,
You wrote: “Lookin' for the redirector... Page 2. It's Mike! Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on... TWI II was bad but not my VP! Whole lot 'o redirectin' goin' on...”
If you don’t like me re-directing things when I show up, maybe you ought to get a hold of a message with substance. Then you can get people’s attention and stand your ground. When people who only want to bitch and moan try to obscure you message, you cant expose their shallowness too. I’d like some company in this re-directing.
There were a lot of bad things that happened in the ministry. Because the Word says there’s evil in all men, all of Adam’s descendants, I know Dr had evil to deal with in his life, just like you do. How well are you dealing with your evil? Come back to PFAL and find God’s help on this again.
The only areas of the ministry I see that are truly good are the revelations that God had Dr put into written form.
Let’s get back to the topic now. I’m tired of re-directing this thread. I may have some more things to say to Craig in this open letter later.
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Tom Strange
Mike, God is not happy with the job you're doing. He does not approve of your behavior.
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PLease do not put words in my mouth that I never said--It's unsanitary I don't know where your hands have been!!
I find it amusing that you asume that God hasn't blessed my life since TWI. BUt of course, you must maintain that position in order to uphold VPW and LCM. I mean if all of us Christians out here are receiving blessings from GOD on a daily basis, Like I am and I am sure many others, Then TWI and Piffle don't remain as the only link to GOD.
I'm sure you find that very frustrating.
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