Zix, you're heading my way. Radar, not to worry. I started reading comic books in about 1955 or so, before I could read, in fact a lot of my early reading skills came from reading Disney and Walter Lanz comics. :P--> (I think there were a nickle, went to a dime, then 12 cents and on up from there). Then I went to Dell comics and the Superman series, etc. etc. The Marvel comics came a bit later, and filled the gap between Dell's Batman and Green Lantern comics (which were a little more complex) and Spiderman, Hulk, etc. By the time I was about 12 I was out of the comic books although I sure wish my old boxes of originals was still around!
All this talk about comics - anybody seen "Unbreakable"? Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. Killah flick if you like the whole comic book genre thingie.
Zap comics! Furry Freak Brothers! johniam, good stuff! I liked those too.
Wonder Woman. Now there was a comic. Men in those tight outfits....dunno. But Wonder Woman. No problem there. ;)-->
Can't help but wonder now, the whole greasespot thingie. It's funny. How do you become a greasespot by midnight now? Go online, register, login.
Socks... that is a good flick! (as are all of the one's by M. Night Shamalama)...
... Our lives were pretty much parallel in the comic book category... although mine suffered the same fate as my baseball cards... (I know I only have to start the sentence)... "my Mom..."
At the peak of my comic reading days (1964-67), we knew what day the new issues would come into the store every month and we'd be there as soon as school go out that day.
They were 12 cents each, so I'd take a dollar and buy eight of them: Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America/Iron Man and Hulk/Dr. Strange.
Kind of lost interest when I got to high school, but I saved every one of them until I was out of college and then I threw them all out.
I was watching Pulp Fiction on HBO last night. The infamous scene where John Travolta takes his boss' girlfriend (Uma Thurman) to get the adrenaline shot after a drug OD has a line that caught my attention. Travolta says, "If Marsal finds out about this, I will be a greasespot."
Radar... I was eating a chili dog a while ago, some got on my shirt... I washed it off and there was still a spot... is that what it means?... that I'll be a spot on someone's shirt?... by midnight?...
For God so loves the Greasespots that He will save their lives.
I have wanted to share this for a while, perhaps this is a good time: A year or two after my wife Sue and I were told not to come back to twig, Sue collapsed at home in our hallway because of low blood sugar (she was diabetic and had had two or three low sugars in the previous couple of days). She could not reach the phone, she could only cry out to God for help. This was about 10 am. and our upstairs neighbor heard her, Later I learned that the neighbor was usually gone before then and just “happened” to be there that day at that time. The neighbor knocked on the door but couldn't get in, another neighbor (who happened to be gay) called 911, they broke in through a window and took Sue to the ER. Sue was unconscious at that point so they did not know who to contact. Another neighbor (an acquaintance only) remembered the number of the company I worked for because it had been on a work truck that I had stopped using years before (My current truck was unmarked) and called my work number and the receptionist called me. I met Sue at the hospital and she was recovering. All of the people I talked to who were involved in this, neighbors, receptionist at work and nurses told me were amazed at the string of coincidences and gave God the glory.
Both Sue and I had heard the grease spot doctrine from LCM. This event showed us that God still loved and protected us after we left the ministry as just as much as when we were in.
If God had not worked through all these people both Sue and I knew I would have found her dead in the hall when I came home that night.
John Travolta stole that line from LCM!!!
Radar, how could I forget that any original idea comes from the mog/wog because God gave it by revelation? Man, am I becoming natural-minded or what??? I better go renew my mind, and then tell God what I want Him to do (since that's how I used to pray as a Wayfer.)
I guess I should have remembered that since "Stayin' Alive" stole ideas from "Athletes of the Spirit" (even though Stayin' Alive" came out almost 2 years BEFORE AOS).
I've been out of twi for over a year and already I'm missng the cutting edge of being spiritual....... :P-->
I moved to Arizona a couple of weeks ago. I am in the thick of wedding planning and trying to get a job. I almost had a tizzy when I found out that no florist would do flowers that weekend, May 8, since it is the day before Mother's Day. But I got the florist at a Safeway store to do them.....THANK GOD!! Other than that, we got everything else in place. I probably have to make one more trip to Vegas for shopping for final things, and we should be good to go.
I will post some pictures for you guys after I come back from my honeymoon in Cozumel!
I miss San Diego terribly. This town is small (2 major streets), and it is windy here a lot. Thankfully it is not cold though. I'm adjusting, and coutning down the days until we can move back to California......:)-->.........and have some babies in the next six months or so......:)-->
I hadn't been on GS for quite some time before my move because I was crazy busy packing and training a new person for my old position. I trained one for a week, and then she left without any notice. I guess it was too much work for her. The second gir we hired got a crash course in a week. The poor girl was kinda freaking out on my last day. She's doing good now though. There were just a lot of things to my old job. I hope all of my experience and skills will get me a good one here im Arizona. Until then....I'm prayin'.
I remember just after leaving the ministry that I virtually had no money and had borrowed somebody else's car. I thought in order to pay him back somewhat I would change his oil. I got off at work after a second shift 3-11pm and went home and decided to give the car back with an oil change. I got under the car and took a screwdriver and jammed it through the oilfilter and began unscrewing it. I had forgotten to empty the oil pan so I immediately stopped doing that and unloosened the knob on the oilpan. I was tired and wasn't thinking. I put nothing down to catch the oil and in fact was face down under the pan. It squirted down all over my face, hair, and the front of my plaid shirt. After replacing the filter and the oil. I went into the bathroom to wash up and look in the mirror. I looked like Al Jolsen before he did his "Mammy" routine, completely covered with at least two quarts of oil. Then I heard the clock go off and turned to see it just struck midnight.
For a brief minute I thought of it, but then said "to hell with it", took a shower and went to bed. I never looked back.
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Radar OReilly
but the time it became a classic twi saying.......
He meant that leave twi and by midnight..there will be nothing left of you.
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Should have kept them, Tom. I paid a nickel for a copy of X-Men #101 I got out of a Salvation Army thrift store in 1977. Cover price: thirty cents.
I sold it a few weeks ago for $75.00.
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Zix, you're heading my way. Radar, not to worry. I started reading comic books in about 1955 or so, before I could read, in fact a lot of my early reading skills came from reading Disney and Walter Lanz comics.
:P--> (I think there were a nickle, went to a dime, then 12 cents and on up from there). Then I went to Dell comics and the Superman series, etc. etc. The Marvel comics came a bit later, and filled the gap between Dell's Batman and Green Lantern comics (which were a little more complex) and Spiderman, Hulk, etc. By the time I was about 12 I was out of the comic books although I sure wish my old boxes of originals was still around!
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Socks: You're thinking of DC Comics, not Dell.
:)--> ALthough AOL Time Warner owns DC now.
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DC, that's the one. I remember the little "stamp" of something or other. Thanks!
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Hmm. I read Archie in the 60s and went straight to Zap and the Furry Freak Brothers in the 70s. I'd love to see an R. Crumb version of TWI after dark.
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All this talk about comics - anybody seen "Unbreakable"? Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. Killah flick if you like the whole comic book genre thingie.
Zap comics! Furry Freak Brothers! johniam, good stuff! I liked those too.
Wonder Woman. Now there was a comic. Men in those tight outfits....dunno. But Wonder Woman. No problem there.
Can't help but wonder now, the whole greasespot thingie. It's funny. How do you become a greasespot by midnight now? Go online, register, login.
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Tom Strange
Socks... that is a good flick! (as are all of the one's by M. Night Shamalama)...
... Our lives were pretty much parallel in the comic book category... although mine suffered the same fate as my baseball cards... (I know I only have to start the sentence)... "my Mom..."
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At the peak of my comic reading days (1964-67), we knew what day the new issues would come into the store every month and we'd be there as soon as school go out that day.
They were 12 cents each, so I'd take a dollar and buy eight of them: Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil, Thor, Captain America/Iron Man and Hulk/Dr. Strange.
Kind of lost interest when I got to high school, but I saved every one of them until I was out of college and then I threw them all out.
Who knew?
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I was watching Pulp Fiction on HBO last night. The infamous scene where John Travolta takes his boss' girlfriend (Uma Thurman) to get the adrenaline shot after a drug OD has a line that caught my attention. Travolta says, "If Marsal finds out about this, I will be a greasespot."
I bet loyboy stole that line......
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Radar OReilly
John Travolta stole that line from LCM!!!
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Tom Strange
Radar... I was eating a chili dog a while ago, some got on my shirt... I washed it off and there was still a spot... is that what it means?... that I'll be a spot on someone's shirt?... by midnight?...
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Radar OReilly
Only if the ORIGINAL chilidog..was manufactured my someone that was born again of the wrong seed!!!
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Tom Strange
it was a "Hebrew National"... does that count? (I like Nathan's better, but my wife only remembers that I like 'Kosher')...
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FURRY FREAK BROTHERS --- Boy does that bring back memories!!
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For God so loves the Greasespots that He will save their lives.
I have wanted to share this for a while, perhaps this is a good time: A year or two after my wife Sue and I were told not to come back to twig, Sue collapsed at home in our hallway because of low blood sugar (she was diabetic and had had two or three low sugars in the previous couple of days). She could not reach the phone, she could only cry out to God for help. This was about 10 am. and our upstairs neighbor heard her, Later I learned that the neighbor was usually gone before then and just “happened” to be there that day at that time. The neighbor knocked on the door but couldn't get in, another neighbor (who happened to be gay) called 911, they broke in through a window and took Sue to the ER. Sue was unconscious at that point so they did not know who to contact. Another neighbor (an acquaintance only) remembered the number of the company I worked for because it had been on a work truck that I had stopped using years before (My current truck was unmarked) and called my work number and the receptionist called me. I met Sue at the hospital and she was recovering. All of the people I talked to who were involved in this, neighbors, receptionist at work and nurses told me were amazed at the string of coincidences and gave God the glory.
Both Sue and I had heard the grease spot doctrine from LCM. This event showed us that God still loved and protected us after we left the ministry as just as much as when we were in.
If God had not worked through all these people both Sue and I knew I would have found her dead in the hall when I came home that night.
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Radar, how could I forget that any original idea comes from the mog/wog because God gave it by revelation? Man, am I becoming natural-minded or what??? I better go renew my mind, and then tell God what I want Him to do (since that's how I used to pray as a Wayfer.)
I guess I should have remembered that since "Stayin' Alive" stole ideas from "Athletes of the Spirit" (even though Stayin' Alive" came out almost 2 years BEFORE AOS).
I've been out of twi for over a year and already I'm missng the cutting edge of being spiritual.......
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Wayfernot, how's come we haven't heard of your nuptials, etc?
Excited, tell tell, what's goin on?
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I moved to Arizona a couple of weeks ago. I am in the thick of wedding planning and trying to get a job. I almost had a tizzy when I found out that no florist would do flowers that weekend, May 8, since it is the day before Mother's Day. But I got the florist at a Safeway store to do them.....THANK GOD!! Other than that, we got everything else in place. I probably have to make one more trip to Vegas for shopping for final things, and we should be good to go.
I will post some pictures for you guys after I come back from my honeymoon in Cozumel!
I miss San Diego terribly. This town is small (2 major streets), and it is windy here a lot. Thankfully it is not cold though. I'm adjusting, and coutning down the days until we can move back to California......
:)-->.........and have some babies in the next six months or so......
I hadn't been on GS for quite some time before my move because I was crazy busy packing and training a new person for my old position. I trained one for a week, and then she left without any notice. I guess it was too much work for her. The second gir we hired got a crash course in a week. The poor girl was kinda freaking out on my last day. She's doing good now though. There were just a lot of things to my old job. I hope all of my experience and skills will get me a good one here im Arizona. Until then....I'm prayin'.
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Tom Strange
ckeer, cool story!
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Very cool story.
I am proud to be GS.
It took a while to realize that there were allot of ex-way people out there that were huring like me and needed a place to unload etc.
This is good
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I remember just after leaving the ministry that I virtually had no money and had borrowed somebody else's car. I thought in order to pay him back somewhat I would change his oil. I got off at work after a second shift 3-11pm and went home and decided to give the car back with an oil change. I got under the car and took a screwdriver and jammed it through the oilfilter and began unscrewing it. I had forgotten to empty the oil pan so I immediately stopped doing that and unloosened the knob on the oilpan. I was tired and wasn't thinking. I put nothing down to catch the oil and in fact was face down under the pan. It squirted down all over my face, hair, and the front of my plaid shirt. After replacing the filter and the oil. I went into the bathroom to wash up and look in the mirror. I looked like Al Jolsen before he did his "Mammy" routine, completely covered with at least two quarts of oil. Then I heard the clock go off and turned to see it just struck midnight.
For a brief minute I thought of it, but then said "to hell with it", took a shower and went to bed. I never looked back.
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