Do you have one worse than the last one? I find that too many stories remind me of a personal experience that I had blocked out. How could I have stayed so long and so stupid?
I voted for the last one becasue the corruption spread well out of the Inner Circle. But I think a more accurate choice would be between choices 4 and 5
A few years ago I may have picked 4, but I picked 5 because, PFAL was pretty much a word for word version of B.G. Leonard's class, which VPW claimed as his own and had the audacity to copyright.
VP wanted to make money and PFAL was his "product" that would make him rich.
Therefore, I say 5 because the foundation of TWI, the class, was a lie. VP hijacked another man's class and ministry and called it his own. Thus, it was never founded on any personal integrity or truth a spiritual man must have.
Since it was all built on a lie - no wonder it has crumbled at the end. No wonder at the end of his life VPW started repeating, "I wish I were the man I knew to be." I wonder how many regrets he had, maybe God showed him what a wolf he'd been.
Prior to the Way Corps I experianced some really wonderful moments. What was absent was leadership involvement. It seemed that God honored and moved inspite of TWI. I sincerly believe that God honored the heart not the doctrine.
I guess I lived in bad areas during the 80s and 90s. Corruption came in many forms of such accusing others or being very religious. "Smokin' out homos" was a big pastime in the 90s, for example. If you weren't the Marlboro man, you might get questioned. Make sure you know football and don't go to art school. Too sissy.
Also, I saw a lot of butt-kissing during my time too. People doing nice things but it was like the pharisees praying in public. Their goal wasn't to love. It was to be seen being "loving."
I voted for #4; although it's not precisely what I believe, it's the closest of the 5; and it's nice to be on the side of popular opinion for a change. :D-->
Hey guys and gals, it's a wicked and perverse world out there. Is TWI the enemy or could there possibly be a devil out here working in more than one organization? I work in a place where there are so many people who have been abused, violated and outright hurt by their churches and some stay and some leave. Your story is not exclusive.
I see kids abused by parents daily.
I see so much crap it would tear your heart out.
This happens to have nothing to do with TWI. Why are you continuously crying over this. Be gone. Move along.spend your precious time advocating for victims that need you now. I got screwed by TWI too. I also got screwed by other organizations. It's an evil world. I don't know if I'll ever get screwed again, but I have learned how to confront and how to avoid certain situations that can hurt me and my family. And, I am prospering more than I ever have. Have you not better things to do? Martindale is dust in the wind. Is he the first idiot you ever saw violate a woman? My God. He is bigger than what happened to me. No?
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Do you have one worse than the last one? I find that too many stories remind me of a personal experience that I had blocked out. How could I have stayed so long and so stupid?
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AMEN TO THAT, JUSTY~~~~~~~~~~~~I musta lost my mind for about 24 years. lol
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I voted for the last one becasue the corruption spread well out of the Inner Circle. But I think a more accurate choice would be between choices 4 and 5
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Ivoted for 5 but i Think a more accurate choice would be between 4 and 5 say 4.75
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20 years ago, I would have voted for number 4.
Knowing what I do now, it was a SOLID vote for number 5.
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Perhaps another poll should be instituted here ----
A.) Yes
B.) No
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You can always count on Oldies and Mike to defend VP. We'll have to add a 0.5 or 1.5 option though. "I'm out but still worship and defent VP." ;-)
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How about 0.25
I am out, but that brown stuff on my nose is sun screen from glory of gawd that radiates from the mogfodat
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A few years ago I may have picked 4, but I picked 5 because, PFAL was pretty much a word for word version of B.G. Leonard's class, which VPW claimed as his own and had the audacity to copyright.
VP wanted to make money and PFAL was his "product" that would make him rich.
Therefore, I say 5 because the foundation of TWI, the class, was a lie. VP hijacked another man's class and ministry and called it his own. Thus, it was never founded on any personal integrity or truth a spiritual man must have.
Since it was all built on a lie - no wonder it has crumbled at the end. No wonder at the end of his life VPW started repeating, "I wish I were the man I knew to be." I wonder how many regrets he had, maybe God showed him what a wolf he'd been.
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Prior to the Way Corps I experianced some really wonderful moments. What was absent was leadership involvement. It seemed that God honored and moved inspite of TWI. I sincerly believe that God honored the heart not the doctrine.
God was available and present INSPITE OF TWI.
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I think Mr. Linder voted and maybe one other member of the WAYGB. I voted for #4, but see how people could vote #5 just as easily.
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I have no idea how anyone could vote for number 5, unless they were latecomers or just living in really bad areas.
Pretty amazing how people's experiences differed.
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I voted for number 5 chwester...n I began involvement in 79 .... I have my reasons for voting the way I did...I lived in many different areas.
I saw ugliness from the twig upward....true it wasn`t as blatantly obvious in the early involvement........but bad things happened......
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hi chewester, i lived in bad areas in the 70's and early 80's -- new knoxville OH, emporia KS, gunnison CO
i didn't vote because i didn't feel like thinking about my beliefs about twi
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I guess I lived in bad areas during the 80s and 90s. Corruption came in many forms of such accusing others or being very religious. "Smokin' out homos" was a big pastime in the 90s, for example. If you weren't the Marlboro man, you might get questioned. Make sure you know football and don't go to art school. Too sissy.
Also, I saw a lot of butt-kissing during my time too. People doing nice things but it was like the pharisees praying in public. Their goal wasn't to love. It was to be seen being "loving."
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I voted for #4; although it's not precisely what I believe, it's the closest of the 5; and it's nice to be on the side of popular opinion for a change.
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Tom Strange
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double wowzer oldies
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IT"S a mirAcle!!!!!--
Oldies and I can agree
(large waves parting, water springing from rocks, as I avoid squishing all the frogs that just came out of nowhere
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That's interesting...
I designed the THIRD option specifically FOR Oldies....and somebody guarantee they had an honest representation.
I'll have to try harder with my next poll.
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For me to think VPW was innocent, I'd have to ignore and refute all the accounts of his wrongdoing -- which I don't do anymore.
Having said that, I'm not in favor of continual, unrelenting condemnation of the man... but he's not innocent...
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Most of the time, I don't think or speak of the guy, myself.
Keep in mind that some people are new here and need healing, and many
will need discussion of that sort of thing.
(Sometimes it's like AA here, you know? Some people NEED the
Otherwise, I see no need to bring it up every 30 seconds either.
Then again, I just go to another messageboard for THAT....
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Hey guys and gals, it's a wicked and perverse world out there. Is TWI the enemy or could there possibly be a devil out here working in more than one organization? I work in a place where there are so many people who have been abused, violated and outright hurt by their churches and some stay and some leave. Your story is not exclusive.
I see kids abused by parents daily.
I see so much crap it would tear your heart out.
This happens to have nothing to do with TWI. Why are you continuously crying over this. Be gone. Move along.spend your precious time advocating for victims that need you now. I got screwed by TWI too. I also got screwed by other organizations. It's an evil world. I don't know if I'll ever get screwed again, but I have learned how to confront and how to avoid certain situations that can hurt me and my family. And, I am prospering more than I ever have. Have you not better things to do? Martindale is dust in the wind. Is he the first idiot you ever saw violate a woman? My God. He is bigger than what happened to me. No?
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If you don't like what we post here, the simple solution is: don't visit.
If you DON'T want to discuss twi, why did you show up in the
"About the Way" forum?
That's what this forum is FOR, you know.
Go ahead and post in another forum, or go to another board on another website.
Nobody's forcing you to eat at this cafe if you don't like the menu....
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