Why Socks, I don't think that is corny at all. I look back upon my fun times with all of those incredible people with great fondness. I mean they were some of the funniest, intelligent, and heartsy people I have ever known. To have all of those great moments rolled up into one and handed back as a place to start Eternity would be fine enough indeed. And thank you for the compliment Socks...
Ala P,
I know, Socks cracks me up with his Amazing Sea Monkey humor. His wit is almost too much. His stories about California on that "the craziest things we did" thread were way funny also. Thank you my Monkey Seestor Ala P. Keep the faith baby!
And Mr Sanguinetti, my Ten Cow Woman is just fine! The others of course are fictitious, but "Luanna" is fine and dandy, although not too happy that I will head "Up North" to go to work around Fairbanks for a couple of months starting next week. I will miss her and the kids probably worse than she me, but I gotta go and get some money for awhile...
And so, yeah. We are some kind a bunch of people huh? We all jumped right in there with high expectations of moving the Word Over the World and all of that, and what I call "the human factor" made the whole thing different than our high ideals. For some, the human factor was worse than for others, but I guess no matter how low it may have taken us, I guess there is only one way to go from this point, and that way is UP. I say the best thing to do is burn up the past and keep looking up...
Okay.... to put it to a point... one word answer to the question ... "was waycorps training a scam?" Unqualified YES!
When viewed from the perspective of it's PROMOTION from the "leadership".
Yes, we were told it was for one thing one day and another the next.
Yes, the "commitment" was re-defined to suit the purpose of the moment... (Hmmm purpose of the moment... same as present truth??)
Does that make it a scam? I'd have to say so.
YET... with those things acknowledged, what of the individual experiences.
IMO... You get from things what you put into them. I saw fellow wc that "played" the system... I saw wc that were "by the book". I think most of these people were "just that way". They would have been that way no matter what they were in, military, college, tech school... take your pick. Most people by their early twenties (which most of us were) are pretty well formed in their personalities and work habits. The real question is not so much could wehave learned the (good) things we learned in the wc... BUT rather would we?
For example:
quote:About the food...all I said was that my rations were cut in half. It WAS healthier food than what I was used to and the reduced portions were healthier for me too. Between the food and the running, I was in fabulous shape. I went into the corps weighing 190 and came out at 155. Today I am about 180...too many cheeseburgers and beer.
The truth of the matter is that I could have gotten the same results following Jack LaLaine instead of veepee wierwille...and saved a lot of money in the process.
BUT...WOULD you have followed Jack LaLaine??? Would you have been motivated enough? Had the desire, and determination?? I say NO. Because the motivation to ... DO came from within. It was a desire to be better than you would otherwise ..... for the purpose of serving God in the future. At least that was the all encompassing philosophy of the things we did.
Compare that experience with this one:
quote:To this day I have written many short stories and newspaper articles. The skill itself was not gained in The Way Ministry, but the inspiration occurred there and some motivation as well.
I understand what you mean, Hope about many principles being obtainable elsewhere, but there was no possible way I personally would have persued any form of college other than The Way College/Corps program, because I was as intensely comitted to the same ideals as you were: Word Over The World and all that we believed in.
Because of a personal desire to be better than he would have otherwise, he strove to change, learn, and incorporate the good things he developed while in rez. AND continues to write for personal enjoyment and the enrichment of others. But by his own admission was a lousy student pre wc. He developed his writing ability after encouragement from people he highly reguarded.... Would that have happened for him had he not gone wc??? NO cause the probabilty of him ever writing anything for anyone was virtually nil!
People skills...
quote:We can play "what if" forever - but the fact is that the Corps program doesn't hold a patent on the benefits some of us may have received from it.
I could have taken a public speaking course at a community college and gotten credit for it! Or I could even have taken the Dale Carnegie class directly from that company.
YEP you sure could've.... and six months later be little changed. To incorporate change a person has to; see the need to change, and maintain that change. I venture a guess that most people left to their own habit patterns rarely maintain much personal change.
REAL personality change, habit pattern changes, RARELY occurs without serious outside stimuli that can be internalized by the recipient.
I.E. Divorce, death, birth, accident, being fired, going bankrupt, _________________, (fill in your own life impacting event.) Adopting a belief system!!!! BEING IN REZ.
We were expected to change, and maintain it. Some did... JL still writes... some didn't. Some have rejected everything they learned and hold a bitterness instead. SAD SAD SAD.
I know I owe much of what I am and what I have accompllished in this life to my twi experience, wc included. The innate abilities latent within me were seen and developed by people who cared. Would these same abilities been encouraged and cultivated in some other venue, college? military? ____________ ?
Never be able to say... probably not. I say that because I know the mindset it takes to change something in my life. I know the motivation it takes. We were all motivated (suposedly) by a desire to serve God. Gee... can't get much higher motivation than that???
That that motivation was used and abused by evil men was NOT our faults... our hearts were pure. Our hearts were honest... how else could we have done what we did... dendured what we did... C'mon !!!! we were motivated by a higher calling and purpose...
So.... yes it was a scam in one sense...
BUT for most, you determine whether you won or lost.
Scam......is that word in the dictionary? I have heard of the word scamillus. Scamillus is used in Roman Architecture to describe a bench or steping stone. And in the art of brick masonarry its used to describe the block that a pillar rest on.
So in that light perhaps my Way Corps experience was a scam.
I came into the Way Corps program upon leaving active duty in the Navy, so perhaps I looked at it different from many. I liked your analogy Socks! Your truly a wise man.
I enjoyed my time there immensly for better or for worse. I look back upon it each day as the everyday work routine unfolds. I do not believe I would do it again , but still remain thankfull for the opportunity to have been a part of it.
Check behind the drier. I think there's a tennis racket back there too.
Thanks for the kind comments. Likewise back atyall and big props to all my homies in the GS crib. 'Sall good. But this ain't bout me yall, word to the peepul, ups to this thread yah.
Dunno, if it's gone or where it went if it is. Maybe it was deemed inappropriate. I didn't mean to insult anyone, least of all the wonderful person I sited in the post. If I didn't make it clear, I can see now how much I missed and how selfish I could be on my Quest for WOW-A-Go-Go.
Or maybe it was mismatched comments, the blues got in with the whites. -->
My heart was right, really. But maybe my execution lacked clarity of judgment, and the lack of developed ability to maintain and hold in mind images of victory in practical reality kept me from hitting the mark as a doulos athlete, seasoned with salt and paprika to the end that the truth could live in a fully formed realization with Kratos impact in the culture of our times, as I walked out boldly to determine that focus of mind that is only available to a true disciple of the living way of the household of the prevailing ones in our day and time. And hour.
Well, it's back which must mean my horizontals got parallel with my verticals. Whew. FINally.
Balance in the Force. Sweet.
Scamillus, LH. Cool!
After reading these posts, it hits me that one of the worst elements of the Way Corps program was egotism, the self centered perception that if it was in the program, it was right. If you didn't like it, something must be wrong with you. If you didn't understand something, you weren't WALKin', you can't go-you're too slow. If someone or something was hurtful, you weren't being strong in the Word, you can't stay-you're too gay. All of that self-constructed lawgic that said "If I/we/the program coordinators thought of it, it must be God working in me so get with the program loser or you SUK. Leadership - it's what's for dinner. Every dammed day. If the program had been more open and flexible it could have accomodated for the fact that everyone who had the job of coordinating it was learning while on the job. You know there's going to be mistakes, mis-fires and do overs in that kind of situtation. That was the beauty of it - in a group of such diversity as any given Corps you could really do something more than just run everyone through a curriculum and a bunch of mind bending exercises. Like Emporia's dances at 5 am, or doing stupid stuff just so you could say you'd done stupid stuff and survived and now you were "toughened up".
Plus, the doggone thing started as a 2 year back to back thing. That's a helluva long time. Then it went to 3 with the interim, 4 with the "practicum". Where's it go after that, you're planning the Way Corps at 5 years old with an "Infant Doulos" program? Weird. We were young, full of energy, we had places to go, people to meet, stuff to do. Point the direction and cut us loose. You want word over the world? Give us 10 years. What's next? Instead, "sit down and shut up, we're planting trees". There were a great many experiences like that that I really do value, many people. But didn't most of the really exciting stuff, the stuff that worked, the stuff we wanted to do more of, happen spontaneously, born of love and enthusiasm and the Ultimate Youth Cry of "It's my turn! Check this out...Gimme a shot coach!"....? Then you turn around 5 years later and you're wearing a 3 piece plaid suit and worrying about chair order and seating protocol in case you get invited to dinner with the President of the local Kiwanis or something. And somewhere in the back of you mind you're thinking..."Heeey....I sure am spending a lot of time worrying about which side of my lapel my name tag goes on" and actually thinking it matters.
I was led to believe in the beginning of the Corps that it was a "calling of God" - that I was doing God's Will For My Life by being in The Corps.
Lo and Behold, later the doctrine came out that the Corps was NOT a "calling."
Nevertheless, I was beholden to TWI for LIFE after graduating, ever to hear the the mantra "You're Corps!" if I ever fell short of the STANDARD I must live up to forever and ever.
Tom It's weird. When I first come to this page, Socks's post isn't there. But if I go back one page, and then return to page six, it is then at the top of the page. Try it. If it does not works, go to your private topics and I have copied, pasted, and posted it there for you my brother OLM...
Actually, they changed the set up of the Corps program again about four or five years ago: one "candidate" year, where you get your money and "what-to-brings" together, and whatever (kind of how the "apprentice" year was handled at least since the early eighties). The second is the "apprentice" year. The last I heard you had to be in the Way Disciple program during this year, and live with or near a Limb Coordinator or be on staff for the remainder of the year. Then two straight years in-residence.
Regular Corps and Family Corps are lumped together.
I have not considerded anyone's statements here spitefull, misleading or otherwise detrimental to my future devlopement as a Greasespotter or any other type spotter for that matter.
Socks...I have a friend that is a taxidermist and he recently told me of a story about this woman who brought in two deceased pet monkeys to have them stuffed. And when he aked her how she would like to have them mounted , she simply replied, holding hands will be fine.
Perhaps we all need to hold hands a little more often as we recall our former Wayfer days. And as only the right reverend Raf can pronounce in a comforting journalistic sort of way.....HalleUJAH!
And Uncle Hairy .....thanks for the thought provoking thread!
I totally agree, there was so much talent in the rank and file, especially in the Family Corps, where the average age was older than in the regular Corps, that every year could have had its own unique Corps program, learning off of true experts in different fields.
It took a silly incident to bring it home to me that the Corps coordinators were not operating "all nine all the time," but were flying by the seats of their pantaloons at times. Toward mid-winter, everyone was getting colds (and I think we were all getting a little funky!). So I said to D**** M******* that my mom used to air out our place, open all the windows, and give the house a good cleaning in the winter, seemed to freshen everything up. Well, D**** said, "That's a GREAT idea!" and the decree went out for that afternoon. Gee, I musta been sooooo spiritual...
Exactly when did you learn to read my mind and then post it here on Greasespot?
I spent almost 28 years in twi. If I were to declare it null and void...what would be left? My preschool years? Twi was my life for most of my life, I have chosen to take keep the good, and learn from the bad. My life is my life, it is all I have. My corps training was a very important part...good or bad...remains to be seen, but it was important.
Like Socks, I wish I had spent more time getting to REALLY know some of the wonderful people that I met in twi. Blowing some really awesome folks off for not being "spiritual" enough...NOW THAT IS SOMETHING I REGRET.
Socks....your example of W**ma...it spoke to my heart. She is a truly virtous woman, I too wish I had spent more time getting to know her.
quote:I know I owe much of what I am and what I have accompllished in this life to my twi experience, wc included. The innate abilities latent within me were seen and developed by people who cared.
Al, i don't agree but i'm glad that was your experience
I owe much of my hangups and problems to twi and wc. but because of outside sitmuli (outside twi), i am a better person able to overcome....
i think we always determine in life whether we won or lost.... and we also have to determine WHAT we won or lost by looking at our experiences. this is not bitterness.
Gloria Patri et Filio,et Spiritui Sancto. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spirit tuo. Will those phrases ever leave our brains? Thank you Sister Mary Beatyourbutt
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J0nny Ling0
Why Socks, I don't think that is corny at all. I look back upon my fun times with all of those incredible people with great fondness. I mean they were some of the funniest, intelligent, and heartsy people I have ever known. To have all of those great moments rolled up into one and handed back as a place to start Eternity would be fine enough indeed. And thank you for the compliment Socks...
Ala P,
I know, Socks cracks me up with his Amazing Sea Monkey humor. His wit is almost too much. His stories about California on that "the craziest things we did" thread were way funny also. Thank you my Monkey Seestor Ala P. Keep the faith baby!
And Mr Sanguinetti, my Ten Cow Woman is just fine! The others of course are fictitious, but "Luanna" is fine and dandy, although not too happy that I will head "Up North" to go to work around Fairbanks for a couple of months starting next week. I will miss her and the kids probably worse than she me, but I gotta go and get some money for awhile...
And so, yeah. We are some kind a bunch of people huh? We all jumped right in there with high expectations of moving the Word Over the World and all of that, and what I call "the human factor" made the whole thing different than our high ideals. For some, the human factor was worse than for others, but I guess no matter how low it may have taken us, I guess there is only one way to go from this point, and that way is UP. I say the best thing to do is burn up the past and keep looking up...
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Al Poole
Okay.... to put it to a point... one word answer to the question ... "was waycorps training a scam?" Unqualified YES!
When viewed from the perspective of it's PROMOTION from the "leadership".
Yes, we were told it was for one thing one day and another the next.
Yes, the "commitment" was re-defined to suit the purpose of the moment... (Hmmm purpose of the moment... same as present truth??)
Does that make it a scam? I'd have to say so.
YET... with those things acknowledged, what of the individual experiences.
IMO... You get from things what you put into them. I saw fellow wc that "played" the system... I saw wc that were "by the book". I think most of these people were "just that way". They would have been that way no matter what they were in, military, college, tech school... take your pick. Most people by their early twenties (which most of us were) are pretty well formed in their personalities and work habits. The real question is not so much could wehave learned the (good) things we learned in the wc... BUT rather would we?
For example:
BUT...WOULD you have followed Jack LaLaine??? Would you have been motivated enough? Had the desire, and determination?? I say NO. Because the motivation to ... DO came from within. It was a desire to be better than you would otherwise ..... for the purpose of serving God in the future. At least that was the all encompassing philosophy of the things we did.
Compare that experience with this one:
Because of a personal desire to be better than he would have otherwise, he strove to change, learn, and incorporate the good things he developed while in rez. AND continues to write for personal enjoyment and the enrichment of others. But by his own admission was a lousy student pre wc. He developed his writing ability after encouragement from people he highly reguarded.... Would that have happened for him had he not gone wc??? NO cause the probabilty of him ever writing anything for anyone was virtually nil!
People skills...
YEP you sure could've.... and six months later be little changed. To incorporate change a person has to; see the need to change, and maintain that change. I venture a guess that most people left to their own habit patterns rarely maintain much personal change.
REAL personality change, habit pattern changes, RARELY occurs without serious outside stimuli that can be internalized by the recipient.
I.E. Divorce, death, birth, accident, being fired, going bankrupt, _________________, (fill in your own life impacting event.) Adopting a belief system!!!! BEING IN REZ.
We were expected to change, and maintain it. Some did... JL still writes... some didn't. Some have rejected everything they learned and hold a bitterness instead. SAD SAD SAD.
I know I owe much of what I am and what I have accompllished in this life to my twi experience, wc included. The innate abilities latent within me were seen and developed by people who cared. Would these same abilities been encouraged and cultivated in some other venue, college? military? ____________ ?
Never be able to say... probably not. I say that because I know the mindset it takes to change something in my life. I know the motivation it takes. We were all motivated (suposedly) by a desire to serve God. Gee... can't get much higher motivation than that???
That that motivation was used and abused by evil men was NOT our faults... our hearts were pure. Our hearts were honest... how else could we have done what we did... dendured what we did... C'mon !!!! we were motivated by a higher calling and purpose...
So.... yes it was a scam in one sense...
BUT for most, you determine whether you won or lost.
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Tom Strange
so what am I missing here?
where is this post of socks'?
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A la prochaine
It's a weird one.
It's up now for me .. at the top of this page but, a few times when I came by here, it was gone. Poof...vanished, disappeared!
Do you think it could be the work of the ...dah da da da ... The Dark Monkey!
(I feel a derailment coming on)
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Tom Strange
nope... no post from socks at all...
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A la prochaine
Must certainly be the work of
you know who 
Maybe that's what Socks was talking about before that he had to run cause something was after him.
Praying for him.
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Scam......is that word in the dictionary? I have heard of the word scamillus. Scamillus is used in Roman Architecture to describe a bench or steping stone. And in the art of brick masonarry its used to describe the block that a pillar rest on.
So in that light perhaps my Way Corps experience was a scam.
I came into the Way Corps program upon leaving active duty in the Navy, so perhaps I looked at it different from many. I liked your analogy Socks! Your truly a wise man.
I enjoyed my time there immensly for better or for worse. I look back upon it each day as the everyday work routine unfolds. I do not believe I would do it again , but still remain thankfull for the opportunity to have been a part of it.
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Missing socks!
Check behind the drier. I think there's a tennis racket back there too.
Thanks for the kind comments. Likewise back atyall and big props to all my homies in the GS crib. 'Sall good. But this ain't bout me yall, word to the peepul, ups to this thread yah.
Dunno, if it's gone or where it went if it is. Maybe it was deemed inappropriate. I didn't mean to insult anyone, least of all the wonderful person I sited in the post. If I didn't make it clear, I can see now how much I missed and how selfish I could be on my Quest for WOW-A-Go-Go.
Or maybe it was mismatched comments, the blues got in with the whites.
My heart was right, really. But maybe my execution lacked clarity of judgment, and the lack of developed ability to maintain and hold in mind images of victory in practical reality kept me from hitting the mark as a doulos athlete, seasoned with salt and paprika to the end that the truth could live in a fully formed realization with Kratos impact in the culture of our times, as I walked out boldly to determine that focus of mind that is only available to a true disciple of the living way of the household of the prevailing ones in our day and time. And hour.
Ya think?
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J0nny Ling0
I don't think your post was offensive, for I have it right at the top of this page. It think it was the work of the Dark Monkey!
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DAMMM! the Dark Monkey!
Well, it's back which must mean my horizontals got parallel with my verticals. Whew. FINally.
Balance in the Force. Sweet.
Scamillus, LH. Cool!
After reading these posts, it hits me that one of the worst elements of the Way Corps program was egotism, the self centered perception that if it was in the program, it was right. If you didn't like it, something must be wrong with you. If you didn't understand something, you weren't WALKin', you can't go-you're too slow. If someone or something was hurtful, you weren't being strong in the Word, you can't stay-you're too gay. All of that self-constructed lawgic that said "If I/we/the program coordinators thought of it, it must be God working in me so get with the program loser or you SUK. Leadership - it's what's for dinner. Every dammed day. If the program had been more open and flexible it could have accomodated for the fact that everyone who had the job of coordinating it was learning while on the job. You know there's going to be mistakes, mis-fires and do overs in that kind of situtation. That was the beauty of it - in a group of such diversity as any given Corps you could really do something more than just run everyone through a curriculum and a bunch of mind bending exercises. Like Emporia's dances at 5 am, or doing stupid stuff just so you could say you'd done stupid stuff and survived and now you were "toughened up".
Plus, the doggone thing started as a 2 year back to back thing. That's a helluva long time. Then it went to 3 with the interim, 4 with the "practicum". Where's it go after that, you're planning the Way Corps at 5 years old with an "Infant Doulos" program? Weird. We were young, full of energy, we had places to go, people to meet, stuff to do. Point the direction and cut us loose. You want word over the world? Give us 10 years. What's next? Instead, "sit down and shut up, we're planting trees". There were a great many experiences like that that I really do value, many people. But didn't most of the really exciting stuff, the stuff that worked, the stuff we wanted to do more of, happen spontaneously, born of love and enthusiasm and the Ultimate Youth Cry of "It's my turn! Check this out...Gimme a shot coach!"....? Then you turn around 5 years later and you're wearing a 3 piece plaid suit and worrying about chair order and seating protocol in case you get invited to dinner with the President of the local Kiwanis or something. And somewhere in the back of you mind you're thinking..."Heeey....I sure am spending a lot of time worrying about which side of my lapel my name tag goes on" and actually thinking it matters.
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Tom Strange
I guess I'm not worthy... I only see these two posts from socks....
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I was led to believe in the beginning of the Corps that it was a "calling of God" - that I was doing God's Will For My Life by being in The Corps.
Lo and Behold, later the doctrine came out that the Corps was NOT a "calling."
Nevertheless, I was beholden to TWI for LIFE after graduating, ever to hear the the mantra "You're Corps!" if I ever fell short of the STANDARD I must live up to forever and ever.
Was I ever HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY to get out of that!
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J0nny Ling0
Tom It's weird. When I first come to this page, Socks's post isn't there. But if I go back one page, and then return to page six, it is then at the top of the page. Try it. If it does not works, go to your private topics and I have copied, pasted, and posted it there for you my brother OLM...
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Actually, they changed the set up of the Corps program again about four or five years ago: one "candidate" year, where you get your money and "what-to-brings" together, and whatever (kind of how the "apprentice" year was handled at least since the early eighties). The second is the "apprentice" year. The last I heard you had to be in the Way Disciple program during this year, and live with or near a Limb Coordinator or be on staff for the remainder of the year. Then two straight years in-residence.
Regular Corps and Family Corps are lumped together.
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I have not considerded anyone's statements here spitefull, misleading or otherwise detrimental to my future devlopement as a Greasespotter or any other type spotter for that matter.
Socks...I have a friend that is a taxidermist and he recently told me of a story about this woman who brought in two deceased pet monkeys to have them stuffed. And when he aked her how she would like to have them mounted , she simply replied, holding hands will be fine.
Perhaps we all need to hold hands a little more often as we recall our former Wayfer days. And as only the right reverend Raf can pronounce in a comforting journalistic sort of way.....HalleUJAH!
And Uncle Hairy .....thanks for the thought provoking thread!
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J0nny Ling0
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I musta been dozing during the "it's not a calling" meeting....
Wasn't there some kind of way corps promo video once upon a time called "Called Out" or something like that?
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Dear sox,
I totally agree, there was so much talent in the rank and file, especially in the Family Corps, where the average age was older than in the regular Corps, that every year could have had its own unique Corps program, learning off of true experts in different fields.
It took a silly incident to bring it home to me that the Corps coordinators were not operating "all nine all the time," but were flying by the seats of their pantaloons at times. Toward mid-winter, everyone was getting colds (and I think we were all getting a little funky!). So I said to D**** M******* that my mom used to air out our place, open all the windows, and give the house a good cleaning in the winter, seemed to freshen everything up. Well, D**** said, "That's a GREAT idea!" and the decree went out for that afternoon. Gee, I musta been sooooo spiritual...
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Radar OReilly
To Al Poole (AL, AL, MY PAL!
Exactly when did you learn to read my mind and then post it here on Greasespot?
I spent almost 28 years in twi. If I were to declare it null and void...what would be left? My preschool years? Twi was my life for most of my life, I have chosen to take keep the good, and learn from the bad. My life is my life, it is all I have. My corps training was a very important part...good or bad...remains to be seen, but it was important.
Like Socks, I wish I had spent more time getting to REALLY know some of the wonderful people that I met in twi. Blowing some really awesome folks off for not being "spiritual" enough...NOW THAT IS SOMETHING I REGRET.
Socks....your example of W**ma...it spoke to my heart. She is a truly virtous woman, I too wish I had spent more time getting to know her.
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LittleHawk...you're more than welcome
Al Poole...thank you for one of the most insightful and honest posts I have ever read.
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J0nny Ling0
Al Poole, nicely put bruh, nicely put...
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Well as others have posted well said AL
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I owe much of my hangups and problems to twi and wc. but because of outside sitmuli (outside twi), i am a better person able to overcome....
i think we always determine in life whether we won or lost.... and we also have to determine WHAT we won or lost by looking at our experiences. this is not bitterness.
peace be with you
and with your spirit
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peace be with you
and with your spirit.
Your Catholic upbringing is showing again
Gloria Patri et Filio,et Spiritui Sancto. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spirit tuo. Will those phrases ever leave our brains? Thank you Sister Mary Beatyourbutt
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