I was just surprised they gave a rat's patootie what I have to say. I'm just one guy who was in TWI for about a half an hour in the 1980s (look it up, John).
But let's be honest, the Living Epistles Society doesn't have an audience without the Greasespot Cafe. It never dawned on me that innies would click on my site. I mean, why?
You're giving me a swelled head, Eagle.
quote:It just seems to me that if you went to TWI HQ and mentioned your name, the heads would start spinning and pea soup flying everywhere.
Actually, Pawtucket, Pat Roberge, Jim Martin and I were thinking of forming a barber shop quartet and debuting outside the Fountain of Living Waters.
quote:Actually, Pawtucket, Pat Roberge, Jim Martin and I were thinking of forming a barber shop quartet and debuting outside the Fountain of Living Waters.
That would probably just make Tick XXIV start howling!
Dangit Raf! I quoted your line in a post and you tricked me! Evidently the last line of your post has a bunch of "keywords" or "trigger" words or something! (but I don't think it was 'barber shop quartet')
Well, you'll just have to wait to see what I said!
Now that I remember it, the couple said "Ex-Cult World" was not a good site to visit. I forgot that one. I can't remember any more of the list they verbally told me, but PJ Roberge is apparently not well liked by Corpse either, or by this one particular Corpse guy.
A Barbershop Quartet? Do you guys want to be in the same jail cell with Doug McMullan, another "favorite" of theirs?
Are people allowed at the Fountain of Living Waters? I mean, outside the Way? Ex-wayers? Possessed people I mean.
Wolf: The closest the NT comes to saying believers are possessed is when Satan entered into the heart of Judas Iscariot and when Satan filled (pleroo) the heart of Acts 5 Ananias to lie to the holy ghost. I have no problem believing that devil spirits had direct influence on both of those, but I question TWI lightly tossing the possessed label around when God doesn't do it.
Plus I agree with whoever said that TWI has a credibility problem.
I don't believe Christians are possessed, either. So you can just forget about my visit with Charlie Manson and the Pentagram carved in my forehead.
If Jim Martin, Pawtucket, Rafael, and PJ Roberge all go to the Fountain of Living Waters, you should carry flack jackets so you can deal with the air support they will call in.
Hey my two cent commentary ! I think we are all freakin internet junkies and ok maybe some of us gs folks our possessed ? cOME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE ??!!!!! Especially all ya INNIES in New Knoxville who are on witch hunts !!!! Hey there are worse things like being a moronic innie and rather be an addicted internet possesssed gs person than a BORG controlled innie any day ! Ok my 2 cents time limit parking meter is up ! Just my OPINION ! :D--> Have a nice day hunting for spirits and tripped out witches and warlocks ! ahhhhhhhhhhh p.s. penny thought too for you TWI innies spies on here : Put this commentary in your pipe and smoke it up real good and yeah get a life too ! Ok now I need another cup of coffee with a Guinness chaser ! Where is that dam Dealing with Adversary syllubus I had ? Thank you for your time too and maybe see ya all at the Rock of Ages and we can compare pages ? Bless ya ! Ok all done with my gs road rage editing now ! :D--> May the good INNIE WITCHES and WARLOCKS IN Wayville get out too ! Smell the coffee youse all ! I'll buy ya's a Guinness too ! :)--> Oh great here comes Lovely Rita Meter Maid Nothing can come between us When it gets dark she steals my heart away ! la la la la
"Hey there are worse things like being a moronic innie and rather be an addicted internet possesssed gs person than a BORG controlled innie any day !"
I'll drink to that!!!
Your comment on the BORG - thank you! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!
From one who has all 7 seasons of ST-TNG on DVD...
(I suppose that makes me possessed too!)
I'd add my comments about possession, (who said I was, when, where, etc.,) but I'm not sure Pawtucket's servers have the necessary hard drive space. I mean, we'd be talking terabytes :-)
Actually, the way you get repossessed is to not pay the exorcist.
Remember the episode, "I, Borg"? It was about one captured Borg who, separated from the collective, discovered his own personality, his own uniqueness, and that he didn't have to be part of the collective in order to function. He took that back to the collective and what followed wreaked havoc. (Or is that "wrought?") There was a later two part episode on that.
I, for one, am still working on getting these implants out of my brain.
That two part episode, I forgot to mention, included special guest star Professor Stephen Hawking, who now occupies the same chair at Cambridge Univeristy once held by Sir Isaac Newton, the same one who gave us all the details on planetary mechanics. His (Newton's) equations guided the 2 spacecrafts, Voyagers I & II, to their destinations, COASTING through space for about a decade. And his equations were largeley un-modified.
Wolf: The closest the NT comes to saying believers are possessed is when Satan entered into the heart of Judas Iscariot and when Satan filled (pleroo) the heart of Acts 5 Ananias to lie to the holy ghost. I have no problem believing that devil spirits had direct influence on both of those, but I question TWI lightly tossing the possessed label around when God doesn't do it.
Plus I agree with whoever said that TWI has a credibility problem.
I agree.
As twi puts it, apparently He that is in you is NOT greater than He that is in the
world, I John 4 notwithstanding. twi people are huddled together in clusters around the
organization, afraid to make the slightest mistake and revoke the protection of the
Almighty thereby, allowing the devil to immediately swoop in and do horrible things to
That's a far cry from the Christian depicted in the old pfal Session 7 & 8,
the Ambassador for Jesus Christ, with Christ in him, that many of us were "sold" and,
apparently, later forbidden from seeing.
That's an especially miserable thing to compare against the average Christian,
interacting in those average churches that twi claims to be head and shoulders above
I imagine that's why TWI says Stephen Hawking can't walk as well. No, he doesn't really have a debilitating disease, he's possessed! Why else would he talk with a robotic voice! DEVIL SPIRITS! Anyone who has an unnatural above-median amount of knowledge must be operating devil spirits, right?
quote: If Jim Martin, Pawtucket, Rafael, and PJ Roberge all go to the Fountain of Living Waters, you should carry flack jackets so you can deal with the air support they will call in.
Eagle -- would that "air support" be from the "prince of the power of the air"? :D--> :D-->
quote: If Jim Martin, Pawtucket, Rafael, and PJ Roberge all go to the Fountain of Living Waters, you should carry flack jackets so you can deal with the air support they will call in.
Would that "air support" be from the prince of the power of the air? :D-->
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The category of Debul Spurt Possession and who is and what is possessed according to TWI really ticks me off. My Opinion here, this is what I believe, Dealing w/ Advesary, Defeating the Advesary, Ad
I was just surprised they gave a rat's patootie what I have to say. I'm just one guy who was in TWI for about a half an hour in the 1980s (look it up, John).
But let's be honest, the Living Epistles Society doesn't have an audience without the Greasespot Cafe. It never dawned on me that innies would click on my site. I mean, why?
You're giving me a swelled head, Eagle.
Actually, Pawtucket, Pat Roberge, Jim Martin and I were thinking of forming a barber shop quartet and debuting outside the Fountain of Living Waters.
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Tom Strange
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Tom Strange
Dangit Raf! I quoted your line in a post and you tricked me! Evidently the last line of your post has a bunch of "keywords" or "trigger" words or something! (but I don't think it was 'barber shop quartet')
Well, you'll just have to wait to see what I said!
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Still trying to figure out the first song we should sing. Three baritones and a tenor. Hmmm.
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Duh, "OPP".
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Now that I remember it, the couple said "Ex-Cult World" was not a good site to visit. I forgot that one. I can't remember any more of the list they verbally told me, but PJ Roberge is apparently not well liked by Corpse either, or by this one particular Corpse guy.
A Barbershop Quartet? Do you guys want to be in the same jail cell with Doug McMullan, another "favorite" of theirs?
Are people allowed at the Fountain of Living Waters? I mean, outside the Way? Ex-wayers? Possessed people I mean.
Can the Possessed Quartet be allowed there?
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Are "The Victors" getting back together for a Pay-the-Bills "Reconciliation" tour?
Did they get a new recording contract with "Pickwick", "K-Tel" or "Ronco"?
Whoa! Sign me up, dudes!
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Wolf: The closest the NT comes to saying believers are possessed is when Satan entered into the heart of Judas Iscariot and when Satan filled (pleroo) the heart of Acts 5 Ananias to lie to the holy ghost. I have no problem believing that devil spirits had direct influence on both of those, but I question TWI lightly tossing the possessed label around when God doesn't do it.
Plus I agree with whoever said that TWI has a credibility problem.
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I don't believe Christians are possessed, either. So you can just forget about my visit with Charlie Manson and the Pentagram carved in my forehead.
If Jim Martin, Pawtucket, Rafael, and PJ Roberge all go to the Fountain of Living Waters, you should carry flack jackets so you can deal with the air support they will call in.
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Hey my two cent commentary ! I think we are all freakin internet junkies and ok maybe some of us gs folks our possessed ? cOME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE ??!!!!! Especially all ya INNIES in New Knoxville who are on witch hunts !!!! Hey there are worse things like being a moronic innie and rather be an addicted internet possesssed gs person than a BORG controlled innie any day ! Ok my 2 cents time limit parking meter is up ! Just my OPINION !
:D--> Have a nice day hunting for spirits and tripped out witches and warlocks ! ahhhhhhhhhhh
p.s. penny thought too for you TWI innies spies on here : Put this commentary in your pipe and smoke it up real good and yeah get a life too ! Ok now I need another cup of coffee with a Guinness chaser ! Where is that dam Dealing with Adversary syllubus I had ? Thank you for your time too and maybe see ya all at the Rock of Ages and we can compare pages ? Bless ya ! Ok all done with my gs road rage editing now ! 
:D--> May the good INNIE WITCHES and WARLOCKS IN Wayville get out too ! Smell the coffee youse all ! I'll buy ya's a Guinness too !
:)--> Oh great here comes Lovely Rita Meter Maid Nothing can come between us When it gets dark she steals my heart away ! la la la la
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Tom Strange
doogie... you're supposed to share some of that you've been smoking! or at least don't smoke more than one bowl!
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hi dougie ! here i am !!!
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Dougie said:
"Hey there are worse things like being a moronic innie and rather be an addicted internet possesssed gs person than a BORG controlled innie any day !"
I'll drink to that!!!
Your comment on the BORG - thank you! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!
From one who has all 7 seasons of ST-TNG on DVD...
(I suppose that makes me possessed too!)
I'd add my comments about possession, (who said I was, when, where, etc.,) but I'm not sure Pawtucket's servers have the necessary hard drive space. I mean, we'd be talking terabytes :-)
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Tom Strange
I missed that about the BORG! That is a most excellent analogy... part of "the collective". I guess that would make New Knoxville "the hive".
If you were 'redeemed' and 'possessed' would that make you 'repossessed'?
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Actually, the way you get repossessed is to not pay the exorcist.
Remember the episode, "I, Borg"? It was about one captured Borg who, separated from the collective, discovered his own personality, his own uniqueness, and that he didn't have to be part of the collective in order to function. He took that back to the collective and what followed wreaked havoc. (Or is that "wrought?") There was a later two part episode on that.
I, for one, am still working on getting these implants out of my brain.
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That two part episode, I forgot to mention, included special guest star Professor Stephen Hawking, who now occupies the same chair at Cambridge Univeristy once held by Sir Isaac Newton, the same one who gave us all the details on planetary mechanics. His (Newton's) equations guided the 2 spacecrafts, Voyagers I & II, to their destinations, COASTING through space for about a decade. And his equations were largeley un-modified.
Not bad for 400-year-old equations, I think.
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Tom Strange
He was probably possessed!
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I agree.
As twi puts it, apparently He that is in you is NOT greater than He that is in the
world, I John 4 notwithstanding. twi people are huddled together in clusters around the
organization, afraid to make the slightest mistake and revoke the protection of the
Almighty thereby, allowing the devil to immediately swoop in and do horrible things to
That's a far cry from the Christian depicted in the old pfal Session 7 & 8,
the Ambassador for Jesus Christ, with Christ in him, that many of us were "sold" and,
apparently, later forbidden from seeing.
That's an especially miserable thing to compare against the average Christian,
interacting in those average churches that twi claims to be head and shoulders above
and beyond.
That's two entirely different subjects, however.
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Mister P-Mosh
I imagine that's why TWI says Stephen Hawking can't walk as well. No, he doesn't really have a debilitating disease, he's possessed! Why else would he talk with a robotic voice! DEVIL SPIRITS! Anyone who has an unnatural above-median amount of knowledge must be operating devil spirits, right?
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Tom Strange
yeah MasterP... sad isn't it?
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Eagle -- would that "air support" be from the "prince of the power of the air"?
Help an old man out here -- What is BORG?
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Would that "air support" be from the prince of the power of the air?
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Well -- I tried to post a response to Eagle, but "community administrators" need to "approve" it first.
What is a "trigger word" ?
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