Optional Advanced Rules--only for experts and unrepentant alcoholics
--one drink when anyone quotes any verse from Ephesians
--one drink when anyone changes a word because of the "original texts"
--three drinks when anyone says "literal translation according to usage"
--one drink when someone mispronounces a Greek word
--DRAIN GLASS if the word mispronounced is "hypocatastasis"(*)
--one drink whenever someone finishes a sentence with "what", as in "For God so loved the WHAT?" (Use this one with caution!)
--one extra drink (over the "class" rule) if it's ended with "what, Class?" In other words, "For God so loved the what, class?" is a 3-drink phrase, one for "what" one for "class", and one for combining them into "what, class?"
--one drink if any time period is redundantly broken down, as in "in this day and hour"
--one drink for any utterance of "Dat's riiight!"
--one drink if anyone works "wonderful" and "beautiful" into the same sentence.
(*) The correct pronunciation is HIGH-poe-cah-TASS-tah-sis, stressed as if saying "super-catastrophe". LCM usually mispronounced it hypo-kahta-stahsis, apparently because he could not process info in greater than two-syllable chunks...
Steve!: Hey, this is a "Biblical RESEARCH and TEACHING ministry" we're dealing with, remember? ;)--> You know, the people who can rewrite the Bible at will because of their all-encompassing knowledge of biblical "usage", including grammar and spelling?
Guess their powers leaked over into rewriting the dictionary now, too... ;)-->
Besides, the mention of the word is effectively so rare that draining the glass would be appropriate. (Even though hypocatastasis is the most-used figure in the world...)
Tom: Sorry, but a REAL Believer could simply speak in tongues for five minutes and be able to drive perfectly, even if his blood was completely substituted with Jack Daniels.
You fail the believer test and must drink. Them's the rules, bud.
This would have to be a seperate game, but I think you should take one sip of your drink every time the teacher ends a sentence with the word "see." That annoyed the hell out of me because it sounded like gangster talk, yet VPW and LCM did it constantly.
2 drinks for every time someone pronounces a Greek word CORRECTLY!
2 drinks for propper pronounciation of "Pnuema Hagion" (when I told and ex-corpse dude how it really was pronounced, he told me that "Doctor" knew the correct pronounciation but said it the way he did cause no one else could get it right. yah right... jackass.
2 drinks for the phrase "Let's flip over Philippians to Thessalonians".
*3* drinks for every time the word love is "properly" translated 'the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation'.
Back in my dope days we used to play a game we called "buzz bang". First you smoke a joint, then get a big bottle of something (usually wine). Then one number at a time everybody counts. On multiples of 5 you say buzz, on multiples of 7 you say bang. On multiples of both 5 and 7 you say buzz bang. So if someone screws up they had to take a hit off the bottle.
So, OK. We were coherent enough to have these elaborate rules AND enforce them, but we were stoned enough to regularly screw up. Hmm. Sounds like a set up to me.
The only TWI tape I have listened to in recent years is the Living Victoriously tapes. There'd be a lot of hits off them, especially on hypocatastasis. Let the games begin.
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i'm ****faced
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I would add every time LCM raises his voice but that would probably result in alcohol poisoning.
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Brief detour:
Love my new subtitle! I actually think Norm from Cheers will outlive most of the anal people in the world who worry about much and accomplish little.
Now back to the thread at hand...
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Ok, it changed already! God must have heard. Is this a random thing and I'm just too slow to notice? If so, I feel reallllly dumb.
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He's usually AT high volume already. It's hard to tell lcm's normal
yelling from other yelling, anyway.
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Optional Advanced Rules--only for experts and unrepentant alcoholics
--one drink when anyone quotes any verse from Ephesians
--one drink when anyone changes a word because of the "original texts"
--three drinks when anyone says "literal translation according to usage"
--one drink when someone mispronounces a Greek word
--DRAIN GLASS if the word mispronounced is "hypocatastasis"(*)
--one drink whenever someone finishes a sentence with "what", as in "For God so loved the WHAT?" (Use this one with caution!)
--one extra drink (over the "class" rule) if it's ended with "what, Class?" In other words, "For God so loved the what, class?" is a 3-drink phrase, one for "what" one for "class", and one for combining them into "what, class?"
--one drink if any time period is redundantly broken down, as in "in this day and hour"
--one drink for any utterance of "Dat's riiight!"
--one drink if anyone works "wonderful" and "beautiful" into the same sentence.
(*) The correct pronunciation is HIGH-poe-cah-TASS-tah-sis, stressed as if saying "super-catastrophe". LCM usually mispronounced it hypo-kahta-stahsis, apparently because he could not process info in greater than two-syllable chunks...
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REALLY, Zixar, even *I* think that that's just a little too anal!
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Good point. As most new people have no idea what a greek figure of speech is anyway, how about one glass for using the word "Hypocatastasis" at all!
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Steve!: Hey, this is a "Biblical RESEARCH and TEACHING ministry" we're dealing with, remember?
;)--> You know, the people who can rewrite the Bible at will because of their all-encompassing knowledge of biblical "usage", including grammar and spelling?
Guess their powers leaked over into rewriting the dictionary now, too...
Besides, the mention of the word is effectively so rare that draining the glass would be appropriate. (Even though hypocatastasis is the most-used figure in the world...)
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Tom Strange
I'm here with myseestorEx... we need a designated driver please...
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Tom: Sorry, but a REAL Believer could simply speak in tongues for five minutes and be able to drive perfectly, even if his blood was completely substituted with Jack Daniels.
You fail the believer test and must drink. Them's the rules, bud.
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OK....1 drink for every cuss word that comes out of LCM.
1 drink for the use of the word KIDS.
1 drink for any use of the work "Saints
and finally 2 drinks just for the h*ll of it.
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Mister P-Mosh
This would have to be a seperate game, but I think you should take one sip of your drink every time the teacher ends a sentence with the word "see." That annoyed the hell out of me because it sounded like gangster talk, yet VPW and LCM did it constantly.
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So did our limb leader Doug Seed? poor Doug he still thinks he is our limb leader. lol
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2 drinks for every time someone pronounces a Greek word CORRECTLY!
2 drinks for propper pronounciation of "Pnuema Hagion" (when I told and ex-corpse dude how it really was pronounced, he told me that "Doctor" knew the correct pronounciation but said it the way he did cause no one else could get it right. yah right... jackass.
2 drinks for the phrase "Let's flip over Philippians to Thessalonians".
*3* drinks for every time the word love is "properly" translated 'the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation'.
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Superdy-duper advanced version:
Do all this while blindfolded and guess what you are drinking. This would then be "discerning of spirits." :-)
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Exactly!!! Like greasespot, and midnight!
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JT -- Good one!
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Two drinks every time someone says "that's right!"
Two drinks everytime someone (generic) who left TWI is called a "copout." Three drinks if the "copout" is identified by name.
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One drink everytime the teacher expects the audience to finish reading the verse with him out loud.
One drink for every sports analogy used in a teaching. Two drinks if it's a football analogy.
One drink every time people outside twi are referred to as "egg sucking"
One drink every time tithing or abundant sharing is mentioned.
One drink for every time witnessing is mentioned.
One drink for every time you start to nod off during the teaching.
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One drink every time the name of a TWI class is mentioned.
Two drinks of there's an explicit exhortation to take that class.
Three drinks if PFAL is mentioned in a tape made after the WAP class was introduced.
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One drink everytime you have to write a thank you card to a TWI leader.
And you get a free bong hit if your FC returns your card and orders you to redo it.
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I hate to be a wet-blanket, but please try to stick to what few rules
apply to coming up with the game-rules...
A) please specify if a rule is twi-1, twi-2/3, or both
B) the game is played when playing back an AUDIOTAPE.
C) (you're following this one)
one drink for relatively common stuff, two for rarer stuff, three for
very rare/specific stuff (the once-in-a-lifetime stuff can be
"drain the glass if")
For example,
drain entire glass/bottle/can if speaker admits to wrongdoing, legal or moral
(must acknowledge it was WRONG to do it)
three drinks for an "expanded translation according to usage"
two drinks if "plurality giving" is mentioned
one drink if some global catastrophe is mentioned, past or present.
(Includes "we stopped an earthquake" and "on 1/1/00, civilization will end")
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Back in my dope days we used to play a game we called "buzz bang". First you smoke a joint, then get a big bottle of something (usually wine). Then one number at a time everybody counts. On multiples of 5 you say buzz, on multiples of 7 you say bang. On multiples of both 5 and 7 you say buzz bang. So if someone screws up they had to take a hit off the bottle.
So, OK. We were coherent enough to have these elaborate rules AND enforce them, but we were stoned enough to regularly screw up. Hmm. Sounds like a set up to me.
The only TWI tape I have listened to in recent years is the Living Victoriously tapes. There'd be a lot of hits off them, especially on hypocatastasis. Let the games begin.
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