the lurkers (take that as innies still working all this out in their heads) might ask their TC (or whatever the name du jour is) to know if TWI looted the Wierwille's home....I mean if some outfit robbed my MOM I would tell on them.
AND having gone throught the Nursing Home ...and Assisted Living....No--ther is hardly any room for personal stuff, the latter being the better of the two situation.
Perhaps a question of where is your head at with imaginations of dark agendas and other stupidity.You sticking up for Harvey and the gang?
I can't remember ever agreeing with dartanian, and I don't now, but pjr, is that your standard response to disagreement? Accusations of standing with the BOT? You did it on your lawsuit thread.
I asked questions that I believed were reasonable to ask. Dart comes back with his dark agendas theory.
My answer was not a standard response to the criticism as you allege.
The truth is I don't see the point in dart's wierd theory other than to try to derail the discussion to one about my so called dark agendas.
So back to the thread, where did a house of Mrs. Wierwille's posessions go when her children are M&A and not allowed on grounds? Who is enjoying them or are they in storage somewhere?
""Since TWI has "moved" Mrs. Wierwille into the nursing home, who is now living in her home and enjoying her possessions?
I also wonder if they let her keep her sentimental momentos like pictures etc. or did they toss them?
Or did they put them into "storage", so that she can come and visit them sometime? ""
What do the quotation marks mean here..are they not for sarcasm
Is this a question because you are HONESTLY concerned about Mrs W's stuff...
OR is this another subtle way to attack the Way Ministry in the guise of being so concerned about MrW and her stuff
No need to reply..I ask you to honestly judge for yourself
I take back the dark agenda comment please accept my apologies
I honestly believe you cant see what you are doing here Pat..
You are being consumed by your anger against the Way Ministry for hurting you...I understand that and I am sorry for you, I really am, but please for GOD'S sake ..
I believe that Pat`s is a valid brings to light twi`s evil....
Dart....I believe that the ONLY folks that want us to *move on* are twi and it`s supporters...why?? because when we do....whenb they don`t have folks sounding the alarms...they are able to operate their deceptions yet again....
As long as folks shine the light of exposure in the direction of twi...twi is forced to keep a low keep themselves squeeky clean...
I say hold their feet to the fire!!! Thanks Pat and you others willing to keep twi uncomfortable.... I hope folks will never stop....
Personally, I think there is enough real abuse to talk about for years to come. Where Mrs. W's personal photos and tshatshkis went is petty and none of my business. And anyone who wants to talk about it does come off as bitter and without substance. Be indignant about something that matters!
quote:I honestly believe you cant see what you are doing here Pat..
You are being consumed by your anger against the Way Ministry for hurting you...I understand that and I am sorry for you, I really am, but please for GOD'S sake ..
MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) I do see what I am doing and check quite regularily with my minister who keeps me "regular"
2) I am not in any way consumed with anger towards TWI. Until they and other cults do what's right by their current and ex members, I will keep exposing them and making sport of them with political satire and other methods that are constitutionally guaranteed to us called free speech.
3) I have moved on with my life. I will not however, accomodate the evil doers and conveniently forget under the guise of moving on.
4) If TWI and other destructive cults wish the scrutiny to go away, then they should apologize, make ammends for their wrongs done to others, and genuinely change.
Now, back to the subject of the thread. Does anyone think that TWI allowed Mrs. Wierwille's kids on grounds to remove her possessions?
I disagree that only ones that want us to move on are TWI and its supporters. It is possible for a well meaning ex-Way person to believe that our discussion of TWI is unhealthy without being a TWI supporter.
While pjr's questions sometimes remind me of tabloid headlines, that doesn't take away the legitimacy of the questions themselves. While most of us here are convinced of TWI's less-than-godliness, there's always innies, and potential TWI recruits, to educate.
...and dartanian...nice to see that you have a sense of humor :P-->
Unless I missed a reply, no one here seems to know anything of a first-hand nature about PJ's question. Others have done reseach on properties deeded to TWI. Maybe that is the route to go? That would at least answer the question of who actually owns it.
Personally, if I was so durn curious about the private affairs of a particular woman and her children, I would just e-mail one of the children. JP had an e-mail address on his site, don’t know if his site is still up and running.
I do remember that all of TWI’s property was signed over to the new BOT when LCM was installed. This included the ancestral home and was the reason behind the oath sworn before God and all to take care of the Mrs. The rest of her life.
None of the children know me from Adam! So don’t even go there!
This would be the polite and appropriate way to approach this subject. But then some in the *drive* to *expose* forget common decency while attempting to charge windmills.......
quote:I do remember that all of TWI’s property was signed over to the new BOT when LCM was installed.
What? Wierwille and his furniture peddling brother deeded the property to the embryonic Way, Incorporated back in the fifties. Wouldn't that include any structures on the property? Why would the property be signed over to three individuals when the organization already owned it; thus jeopardizing tax-free "church status?
And there's more than "durn curiosity" involved here; asking questions that might cause "innies" to think and the BOD to squirm is worth for those reasons alone.
The way you phrased it made it look like it was signed over personally to Loy, Don & Howard, which is not the case.
None of the directors "own" the property, although they have control over it while they hold office. In other words, Rosalie cannot will the property to her son.
Many times here at the Cafe and back on the 'dale...there seemed to be this "wholley" process of validating a question especially when ther wasn't an immediate direct overt response. Kinda a pain--like wading through the weeds to get at thee good fishing spot.
TWI at minimum misrepresented JP’s position in their dealing with his mother. If they had also mishandled her personal belongings wouldn’t he have brought that up on his site? Or, the case may be that legally she didn’t own anything.
While living under the shelter of a tax exempt charity, possibly the high life of cutting a fat hog costs in the long run. Without the separation of private property nothing is left to your heirs. Maybe this is why smarter operations set up and keep an heir in control one way or another...........
JP was between a rock and a hard place. A veiled threat of a lawsuit from Harve or The Way means absolutely nothing to me. Remember, JP was kept from properly visiting his family at the grounds. It was cruel and inhumane. Lawsuits should abound against the Way instead of from the Way.
In fact, if they threatened to sue me for speaking about my family, I don't think I could be restrained from physically going on grounds and forcing a personal meeting with TWI officials that were going after those threatening me and my family. That is, if that happened to me. But, this has not happened to me. There is only so much abuse I can handle. I would never let the Way rest. Ever.
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Perhaps a question of where is your head at with imaginations of dark agendas and other stupidity.You sticking up for Harvey and the gang?
Nursing homes have very little room for possessions and the question was a valid one to ask.
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Im with PJ on this one....
the lurkers (take that as innies still working all this out in their heads) might ask their TC (or whatever the name du jour is) to know if TWI looted the Wierwille's home....I mean if some outfit robbed my MOM I would tell on them.
AND having gone throught the Nursing Home ...and Assisted Living....No--ther is hardly any room for personal stuff, the latter being the better of the two situation.
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I asked questions that I believed were reasonable to ask. Dart comes back with his dark agendas theory.
My answer was not a standard response to the criticism as you allege.
The truth is I don't see the point in dart's wierd theory other than to try to derail the discussion to one about my so called dark agendas.
So back to the thread, where did a house of Mrs. Wierwille's posessions go when her children are M&A and not allowed on grounds? Who is enjoying them or are they in storage somewhere?
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Pat -Please look at your post
""Since TWI has "moved" Mrs. Wierwille into the nursing home, who is now living in her home and enjoying her possessions?
I also wonder if they let her keep her sentimental momentos like pictures etc. or did they toss them?
Or did they put them into "storage", so that she can come and visit them sometime? ""
What do the quotation marks mean here..are they not for sarcasm
Is this a question because you are HONESTLY concerned about Mrs W's stuff...
OR is this another subtle way to attack the Way Ministry in the guise of being so concerned about MrW and her stuff
No need to reply..I ask you to honestly judge for yourself
I take back the dark agenda comment please accept my apologies
I honestly believe you cant see what you are doing here Pat..
You are being consumed by your anger against the Way Ministry for hurting you...I understand that and I am sorry for you, I really am, but please for GOD'S sake ..
MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh yeah....thanks for the word of support really touched
nice to see ya again...:-)
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I believe that Pat`s is a valid brings to light twi`s evil....
Dart....I believe that the ONLY folks that want us to *move on* are twi and it`s supporters...why?? because when we do....whenb they don`t have folks sounding the alarms...they are able to operate their deceptions yet again....
As long as folks shine the light of exposure in the direction of twi...twi is forced to keep a low keep themselves squeeky clean...
I say hold their feet to the fire!!! Thanks Pat and you others willing to keep twi uncomfortable.... I hope folks will never stop....
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Personally, I think there is enough real abuse to talk about for years to come. Where Mrs. W's personal photos and tshatshkis went is petty and none of my business. And anyone who wants to talk about it does come off as bitter and without substance. Be indignant about something that matters!
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1) I do see what I am doing and check quite regularily with my minister who keeps me "regular"
2) I am not in any way consumed with anger towards TWI. Until they and other cults do what's right by their current and ex members, I will keep exposing them and making sport of them with political satire and other methods that are constitutionally guaranteed to us called free speech.
3) I have moved on with my life. I will not however, accomodate the evil doers and conveniently forget under the guise of moving on.
4) If TWI and other destructive cults wish the scrutiny to go away, then they should apologize, make ammends for their wrongs done to others, and genuinely change.
Now, back to the subject of the thread. Does anyone think that TWI allowed Mrs. Wierwille's kids on grounds to remove her possessions?
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I don't know...but keep an eye on Ebay.
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It is not a matter of moving on.
It is a matter of precedent in my NSHO.
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Personally, I'd like to know, also.
I mean, it IS a big indicator if they just moved someone else into the house,
or if they arranged for her possessions to be shipped to a family member
(by prior arrangement.)
For that matter, who, legally, owns that building?
Does twi own it on paper, or does she?
I know vpw signed over her family's farm (the Kipp farm) to twi, but is the
house also in their name? Might be, might not be.
The WayGB, if no one else, HAS to know this is what they can look forward to,
either way, at BEST.
twi has a standing policy of firing people as they approach obsolescence, so
they can abrogate any legal responsibility. (They're devoid of taking MORAL
responsibility, so the LEGAL issues are paramount to them.)
The retired bot/bod are possible exceptions. Everybody else is cut free as
soon as their usefulness is ended....
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I disagree that only ones that want us to move on are TWI and its supporters. It is possible for a well meaning ex-Way person to believe that our discussion of TWI is unhealthy without being a TWI supporter.
While pjr's questions sometimes remind me of tabloid headlines, that doesn't take away the legitimacy of the questions themselves. While most of us here are convinced of TWI's less-than-godliness, there's always innies, and potential TWI recruits, to educate.
...and dartanian...nice to see that you have a sense of humor
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Unless I missed a reply, no one here seems to know anything of a first-hand nature about PJ's question. Others have done reseach on properties deeded to TWI. Maybe that is the route to go? That would at least answer the question of who actually owns it.
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Personally, if I was so durn curious about the private affairs of a particular woman and her children, I would just e-mail one of the children. JP had an e-mail address on his site, don’t know if his site is still up and running.
I do remember that all of TWI’s property was signed over to the new BOT when LCM was installed. This included the ancestral home and was the reason behind the oath sworn before God and all to take care of the Mrs. The rest of her life.
None of the children know me from Adam! So don’t even go there!
This would be the polite and appropriate way to approach this subject. But then some in the *drive* to *expose* forget common decency while attempting to charge windmills.......
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I think the posed question about Mrs Weirwille's home is a legitimate question and I'm guessing that had it been posed by someone
other than PR ,who noncoincidentally authored a recent controversial thread, then the
responses would have been a bit different
and perhaps more numerous.
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And there's more than "durn curiosity" involved here; asking questions that might cause "innies" to think and the BOD to squirm is worth for those reasons alone.
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Isn't that what I meant?
all holdings went from Vic, Don and Howard to LCM, Don and Howard
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The way you phrased it made it look like it was signed over personally to Loy, Don & Howard, which is not the case.
None of the directors "own" the property, although they have control over it while they hold office. In other words, Rosalie cannot will the property to her son.
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Just Thinking--
Many times here at the Cafe and back on the 'dale...there seemed to be this "wholley" process of validating a question especially when ther wasn't an immediate direct overt response. Kinda a pain--like wading through the weeds to get at thee good fishing spot.
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Gotcha Oak,
TWI at minimum misrepresented JP’s position in their dealing with his mother. If they had also mishandled her personal belongings wouldn’t he have brought that up on his site? Or, the case may be that legally she didn’t own anything.
While living under the shelter of a tax exempt charity, possibly the high life of cutting a fat hog costs in the long run. Without the separation of private property nothing is left to your heirs. Maybe this is why smarter operations set up and keep an heir in control one way or another...........
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JP was between a rock and a hard place. A veiled threat of a lawsuit from Harve or The Way means absolutely nothing to me. Remember, JP was kept from properly visiting his family at the grounds. It was cruel and inhumane. Lawsuits should abound against the Way instead of from the Way.
In fact, if they threatened to sue me for speaking about my family, I don't think I could be restrained from physically going on grounds and forcing a personal meeting with TWI officials that were going after those threatening me and my family. That is, if that happened to me. But, this has not happened to me. There is only so much abuse I can handle. I would never let the Way rest. Ever.
Bad post. It gets me too angry.
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J.P. walked away years before his mom got sick.
I don't know how he hoped to have any infuluence prior to her last few years. Did he look after any of her affairs before? why is he so adamant now?
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Shuks, he walked away from an abusive cult not his mom. Just because he wasn't with TWI does not mean he wasn't actively involved in her life.
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