Dave Arneson and some of his buddies played historical miniatures games (mostly Napoleonic)in the Arneson family basement from about 1968 on. It was Minnesota... long winters... not much else to do back then. No computers. Probably not even any cable.
They came up with some rules to tell what their generals were doing between battles in campaign games. David Wesley took some of those rules and ran a miniatures game with a "James Bond" theme. This was the first recreational role-playing game. It was set on a fictional island named Brownstein, so Wesley, Arneson, et al., called the games "Brownsteins".
Arneson took Wesley's "Brownstein" concept and put it into a fantasy setting he called "Blackmoor". By this time, it was the early '70s.
There was a little publishing company in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, called Tactical Studies Rules, later to become known as TSR. One of the major shareholders was Gary Gygax. Tactical Studies Rules published a set of medieval/fantasy miniatures rules called "Chainmail", and supported a club called
"The Castle and Crusade Society" which had members throughout the upper Midwest, including Arneson and his friends.
Arneson had adopted the "Chainmail" rules to cover combat in his Blackmoor campaign. Sometime in 1974 (probably early), Arneson showed "Blackmoor" to Gygax, who decided Tactical Studies Rules should publish it.
"Dungeons & Dragons", a collaborative effort between Arneson and Gygax, was published late in '74. Sometime in the middle of that year, Arneson took PFAL.
Over the following years, Arneson "abundantly shared" tens of thousands of dollars annually to TWI from his royalties off of "D&D".
The Trustees knew him, and were very friendly to his face. But we all know how they stabbed his product behind his back.
Arneson never went into the Corps, but he was one of my spiritual partners during my brief stint. He did go WOW one year.
We're still in touch, and still fiddling with games.
The claim that anyone in TWI raised someone from the dead.
This one was tossed about from time to time, sometimes it was Wierwille who was the "raiser", sometimes others.
But I have yet to hear someone say "Yes, it was me, and here are the circumstances". And I'm not talking about somebody being unconscious, or they stopped breathing temporaily, or anything like that either
Steve L, thanks for the info about D&D. Your post brought back memories of my early teen years during which I played many many hours of D&D with friends. Then news of the college student going off the deep end while playing D&D and commiting suicide prompted parents to confiscate their D&D books, dice, etc including mine. It seems TWI came out with news of D&D being debil spurt influenced about the same time of the news of the suicide. I never knew one of the developers was associated with TWI. Quite an eye opener.
There was a pretty large thread on Waydale called Way Urban Myths ... Wait maybe it was on Gspot at the outset. Well I can't remember but it was chock full of interesting stuff. Anyway here are some of my fave Way myths and legends:
VPW was so "right on" in his walk that he could
actually do things that for any other person would constitiute sin or being out of fellowship. His mind was renewed that strongly !
All famous rock musicians were seed especially
John Lennon and Mick Jagger.
VPW talked to the Devil once.. Not a lackey spirit but THE Devil. I only heard this story about twice and it was in the mid 70s. The guy who told me swore me to secrecy but assured me
that it was "known" that Vic had been tempted
by Satan much in the same way that Jesus had.
By signing up people for PFAL at a rapid rate
we could actually hasten the return of christ
since that ,according to way teaching, would occur after the word was over the world. (I gues s PFAL was supposed to be a valid subsitute for the word ?) Later in the early 80s this teaching was abandoned.
And of course my personal fave around 76 - that
there was going to be an attempt made on the US governement. "Doctor" got revelation about it
so we had prayer vigils. Of course when absolutely nothing like that happened we were told to be thankful that we were in such a great
ministry headed by a wonderful man such as VPW who cared enough about us to share that revelation.
When I first got into the way, it was around the time of the "miraculous healing" of Howard Allen.
I don't remember ever hearing what was supposed to have been wrong with him, but apparently he was snatched from the brink of certain death by the prayers of the faithful. This was held up time and time again as absolute proof of the power of twi and VP.
It was not only the overpowering BELIEVING of all the "saints" (I can't believe we really called ourselves that) but a strict regimen of BEET juice (or was it rutabaga?) that brought HA back from the brink of death. And we all know how healing that can be.(?)
Pirate,I remember that ordeal with Howard but if I recall,they never knew what his actual affliction was...His "miracle" was the subject of a way mag article circa '72 or'73....
July 4, 1776, the plan was set. In 200 years, on the same date, July 4, 1976, the Illuminati, secretly disquised under the masons, were to "economically", take over the U.S of A.
VP got the revy from God, who got the revy from the spotlight magazine, gee, God is soooo smart.
The incident scared the crap out of a lot of Corps.
Can you imagine hearing VP and HA joken' about the scare they put into their flock.
A myth or urban legend I remember from a couple of different sources on a couple of different occasions involved God protecting belivers in cars.
One was a group of wows going through an intersection into a high speed chase. Both the escaping car and police car passed through the wows car. The policeman stopped and came back to asked the wows what just happened.
Another was a twig coordinator who pulled out on to a major country road at night in a heavy fog and a truck passed through her car.
I also remember a twig coordinators wife who was feeding her family (including young children) white bread and fish, (it was all they could afford) they bought the bread at a thrift store and caught the fish. When I asked if she wasn't concerened about balanced nutrition she said that because it was prepared by a beliver (her)with the love of God and they thanked God for it (said grace)before they ate, It would provide all the nutrition they needed
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Actually, one of the 2 guys that invented D&D *was* at one time involved with TWI!
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What was his name?
I know the name of one of them, and can easily
check if the OTHER name appears anywhere...
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Is that why they M&A people or put them on probation when they wouldn't burn their D&D stuff?
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Posted by Dmiller:
As a general rule of thumb, any form of excellence beyond TWI was labeled as evil -- borne of either possession or the "wrong seed".
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Hi Pirate,
Check your Hotmail address for the picture you have requested.
Hope that helps!
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Snow on the gas pumps
Billy Graham stole the color scheme for his book that matched RTHST.
Bullinger and Luther rejected the Trinity before they died.
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Steve Lortz
Dave Arneson and some of his buddies played historical miniatures games (mostly Napoleonic)in the Arneson family basement from about 1968 on. It was Minnesota... long winters... not much else to do back then. No computers. Probably not even any cable.
They came up with some rules to tell what their generals were doing between battles in campaign games. David Wesley took some of those rules and ran a miniatures game with a "James Bond" theme. This was the first recreational role-playing game. It was set on a fictional island named Brownstein, so Wesley, Arneson, et al., called the games "Brownsteins".
Arneson took Wesley's "Brownstein" concept and put it into a fantasy setting he called "Blackmoor". By this time, it was the early '70s.
There was a little publishing company in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, called Tactical Studies Rules, later to become known as TSR. One of the major shareholders was Gary Gygax. Tactical Studies Rules published a set of medieval/fantasy miniatures rules called "Chainmail", and supported a club called
"The Castle and Crusade Society" which had members throughout the upper Midwest, including Arneson and his friends.
Arneson had adopted the "Chainmail" rules to cover combat in his Blackmoor campaign. Sometime in 1974 (probably early), Arneson showed "Blackmoor" to Gygax, who decided Tactical Studies Rules should publish it.
"Dungeons & Dragons", a collaborative effort between Arneson and Gygax, was published late in '74. Sometime in the middle of that year, Arneson took PFAL.
Over the following years, Arneson "abundantly shared" tens of thousands of dollars annually to TWI from his royalties off of "D&D".
The Trustees knew him, and were very friendly to his face. But we all know how they stabbed his product behind his back.
Arneson never went into the Corps, but he was one of my spiritual partners during my brief stint. He did go WOW one year.
We're still in touch, and still fiddling with games.
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Okay...so that's one that's not a myth
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The claim that anyone in TWI raised someone from the dead.
This one was tossed about from time to time, sometimes it was Wierwille who was the "raiser", sometimes others.
But I have yet to hear someone say "Yes, it was me, and here are the circumstances". And I'm not talking about somebody being unconscious, or they stopped breathing temporaily, or anything like that either
Not saying it couldn't be done...
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From a ROA in the mid-90s:
TWI is the only known ministry to have healed someone of AIDS. - From LCM.
I don't know that it's NOT true but got the usual nervous look from wc when asking for more information. Any information. Anything at all...
Yet another VERY fast subject change.
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Is it truth or is it Myth??
The one about VPW healing the paralized arm of the Indian man running alongside the train in, I believe, New Delhi
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Steve L, thanks for the info about D&D. Your post brought back memories of my early teen years during which I played many many hours of D&D with friends. Then news of the college student going off the deep end while playing D&D and commiting suicide prompted parents to confiscate their D&D books, dice, etc including mine. It seems TWI came out with news of D&D being debil spurt influenced about the same time of the news of the suicide. I never knew one of the developers was associated with TWI. Quite an eye opener.
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In a bizarre way, D&D is directly responsible for my being at Waydale and later, GreaseSpot.
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Tom Strange
I never really got into D&D... I was more of a "Risk" guy...
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There was a pretty large thread on Waydale called Way Urban Myths ... Wait maybe it was on Gspot at the outset. Well I can't remember but it was chock full of interesting stuff. Anyway here are some of my fave Way myths and legends:
VPW was so "right on" in his walk that he could
actually do things that for any other person would constitiute sin or being out of fellowship. His mind was renewed that strongly !
All famous rock musicians were seed especially
John Lennon and Mick Jagger.
VPW talked to the Devil once.. Not a lackey spirit but THE Devil. I only heard this story about twice and it was in the mid 70s. The guy who told me swore me to secrecy but assured me
that it was "known" that Vic had been tempted
by Satan much in the same way that Jesus had.
By signing up people for PFAL at a rapid rate
we could actually hasten the return of christ
since that ,according to way teaching, would occur after the word was over the world. (I gues s PFAL was supposed to be a valid subsitute for the word ?) Later in the early 80s this teaching was abandoned.
And of course my personal fave around 76 - that
there was going to be an attempt made on the US governement. "Doctor" got revelation about it
so we had prayer vigils. Of course when absolutely nothing like that happened we were told to be thankful that we were in such a great
ministry headed by a wonderful man such as VPW who cared enough about us to share that revelation.
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Gosh, didn't the preparation and 'believing' of TWI prevent Y2K from being a world shaking disaster?
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Tom Strange
OHMYGOSH! Bramble! I forgot that! but they did, didn't they? (both on 12/31/99 and 12/31/00 just to be sure)
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When I first got into the way, it was around the time of the "miraculous healing" of Howard Allen.
I don't remember ever hearing what was supposed to have been wrong with him, but apparently he was snatched from the brink of certain death by the prayers of the faithful. This was held up time and time again as absolute proof of the power of twi and VP.
Myth or fact?
Anybody know any details?
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George Aar
It was not only the overpowering BELIEVING of all the "saints" (I can't believe we really called ourselves that) but a strict regimen of BEET juice (or was it rutabaga?) that brought HA back from the brink of death. And we all know how healing that can be.(?)
Amazing the preposterous BULL$HIT we bought...
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Pirate,I remember that ordeal with Howard but if I recall,they never knew what his actual affliction was...His "miracle" was the subject of a way mag article circa '72 or'73....
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He survived the beet juice...wouldn't that qualify as a miracle?
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July 4, 1776, the plan was set. In 200 years, on the same date, July 4, 1976, the Illuminati, secretly disquised under the masons, were to "economically", take over the U.S of A.
VP got the revy from God, who got the revy from the spotlight magazine, gee, God is soooo smart.
The incident scared the crap out of a lot of Corps.
Can you imagine hearing VP and HA joken' about the scare they put into their flock.
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A myth or urban legend I remember from a couple of different sources on a couple of different occasions involved God protecting belivers in cars.
One was a group of wows going through an intersection into a high speed chase. Both the escaping car and police car passed through the wows car. The policeman stopped and came back to asked the wows what just happened.
Another was a twig coordinator who pulled out on to a major country road at night in a heavy fog and a truck passed through her car.
I also remember a twig coordinators wife who was feeding her family (including young children) white bread and fish, (it was all they could afford) they bought the bread at a thrift store and caught the fish. When I asked if she wasn't concerened about balanced nutrition she said that because it was prepared by a beliver (her)with the love of God and they thanked God for it (said grace)before they ate, It would provide all the nutrition they needed
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