"Still showing only the side that is favorable to your TWI handlers are you?"
hahahahahahahaha! Pat, if you would read anything besides the threads that are about you and your cause, you would know how silly it is to refer to LG's "twi handlers." Honestly, isn't it a little ridiculous to accuse people of "being in twi" just because their opinions differ from yours?
That was your intent, Pat, but you made a procedural error that resulted in a judgment against you. Your error was in not getting written consent to your abandonment from TWI and filing that along with it, or making sure that TWI filed such consent before you abandoned your application. Avoiding such mistakes is one of many reasons for having a competent attorney to represent you.
That "Oh, really?" in my preceding post is a link to a document. You can see the same document by clicking HERE. The relevant text is quoted below.
quote:On August 12, 2002, applicant filed an abandonment of its
application Serial No. 78/026354.
Trademark Rule 2.135 provides that if, in an inter partes
proceeding, the applicant files an abandonment without the
written consent of every adverse party to the proceeding,
judgment shall be entered against applicant.
In view thereof, and because opposer's written consent to
the abandonment is not of record, judgment is hereby entered
against applicant, the opposition is sustained and
Pat, you definitely need an attorney, and a competent one, too. Legal proceedings can not be adequately executed by those at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence.* You need to have a lawyer who specializes in intellectual-property law to handle this for you.
Yes, it's possible to represent yourself. It's possible to remove your own appendix, too, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Copyright Regulations for Dummies is long out of print.
As I have stated before, if I had the means to do so, I would have hired an attorney. I don't so I am doing the best I can.
Long Gone:
you are right about my error. I trusted TWI's attorney. A life lesson learned. The outcome is however the same. I couldn't afford TWI's long drawn out battle.
In the current situation, I now can do some of my own legal research and can put on at least a defense of my own. Won't be anywhere as good as a trademark attorney, but it is what I have.
You could always go to the local law school and present your case as an exercise for the students. Clever (i.e., sneaky) law students live to impress. After all, "a score of peasants with hayforks can defeat a handful of men with rifles..."*
Goey's right. Take every possible precaution because this is your one shot at them. Don't jerk the trigger or you'll miss.
I am just totally miffed! All this crap has double standards written all over it and you think you *know* me and my intents. A wall has more charisma and holds better conversation.
I asked for proof, which you can’t or won’t document your claim they came after you for personal reasons rather than you opened a legal avenue for them.
Then you think that you can dictate which way this suit will go, that all concerning TWI will be open season for you, but all you will be safe and protected. TWI’s lawyers will not pu$$yfoot around with you and will go for the juggler immediately. Read their complaints, carefully for a change; what is one of the major points they are making? You used their mark to attract traffic to your site and collect donations.
They will demand all financial records, you don’t keep them, be prepared to be ordered to get them. They will demand your site to become an open book to their lawyers and the court. Maybe a judge will stop that, but if they won’t are you prepared if it happens?
Your judgement continually is at the least clouded concerning my intentions and it has proven that way numerous times with other people that disagree with you. What about other people that may be dragged into this or suffer negative consequences because of your action? Come on, you are named, your little business is named and where was the page posted that allowed donations?
You are studying for a math text to show up and find out it is a history test.......
What is that old saying? Better to lose a battle to win a war. Or how about it is better to live to fight another day.
You could try something novel. You could do the right thing and stop using any form of TWI's name as your own. Do that and TWI will leave you alone.
Interesting. Long Gone you are every bit as guilty of trying "fighting windmills" as ,in your view, PR is. Its amazing that you guys just
won't stop - he is going through with it whether
any one likes it or not.
This isn't about TWI vs PR its about not liking PR's approach and possibly him. And please stop trying to be
an attorney.... PR might need this advice also but you aren't any better at playing attorney than he is so quit acting like you are freakin'
F.Lee Bailey. Its obvious that you aren't and it
irks me that people want to suddenly make others beleive they have some "gift" for the law... Sure next time there is anti-trust suit against Microsoft I'm sure we can count on you to be the Gspot equivalent of Greta Van Sustern
quote:You could try something novel. You could do the right thing and stop using any form of TWI's name as your own. Do that and TWI will leave you alone.
What makes you think I am. The domain name was disabled over a month ago. TWI's top lawyer Columbo who is on the Peeler case and Steiner have filed with the court as Pro Hac Vice counsel.
I left in '92. The statement was just prior to that. It was not at a Sunday Night Service but in a Corps meeting in '92 where Apprentice Corps were allowed to attend. It was a special meeting where inside information was not given out, just general orders and things we should tell each other. Like the internet was an invention of the Adversary. Good examples were porn sites, etc., but information damning to the Way and newspapers posting articles about them would be on them as well. No sites then were mentioned, only that just the internet was evil. If Corps meetings were on tape in 1992, it was LCM who said it. It was a friendly meeting in the BRC. Surprisingly, no heads were chewed off, perhaps to impress the Apprentice Corps and keep us from dropping out. I am sure the swearing continued afterward because us Apprentice Corps were dismissed but the Active Corps were not.
quote:This isn't about TWI vs PR its about not liking PR's approach and possibly him.
I submit that for you, it's not about TWI vs. PR; it's about your hatred of TWI and your desire to see them brought down by any means necessary, even if they have a point.
Lawyers who are skilled in the law come to opposing conclusions over complex issues. There's no reason preventing laypersons from discussing the merits of legal cases, even if they're not lawyers.
Oh be serious. I started posting on Waydale and GS 1 and came back a while ago seeing the place had become more civilized.
quote:i think of you as an offshoot like so many others
Now, no need to call me names hehehe. I never thought of myself that way. I thought only of myself as an irritating old fart that published articles and documents about TWI and their offshoots .........
Pat- glad to assist. You have a uphill battle ahead I hope you are ready. I know you don't have the funds as you have said for legal help. But I would reconsider some of the advice here. Zix, Goey, Grizzy and others have given you some wise words. I wish you the best in your quest.
A company filed for some trademarks in 1980 under that name. Any relation to TWI?
I must confess I haven't followed this thread closely but it did make me curious about trademarking a generic name like "The Way." We used to have someone I met at twig back in my PA days who worked for a company with "The Way" in their name. I think it was a trucking company. Could be wrong though. That was a long time ago.
I submit that for you, it's not about TWI vs. PR; it's about your hatred of TWI and your desire to see them brought down by any means necessary, even if they have a point.
Raf I'm disappointed that you took the cheap way out by suggesting this. Its easy to represent a dissenting opinion in black and
white terms in an attempt to rapidly dispose of
it. Frankly I'm a bit surprised but you are
heavily invested in this thead so perhaps
I shouldn't be.
Whether or not TWI is "brought down" (highly
unlikely of course) has never been the primary issue in this or the other PR thread. Quite simply people didnt like the way PR announced his intent and his apparent unwillingness to relent to the will of others only inflamed those seeking his aquiesence. People
just didn't like how he rolled it all out.
"Just who does he think he is ? He is no lawyer.. I'll show him"
Look at it this way - if PR or another poster
had posted something like "I'll be suing the Way" and had outlined their reasons and intent in a more subdued fashion then there would have
been nothing but support. The general disapproval that I see here is not based on any sensitivty for "the law" but rather his verbosity and bositerous approach to dealing with this whole issue. I get the impression
that some people would have preferred that he
ask for permission from Gspot to go forward with this.
Its been my observation that PR has maintained
a website about TWI for some time. Its also been my observation that during that time that
for whatever reason , his website isn't so popular among GSpotters and I've even seen
a few posts criticizing his policies in place
at his website. Okay all well and good but
I think that perhaps this thread has presented ,for those not liking PR's website and latest activity, an opportunity to vent.
In my mind the lawyering stuff is just a
mask for some underlying irritation with PR
on a personal basis and its a way to spar
with him. So its little wonder that I think that
its a waste of time to deal with "legal aspects" of the case - especially when its not
quote:Raf I'm disappointed that you took the cheap way out by suggesting this.
Suggesting that our disagreement with Pat is based on a dislike for him personally is just as much of a cheap shot, if not more.
You think you have an understanding of my motives (or anyone else's who opposes this legal action)? Well, you don't. You're being presumptuous. If anyone else had said they were suing The Way International for the right to use thewayinternational.com, I would be just as opposed. It has nothing to do with Pat, and I utterly reject your mischaracterization of my motives.
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Pat said to LongGone:
"Still showing only the side that is favorable to your TWI handlers are you?"
hahahahahahahaha! Pat, if you would read anything besides the threads that are about you and your cause, you would know how silly it is to refer to LG's "twi handlers." Honestly, isn't it a little ridiculous to accuse people of "being in twi" just because their opinions differ from yours?
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That was your intent, Pat, but you made a procedural error that resulted in a judgment against you. Your error was in not getting written consent to your abandonment from TWI and filing that along with it, or making sure that TWI filed such consent before you abandoned your application. Avoiding such mistakes is one of many reasons for having a competent attorney to represent you.
That "Oh, really?" in my preceding post is a link to a document. You can see the same document by clicking HERE. The relevant text is quoted below.
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Pat, you definitely need an attorney, and a competent one, too. Legal proceedings can not be adequately executed by those at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence.* You need to have a lawyer who specializes in intellectual-property law to handle this for you.
Yes, it's possible to represent yourself. It's possible to remove your own appendix, too, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Copyright Regulations for Dummies is long out of print.
Get some help, Pat. Really.
* smarter than the average bear
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As I have stated before, if I had the means to do so, I would have hired an attorney. I don't so I am doing the best I can.
Long Gone:
you are right about my error. I trusted TWI's attorney. A life lesson learned. The outcome is however the same. I couldn't afford TWI's long drawn out battle.
In the current situation, I now can do some of my own legal research and can put on at least a defense of my own. Won't be anywhere as good as a trademark attorney, but it is what I have.
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You could always go to the local law school and present your case as an exercise for the students. Clever (i.e., sneaky) law students live to impress. After all, "a score of peasants with hayforks can defeat a handful of men with rifles..."*
Goey's right. Take every possible precaution because this is your one shot at them. Don't jerk the trigger or you'll miss.
* "...but if they have a tank, stick to farming."
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I am just totally miffed! All this crap has double standards written all over it and you think you *know* me and my intents. A wall has more charisma and holds better conversation.
I asked for proof, which you can’t or won’t document your claim they came after you for personal reasons rather than you opened a legal avenue for them.
Then you think that you can dictate which way this suit will go, that all concerning TWI will be open season for you, but all you will be safe and protected. TWI’s lawyers will not pu$$yfoot around with you and will go for the juggler immediately. Read their complaints, carefully for a change; what is one of the major points they are making? You used their mark to attract traffic to your site and collect donations.
They will demand all financial records, you don’t keep them, be prepared to be ordered to get them. They will demand your site to become an open book to their lawyers and the court. Maybe a judge will stop that, but if they won’t are you prepared if it happens?
Your judgement continually is at the least clouded concerning my intentions and it has proven that way numerous times with other people that disagree with you. What about other people that may be dragged into this or suffer negative consequences because of your action? Come on, you are named, your little business is named and where was the page posted that allowed donations?
You are studying for a math text to show up and find out it is a history test.......
What is that old saying? Better to lose a battle to win a war. Or how about it is better to live to fight another day.
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Long Gone said:
You could try something novel. You could do the right thing and stop using any form of TWI's name as your own. Do that and TWI will leave you alone.
Interesting. Long Gone you are every bit as guilty of trying "fighting windmills" as ,in your view, PR is. Its amazing that you guys just
won't stop - he is going through with it whether
any one likes it or not.
This isn't about TWI vs PR its about not liking PR's approach and possibly him. And please stop trying to be
an attorney.... PR might need this advice also but you aren't any better at playing attorney than he is so quit acting like you are freakin'
F.Lee Bailey. Its obvious that you aren't and it
irks me that people want to suddenly make others beleive they have some "gift" for the law... Sure next time there is anti-trust suit against Microsoft I'm sure we can count on you to be the Gspot equivalent of Greta Van Sustern
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Doesn't seem like your theory is very sound...
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I left in '92. The statement was just prior to that. It was not at a Sunday Night Service but in a Corps meeting in '92 where Apprentice Corps were allowed to attend. It was a special meeting where inside information was not given out, just general orders and things we should tell each other. Like the internet was an invention of the Adversary. Good examples were porn sites, etc., but information damning to the Way and newspapers posting articles about them would be on them as well. No sites then were mentioned, only that just the internet was evil. If Corps meetings were on tape in 1992, it was LCM who said it. It was a friendly meeting in the BRC. Surprisingly, no heads were chewed off, perhaps to impress the Apprentice Corps and keep us from dropping out. I am sure the swearing continued afterward because us Apprentice Corps were dismissed but the Active Corps were not.
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I submit that for you, it's not about TWI vs. PR; it's about your hatred of TWI and your desire to see them brought down by any means necessary, even if they have a point.
Lawyers who are skilled in the law come to opposing conclusions over complex issues. There's no reason preventing laypersons from discussing the merits of legal cases, even if they're not lawyers.
Edited by RafLink to comment
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coo coo ca choo
pat you are not a regular GSer (god forgive me, i'm in a family type cult)
you come here to do your thang which is fine with me
but seriously do you give one flying fffuuucck about this place ?
good luck in your mission
i think of you as an offshoot like so many others
but if you get twi'ers to see how rosie and company spend their $$$$$, cool........
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Pat- glad to assist. You have a uphill battle ahead I hope you are ready. I know you don't have the funds as you have said for legal help. But I would reconsider some of the advice here. Zix, Goey, Grizzy and others have given you some wise words. I wish you the best in your quest.
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In the future:
(1) be in your seat ten minutes before regular cyber-fellowship begins
(2) do what GreaseSpot staff and Corps tell you to do
(3) don't make waves
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i deserved that pat and lovematters
i'm an a.s.s., sorry
what i said came out wrong and what i meant to say isn't worth it anyway
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Dear Ex,
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Have you ever heard of:
A company filed for some trademarks in 1980 under that name. Any relation to TWI?
I must confess I haven't followed this thread closely but it did make me curious about trademarking a generic name like "The Way." We used to have someone I met at twig back in my PA days who worked for a company with "The Way" in their name. I think it was a trucking company. Could be wrong though. That was a long time ago.
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Raf said:
I submit that for you, it's not about TWI vs. PR; it's about your hatred of TWI and your desire to see them brought down by any means necessary, even if they have a point.
Raf I'm disappointed that you took the cheap way out by suggesting this. Its easy to represent a dissenting opinion in black and
white terms in an attempt to rapidly dispose of
it. Frankly I'm a bit surprised but you are
heavily invested in this thead so perhaps
I shouldn't be.
Whether or not TWI is "brought down" (highly
unlikely of course) has never been the primary issue in this or the other PR thread. Quite simply people didnt like the way PR announced his intent and his apparent unwillingness to relent to the will of others only inflamed those seeking his aquiesence. People
just didn't like how he rolled it all out.
"Just who does he think he is ? He is no lawyer.. I'll show him"
Look at it this way - if PR or another poster
had posted something like "I'll be suing the Way" and had outlined their reasons and intent in a more subdued fashion then there would have
been nothing but support. The general disapproval that I see here is not based on any sensitivty for "the law" but rather his verbosity and bositerous approach to dealing with this whole issue. I get the impression
that some people would have preferred that he
ask for permission from Gspot to go forward with this.
Its been my observation that PR has maintained
a website about TWI for some time. Its also been my observation that during that time that
for whatever reason , his website isn't so popular among GSpotters and I've even seen
a few posts criticizing his policies in place
at his website. Okay all well and good but
I think that perhaps this thread has presented ,for those not liking PR's website and latest activity, an opportunity to vent.
In my mind the lawyering stuff is just a
mask for some underlying irritation with PR
on a personal basis and its a way to spar
with him. So its little wonder that I think that
its a waste of time to deal with "legal aspects" of the case - especially when its not
really about that.
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Suggesting that our disagreement with Pat is based on a dislike for him personally is just as much of a cheap shot, if not more.
You think you have an understanding of my motives (or anyone else's who opposes this legal action)? Well, you don't. You're being presumptuous. If anyone else had said they were suing The Way International for the right to use thewayinternational.com, I would be just as opposed. It has nothing to do with Pat, and I utterly reject your mischaracterization of my motives.
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Raf said:
It has nothing to do with Pat, and I utterly reject your mischaracterization of my motives.
As do I your earlier suggestion that I "hate" TWI and have allowed that to obscure better
judgement while also serving as a motivation for offerring an opposing point of view to the ideas raised by PR's posts.
Its clear that you took every thing I said
personally though it was intended as a general
assessment of the situation as opposed to a rebuttal to just one person.
I really do believe that most have a problem
with PR and how he accounced his intention more so than what it is that he is doing. Obviously
its going to be matter of opinion.
But if I attempt to offer an analysis of the
situation that appears to favor PR (thats not
even true) then I'm a "Way hater" and clearly
blinded to appeals to rationality. Now isn't
that presumptuous as well as
I think PR is not particulalry well prepared for
this thing nor do I agree with his strategies such as they are but I don't think that painting him as an embitterred quixotic figure
(Long Gone's assessment) because of it is *not* a natural first conclusion except perhaps to those who don't like how he rolled all this out.
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