quote: ''If I just tithe/do/serve more, He will bless my life...'' out of my head
GOD doesn't expect you to do the whole job.
Many people think GOd isn't answering because they aren't doing enough.
Often times its because you are trying to do it All.
When you try to do "more" or "it all" it's YOU doing instead of GOD doing.
Step back- relax get the "musts" and the "shoulds" out of your head and let GOD tell you what he wants you to do. It may be a simple as helping weed someones yard. Then let GOD guide you.
Most people forget that "my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
If its heavy and weighing you down you're carrying a burden God never intended or wants you to have
I don't want to sound preachy like this is all your fault and that really isn't what I intend to convey. But I think all of us have a tendency to think we are the linch pin when really we are just tiny cogs.
I pray things get lighter and brighter in your world
Oh, my friend, how often I have felt the same way ! Sometimes God SEEMS silent because of all the things going on in our heads...tough to turn it off, isn't it ? When you've got eighty billion things to ponder, it's not easy to be still and know that God is there...especially if you're "the responsible one". Guess that's what we need to try to do...like MO said. Those were indeed wise and loving words.
I don't think that God is EVER silent. His heart's desire is to draw us closer to Him, and have an intimate relationship with us, His precious ones.
Sometimes, it just a matter of us pressing in closer, and experiencing the myriad of ways He reveals Himself to us. He is the master communicator, after all, and not short on creativity. He just doesn't limit Himself to our expectations is all.
Not to be preachy, like MO said, but He is faithful to us, always. He would never withhold Himself from us. But He will surprise and amaze us, if we just pay closer attention. After all, we do have direct access to His Presence. It's just a matter of entering in, and hanging around long enough to "hear" Him.
I found out when I do not have an easy solution to a problem and force a fix I make things and situations worse... I found this out several times so far . still learning it I think sigh .
I think in my dark moments God is punishing me Is that twi or what??? like I deserve to suffer because I am a bad child of God.
then I remember we are all "bad" but Jesus christ loves us anyway.
whew . I also found out sometimes I do not like what I may be hearing and um reject God much more than He would or could reject me...
that is a hard one and when that happens I do take awhile to recover .. but it all comes together evenutaly and I often know for a fact and this is truly a fact of life
89 % of our worries never even happen . truly that is a true statistic... so I say go away 80% and so far today is ok if someone will tell me the code for the puter game on level 12.
but if not then well I will move on and go back to the kwel games I do not need a support group for or sumthin ...
Even though the 7th is past, I hope that today goes well for you too.
Like ex-10 said, God communicates in different ways. I know when I have a rough day I just let the universe take care of me. I ask my higher power to use what ever means to reach me and nurture myself in the intrime. Listen to some healing music or go play with a pet. That will bring your anxiety level down so you can receive. Hope today is better, you are in my thougts.
Thank you (((((Imbus))))...you are a welcomed new friend. :)-->
Thank you all for thinking of me, thank you to those of you who offered some ''tough love'', I appreciate that too. Not for nuttin'...I took Mo's advice and stopped trying to fix it all myself...know what? God fixed it for me! :D-->
Thank you Father for loving me through all my human-ness...
Thank you friends for loving me too, I love you all very much!
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Awwwwwwwwww {{{{{Colleen}}}}}!
When the spirit doesn't speak, it's usually because it's not needed...you already have the answer within you.
Hope your day is going better today.
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Dot Matrix
Hang in there God is not deaf, he might be lining things up for your answer.
He loves you.
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Watered Garden
Patience, honey, He will answer in a way that is special for you. He loves you sooooo much!
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GOD doesn't expect you to do the whole job.
Many people think GOd isn't answering because they aren't doing enough.
Often times its because you are trying to do it All.
When you try to do "more" or "it all" it's YOU doing instead of GOD doing.
Step back- relax get the "musts" and the "shoulds" out of your head and let GOD tell you what he wants you to do. It may be a simple as helping weed someones yard. Then let GOD guide you.
Most people forget that "my yoke is easy and my burden is light"
If its heavy and weighing you down you're carrying a burden God never intended or wants you to have
I don't want to sound preachy like this is all your fault and that really isn't what I intend to convey. But I think all of us have a tendency to think we are the linch pin when really we are just tiny cogs.
I pray things get lighter and brighter in your world
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Stop being superstitious. That's all it is.
I bet you have no problem not throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder...
Try to be aware of all superstitious behavior....
Love, kd
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Thank you (((((((((all))))))))))) so much...love yous guys!
I sit here in tears reading your post...you are God's mouthpiece today...thank you for speaking for Him, it's just what I needed to hear.
VERY hard lesson for me to learn, and like a 3 year old, I have to keep learning it.
Thanks again.
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Tom Strange
Hey Freakster! Ya know...
I always thought that when "God was silent" it meant He was busy taking care of you!...
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way back in the 70s
Oh, my friend, how often I have felt the same way ! Sometimes God SEEMS silent because of all the things going on in our heads...tough to turn it off, isn't it ? When you've got eighty billion things to ponder, it's not easy to be still and know that God is there...especially if you're "the responsible one". Guess that's what we need to try to do...like MO said. Those were indeed wise and loving words.
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Thank you (((((((((wayback))))))))))))
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(((((((Mr. Strangedude)))))))))
Thanks for the kind words...love you to pieces!
Looking forward to seeing your silly face at da 'roast!
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when you ask God, is it about HIM or about YOU?
If it's about HIM, be patient and pray. Look
up George Mueller and prayer on the internet.
If it's about YOU, there's no point in praying-
you're not going to let go of your concerns, but hang onto
them when God wants to relieve you of your burdens.
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Great thoughts, here.
I don't think that God is EVER silent. His heart's desire is to draw us closer to Him, and have an intimate relationship with us, His precious ones.
Sometimes, it just a matter of us pressing in closer, and experiencing the myriad of ways He reveals Himself to us. He is the master communicator, after all, and not short on creativity. He just doesn't limit Himself to our expectations is all.
Not to be preachy, like MO said, but He is faithful to us, always. He would never withhold Himself from us. But He will surprise and amaze us, if we just pay closer attention. After all, we do have direct access to His Presence. It's just a matter of entering in, and hanging around long enough to "hear" Him.
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I found out when I do not have an easy solution to a problem and force a fix I make things and situations worse... I found this out several times so far . still learning it I think sigh .
I think in my dark moments God is punishing me Is that twi or what??? like I deserve to suffer because I am a bad child of God.
then I remember we are all "bad" but Jesus christ loves us anyway.
whew . I also found out sometimes I do not like what I may be hearing and um reject God much more than He would or could reject me...
that is a hard one and when that happens I do take awhile to recover .. but it all comes together evenutaly and I often know for a fact and this is truly a fact of life
89 % of our worries never even happen . truly that is a true statistic... so I say go away 80% and so far today is ok if someone will tell me the code for the puter game on level 12.
but if not then well I will move on and go back to the kwel games I do not need a support group for or sumthin ...
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Even though the 7th is past, I hope that today goes well for you too.
Like ex-10 said, God communicates in different ways. I know when I have a rough day I just let the universe take care of me. I ask my higher power to use what ever means to reach me and nurture myself in the intrime. Listen to some healing music or go play with a pet. That will bring your anxiety level down so you can receive. Hope today is better, you are in my thougts.
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Thank you (((((Imbus))))...you are a welcomed new friend.
Thank you all for thinking of me, thank you to those of you who offered some ''tough love'', I appreciate that too. Not for nuttin'...I took Mo's advice and stopped trying to fix it all myself...know what? God fixed it for me!
Thank you Father for loving me through all my human-ness...
Thank you friends for loving me too, I love you all very much!
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