quote: One was a group of wows going through an intersection into a high speed chase. Both the escaping car and police car passed through the wows car. The policeman stopped and came back to asked the wows what just happened.
Another was a twig coordinator who pulled out on to a major country road at night in a heavy fog and a truck passed through her car.
I've heard stories like this in my time too. Usually told AT TWIG, by the TWIG LEADER, just before THE TEACHING. -->
Tom S, If you like Risk you would probably like the Medieval Total War games. www.totalwar.com . It's basically an elaborate Risk game for the computer.
To me the biggest and most damaging myth is that..
Only Way folk really understand, and therefore walk on, scripture.
It's mind boggling. Imagine the arrogance. the blindness. You can't act like a Christian ought with that kind of crap in your brain.
The Almighty has got to just :
-shiver with disappointment at such hubris and
-shake with anger at such teachers who bear the greater judgment, right?
Recall how often Paul rails against such teachers in the epistles.
Recall too, how it's no fun being a "genuine" Christian amongst the 'fools' who can only 'play' at being Christian. Hemmed in by our own 'brilliance' we were.
Oh, how liberating it was to stop looking at shadows on the cave wall. To turn around and leave the cave into the sunshine of reality!
Howard Allen did in fact nearly die in November of 1972. I was in Bloomington, IN with Donnie Fugit at his Witnessing and Undershepherding class, and we were getting constant updates, and were doing 24 hour prayer. Howard Allen was in fact gravely ill, and nearly died. It appears he had some deadly form of spinal menengitis he picked up while he and VP were out hunting.
I think the myth involved is that he was raised from the dead. He supposedly "died" several times during the illness. I don't doubt he nearly died, or was on the brink of death and brought back.
But I believe it had more to do with medical personnel than anything else.
To slightly change directions (and offer a flip side to the Wrong Seed thread), we were told in the 70's that Eric Clapton and Carlos Santana were born again due to the witness of TWI believers. I even recall something about EC's lyrics in a song referring to SIT, so it was deduced he was a PFAL grad. Hmmmmm... -->
I think the Cream days might pre-date wide-spread wayfer influence by just a tad, TS. "Presence of the Lord" off of Blind Faith is later than the Cream stuff, right??
We need to start some kind of game or other on the "Music, Movies, Humor" forum.
I heard from one of the other teachers at our school that, while Thomas More was composing "Utopia", he was corresponding with a number of other people, who were also making contributions in much the same way we might in a game-master-moderated, play-by-mail game.
I know this isn't a Way myth. But I just thought I'd mention it. Now I'm gonna hafta go see if my fellow pedagogue was talking through her hat.
Ex: No. I like SW/Traffic music, but that's one I never had. Yeah, that word 'whack' has some issues; sounds like somebody's getting flogged or something.
The Howard Allen story is true. I was there and I don't feel called upon to discuss it, but he was indeed in dire straits, did indeed recover. Whether it was the medical team or the cold-pressed juices (including beet juice), who knows? Either way, it was a miracle.
I heard that some members of Billy Joel's band took PFAL. I also heard that someone in Earth, Wind & Fire took PFAL.
People used to say that Disco music was connected with homosexual devil spirits. John Lynn also referred to that in one of his articles. Yet, several of my twig leaders enjoyed disco music and some even went to discos
I have gone to discos and I have never observed any homosexuals there (not that I usually look for them)So...discos influence homosexual behavior - have something to do with homosexuality - I don't think so!!
Tom and alfa: Blind Faith was after Cream, and I'm not even sure what song was referenced when the comment was made to me. Now I know that EC went through major drug dependency battles and I am assuming some of his music reflected the spiritual strength he had to draw on to fight those battles. But I have serious doubts about PFAL or TWI influencing him...
I remember at one of the last ROA's that LCM said that some grad or other in TWI ministered healing to a guy in the last stages of AID,s and was instantly healed. If that had happenend wouldn't you think it would have made the front of the newspapers and on the evening news?
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Tom Strange
along those same lines Lightside...
"the economy cannot survive the dow being over $1000, it will collapse"...
told to us in residence, late 70's, around the same time the government covered up their "battle with the soviets" by staging the Jonestown thing...
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I've heard stories like this in my time too. Usually told AT TWIG, by the TWIG LEADER, just before THE TEACHING.
Kinda like a "pep" rally.
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Tom S, If you like Risk you would probably like the Medieval Total War games. www.totalwar.com . It's basically an elaborate Risk game for the computer.
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Juan Cruz
To me the biggest and most damaging myth is that..
Only Way folk really understand, and therefore walk on, scripture.
It's mind boggling. Imagine the arrogance. the blindness. You can't act like a Christian ought with that kind of crap in your brain.
The Almighty has got to just :
-shiver with disappointment at such hubris and
-shake with anger at such teachers who bear the greater judgment, right?
Recall how often Paul rails against such teachers in the epistles.
Recall too, how it's no fun being a "genuine" Christian amongst the 'fools' who can only 'play' at being Christian. Hemmed in by our own 'brilliance' we were.
Oh, how liberating it was to stop looking at shadows on the cave wall. To turn around and leave the cave into the sunshine of reality!
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Howard Allen did in fact nearly die in November of 1972. I was in Bloomington, IN with Donnie Fugit at his Witnessing and Undershepherding class, and we were getting constant updates, and were doing 24 hour prayer. Howard Allen was in fact gravely ill, and nearly died. It appears he had some deadly form of spinal menengitis he picked up while he and VP were out hunting.
I think the myth involved is that he was raised from the dead. He supposedly "died" several times during the illness. I don't doubt he nearly died, or was on the brink of death and brought back.
But I believe it had more to do with medical personnel than anything else.
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Juan Cruz
The "almost dying' or the surviving?
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way back in the 70s
To slightly change directions (and offer a flip side to the Wrong Seed thread), we were told in the 70's that Eric Clapton and Carlos Santana were born again due to the witness of TWI believers. I even recall something about EC's lyrics in a song referring to SIT, so it was deduced he was a PFAL grad. Hmmmmm...
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Tom Strange
wayback, are you referring to "Swlabr"? A song Clapton did with Cream? hmmmm....
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I think the Cream days might pre-date wide-spread wayfer influence by just a tad, TS. "Presence of the Lord" off of Blind Faith is later than the Cream stuff, right??
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Oh here is another one. So you guys remember
"Takit" right ? The Way rock band aimed at
young folks ? Dave Garibaldi, Danny Hoefer...
So within that time frame Stevie Winwood's
"Arc of a Diver" record was big and he had
that song "while you see a chance take it".
So this was presented as an example of how
the adversary steals and mocks the one true
god since SW "Stole" (via devilish influence)
the phrase "take it" for use in his song.
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Tom Strange
aflackcat... I think "Blind Faith" was immediately preceded by Cream... so... yes, but not by much though... great album...
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Steve Lortz
We need to start some kind of game or other on the "Music, Movies, Humor" forum.
I heard from one of the other teachers at our school that, while Thomas More was composing "Utopia", he was corresponding with a number of other people, who were also making contributions in much the same way we might in a game-master-moderated, play-by-mail game.
I know this isn't a Way myth. But I just thought I'd mention it. Now I'm gonna hafta go see if my fellow pedagogue was talking through her hat.
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steve, that's cool about the D&D guy
yeah twi was willing to take his money right ?
this thread is hysterical. thanks for the laughs.
and i loved the opening....
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Steve Lortz
They didn't mind taking just Arneson's money. They were taking D&D money!
Hypocrites... that's all :-(
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biga$$ hypocrites yup
how's your friend doing these days ?
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HA !hey, do you have steve winwood's ARC record ?
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Ex: No. I like SW/Traffic music, but that's one I never had. Yeah, that word 'whack' has some issues; sounds like somebody's getting flogged or something.
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Tom Strange
myseestorEx! I love it when you bring out the paddle!
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was the myth about wierwille coming up with the idea for mc donalds (fast food) mentioned ?
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Watered Garden
The Howard Allen story is true. I was there and I don't feel called upon to discuss it, but he was indeed in dire straits, did indeed recover. Whether it was the medical team or the cold-pressed juices (including beet juice), who knows? Either way, it was a miracle.
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Watered Garden said:
The Howard Allen story is true. I was there and I don't feel called upon to discuss it, but he was indeed in dire straits, did indeed recover.
Yes but if one claims to have witnessed a miracle then its reasonable to assume that
people would like to know the details. So many
of the so called Way mircales were never
explained. I was once told NOT to ask someone
,who was rumored to have been miraculously
delivered , about their miracle. "Its between
them and God". Well thats all well and good
but it doesn't do much for those curious about
it. In the bible those who were miraculously
delivered spoke out about it. In TWI it was
all rumours with very little proof. I'm not
at all saying that you didn't witness HA's
miracle but I don't think it odd if people
wanted to know about it or hear the details.
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I heard that some members of Billy Joel's band took PFAL. I also heard that someone in Earth, Wind & Fire took PFAL.
People used to say that Disco music was connected with homosexual devil spirits. John Lynn also referred to that in one of his articles. Yet, several of my twig leaders enjoyed disco music and some even went to discos
I have gone to discos and I have never observed any homosexuals there (not that I usually look for them)So...discos influence homosexual behavior - have something to do with homosexuality - I don't think so!!
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way back in the 70s
Tom and alfa: Blind Faith was after Cream, and I'm not even sure what song was referenced when the comment was made to me. Now I know that EC went through major drug dependency battles and I am assuming some of his music reflected the spiritual strength he had to draw on to fight those battles. But I have serious doubts about PFAL or TWI influencing him...
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I remember at one of the last ROA's that LCM said that some grad or other in TWI ministered healing to a guy in the last stages of AID,s and was instantly healed. If that had happenend wouldn't you think it would have made the front of the newspapers and on the evening news?
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