Probably her favorite daughter-in-law with HER daughter's family (Mrs. W's granddaughter) and visits by the slaves, errr...employees who clean, cook and maintain the home for them.
Maybe they should sell the home to pay for Mrs. W's care since she isn't needing it anymore thanks to them.
JP never sought the limelight? What the heck was J.P. about? He leveled some pretty incendiary charges against the BOT concerning his mother's treatment, and promised that he'd have more to say "on this and other issues", then retreated into silence after Pawtucket posted Harve Platig's reply to his indictments.
I would say he stepped into the limelight quite willingly and was pushed by no one, just as he has stepped out of the limelight, leaving us to think and wonder any number of things.
Cherised Child, do you think JP lost in that exchange? I see Harve as the loser in that exchange as he made several admissions or confirmations to what JP said. They ultimately tried "slight of hand" again by moving the focus from the many promises craig made on corps nights about always taking care of Mrs. W. to JP inheritance which was a dead issue years ago when the family gave the ministry the properties. If you were ever on Corps hook-ups you'd know that craig accused the "copped out clergy" of breaking their promise to Dr. W. because they were not around to take care of Mrs. W as they ALL promised him they would.
I STILL believe that the most honest thing twi could do would be for the current president of twi to sell her house..the one with the in-ground swimming pool(off grounds but within eyesight of the osc,) and have her move into Mrs. Wierwille's home. Then, donate the money from the sale of her home and pay for Dorothea Wierwille's care until she dies, as the bot/bod pledged to do. Of course, twi has no idea what ethics, morality or honest are all that is my own little pipe dream.
Regarding J.P. and his sisters. This may be hard for some of us to understand but they are REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL LIVES. This is about their REAL MOTHER..the woman that gave birth to them...not a representation of a cult. They have to do what they have to do to get through a day, a week, a month, a year....a life....just like each of us.
I don't know about most of you gspotters, but I am working through an ugly probate matter that surfaced after my dad died last October. I am spending quite a bit of energy and resources trying to make sure my mom is well taken care of and that justice is done. My concern is my mom and her welfare....nothing else.
I can't help but think that J.P. and his sisters are taking care of their family responsibilities as they see fit. Is it fair that we as an exWay community demand that they take up our cause to expose twi as the first and only cause in THEIR LIVES? I don't think so. I would hope that we don't impose our own agendas on them, they have their own concerns to sort through.
Their mom is their chief about we all just put one foot ahead of the other in our own lives and let each other be free to deal with the effects if twi as we see fit?
In the mean the RIGHT THING FOR ONCE, it isn't too late to start.
If you were ever on Corps hook-ups you'd know that craig accused the "copped out clergy" of breaking their promise to Dr. W. because they were not around to take care of Mrs. W as they ALL promised him they would.
If she does indeed have Alzheimers, it's quite possible that no one at HQ actually is able to sufficently care for her.
If she's under the care of professionals elsewhere, she may very well be better off.
That does not remove the Way Internationals responsibility financially. After all, Mrs. W. family farm, as well as Dr. W. family farm were donated in order for the BOT/BOD to handle their current business and the very least honest thing they could do is take care of her. People have pointed out that the bookstore is a for profit organization. Mrs. W. book sales should go 100% to her care from now on, and what about Dr. W. book sales??? Are they using the profits from his books to finance expenses???
In actuality...I believe that the writings were published by a shell set up by twi...but those are ideas that could perhaps allow twi around their current stance that says.....THE LAW WON'T LET US support Mrs. Wierwille. Hmmmm......
Now THOSE are some ideas for somebody to run by their attorneys!!!
Yes, I do think that J.P. lost some traction in that last exchange with Harve. J.P. indicated in his letters that actions had been taken in regards to Mrs. Wierwille's care without the knowledge or consent of the Wierwille children. Harve pointed out that one of J.P.'s sisters has power of attorney, and that nothing could have been done without her prior authorization. Harve also issued a barely veiled threat of legal action (for libel, I would guess) if J.P. did not cease and desist in making "false accusations". J.P. has been silent ever since, leaving the average observer to surmise that he has been effectively intimidated.
J.P. brought the issue of his mother's mistreatment into the limelight, garnering a tremendous amount of outrage-motivated support from the Ex-Way community. He promised that he had lots more to say, and people inclined their ears as if E.F. Hutton had spoken. The vacuum left by his silence leaves people to only speculate as to what has gone on behind the scenes.
Radar said: "I can't help but think that J.P. and his sisters are taking care of their family responsibilities as they see fit. Is it fair that we as an exWay community demand that they take up our cause to expose twi as the first and only cause in THEIR LIVES? I don't think so. I would hope that we don't impose our own agendas on them, they have their own concerns to sort through."
I can't think of anyone here who "demands" that the Wierwille kids make exposing The Way "the first and only cause in their lives". Without a doubt, the health and safety of their mother comes first, as well as that of their other immediate family members. Whether or not they ever say a word concerning the cult founded by their father, is entirely up to them. My point was merely that it was J.P. who chose to address the issue of his mother's care (and promised to render his judgement on "this and other matters" in the near future") in a most public way, and in the wake of the BOT's unprecidented action of posting their rebuttal on Greasespot, J.P.'s silence seems to indicate that he has been effectively "shut down" by Rosie and Company.
To me there were many things written between the lines. First, that Mrs. W. would have her "mark and avoided" daughter as her first choice for Power of Attorney, instead of a "standing believer" spoke volumes to me. She ignored the doctrines of the ministry to pick the person she felt best for the job. Second, Myles_Ahead makes a great point about the promises made by the clergy and how LCM clearly stated that they needed to take care of Mrs. W. I got a call last weekend from a current Way fellowshipper that didn't know Mrs. W. was in a nursing home unsupported by the Way. I believe the public announcement by JP was instrumental in keeping everyone informed about HQ's ideas.
quote: Or he's decided to play it smart and not further discuss all the details relating to this matter online? I don't know.
Invisible Dan -- I think you nailed it. Hopefully JP will not be as "brash" and "forth-coming" about his intentions online as pjroberge has been, concerning his lawsuit.
JP is going up against a well oiled machine, and discretion is paramount, and NOT "nutless" as Schuks says.
A group has sworn in public to provide for your mother all the days of her natural life. When she starts to have some serious health issues, you and your siblings have to step in because they are not providing the level of care her health condition requires.
Then the group sends out letters stating that you and your siblings are all in agreement about the care choices you were forced to make because of their neglect.
Because the group went public, you decide to go public and let everyone know you do not want the group to misrepresent what happened by placing your name or making statements such as *all* implying you agree.
Not rocket science, IMHO, mission accomplished......
and pjroberge I really question your integrity and where your head is at and what exactly are your intentions and dark agendas by opening such a thread and by stating ....
"Since TWI has "moved" Mrs. Wierwille into the nursing home, who is now living in her home and enjoying her possessions?
I also wonder if they let her keep her sentimental momentos like pictures etc. or did they toss them?
Or did they put them into "storage", so that she can come and visit them sometime? "
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Probably her favorite daughter-in-law with HER daughter's family (Mrs. W's granddaughter) and visits by the slaves, errr...employees who clean, cook and maintain the home for them.
Maybe they should sell the home to pay for Mrs. W's care since she isn't needing it anymore thanks to them.
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and for that matter, why did we never get a reply from Jp after plat*g's letter?
Sounds like a scam to me.
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Or maybe he's hoping to regain some vestige of privacy after
enduring the 3-ring bot circus of twi.
JP never ASKED for the limelight-unlike some bot past and
present. He's never sought it that I know of. I don't see
the point in shoving him into it.
If you see a reason I don't, feel free to post it.
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Good idea -- but would twi even allow the new owners onto the grounds once the home was purchased?
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Who'd want to buy it? Oh, that! Don't worry about those graves in the front yard...just a landscaping technique.
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Cherished Child
JP never sought the limelight? What the heck was J.P. about? He leveled some pretty incendiary charges against the BOT concerning his mother's treatment, and promised that he'd have more to say "on this and other issues", then retreated into silence after Pawtucket posted Harve Platig's reply to his indictments.
I would say he stepped into the limelight quite willingly and was pushed by no one, just as he has stepped out of the limelight, leaving us to think and wonder any number of things.
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My interpretation of things was that he felt things had progressed to the
point that no man of conscience in his situation could do otherwise BUT to
speak out about a miscarriage of justice, even if he DID want to be left
That's my interpretation, though. I have mine, you have yours.
One of them might be right (or neither).
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Or perhaps there was an out of sight settlement???
Maybe he caused enough heat that twi had to do something to "cool" things down???
just a thought
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Tom Strange
it can't be easy being him (J.P.) or his siblings...
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Maybe he is being a gentleman and a really good son deferring further remarks until his mother falls asleep.
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Myles Ahead
Cherised Child, do you think JP lost in that exchange? I see Harve as the loser in that exchange as he made several admissions or confirmations to what JP said. They ultimately tried "slight of hand" again by moving the focus from the many promises craig made on corps nights about always taking care of Mrs. W. to JP inheritance which was a dead issue years ago when the family gave the ministry the properties. If you were ever on Corps hook-ups you'd know that craig accused the "copped out clergy" of breaking their promise to Dr. W. because they were not around to take care of Mrs. W as they ALL promised him they would.
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Radar OReilly
I STILL believe that the most honest thing twi could do would be for the current president of twi to sell her house..the one with the in-ground swimming pool(off grounds but within eyesight of the osc,) and have her move into Mrs. Wierwille's home. Then, donate the money from the sale of her home and pay for Dorothea Wierwille's care until she dies, as the bot/bod pledged to do. Of course, twi has no idea what ethics, morality or honest are all that is my own little pipe dream.
Regarding J.P. and his sisters. This may be hard for some of us to understand but they are REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL LIVES. This is about their REAL MOTHER..the woman that gave birth to them...not a representation of a cult. They have to do what they have to do to get through a day, a week, a month, a year....a life....just like each of us.
I don't know about most of you gspotters, but I am working through an ugly probate matter that surfaced after my dad died last October. I am spending quite a bit of energy and resources trying to make sure my mom is well taken care of and that justice is done. My concern is my mom and her welfare....nothing else.
I can't help but think that J.P. and his sisters are taking care of their family responsibilities as they see fit. Is it fair that we as an exWay community demand that they take up our cause to expose twi as the first and only cause in THEIR LIVES? I don't think so. I would hope that we don't impose our own agendas on them, they have their own concerns to sort through.
Their mom is their chief about we all just put one foot ahead of the other in our own lives and let each other be free to deal with the effects if twi as we see fit?
In the mean the RIGHT THING FOR ONCE, it isn't too late to start.
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If she does indeed have Alzheimers, it's quite possible that no one at HQ actually is able to sufficently care for her.
If she's under the care of professionals elsewhere, she may very well be better off.
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Myles Ahead
That does not remove the Way Internationals responsibility financially. After all, Mrs. W. family farm, as well as Dr. W. family farm were donated in order for the BOT/BOD to handle their current business and the very least honest thing they could do is take care of her. People have pointed out that the bookstore is a for profit organization. Mrs. W. book sales should go 100% to her care from now on, and what about Dr. W. book sales??? Are they using the profits from his books to finance expenses???
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Radar OReilly
The proceeds from Mrs. Wierwille's book.....
Residuals from VPW's materials? hmmm....
In actuality...I believe that the writings were published by a shell set up by twi...but those are ideas that could perhaps allow twi around their current stance that says.....THE LAW WON'T LET US support Mrs. Wierwille. Hmmmm......
Now THOSE are some ideas for somebody to run by their attorneys!!!
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Cherished Child
Yes, I do think that J.P. lost some traction in that last exchange with Harve. J.P. indicated in his letters that actions had been taken in regards to Mrs. Wierwille's care without the knowledge or consent of the Wierwille children. Harve pointed out that one of J.P.'s sisters has power of attorney, and that nothing could have been done without her prior authorization. Harve also issued a barely veiled threat of legal action (for libel, I would guess) if J.P. did not cease and desist in making "false accusations". J.P. has been silent ever since, leaving the average observer to surmise that he has been effectively intimidated.
J.P. brought the issue of his mother's mistreatment into the limelight, garnering a tremendous amount of outrage-motivated support from the Ex-Way community. He promised that he had lots more to say, and people inclined their ears as if E.F. Hutton had spoken. The vacuum left by his silence leaves people to only speculate as to what has gone on behind the scenes.
Radar said: "I can't help but think that J.P. and his sisters are taking care of their family responsibilities as they see fit. Is it fair that we as an exWay community demand that they take up our cause to expose twi as the first and only cause in THEIR LIVES? I don't think so. I would hope that we don't impose our own agendas on them, they have their own concerns to sort through."
I can't think of anyone here who "demands" that the Wierwille kids make exposing The Way "the first and only cause in their lives". Without a doubt, the health and safety of their mother comes first, as well as that of their other immediate family members. Whether or not they ever say a word concerning the cult founded by their father, is entirely up to them. My point was merely that it was J.P. who chose to address the issue of his mother's care (and promised to render his judgement on "this and other matters" in the near future") in a most public way, and in the wake of the BOT's unprecidented action of posting their rebuttal on Greasespot, J.P.'s silence seems to indicate that he has been effectively "shut down" by Rosie and Company.
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Or he's decided to play it smart and not further discuss all the details relating to this matter online? I don't know.
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Tumbleweed Kid
Cherished Child,
To me there were many things written between the lines. First, that Mrs. W. would have her "mark and avoided" daughter as her first choice for Power of Attorney, instead of a "standing believer" spoke volumes to me. She ignored the doctrines of the ministry to pick the person she felt best for the job. Second, Myles_Ahead makes a great point about the promises made by the clergy and how LCM clearly stated that they needed to take care of Mrs. W. I got a call last weekend from a current Way fellowshipper that didn't know Mrs. W. was in a nursing home unsupported by the Way. I believe the public announcement by JP was instrumental in keeping everyone informed about HQ's ideas.
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deleted personal attack
Edited by PawtucketLink to comment
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Invisible Dan -- I think you nailed it. Hopefully JP will not be as "brash" and "forth-coming" about his intentions online as pjroberge has been, concerning his lawsuit.
JP is going up against a well oiled machine, and discretion is paramount, and NOT "nutless" as Schuks says.
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Yikes, Schuks - maybe with a name like that you can't control yourself, but yikes!!
Wanna know what I think of you for saying such a thing? I didn't think so.
Now watch this and learn as I control myself and do NOT post something derogatory about you.
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A group has sworn in public to provide for your mother all the days of her natural life. When she starts to have some serious health issues, you and your siblings have to step in because they are not providing the level of care her health condition requires.
Then the group sends out letters stating that you and your siblings are all in agreement about the care choices you were forced to make because of their neglect.
Because the group went public, you decide to go public and let everyone know you do not want the group to misrepresent what happened by placing your name or making statements such as *all* implying you agree.
Not rocket science, IMHO, mission accomplished......
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Schucks are you a wayfer?
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ditto Cherished Child I am so glad you spoke up
and pjroberge I really question your integrity and where your head is at and what exactly are your intentions and dark agendas by opening such a thread and by stating ....
"Since TWI has "moved" Mrs. Wierwille into the nursing home, who is now living in her home and enjoying her possessions?
I also wonder if they let her keep her sentimental momentos like pictures etc. or did they toss them?
Or did they put them into "storage", so that she can come and visit them sometime? "
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