Why do you respond to serious examination with ludicrous hyperbole?
These people thought LCM was God's spokesman on earth. They thought defying him was identical to defying God. That's tremendous authority: whether it was "absolute" or not is quibbling over semantics.
You would be surprised at what people will do when they believe that to "DISOBEY" is to #1 be out of fellowship, #2 be going against the will of god for their own personal lives.
UH, that's a very interesting observation. I wonder why it becomes sexual..... Is that because that's one area where people are most vulnerable?
Did that sort of thing happen with the Vietnam POW's and POWs of other wars? I don't remember hearing about that, but back then people didn't really talk about those kinds of things, either.
Yeah....obediance to leadership = obediance to God....
Disobey leaders and you were letting down the God who loved you and had done so very much for you.....
A leaders request was tantamount to an order to one who wanted to be spiritually *sharp*
You know oldies you keep using the same tired *gun to the head* analogy....yet I really DID believe that I would die if I disobeyed leaderships directives...
If you wanted to grow with God ...If you wanted to love God....if you wanted to express your apreciation for the miracles wrought....... it was simple...you just had to obey leadership first time every time....because God would always tell them first, anything of importance for your life....
I was told that if I didn`t obey, that I would be letting God down ...I wasn`t meek... and that God would be dissapointed...that I would let satan in to my life destruction of all I loved was inevitable...
Fear worse than that of death by a bullet was the threat of being posessessed as a result of being stiff necked...
I would have been less afraid of a gun held to my head.
You know oldies, you have a point. Take walking up to someone on the street and tell them to jump off a cliff. They will look at you like you’re nutz!!!!!
But take someone and mentor them, make sure that they spend possibly years believing you have their best interest in mind. Slowly introduce the liberty in Christ that allows those spiritual enough to jump off the cliff. By gawd cliff jumping is the ultimate in service to the lord, dontchaknow!
But that is still ridiculous because people don’t have a built in natural drive to go jump off of cliffs. Now what about sex? Everyone grows and develops a natural sex drive. It is not such a far fetched analogy to get someone following your *leadership* 24/7 in service to God Almighty while at the same time break down the good morals they had learned and been brought up with.
Slowly, erode their good morals by placing a new set of morals in their heads. Sex with a MOG is the moral and right thing, ultimate service to God! Sure all this didn’t work with everyone, we have witnesses to that, the seed was sown, the pruning done; yet when faced with do it or.................. they didn’t fall for it. But then there are others that bought it all hook-line and sinker! Some to this day bought it and would still be promoting it had LCM not been forced out.
You know it would better for the perpetrators of this doctrine of devils to have a mill stone attached to their............uh.......privates and cast into the sea!
insurgent...good question. Why does it become sexual? The experts claim that rape is not so much sexual as it is a control issue. Inversely, extreme control would logically manifest itself into sexual exploitation. Probably because a persons sexuality lies at the very center of their personal life, exploiting it, would give the controller access to the most vulnerable, and personal aspect of the individuals life. I don't know...seems to make sense.
It only goes to show that if twi leaders had truly cared about their flock, this crap would not have happened. A manipulative, sadistic exploiter is the complete opposite of a nuturing, loving Christian leader.
Thinking a little more on this subject, I must take note, that when studying the life of Jesus, I do not see any manipulation or secrecy going on at all. No name tags, no lock boxes, no titles, no corporations, no buildings or properties, no organizational plans, no tax exempt status, no lawsuits, no rape accusations, no power echelons, no chain of commands, no political endorsements, no fund drives, bake sales or bingo nights. Jesus never asked to be paid money to teach, never handed out any loyalty oaths to be signed, was never sadistic or controlling or dishonest.
Have you seen the movie, "Lord of the flies"? When there is no civil or social standards or laws, you have anarchy. In the movie the kids stranded on the island, through time, adapted to the "survival of the fittest" mentality. The fittest ruled by means of violence and intimidation. Those that where weak... submitted to the tyranny. Those at the top were served by those who could not overcome their position of power.
At TWI when there is no accountability and the ones at the top have limitless power, Anarchy happens. I'm not talking about the lack of laws that govern our United States. But Spiritual Anarchey!
We can learn alot about human behavior from that movie.
It speaks to me that without a spiritual "checks and balances" system you have what has happened for decades at TWI. A governing group that has taken advantage of God's people in the name of Chritianity. Spiritual Anarchy!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting, if they asked you to jump off a cliff, would you? Not directly, maybe...but people obeyed to do things that later their conscience could not handle and committed suicide in TWI. I wonder how many suicides we had in TWI?
quote: whenever there is a situation where one person has absolute authority over another and is operating under a veil of secrecy, that sadistic behavior often developes leading to sexual humiliation and degradation of the "prisoner".
I gotta agree with that. The old adage "give them an inch, and they will become the ruler of your life" were never truer words -- especially when applied to twi.
quote: doesn't apply because there was no "absolute authority" in twi
if someone has you held at gunpoint, THATS absolute authority...
Oldies -- oh we were held at "gunpoint" alright. Maybe not a loaded .45 point at our heads, but something equally dangerous pointed at us with the demand to "give it up, or die". -->
Here's a recent TWI sadistic leadership story - hot off the press!
An innie related to a good friend of mine that his BC had done a 'communion' service around Easter.
Last week, during their monthly fellowship coordinator's meeting most of the meeting consisted of this BC reproving everyone there for not sending him a thank you card for doing the communion service.
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YUP, no accountability.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
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doesn't apply because there was no "absolute authority" in twi
if someone has you held at gunpoint, THATS absolute authority...
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in our heads there was. That's why we we obeyed them.
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if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you jump?
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Why do you respond to serious examination with ludicrous hyperbole?
These people thought LCM was God's spokesman on earth. They thought defying him was identical to defying God. That's tremendous authority: whether it was "absolute" or not is quibbling over semantics.
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Radar OReilly
You would be surprised at what people will do when they believe that to "DISOBEY" is to #1 be out of fellowship, #2 be going against the will of god for their own personal lives.
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Ex, ha ha ha ha good one
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Oh geeeze.
Oldies, we all know you live in an alternate universe. Please, if you can converse with us earthlings, we would appreciate you much more.
oops, edited for very bad typo
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We were taught that as long as we obeyed leadership, we were "covered" by our obedience because God loves obedience blah blah blah.
That pretty much gave the "leaders" free reign to order us around. I pretty much did was I was told because I bought into that whole concept.
Good thing they didn't tell me to jump off a cliff.
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oldies, they don't call the people left in twi(t) land "kool-aid" drinkers for nuthin'
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UH, that's a very interesting observation. I wonder why it becomes sexual..... Is that because that's one area where people are most vulnerable?
Did that sort of thing happen with the Vietnam POW's and POWs of other wars? I don't remember hearing about that, but back then people didn't really talk about those kinds of things, either.
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Yeah....obediance to leadership = obediance to God....
Disobey leaders and you were letting down the God who loved you and had done so very much for you.....
A leaders request was tantamount to an order to one who wanted to be spiritually *sharp*
You know oldies you keep using the same tired *gun to the head* analogy....yet I really DID believe that I would die if I disobeyed leaderships directives...
If you wanted to grow with God ...If you wanted to love God....if you wanted to express your apreciation for the miracles wrought....... it was simple...you just had to obey leadership first time every time....because God would always tell them first, anything of importance for your life....
I was told that if I didn`t obey, that I would be letting God down ...I wasn`t meek... and that God would be dissapointed...that I would let satan in to my life destruction of all I loved was inevitable...
Fear worse than that of death by a bullet was the threat of being posessessed as a result of being stiff necked...
I would have been less afraid of a gun held to my head.
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You know oldies, you have a point. Take walking up to someone on the street and tell them to jump off a cliff. They will look at you like you’re nutz!!!!!
But take someone and mentor them, make sure that they spend possibly years believing you have their best interest in mind. Slowly introduce the liberty in Christ that allows those spiritual enough to jump off the cliff. By gawd cliff jumping is the ultimate in service to the lord, dontchaknow!
But that is still ridiculous because people don’t have a built in natural drive to go jump off of cliffs. Now what about sex? Everyone grows and develops a natural sex drive. It is not such a far fetched analogy to get someone following your *leadership* 24/7 in service to God Almighty while at the same time break down the good morals they had learned and been brought up with.
Slowly, erode their good morals by placing a new set of morals in their heads. Sex with a MOG is the moral and right thing, ultimate service to God! Sure all this didn’t work with everyone, we have witnesses to that, the seed was sown, the pruning done; yet when faced with do it or.................. they didn’t fall for it. But then there are others that bought it all hook-line and sinker! Some to this day bought it and would still be promoting it had LCM not been forced out.
You know it would better for the perpetrators of this doctrine of devils to have a mill stone attached to their............uh.......privates and cast into the sea!
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insurgent...good question. Why does it become sexual? The experts claim that rape is not so much sexual as it is a control issue. Inversely, extreme control would logically manifest itself into sexual exploitation. Probably because a persons sexuality lies at the very center of their personal life, exploiting it, would give the controller access to the most vulnerable, and personal aspect of the individuals life. I don't know...seems to make sense.
It only goes to show that if twi leaders had truly cared about their flock, this crap would not have happened. A manipulative, sadistic exploiter is the complete opposite of a nuturing, loving Christian leader.
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Thinking a little more on this subject, I must take note, that when studying the life of Jesus, I do not see any manipulation or secrecy going on at all. No name tags, no lock boxes, no titles, no corporations, no buildings or properties, no organizational plans, no tax exempt status, no lawsuits, no rape accusations, no power echelons, no chain of commands, no political endorsements, no fund drives, bake sales or bingo nights. Jesus never asked to be paid money to teach, never handed out any loyalty oaths to be signed, was never sadistic or controlling or dishonest.
Maybe twi got it wrong in a few places?
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Have you seen the movie, "Lord of the flies"? When there is no civil or social standards or laws, you have anarchy. In the movie the kids stranded on the island, through time, adapted to the "survival of the fittest" mentality. The fittest ruled by means of violence and intimidation. Those that where weak... submitted to the tyranny. Those at the top were served by those who could not overcome their position of power.
At TWI when there is no accountability and the ones at the top have limitless power, Anarchy happens. I'm not talking about the lack of laws that govern our United States. But Spiritual Anarchey!
We can learn alot about human behavior from that movie.
It speaks to me that without a spiritual "checks and balances" system you have what has happened for decades at TWI. A governing group that has taken advantage of God's people in the name of Chritianity. Spiritual Anarchy!!!!!!!!!!
"It is selfwill run riot".
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Interesting, if they asked you to jump off a cliff, would you? Not directly, maybe...but people obeyed to do things that later their conscience could not handle and committed suicide in TWI. I wonder how many suicides we had in TWI?
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I gotta agree with that. The old adage "give them an inch, and they will become the ruler of your life" were never truer words -- especially when applied to twi.
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Oldies -- oh we were held at "gunpoint" alright. Maybe not a loaded .45 point at our heads, but something equally dangerous pointed at us with the demand to "give it up, or die".
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I for one "gave it up" hoping not to "die", but ended up there anyway.
You bet there was "absolute authority" in operation -- 100% capacity, 24/7.
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Cherished Child
Oldies...why was it that you left TWI again...?
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A la prochaine
Here's a recent TWI sadistic leadership story - hot off the press!
An innie related to a good friend of mine that his BC had done a 'communion' service around Easter.
Last week, during their monthly fellowship coordinator's meeting most of the meeting consisted of this BC reproving everyone there for not sending him a thank you card for doing the communion service.
Say no more.
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I don't think Hallmark makes thankyou for the communion cards, on the other hand they do make you are such a d**k cards. Silly BC Trix are for kids.
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