Never saw anyone who could talk so much and say so little. Still no answer after four paragraphs in the last post alone! Just the politically correct, non-answer "two sides to every story." Too much.
Politically correct? Talk so much and say so little? You seem to be disparaging my posts because I'm not responding the way you would like me to. If I would only think like you, the world would be a better place.
quote: Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
By asserting your equality by setting boundaries, you may be able to stem abuse.
Some situations cannot be solved by setting boundaries and enforcing them because the abuser has too much power to overcome: In those situations, the only solution is to leave the situation unless you can find a greater power to overcome the abuse and enforce the boundaries.
from the great link provide by ex
You are trivializing the situations of the people who were abused by the leadershi* twi(t)s. Quit while you're behind, my friend.
maybe if the good doctor had tried to f&**** some of you people up the a$$
ahhhhhhhh never mind
ya know, excie... you are right! I think sometimes it is very easy to sit in the stands and criticize others. I believe that there definitely would have been some who would have bought in hook, line and sinker if he had liked snails and puppy dog tails and young boys...
THEN we would hear the complaining and the cursing from ALL the males....but there will always be some males who just can't get TOO shook when some 15,16,17 year old girl is preyed upon cuz, you know, "lolita" and "she was akksin' fer it" and allla that....
AND THEN we are supposed to buy the idea being sold right here, out front of greasespot, that "it don't matta!" cuz GAWWDDDD talks to sinners!!....really, NO ....!!! but maybe there is a difference between narcissistic, unrepentent sinning of an "ordained of God" MOGFODAT and the sinning of your everyday Joe--or "Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? GOD FORBID!" hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
How many organizations do you know where people have pictures of their leaders that they BUY or oooh and aaaahhh over receiving in cards? Clearly these pictures were promoted as prized possessions for the special faithful to have. Pretty narcisstic if you ask me.
There was a time where we had more pictures of different twi(t) leaders than family members around our house. How sick is that?!?!
quote:Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
By asserting your equality by setting boundaries, you may be able to stem abuse.
Insurgent, I agree with this statement and hereby assert my equality, and say my posts are just as important as everyone else's. Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
quote:You are trivializing the situations of the people who were abused by the leadershi* twi(t)s. Quit while you're behind, my friend.
How can I possibly trivialize their situations? I wasn't there. The only thing I can do, is relate my experiences and opinions. You seem to be saying that by me doing that, I'm trivializing others? geeze, you may be right, I should just be quiet, quit while I'm behind -- seems that would make you happy.
My initial comments about this thread have been about the article quoted. My later comments are about others' comments about my posts. So how am I redirecting anything?
You seem to be belittling and trivializing my posts. Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
By "redirecting," I think JT meant that you were redirecting the attention away from the beginning of this thread, which was about examining the actions of Wierwille and Martindale in the light of narcissistic behavior. (I for one don't mind that you took a little jog to the side, as you made some points worth looking at.) I noticed you remarked earlier
quote:This seems to be the propaganda that the purveyors of the victim mentality mindset...must convince folks of, before folks believe they were conned.
It's got to be about the evil narcissistic monster who seduces. Can't be about you having a hunger for truth; and God's people working to help you find it. You finding it and thankful for the things you learned. Nah.
I guess you don't feel you were conned, Oldies. If you think that Wierwille was one of "God's people working to help you find it," I would disagree with you, because I think that Wierwille only used the things of God to get to the things he wanted -- wealth, sex, adulation, POWER. In using the things of God, he taught enough Bible to reach you, me, and many others. I am glad you took the good and left the rest. Others were not so lucky.
As to Wierwille and Martindale being "evil narcissistic monsters who seduce," I think that is mostly true. Their works bear this out. Take Wierwille and the sexual abuse, for one example:
It was adultery, betraying his wife and his marriage vows
He went after young women, sometimes minors, the age of his own daughter, and should have thought of those women as his daughters (many looked on him as a father figure)
He was a minister, and as such should not have taken advantage of his position -- he should have left those women alone, even if every one of them threw themselves at him (and they most certainly didn't!)
He used the Bible to seduce, making it extremely difficult for those women to trust the Bible or men ever again.
I only differ with you if you think that to be a "monster" one must be evil continuously. Not so. Evil people have a face of kindness, which is what makes them so confusing. Narcissists do kind things at times, and justify to themselves that they are good. Remember my grammatically incorrect statement, "the face of evil is convinced he is entitled?" I hope you get what I meant -- narcissists feel entitled to take from others, because they see others as beneath them, and as adversaries. They don't empathize with the hurt they cause, but they're sad when they get caught.
Dot Matrix said that something on another thread that hit home with me. To paraphrase her: "Mrs. Lincoln, your husband just got shot, but how did you like the play?" To put you into that picture, I would say, "So, theatre-goer, how was the play? Did you like John Wilkes Booth?" Perhaps to you, the play's the thing (the teaching of the Bible was paramount). To me, the fact that people were gravely abused in this life outweighs any good done toward the hope of eternal life.
TWI is innocent! VPW and LCM are completely innocent! I cannot believe that they are as narcissistic, controlling, and abusive as everybody says.
And now you have gone and done it, insulting the two MOGFODTs and proven that we are possessed and are therefore losing rewards, holy spirit and receive damnation!
I am nothing like the mind-froth-dribbling followers you say exist. I for one will write no more because I have to go and clean toilets for almost nothing and like it now. So you can see there is no brainwashing at the Way. I do it of my own freewill, freewill, freewill, freewill...
Also to all at the Way International HQ. We are blessed to show our all-time favorite movie tonight...The Stepford Wives.
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Politically correct? Talk so much and say so little? You seem to be disparaging my posts because I'm not responding the way you would like me to. If I would only think like you, the world would be a better place.
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from the great link provide by ex
You are trivializing the situations of the people who were abused by the leadershi* twi(t)s. Quit while you're behind, my friend.
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ya know, excie... you are right! I think sometimes it is very easy to sit in the stands and criticize others. I believe that there definitely would have been some who would have bought in hook, line and sinker if he had liked snails and puppy dog tails and young boys...
THEN we would hear the complaining and the cursing from ALL the males....but there will always be some males who just can't get TOO shook when some 15,16,17 year old girl is preyed upon cuz, you know, "lolita" and "she was akksin' fer it" and allla that....
AND THEN we are supposed to buy the idea being sold right here, out front of greasespot, that "it don't matta!" cuz GAWWDDDD talks to sinners!!....really, NO ....!!! but maybe there is a difference between narcissistic, unrepentent sinning of an "ordained of God" MOGFODAT and the sinning of your everyday Joe--or "Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? GOD FORBID!" hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
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How many organizations do you know where people have pictures of their leaders that they BUY or oooh and aaaahhh over receiving in cards? Clearly these pictures were promoted as prized possessions for the special faithful to have. Pretty narcisstic if you ask me.
There was a time where we had more pictures of different twi(t) leaders than family members around our house. How sick is that?!?!
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Imbus, you perfectly described the transition to being extremely arrogant as a good little wayfer.
"I have more knowledge of the Bible in my little finger than most people have in their whole life." Another favorite quote I used to hear quite a bit.
Funny how we were both the elite crack athletes for God and just not good enough for twi at the same time.
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Insurgent, I agree with this statement and hereby assert my equality, and say my posts are just as important as everyone else's. Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
How can I possibly trivialize their situations? I wasn't there. The only thing I can do, is relate my experiences and opinions. You seem to be saying that by me doing that, I'm trivializing others? geeze, you may be right, I should just be quiet, quit while I'm behind -- seems that would make you happy.
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The master of redirection strikes again!
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My initial comments about this thread have been about the article quoted. My later comments are about others' comments about my posts. So how am I redirecting anything?
You seem to be belittling and trivializing my posts. Trivialization demotes the respect for another person leading to oppression, abuse and condescension.
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Dear Oldies,
By "redirecting," I think JT meant that you were redirecting the attention away from the beginning of this thread, which was about examining the actions of Wierwille and Martindale in the light of narcissistic behavior. (I for one don't mind that you took a little jog to the side, as you made some points worth looking at.) I noticed you remarked earlier
I guess you don't feel you were conned, Oldies. If you think that Wierwille was one of "God's people working to help you find it," I would disagree with you, because I think that Wierwille only used the things of God to get to the things he wanted -- wealth, sex, adulation, POWER. In using the things of God, he taught enough Bible to reach you, me, and many others. I am glad you took the good and left the rest. Others were not so lucky.As to Wierwille and Martindale being "evil narcissistic monsters who seduce," I think that is mostly true. Their works bear this out. Take Wierwille and the sexual abuse, for one example:
I only differ with you if you think that to be a "monster" one must be evil continuously. Not so. Evil people have a face of kindness, which is what makes them so confusing. Narcissists do kind things at times, and justify to themselves that they are good. Remember my grammatically incorrect statement, "the face of evil is convinced he is entitled?" I hope you get what I meant -- narcissists feel entitled to take from others, because they see others as beneath them, and as adversaries. They don't empathize with the hurt they cause, but they're sad when they get caught.
Dot Matrix said that something on another thread that hit home with me. To paraphrase her: "Mrs. Lincoln, your husband just got shot, but how did you like the play?" To put you into that picture, I would say, "So, theatre-goer, how was the play? Did you like John Wilkes Booth?" Perhaps to you, the play's the thing (the teaching of the Bible was paramount). To me, the fact that people were gravely abused in this life outweighs any good done toward the hope of eternal life.
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well said, Shaz.
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Tom Strange
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TWI is innocent! VPW and LCM are completely innocent! I cannot believe that they are as narcissistic, controlling, and abusive as everybody says.
And now you have gone and done it, insulting the two MOGFODTs and proven that we are possessed and are therefore losing rewards, holy spirit and receive damnation!
I am nothing like the mind-froth-dribbling followers you say exist. I for one will write no more because I have to go and clean toilets for almost nothing and like it now. So you can see there is no brainwashing at the Way. I do it of my own freewill, freewill, freewill, freewill...
Also to all at the Way International HQ. We are blessed to show our all-time favorite movie tonight...The Stepford Wives.
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Funny, eagle!
Born to live, born again to backflush...
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I want to laugh but am not sure I'm allowed. Is it best? Is it the Word? Is it really the Stepford wives? Hahahahahah...
Gee, we wish he were the man he knew to be too!
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it is good, JT, not best, and that is where the adversary tricked you !!!!!!! (alfakat haunted house laugh goes here)
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always ready to "way"-blige...
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i love it when you laugh like that !!!!
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