But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
Even so then at this present time also there is a REMNANT according to the election of grace.
Remember LCM doing the remnant teaching? All those tripped out way believers had gone a-whoring after other Gods; but God had a holy remnant, a chosen few, of course, from the Way ministry who had not spit in Gods face, but rather, stayed faithful to the great mystery and Gods ministry.
I bought into it......for awhile.
I'll never forget the look on the ex-twi believers faces; and than the belly laughs they gave me when I mentioned that teaching.
LCM really believed he and his holy followers were the last true believers, ON EARTH, to live the mystery.
The whole "Word Over the World" concept was parellel to all Asia hearing the word in about two years.
Funny thing, Wierwille touted "all Asia" as the "known world", even though he also said that Asia referred to what we call Asia Minor, or modern Turkey. It's not even that. Asia was a province that included Ephesus and was a small part of what we know as Asia Minor.
"lcm was obssessed with the number 2 and all the implications of that..." -insurgent
...That's because he's full of number two!
There was the Elisha/Elijah analogy with VPW/LCM going on, too. I remember it from the 1991 Advanced Class - I thought it was big headed of him and still think so.
About the comment insurgent made about VPW falling asleep before the household of the prevailing Word crossed the covered bridge into the promised land (how the covered bridge and the promised land got linked together in the bigheaded MOG's little pea brain is still beyond me)... LCM taught extensively on how Moses gave up his life - he didn't have to die but chose to, according to the teaching, so that the household, er, Isrealites could cross into the promised land. He did mention VPW falling asleep before the TWI household could "complete the journey" but stated that if it wasn't for the twisted members (Ge@r & co. - fog years, whatever you want to call it) that we could have done it sooner.
You know something?
If the apex of the Grace Administration, other than Jesus Christ coming back, was the arrival of the household into the Promised Land of the Prevailing Word, then where was the proverbial "milk and honey"? Didn't everything go really sour shortly after that?
As always there were just too many holes in the story now that I look back on it. At the time it all made sence, didn't it? I was too busy to think about it much or too "commited" to say anything...
quote: Moses gave up his life - he didn't have to die but chose to, according to the teaching, so that the household, er, Isrealites could cross into the promised land. He did mention VPW falling asleep
THe anology here was that VPW also chose to die. rada rada rada....
HOw else do you explain the Man of GOD FOr Our Day and Time, the only person besides Eve and Christ who ever faced the Devil directly and won, Etc Etc Etc Dying.
Couldn't come out and say he had cancer, only Debul spurt influenced people get that.
And he didn't cure himself--considering that "believing equals receiving" that must mean he chose to die else we would have to say his believing just wasn't there.....
And whot about the BOT etal they must of annointed him with Oil (hopefully with the good old three-in-one) and Believed. Remember when three are united in belief it is a sure thing.
THerefore VPW must have chosen to give up his life--or the BOT didn't have it together....
NO VPW's manner of death sure didn't help some of the sanke oil being pedaled that is for sure.
quote: There was the Elisha/Elijah analogy with VPW/LCM going on, too. I remember it from the 1991 Advanced Class - I thought it was big headed of him and still think so.
Oh yeah....I remember that. There was a guy who had made a bronze in regognition of that with Elija approaching Elisha at the plow to give him his mantle. They were likening VP to Elija and lcm to Elisha with the passing of the mantle. The bronze was on display in the auditorium. I wonder if it still is since twi's Elisha copped out and proved himself the poo-poo head he really is.
I'm leery of pulpiteers who spit out analogies of themselves and/or their churches to biblical figures and events.
As VP, LCM, setting false religion over against orthodox Christianity, heresy, seemingly making one's sense of importance one's controlling commitment, and analogies to a biblical figure go, however, Jeroboam the son of Nebat comes to mind.
You know, twi really doesn't have any original ideas. They copied ideas and set their path based on the old testament. If they think they are the new, dynamic church, why don't they blaze new trails? Who's getting revelation in there anyway? Boring..... -->
, at least in christian circles, as being divine and undeniably positive. TWI taught that
the counterfeit will always mimic the genuine
and in many ways, even be identical to genuine
but there is always something that gives it away. Little did I realize at the time that that teaching applied more to TWI itself than any other thing they were talking about
Hope - please tell me y'all didn't have to write thank you notes for that pic you posted...
Wasn't Rose-ah-leeeee compared to the first prophetess Mariam (excuse the spelling please, it's late...)??? Anyone remember that? I wasn't in (thank gawd!) when she was passed the skunk pelt and washed with Wesson oil, but I remember some mention of it... Anyone...??
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Romans 11:4-5
But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
Even so then at this present time also there is a REMNANT according to the election of grace.
Remember LCM doing the remnant teaching? All those tripped out way believers had gone a-whoring after other Gods; but God had a holy remnant, a chosen few, of course, from the Way ministry who had not spit in Gods face, but rather, stayed faithful to the great mystery and Gods ministry.
I bought into it......for awhile.
I'll never forget the look on the ex-twi believers faces; and than the belly laughs they gave me when I mentioned that teaching.
LCM really believed he and his holy followers were the last true believers, ON EARTH, to live the mystery.
I am so glad I grew up......
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The whole "Word Over the World" concept was parellel to all Asia hearing the word in about two years.
Funny thing, Wierwille touted "all Asia" as the "known world", even though he also said that Asia referred to what we call Asia Minor, or modern Turkey. It's not even that. Asia was a province that included Ephesus and was a small part of what we know as Asia Minor.
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"lcm was obssessed with the number 2 and all the implications of that..." -insurgent
...That's because he's full of number two!
There was the Elisha/Elijah analogy with VPW/LCM going on, too. I remember it from the 1991 Advanced Class - I thought it was big headed of him and still think so.
About the comment insurgent made about VPW falling asleep before the household of the prevailing Word crossed the covered bridge into the promised land (how the covered bridge and the promised land got linked together in the bigheaded MOG's little pea brain is still beyond me)... LCM taught extensively on how Moses gave up his life - he didn't have to die but chose to, according to the teaching, so that the household, er, Isrealites could cross into the promised land. He did mention VPW falling asleep before the TWI household could "complete the journey" but stated that if it wasn't for the twisted members (Ge@r & co. - fog years, whatever you want to call it) that we could have done it sooner.
You know something?
If the apex of the Grace Administration, other than Jesus Christ coming back, was the arrival of the household into the Promised Land of the Prevailing Word, then where was the proverbial "milk and honey"? Didn't everything go really sour shortly after that?
As always there were just too many holes in the story now that I look back on it. At the time it all made sence, didn't it? I was too busy to think about it much or too "commited" to say anything...
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THe anology here was that VPW also chose to die. rada rada rada....
HOw else do you explain the Man of GOD FOr Our Day and Time, the only person besides Eve and Christ who ever faced the Devil directly and won, Etc Etc Etc Dying.
Couldn't come out and say he had cancer, only Debul spurt influenced people get that.
And he didn't cure himself--considering that "believing equals receiving" that must mean he chose to die else we would have to say his believing just wasn't there.....
And whot about the BOT etal they must of annointed him with Oil (hopefully with the good old three-in-one) and Believed. Remember when three are united in belief it is a sure thing.
THerefore VPW must have chosen to give up his life--or the BOT didn't have it together....
NO VPW's manner of death sure didn't help some of the sanke oil being pedaled that is for sure.
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Oh yeah....I remember that. There was a guy who had made a bronze in regognition of that with Elija approaching Elisha at the plow to give him his mantle. They were likening VP to Elija and lcm to Elisha with the passing of the mantle. The bronze was on display in the auditorium. I wonder if it still is since twi's Elisha copped out and proved himself the poo-poo head he really is.
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Hope R.
No, you're not imagining things. He's supposed to be the apostle Paul - he even signed it that way. Did this man have an ego or what?
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This is why I don't go by the name "ralph."
Ralph is a verb!
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Hope, WHOA! Isn't Olan Mills offering that as a background choice now for portraits?
ANOTHer idea stolen from the Way.
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I'm leery of pulpiteers who spit out analogies of themselves and/or their churches to biblical figures and events.
As VP, LCM, setting false religion over against orthodox Christianity, heresy, seemingly making one's sense of importance one's controlling commitment, and analogies to a biblical figure go, however, Jeroboam the son of Nebat comes to mind.
1 Kings 12:26-31
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You know, twi really doesn't have any original ideas. They copied ideas and set their path based on the old testament. If they think they are the new, dynamic church, why don't they blaze new trails? Who's getting revelation in there anyway? Boring.....
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This was their attempt at attaching their
name to something that is universally accepted
, at least in christian circles, as being divine and undeniably positive. TWI taught that
the counterfeit will always mimic the genuine
and in many ways, even be identical to genuine
but there is always something that gives it away. Little did I realize at the time that that teaching applied more to TWI itself than any other thing they were talking about
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the pic of loy was a hoot. Paul?!?!
Who did the beard? George clooney's was more realistic in O brother where are thou?
I thought for sure mike would have chimed in advancing his mogfat theology for ole vic.
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Hope .....
Where do you get these pics from LOL ...
Histerical .... he went from tights to a dress!
he he he
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Hope - please tell me y'all didn't have to write thank you notes for that pic you posted...
Wasn't Rose-ah-leeeee compared to the first prophetess Mariam (excuse the spelling please, it's late...)??? Anyone remember that? I wasn't in (thank gawd!) when she was passed the skunk pelt and washed with Wesson oil, but I remember some mention of it... Anyone...??
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