Words of advice for the chorus/choir (which is just SO redundant) - GET NEW DRESSES LADIES, you look like giant green circus tents.
Words of advice to the Singin' Ladies - STOP MOVING AROUND! You don't have to constantly "walk" while you're singing - it looks stupid. No one does it, not even PTL, circa 1984!
Hope, even when I was among the most committed, I always thought that the Chorus Choir was, well...BORING! Followed very closely by, "uninspiring". I've actually thought very seriously on why this is, and have come up with a couple of insights: 1.) THEY ARE WEAK OF VOICE. I'd often get frustrated when listening to them because they seemed absolutely incapable of "belting it out". There's no vocal strength. They all sound so mousey. You'd think that that many bodies could produce more volume. 2.) You'd think that people whose faces seem to indicate that there's nothing more they'd rather do than to "bless God's wonderful Household of beleeeevers" in that moment, would actually be able to convey that in their voices. You can tell that they've practiced and practiced and practiced. But you can also tell that their hearts are simply not in it. 3.) Those "original compositions" that they sing all sound the same, and all sound as if they are trying to indoctrinate/brainwash. Why can't TWI sing a "praise song"---by that, I mean one that praises God, instead of The Body of The Way? Isn't a worship service supposed to be comprized of praise, thanksgiving and exhortation, as well as doctrine? Seems like TWI has always been stuck on the doctrine aspect. And it's reflected in the chorus choir's performances. As a matter of fact, that's the thrust of most Way Productions performances. Indoctrination above all. I've often been amazed at how much doctrine they're able to shoe-horn into a single bar of music. But the effect is that of being whacked on the head with the "doctrine hammer" every week. 4.) Yeah, I'm with you Hope. They all look so perfectly dowdy (the men) and, "frumpy" (the women). They should really consider wearing choir robes...Naaah, that wouldn't do any good. They just need something to get excited about.
Lawrence Welk! It's the same thing! Too bad you can't get it at Half Price. Sigh.
Honestly, I thought I had returned to the Nazarene Church...until that last number..."Growing in God's Power". Yikes! Nothing like glorifying the way logo. And they said the SIT words, too! I thought that was supposed to be kept secret "until the class" or something...? I thought SIT wasn't something the general public was allowed to know about until they actually attended a meeting...?
I am surprised to see that they're letting fat women out in public. Good gawd...back in my twi days being fat was enough to prove one as "seed"...because a fat women couldn't "bless" the MOG the way he "needed" to be "blessed"...it showed disrespect for the MOG...sigh...:/
None of the singers would make the grade on American Idol.
Well, I still recognize most of them and to be fair, the reason the men look dowdy and the women look frumpy is only a HANDFUL (if that) are under the age of 50 years old.
I am with Cherished, the clothes wouldn't make the difference, they need a better, more truthful product.
... still laughing at the American Idol comment! :-)
More painful than watching them at HQ was having to watch those awful videos on the field. They're even worse when you have a bunch of little kids who are expected to sit still for this. Impossible!
What was the name of the guy who was slammed by Simon and has become a mini-item? Asian engineer? Help from the audience, please. Maybe they could sign him up for the current class? ;-)
Back in "the day", wierwille used to control wayproductions very closely. He forced musicians with imagination to conform to his strict formula for writing "spiritually correct" music. He stiffled originality, pulled the plug on individuality, and turned what could have been "from the heart" inspirational music into his particular form of nazi propaganda music. It was horrible to say the least.
Who is in control of the form and content today? We know that Mitch Miller is dead. Perhaps some of these "old timers" in wayprod are still following the old wierwille credo of propaganda through controlled content?
I don't know who does it today. Mike M****n was for a while.
One thing that was evident in the 90s was no individual performances being allowed to be put on CD/tape. Remember Claudette and others having their own tapes? No more. Singing Ladies of the Way (SLOW? Oh, how funny. Never caught that before!) or Way Prod items only.
Details, details, details ! Haven't gotten any further than the Concert and Sunday Teaching Service page and the musical notes on the banner at the top are BACKWARDS ! Irks me to no end to see that ! There, I feel better now...
Oh, I just HAVE TO SAY THIS....I just saw William Huang on COUNTDOWN with Keith Olberman. He did YMCA (the old Village People song) and it was HILLARIOUS. He did the arm movements and all.
He looks like he is having a whole lot more fun than the CHORUS CHOIR
How interesting that TWI would chance the loss of income from a video or teaching tape by posting tidbits from a Sunday Screaching, um, I mean Teaching Service.
Oh, I get it. They hope to draw new 'potential' members to the site, right? Well, rots of ruck, dudes of The Way.
I watched the singing. I was struck by the thought that in the last few years they have come up with absolutely nothing new to sing about. How sad.
I didn't want to watch the teaching but I'll bet there was no new light shed at that meeting. Am I right? At least if you are supposed to be a teaching ministry come up with a few new things to teach.
I have an idea. Maybe they could write a song about "Our Stagnant Religion"? That would be appropriate and it might even perk things up a little.
Those green tents the Chorus Criers are wearing are terrible! But I guess they had to do something with the tents left over from the ROA, huh? How appropriate to make tents for the people dumb enough to still be there after all the life was sucked out of the place.
Another thought: it really angers me that they took "our ministry" (I saw that quote somewhere in another post) and turned it into something so stiff and dead. We should be able to go there and visit with the people we used to love and they aren't there anymore. They robbed us and they broke their promises to us, didn't they?
Remember when VPW would call out, "It's good to be home again"? I used to love that and I really felt like it was my home. I was always happy to be home again to visit my brothers and sisters. Now, forget it. I wouldn't go there to that place if you paid me. That ....es me off even more. They stole that place from us (not just from the Wierwilles). It belonged to us. It was paid for by us (well, most of the improvements and buildings were, maybe not the original farm). Why do we allow them to hold it away from us when it was us who paid the price for it?
Yes, Socks. That is Debra. She is, or was, one of the most loving women I have ever known. I still keep a picture of she and I hugging but that was from a long time ago. I'm sure she's not even the same. She used to be such a believer and lover of God.
I don't see how anyone who remains at that place could still love or believe in God, but maybe that's just my opinion. I'm sure if you ask any of them they'd say that God was number one in their lives. But after watching the videos it is clear that it is TWI who they worship, not God.
Notice Claudette is gone. She finally made the break and she doesn't live there anymore for the first time in maybe 20 or 30 years. Maybe Claudette is getting smart. I hope she knows there are many people who are out and very happy. I hope she knows she needs only ask. There are many who would help her get on her feet.
It really saddens me to see some of these people in the videos. Why do they stay? Is it because they've been there so long that they have no idea of how to make in outside of TWI's controlling walls? Is it because some of them just got in and don't know that the walls behind the pretty wallpaper are crumbling? Or is it because they believe things will change at TWI? Things will not change no matter how hard you 'believe' and pray. Things will change when people open their eyes and quit supporting the beast. They have to disregard sometimes decades of indoctrination and brainwashing (negative brainwashing, not positive). They have to forget all the threats that bad things will happen to them.
Fear IS believing in reverse yet thats what you have been taught to do since the day you took PFAL, session 1! It's one of their little tricks; teach you that fear is bad yet at the same time teach you many things to be afraid of, subtlely. It's the ultimate form of bondage and you don't even know it's happened to you!
Good luck on getting out of TWI, all of you still in. Really. Remember this: if you want to get out all you need to do is ask one of us to help and you will get help. Just be careful that you watch and choose people who have proven their trustworthiness over time here at GreaseSpot. I say that even though I am a fairly new poster because I've been lurking a long time and I've seen that some people are worth having help you and others still need help themselves. I don't mean that in a bad way, what I mean is that people should make wise choices.
Learnedtoolate, I thought so. And yes, indeedy. Debra's a sweetheart, many moons since I've seen her, she doesn't look that much older than I remember.
It's weird stuff though. Religious, very religious looking.
For that group/chorale stuff, I think Hillsongs kicks serious a$$. Course they have Darlene Zcech (sp?). But they have a great sound, the instruments sound real and the singing is exciting. This Way stuff sounds like muzak. Very digital, no resonance. Weird. Lyrically, well, won't go there.
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Hope R.
Pirate: PTL, Circa 1984, was better than that!!!
Words of advice for the chorus/choir (which is just SO redundant) - GET NEW DRESSES LADIES, you look like giant green circus tents.
Words of advice to the Singin' Ladies - STOP MOVING AROUND! You don't have to constantly "walk" while you're singing - it looks stupid. No one does it, not even PTL, circa 1984!
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Cherished Child
Hope, even when I was among the most committed, I always thought that the Chorus Choir was, well...BORING! Followed very closely by, "uninspiring". I've actually thought very seriously on why this is, and have come up with a couple of insights: 1.) THEY ARE WEAK OF VOICE. I'd often get frustrated when listening to them because they seemed absolutely incapable of "belting it out". There's no vocal strength. They all sound so mousey. You'd think that that many bodies could produce more volume. 2.) You'd think that people whose faces seem to indicate that there's nothing more they'd rather do than to "bless God's wonderful Household of beleeeevers" in that moment, would actually be able to convey that in their voices. You can tell that they've practiced and practiced and practiced. But you can also tell that their hearts are simply not in it. 3.) Those "original compositions" that they sing all sound the same, and all sound as if they are trying to indoctrinate/brainwash. Why can't TWI sing a "praise song"---by that, I mean one that praises God, instead of The Body of The Way? Isn't a worship service supposed to be comprized of praise, thanksgiving and exhortation, as well as doctrine? Seems like TWI has always been stuck on the doctrine aspect. And it's reflected in the chorus choir's performances. As a matter of fact, that's the thrust of most Way Productions performances. Indoctrination above all. I've often been amazed at how much doctrine they're able to shoe-horn into a single bar of music. But the effect is that of being whacked on the head with the "doctrine hammer" every week. 4.) Yeah, I'm with you Hope. They all look so perfectly dowdy (the men) and, "frumpy" (the women). They should really consider wearing choir robes...Naaah, that wouldn't do any good. They just need something to get excited about.
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Lawrence Welk! It's the same thing! Too bad you can't get it at Half Price. Sigh.
Honestly, I thought I had returned to the Nazarene Church...until that last number..."Growing in God's Power". Yikes! Nothing like glorifying the way logo. And they said the SIT words, too!
I thought that was supposed to be kept secret "until the class" or something...? I thought SIT wasn't something the general public was allowed to know about until they actually attended a meeting...?
I am surprised to see that they're letting fat women out in public. Good gawd...back in my twi days being fat was enough to prove one as "seed"...because a fat women couldn't "bless" the MOG the way he "needed" to be "blessed"...it showed disrespect for the MOG...sigh...:/
None of the singers would make the grade on American Idol.
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(Song #3) They want to live like Jesus Christ??
Well, I want to play basketball like Michael Jordan!
I want to start a software company like Bill Gates!
I want to be 20 years old again.
And I want all the money they took from me BACK.
I figure I have about the same chances of realizing my dreams as do they of theirs.
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Maybeeee, if they sang "She Bang".
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Tee hee.
Of course, they still wouldn't get beyond Simon...he would cover his ears if he heard them!
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Radar OReilly
I just watched the twi side show.
Well, I still recognize most of them and to be fair, the reason the men look dowdy and the women look frumpy is only a HANDFUL (if that) are under the age of 50 years old.
I am with Cherished, the clothes wouldn't make the difference, they need a better, more truthful product.
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... still laughing at the American Idol comment! :-)
More painful than watching them at HQ was having to watch those awful videos on the field. They're even worse when you have a bunch of little kids who are expected to sit still for this. Impossible!
What was the name of the guy who was slammed by Simon and has become a mini-item? Asian engineer? Help from the audience, please. Maybe they could sign him up for the current class? ;-)
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Oh my.
Has anyone told them it's the 21st century yet?
:D--> Seriously, they all look like they're stuck in an old episode of "Sing Along With Mitch."
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Just curious:
Back in "the day", wierwille used to control wayproductions very closely. He forced musicians with imagination to conform to his strict formula for writing "spiritually correct" music. He stiffled originality, pulled the plug on individuality, and turned what could have been "from the heart" inspirational music into his particular form of nazi propaganda music. It was horrible to say the least.
Who is in control of the form and content today? We know that Mitch Miller is dead. Perhaps some of these "old timers" in wayprod are still following the old wierwille credo of propaganda through controlled content?
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I don't know who does it today. Mike M****n was for a while.
One thing that was evident in the 90s was no individual performances being allowed to be put on CD/tape. Remember Claudette and others having their own tapes? No more. Singing Ladies of the Way (SLOW? Oh, how funny. Never caught that before!) or Way Prod items only.
LCM doing VPW one better?
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His name is William Hung.
I hear he's getting AIRPLAY somewhere.
WHY I can't imagine.
No kidding-
they call it "the Chorus Choir"?
That's hysterical moronic!
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way back in the 70s
Details, details, details ! Haven't gotten any further than the Concert and Sunday Teaching Service page and the musical notes on the banner at the top are BACKWARDS ! Irks me to no end to see that ! There, I feel better now...
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Radar OReilly
Oh, I just HAVE TO SAY THIS....I just saw William Huang on COUNTDOWN with Keith Olberman. He did YMCA (the old Village People song) and it was HILLARIOUS. He did the arm movements and all.
He looks like he is having a whole lot more fun than the CHORUS CHOIR
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That's Debra O on the one song. Right?
Whoever said "this ain't your father's Way Ministry" was right.
It's your grandfathers.
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Radar OReilly
a charter member of the Sr. & Sra Soques fan club
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How interesting that TWI would chance the loss of income from a video or teaching tape by posting tidbits from a Sunday Screaching, um, I mean Teaching Service.
Oh, I get it. They hope to draw new 'potential' members to the site, right? Well, rots of ruck, dudes of The Way.
I watched the singing. I was struck by the thought that in the last few years they have come up with absolutely nothing new to sing about. How sad.
I didn't want to watch the teaching but I'll bet there was no new light shed at that meeting. Am I right? At least if you are supposed to be a teaching ministry come up with a few new things to teach.
I have an idea. Maybe they could write a song about "Our Stagnant Religion"? That would be appropriate and it might even perk things up a little.
Those green tents the Chorus Criers are wearing are terrible! But I guess they had to do something with the tents left over from the ROA, huh? How appropriate to make tents for the people dumb enough to still be there after all the life was sucked out of the place.
Another thought: it really angers me that they took "our ministry" (I saw that quote somewhere in another post) and turned it into something so stiff and dead. We should be able to go there and visit with the people we used to love and they aren't there anymore. They robbed us and they broke their promises to us, didn't they?
Remember when VPW would call out, "It's good to be home again"? I used to love that and I really felt like it was my home. I was always happy to be home again to visit my brothers and sisters. Now, forget it. I wouldn't go there to that place if you paid me. That ....es me off even more. They stole that place from us (not just from the Wierwilles). It belonged to us. It was paid for by us (well, most of the improvements and buildings were, maybe not the original farm). Why do we allow them to hold it away from us when it was us who paid the price for it?
Yes, Socks. That is Debra. She is, or was, one of the most loving women I have ever known. I still keep a picture of she and I hugging but that was from a long time ago. I'm sure she's not even the same. She used to be such a believer and lover of God.
I don't see how anyone who remains at that place could still love or believe in God, but maybe that's just my opinion. I'm sure if you ask any of them they'd say that God was number one in their lives. But after watching the videos it is clear that it is TWI who they worship, not God.
Notice Claudette is gone. She finally made the break and she doesn't live there anymore for the first time in maybe 20 or 30 years. Maybe Claudette is getting smart. I hope she knows there are many people who are out and very happy. I hope she knows she needs only ask. There are many who would help her get on her feet.
It really saddens me to see some of these people in the videos. Why do they stay? Is it because they've been there so long that they have no idea of how to make in outside of TWI's controlling walls? Is it because some of them just got in and don't know that the walls behind the pretty wallpaper are crumbling? Or is it because they believe things will change at TWI? Things will not change no matter how hard you 'believe' and pray. Things will change when people open their eyes and quit supporting the beast. They have to disregard sometimes decades of indoctrination and brainwashing (negative brainwashing, not positive). They have to forget all the threats that bad things will happen to them.
Fear IS believing in reverse yet thats what you have been taught to do since the day you took PFAL, session 1! It's one of their little tricks; teach you that fear is bad yet at the same time teach you many things to be afraid of, subtlely. It's the ultimate form of bondage and you don't even know it's happened to you!
Good luck on getting out of TWI, all of you still in. Really. Remember this: if you want to get out all you need to do is ask one of us to help and you will get help. Just be careful that you watch and choose people who have proven their trustworthiness over time here at GreaseSpot. I say that even though I am a fairly new poster because I've been lurking a long time and I've seen that some people are worth having help you and others still need help themselves. I don't mean that in a bad way, what I mean is that people should make wise choices.
It's good to *not* be home again.
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Is long hair for women not allowed?
What a long strange trip it's been to go from ROA '72 to PTL.
The smiles on the chorus looked plastered on. I'll bet they were often exhorted to "smile" during rehersals.
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Part of me is fascinated by the singing choraling of the
Chorus Choir, which they posted on the internet worldwideweb.
Any of you have anecdotal stories I might read typed?
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Tom Strange
OK... two things...
1. Do they really need some guy rocking up and down on his toes, looking like he's got IBS, to "direct" 19 singers?
B. I still get a kick out of the fact that they have fellowships in "international" countries...
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Tom Strange
I apologize in advance if this seems tacky... but...
I don't think those folks in the videos are caught up on their aerobic points!
... it's just my guess, I don't have any facts in front of me...
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ROR...I know. My monkey's in for a spanking.
(no way can that sound right!)
Learnedtoolate, I thought so. And yes, indeedy. Debra's a sweetheart, many moons since I've seen her, she doesn't look that much older than I remember.
It's weird stuff though. Religious, very religious looking.
For that group/chorale stuff, I think Hillsongs kicks serious a$$. Course they have Darlene Zcech (sp?). But they have a great sound, the instruments sound real and the singing is exciting. This Way stuff sounds like muzak. Very digital, no resonance. Weird. Lyrically, well, won't go there.
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Dot Matrix
You are sooooo right. What happened to LCM's anti-fat thing? And what is with those horrid green curtains they are wearing as dresses?
What are they doing for shower curtains?
Where are the young people?
It does look like a "farm in Ohio" ministry.
My God, it makes me think "Leave it to Beaver" is on and its not a rerun.
Dang people have you heard of a MALL?
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peepull, peepull - just stop and think logically for once...
Those aren't shower curtains! What do you think they did with the ROA tents? Can't let'em go to waste.
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