I heard a few years ago that as he rode a roller coaster during a fashion shoot, Fabio's head collided with a seagull flying by. Fabio's noggin required a few stitches, but the seagull was not so fortunate.
The category of Debul Spurt Possession and who is and what is possessed according to TWI really ticks me off.
My Opinion here, this is what I believe,
Dealing w/ Advesary, Defeating the Advesary, Advance Classes, Advance Class Specials, and of course the Corps teachings were the main devil spirit possession teachings in TWI along with individual teachings from leaders..... Oops I almost forgot Athletes in the Spirit.
You pretty much needed most of these classes according to TWI to be able to determine who was indeed possessed. Seeing as determining possession was considered a revelation manifestation. We were taught if you were possessed in the mind you wouldn't know you're possessed by a devil spirit.
So if you cannot tell, if you or someone else is possessed, because you didn't have the training or receive big revelation, you had to rely upon a Spiritual Heavy Leader who had the training and received the revelation.
I personally don't know anyone who ever saw any phlegm come out of anybodys face. I heard the story that VPWs secretary saw C.Geers face turn into VPWs face one day during mealtime. True or not I don't know.
I can't even imagine all those who thought they were Spiritual Heavies who scared the crap out of people in TWI in regards to the people who chose by free will not stand with TWI any longer. Accusing those who left of Devil Spirit possession. I witnessed some of this. I believe this was Damage Control or maybe even Finance Control.
This way you keep, those in TWI and those out of TWI, apart. Thus, those still in only heard the one-sided scenerio .... of TWIs Spiritual Heavy who was on damage control, hiding, twisting, perverting and degrading the truth of those people who chose to leave for their own reasons.
Now your almighty spiritual heavy or MOG that you look up to is telling you a lesser spiritual person that someone is possessed of such debul spurt(s). Why lesser, because you didn't receive the revelation from God. The Spiritual Heavy received the revelation and had to inform the rest of you who didn't.
Now what to do with the information that your brethren who you love dearly, broke bread with, had wonderful conversations and shared your life and the life of your family with is now possessed.
Do you or can you even believe it?
Are you scared out of your wits?
Are you in AWE of the Spiritual Heavies powers for revelation?
Do you wish you could receive that revelation yourself?
Do you make the decision then and there to be a Spiritual Heavy?
Do you automatically take it for truth because its a leader telling you?
Do you just take it for truth even though your questioning it in your mind but your scared if you speak up you will be accused of possession?
Do you have the guts to ask permission to speak to the accused party because it seems a bit amiss to you?
What do you do?
I know scenerios where people didn't even care to get the other side of the story. Scenerios where people weren't allowed to hear from the other side.
.... no free will to check things out on your own here... no need to right, you aren't as smart as the MOG are ya? So people just let it go out of fear.
Are GSers possessed according to TWI ... I would say that the references of Grease Spots Cafe, the Administrator and Posters being possessed has come up more than we will ever know by TWI to its followers.
The questions are:
How many more will gain back there free will?
Who will make the choice to think and investigate for themselves?
Who will refuse to be scared into a corner?
Who will take the blinders off?
Who will stand up for Gods kids whom are wrongly accused?
Let's see, we were taught that you can't tell if someone's possessed without operating the manifestation of discerning of spirits. If God doesn't tell you, then you don't know. If God does tell you, there has to be a profit in telling you -- it seemed to follow that you could then cast out the devil(s).
Yet, people in TWI were all the time pointing out that so-and-so was possessed, merely to show how "spiritually aware" they were. No desire (and often no opportunity) to help said possessed person. No good reason to need to know. Just showing off.
Then there's another thing. We were taught that "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." So what is all this "stay away from them, they're possessed" stuff about? If we're possessed, what are they afraid of?
Kinda makes you want to walk up to an innie and say "BOO!"
We here on this board and it`s administrator have been declaired *possessed* by WHOM???
A group of people who fiercly adhere to a ministry who has been headed up by not one but TWO sexual predators....
A ministry who is now headed up by folks who not only protected but lied and covered for said behavior by the first twi leaders....
Folks who accept the new revelation from one guy who was a many times drunken old sot and the other an ego maniac...
Folks who believe the new revelation from afore said nut that the original *sin* was Eve doing the *nasty* with the serpent disguised as another woman...rofl...
Folks who believe that they are in some promised land...and that God`s word is over the world....that only they in their househould are spiritually clean enough for access to God almighty??...
Folks who are SO afraid of spiritual attack that they are unable to travel alone anywhere....
and we are concerned about what THESE nuts say we are?????
I for one have never seen the administrator of these boards insisting on being *serviced* by the young women as part of their spiritual responsibility....nor indulge himself in any other of the many heinous acts that the leaders of said ministry participated in....
and we want to give credence to these foolish ... er faithfull saints pov because???..we trust their discernment abilities in their declartation of our spiritual state...why????
I honestly thought that something horrible was going to happen to me when I first posted at WayDale. I worried about being possessed and worried about my family or leadership knowing that I came here.
No one got revelation that I've come here. Nothing horrible has happened to me or anyone in my family. I've not been accused of being possessed, but, I have become really good at wiping that slime off the bathroom mirror. :D-->
Once someone comes here it's painfully obvious that they don't want us to come here because they don't want us to know what they're hiding. People are getting more bold and more independent in TWI and the more they talk about not coming here, the more people will come here. I hope they keep coming and that new ones come every day.
So far, no evidence of possession by any here on this thread or at grease spot. I've been up late thinking about it. My head is spinning. Pea soup hitting the walls and bookcases. I'm going to get some Advil. That should do it.
It seems that no one here on this thread has yet put two and two together on what hard recent data we have here.
Harve Platig contacted GreaseSpot and thus privately recognized its existence.
He then negotiated with Paw to have an official TWI letter posted here, thus publicly recognizing our existence here.
I paid no attention to the contents of his letter, because I know first hand how common the controversy was that it addressed, so I have no idea who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in that situation, nor do I want to derail this thread with THAT topic.
That Harve would reach out with a written communication to possessed people does not make sense. I think he realizes that we have legitimate beefs here, but the corporate inertia and their concerns for protecting their young believers limit the speed with which they can deal with these issues. The fact that he DID try to communicate to people here indicates to me that at the top, they do NOT feel we are all possessed or that the devil runs this show.
I think that in lower levels of TWI leadership things may not be nearly so clean. It takes time to change a corporate attitude.
It is my opinion that anyone who posts here with an attitude of disgust at how in the past the charge of possession was used as an crude intimidation tool, and yet has stood by silent while the EXACT SAME THING goes on with Steve Lortz (and others) charging me with possession or collusion with devil spirits in my threads here, is probably a sleeping bigoted hypocrite, if not an alert bigoted hypocrite.
You wrote: “So far, no evidence of possession by any here on this thread or at grease spot.”
Click on Steve Lortz’s name and see how dedicated (or driven) he is at pointing out devil spirits in my words. He posts long and often on this. It’s pretty much the ONLY thing he posts on.
Do you think that possession pointers are ok here? …or just bad at TWI?
Click on Steve Lortz’s name and see how dedicated (or driven) he is at pointing out devil spirits in my words. He posts long and often on this. It’s pretty much the ONLY thing he posts on.
I disagree with Steve on this. I don't believe that demons exist. You're not possessed, you are obsessed. Big difference.
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The category of Debul Spurt Possession and who is and what is possessed according to TWI really ticks me off. My Opinion here, this is what I believe, Dealing w/ Advesary, Defeating the Advesary, Ad
Tom Strange
well... I thought I was... you mean I'm not?
...but I've seen pics of paw and he didn't look like the devil to me... some of those women think he looks like fabio though... is fabio the devil?
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Fabio is a dumb blonde that eats margerine that says "I can't believe its not butter". But Fabio is not the devil.
I'll go out on a limb here and say Pawtucket is not the devil.
Now we must prove we are not possessed.
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I heard a few years ago that as he rode a roller coaster during a fashion shoot, Fabio's head collided with a seagull flying by. Fabio's noggin required a few stitches, but the seagull was not so fortunate.
By mysterious process of transmigration,
the spirit of the seagull
filled the empty room of Fabio's mind.
But that spirit was Satan.
All who behold Fabio
become the spawn of Fabio.
Join us ye Way remnant -
Bow to our feather-brained lord
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The category of Debul Spurt Possession and who is and what is possessed according to TWI really ticks me off.
My Opinion here, this is what I believe,
Dealing w/ Advesary, Defeating the Advesary, Advance Classes, Advance Class Specials, and of course the Corps teachings were the main devil spirit possession teachings in TWI along with individual teachings from leaders..... Oops I almost forgot Athletes in the Spirit.
You pretty much needed most of these classes according to TWI to be able to determine who was indeed possessed. Seeing as determining possession was considered a revelation manifestation. We were taught if you were possessed in the mind you wouldn't know you're possessed by a devil spirit.
So if you cannot tell, if you or someone else is possessed, because you didn't have the training or receive big revelation, you had to rely upon a Spiritual Heavy Leader who had the training and received the revelation.
I personally don't know anyone who ever saw any phlegm come out of anybodys face. I heard the story that VPWs secretary saw C.Geers face turn into VPWs face one day during mealtime. True or not I don't know.
I can't even imagine all those who thought they were Spiritual Heavies who scared the crap out of people in TWI in regards to the people who chose by free will not stand with TWI any longer. Accusing those who left of Devil Spirit possession. I witnessed some of this. I believe this was Damage Control or maybe even Finance Control.
This way you keep, those in TWI and those out of TWI, apart. Thus, those still in only heard the one-sided scenerio .... of TWIs Spiritual Heavy who was on damage control, hiding, twisting, perverting and degrading the truth of those people who chose to leave for their own reasons.
Now your almighty spiritual heavy or MOG that you look up to is telling you a lesser spiritual person that someone is possessed of such debul spurt(s). Why lesser, because you didn't receive the revelation from God. The Spiritual Heavy received the revelation and had to inform the rest of you who didn't.
Now what to do with the information that your brethren who you love dearly, broke bread with, had wonderful conversations and shared your life and the life of your family with is now possessed.
Do you or can you even believe it?
Are you scared out of your wits?
Are you in AWE of the Spiritual Heavies powers for revelation?
Do you wish you could receive that revelation yourself?
Do you make the decision then and there to be a Spiritual Heavy?
Do you automatically take it for truth because its a leader telling you?
Do you just take it for truth even though your questioning it in your mind but your scared if you speak up you will be accused of possession?
Do you have the guts to ask permission to speak to the accused party because it seems a bit amiss to you?
What do you do?
I know scenerios where people didn't even care to get the other side of the story. Scenerios where people weren't allowed to hear from the other side.
.... no free will to check things out on your own here... no need to right, you aren't as smart as the MOG are ya? So people just let it go out of fear.
Are GSers possessed according to TWI ... I would say that the references of Grease Spots Cafe, the Administrator and Posters being possessed has come up more than we will ever know by TWI to its followers.
The questions are:
How many more will gain back there free will?
Who will make the choice to think and investigate for themselves?
Who will refuse to be scared into a corner?
Who will take the blinders off?
Who will stand up for Gods kids whom are wrongly accused?
Edited by DigitalisLink to comment
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ohmygod fabio and a seagull. laughing my spirit filled head off!!!!!!
i'm going now to discern pawtucket. i'll get back to you....
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one of paw's....
need i say more ? what is the mark on that beast's nose ?
if you go to the picture section here, you will also see many other spiritually suspicious creatures.... invisible danny's--
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two of my favorite greasespotters....
need coffee, see ya later
we're all gone now....
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Excie (lol)!
You posted a pic of my beloved "Dairy Queen" -
so nick-named because she goes nuts in the presence of sour cream, ice cream, and bits of cheese from MacDonald's hamburgers.
She, among all cats, would most surely be able to discern the evil "Antibutter" of Fabio!
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Dear Digi,
Let's see, we were taught that you can't tell if someone's possessed without operating the manifestation of discerning of spirits. If God doesn't tell you, then you don't know. If God does tell you, there has to be a profit in telling you -- it seemed to follow that you could then cast out the devil(s).
Yet, people in TWI were all the time pointing out that so-and-so was possessed, merely to show how "spiritually aware" they were. No desire (and often no opportunity) to help said possessed person. No good reason to need to know. Just showing off.
Then there's another thing. We were taught that "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." So what is all this "stay away from them, they're possessed" stuff about? If we're possessed, what are they afraid of?
Kinda makes you want to walk up to an innie and say "BOO!"
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Shaz ... I was taught the same thing ...
Discerning of Spirits was a Revelation Manifestation.
"Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" TWI I believe in the 90s taught more fear than deliverence.
I will have to try the BOO thing out. Loved it
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When I get my GS T-shirt, I may put it on and do just that!
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okaaay ...lets look at this thing logically...
We here on this board and it`s administrator have been declaired *possessed* by WHOM???
A group of people who fiercly adhere to a ministry who has been headed up by not one but TWO sexual predators....
A ministry who is now headed up by folks who not only protected but lied and covered for said behavior by the first twi leaders....
Folks who accept the new revelation from one guy who was a many times drunken old sot and the other an ego maniac...
Folks who believe the new revelation from afore said nut that the original *sin* was Eve doing the *nasty* with the serpent disguised as another woman...rofl...
Folks who believe that they are in some promised land...and that God`s word is over the world....that only they in their househould are spiritually clean enough for access to God almighty??...
Folks who are SO afraid of spiritual attack that they are unable to travel alone anywhere....
and we are concerned about what THESE nuts say we are?????
I for one have never seen the administrator of these boards insisting on being *serviced* by the young women as part of their spiritual responsibility....nor indulge himself in any other of the many heinous acts that the leaders of said ministry participated in....
and we want to give credence to these foolish ... er faithfull saints pov because???..we trust their discernment abilities in their declartation of our spiritual state...why????
sounds like a no brainer to me....
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Rascal -- Yep, a classic case of the "pot" calling the "kettle" black.
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I honestly thought that something horrible was going to happen to me when I first posted at WayDale. I worried about being possessed and worried about my family or leadership knowing that I came here.
No one got revelation that I've come here. Nothing horrible has happened to me or anyone in my family. I've not been accused of being possessed, but, I have become really good at wiping that slime off the bathroom mirror.
Once someone comes here it's painfully obvious that they don't want us to come here because they don't want us to know what they're hiding. People are getting more bold and more independent in TWI and the more they talk about not coming here, the more people will come here. I hope they keep coming and that new ones come every day.
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So far, no evidence of possession by any here on this thread or at grease spot. I've been up late thinking about it. My head is spinning. Pea soup hitting the walls and bookcases. I'm going to get some Advil. That should do it.
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You`ll be FINE eagle....just stay AWAY from priests, crosses n holy water....trust me...them can be nasty to our kind.
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A couple of things occurred to me while reading this post.
Number One:
It seems that no one here on this thread has yet put two and two together on what hard recent data we have here.
Harve Platig contacted GreaseSpot and thus privately recognized its existence.
He then negotiated with Paw to have an official TWI letter posted here, thus publicly recognizing our existence here.
I paid no attention to the contents of his letter, because I know first hand how common the controversy was that it addressed, so I have no idea who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in that situation, nor do I want to derail this thread with THAT topic.
That Harve would reach out with a written communication to possessed people does not make sense. I think he realizes that we have legitimate beefs here, but the corporate inertia and their concerns for protecting their young believers limit the speed with which they can deal with these issues. The fact that he DID try to communicate to people here indicates to me that at the top, they do NOT feel we are all possessed or that the devil runs this show.
I think that in lower levels of TWI leadership things may not be nearly so clean. It takes time to change a corporate attitude.
Number Two:
It is my opinion that anyone who posts here with an attitude of disgust at how in the past the charge of possession was used as an crude intimidation tool, and yet has stood by silent while the EXACT SAME THING goes on with Steve Lortz (and others) charging me with possession or collusion with devil spirits in my threads here, is probably a sleeping bigoted hypocrite, if not an alert bigoted hypocrite.
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That one really got swept under the rug.
Never could figure out then, and still haven't figured out, why any ministry truly of GOD would spend so much time negating his power.
I mean the Holy Spirit is indwelling in those who are saved.
Evil and Good cannot occupy the same space
The way TWI taught , all them nasty little debil spurts had to do was walk up to your mind and the HS fled leaving you open.
IF THAT WERE TRUE, I can't see much point in worshipping a GOD who couldn't even keep a measly low level demon spurt out of your head.
Thankfully, My GOD is bigger than that and I no longer see "spurts" everywhere I Look
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Hey templelady,
Do you think I'm possessed?
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You wrote: “So far, no evidence of possession by any here on this thread or at grease spot.”
Have you looked at my threads lately? Click on Steve Lortz’s name and see how dedicated (or driven) he is at pointing out devil spirits in my words.
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Have you looked at my threads lately? …or at all?
You wrote: “So far, no evidence of possession by any here on this thread or at grease spot.”
Click on Steve Lortz’s name and see how dedicated (or driven) he is at pointing out devil spirits in my words. He posts long and often on this. It’s pretty much the ONLY thing he posts on.
Do you think that possession pointers are ok here? …or just bad at TWI?
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Tom Strange
aye chihuahua!
are you volunteering? running for "possessed office"?
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Mister P-Mosh
I disagree with Steve on this. I don't believe that demons exist. You're not possessed, you are obsessed. Big difference.
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My former twig leaders wife said I was possessed at my "kicking out party", so I guess I'm a member of the OPP club(Officially Pronounced Possessed)
Haven't figured out how to do that cool rotating your head all the way around thingy yet.
I DID barf up some green stuff once when I got food poisoning, but that's about the only sign I've seen so far.
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