yeah schuks... just "shake that dust off of your feet"...
I like playing here... although occasionally I am serious... and I really don't care what you think... seriously... if you want to come here, fine... if you don't, then don't...
but if you do, remember, you're one of "us" also (Bullinger)... hahahhahahaha!!!!
quote:Hey guys and gals, it's a wicked and perverse world out there. Is TWI the enemy or could there possibly be a devil out here working in more than one organization?
Schuks, I've thought about this before, how here at GS, blessings and goodness are more often and most likely attributed to God only, never mind about the good works of Victor Paul and the BOT; but badness and evil works are attributed to Victor Paul and the BOT, and NOT the spiritual source, which is the Devil. Seems like a fair point to keep in mind.
ps. to schuks, glad you're helping people. i think each individual has an exclusive story. i also think each person has to decide for themself whether they need to cry or not.
oh, and....
quote:Is he the first idiot you ever saw violate a woman?
what compassion you have!
plus, cult issues and spiritual abuse, betrayal of trust, etc., affect male and female alike
Stop blaiming the guy???? awwww your right.. poor Vpw ...I see it all wasn`t HIS fault...he simply invited satan into his ministry and our lives by participating in and justifying biblically the evil ...heartily embracing darkness with both arms.... and endoctrinated his trainees to do likewise...
Geeze cut the poor guy some slack...I see it WAS all satans fault... vpw simple WORKED for the dude!
All these years of blaming poor ol vp...shoot he was just the *front* so that satan could steal kill and destroy ....
quote: I see so much crap it would tear your heart out.
Schucks -- Oh yea?? Really?? well then I invite you to come and work with me for one day, and one day only!
When you have to "clean" folks who cannot do it for themselves, you will have a "proper" understanding of "crap", and I guarantee that you will start to see it in the "physical" sense, and toss aside the "spiritual" conotations.
You also said ---
quote: Move along.spend your precious time advocating for victims that need you now.
Yeah, the devil's like B.O. Everybody gets some stink here and there, one time or another.
Why some people will wear year old underwear though and try to convince me they smell like a rose, I don't know. But I agree - having been at half-stank myself more than once I know you have to give the credit where it's due. I just steer clear of people now who try to convince me smelly stains are really back "in" this year.
quote:"...I've thought about this before, how here at GS, blessings and goodness are more often and most likely attributed to God only, never mind about the good works of Victor Paul and the BOT; but badness and evil works are attributed to Victor Paul and the BOT, and NOT the spiritual source, which is the Devil."
Ok Oldies, how's this then? -- VPW and the BOT were used by Satan to abuse and wreak havoc upon many of those who trusted them.
No No No. VPW and the BOT did not actually hurt or abuse anyone themselves. It was the Devil that actually did it. Just taking orders you know. Not their fault !
So let's not talk about VPW or the BOT in a bad light becasue they weren't responsible! -- it was the Devil! (How did we miss that?)
But instead, Let's credit them with all the good they did (Praise be to VPW and the BOT!) and let's blame the Devil for all the bad ( Boooo Satan, Booooooooo !)
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Tom Strange
yeah schuks... just "shake that dust off of your feet"...
I like playing here... although occasionally I am serious... and I really don't care what you think... seriously... if you want to come here, fine... if you don't, then don't...
but if you do, remember, you're one of "us" also (Bullinger)... hahahhahahaha!!!!
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Aww Shucks,
Looks like you got your head all screwed on straight - eh? - Prospering and all that. Good for you. I am impressed.
But, if you have such "better things to do", then why are you here in the first place? - Why are you crying over this? Be gone.
GS is what it is - take it or leave it.
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Schuks, I've thought about this before, how here at GS, blessings and goodness are more often and most likely attributed to God only, never mind about the good works of Victor Paul and the BOT; but badness and evil works are attributed to Victor Paul and the BOT, and NOT the spiritual source, which is the Devil. Seems like a fair point to keep in mind.
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i gotta think about that one
the devil made him do it ?
this life is hard to figure out
ps. to schuks, glad you're helping people. i think each individual has an exclusive story. i also think each person has to decide for themself whether they need to cry or not.
oh, and....
what compassion you have!plus, cult issues and spiritual abuse, betrayal of trust, etc., affect male and female alike
AND there are great people here
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Stop blaiming the guy???? awwww your right.. poor Vpw ...I see it all wasn`t HIS fault...he simply invited satan into his ministry and our lives by participating in and justifying biblically the evil ...heartily embracing darkness with both arms.... and endoctrinated his trainees to do likewise...
Geeze cut the poor guy some slack...I see it WAS all satans fault... vpw simple WORKED for the dude!
All these years of blaming poor ol vp...shoot he was just the *front* so that satan could steal kill and destroy ....
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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"Logical Fallacy: Two Wrongs Make a Right, aka Tu quoque:
A charge of wrongdoing is answered by a rationalization that others have sinned, or
might have sinned.
War atrocities and terrorism are often defended this way."
That was courtesy of "Don Lindsay's List of Fallacious Arguments".
One might also add "on the GSC, rape, molestation, and plagiarism are often
defended this way."
(Mostly by one poster not on this thread currently.)
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Schucks -- Oh yea?? Really?? well then I invite you to come and work with me for one day, and one day only!
When you have to "clean" folks who cannot do it for themselves, you will have a "proper" understanding of "crap", and I guarantee that you will start to see it in the "physical" sense, and toss aside the "spiritual" conotations.
You also said ---
This is EXACTLY what GreaseSpot is all about.
Or did you not perceive this?
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Yeah, the devil's like B.O. Everybody gets some stink here and there, one time or another.
Why some people will wear year old underwear though and try to convince me they smell like a rose, I don't know. But I agree - having been at half-stank myself more than once I know you have to give the credit where it's due. I just steer clear of people now who try to convince me smelly stains are really back "in" this year.
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Posted by Oldies:
Ok Oldies, how's this then? -- VPW and the BOT were used by Satan to abuse and wreak havoc upon many of those who trusted them.
No No No. VPW and the BOT did not actually hurt or abuse anyone themselves. It was the Devil that actually did it. Just taking orders you know. Not their fault !
So let's not talk about VPW or the BOT in a bad light becasue they weren't responsible! -- it was the Devil! (How did we miss that?)
But instead, Let's credit them with all the good they did (Praise be to VPW and the BOT!) and let's blame the Devil for all the bad ( Boooo Satan, Booooooooo !)
Feel better now ?
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