I wonder if they have people in every branch who monitor the site to see if anyone posts who sounds like someone in their area or if the local leadership get a fax that says "so and so poster said that ..... and asked about..... Does this sound like anyone in your area or has anyone in your area said something similar?"
They do things like this and then wonder why people still in don't trust them and are afraid to ask questions and share things with them.
Radar-- you are correct. There is nothing in the Word that validates a "Watchman" telling lies. I do recall though, that if a watchman fell asleep, the practice was to set his clothes on fire. If that justice were to be applied to International Headquarters, the entire complex would be consumed in an instantaneous ball of flames.
--Hey, cool off Linder, I'm NOT advocating illegal arson. Just saying if this were the Old Testament, God just might have incinerated the chair you're sitting in, that's all. Sort of like that old saw you guys used about executing homosexuals....
But as a matter of fact, though, there ARE consequences even in this "administration" for being a false witness.
But Martindale and Wierwille both used to speak to The Way Corps in our private meetings, you know, up in the fireplace room, or at the campfire area... those times.... and tell us that "A wise man never tells all he knows..." and insinuated that at times in life there are times when a little distortion of the truth in the interest of protecting the "movement of the Word" was in order. Machiavellian, but that's to be expected from an organization that has always viewed it's goals as more important than the means.
I would also like to remind those still in, who say, Wierwille is dead and Martindale is gone, that the very people they trained, who were absolutely devoted to and hung on every word their MOGs said, and were trained and dedicated to carry them out "verbatim," are the very ones in control today. So don't tell me things have changed. It's the same guard in control, and always will be.
Funny thing, too, about those Ten Commandments. You know, we never did spend much time looking at those in TWI, because Jesus Christ "fulfilled the law."
Yeah, right.
I think the reason they didn't want to dwell on those scriptures is because too much looking at "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" and "thou shalt not commit adultery" just might cause too many of us to ask too many questions TWI didn't care to answer.
But as far as the WayGB, I believe there is enough evidence already posted just on this thread to answer the question of whether they exist. I know around the time the depositions were about to occur for the Allen case, at least one of us received a phone call from Baker & Hostetler et al and had portions of her posts read back to her verbatim.
So I will repeat, again, what I have always said.
* Emphasize your own first-hand experiences with TWI.
* Always tell the truth.
* Never post anything you wouldn't want to see posted on a highway billboard with your name attached to it.
* Never post anything you wouldn't want to have read back to you by opposing counsel in a court of law.
* Always, always, tell the truth.
And yeah, they've got everything several of us have ever posted, and keep watch, compare notes, to see if they can contradict our testimony with anything we say.
Linder, and your group of henchmen in trenchcoats hold no fear for me. Come get me any time. Like they said, that file goes both ways. I have plenty of things I haven't even posted on here that I'd LOVE to have the chance to tell a judge.
I seriously doubt there is someone in every branch tasked to monitoring GS and other sites. What I do think happens is that if someone arouses suspicion by their words or actions, then the search for incriminating posts begins.
Or if someone identifies him- or herself as an "innie", then word is sent out to the "field" to watch for certain things.
In my case I loudly broadcast my problems with TWI doctrine and practice. My ex-wife, twig coordinator, region coordinator and a member of the Board of Trustees all knew very specifically what my biggest problems were...because I told them!
Although I gave scant personal information, and bounced among three handles, my writing style is recognizable, and that helped them figure out that it was me.
WayGB? Nahhh, there's no such a thing. There is such a thing as the WayG PeePee now, because that's what they really are IMO, a bunch of useless ....ants who work for Rev. Rubber Butt.
Well, I still say that Harve played a mean guitar.
Remember, folks: the WayGb doesn't think that they're evil; they think that we are.
I wouldn't mind sitting down with them for a beer, just to show them that we're really still God's kids. Imagine what they must think of us, to do what they do. As far as they're concerned, they're protecting the Household of God from people (us) who want to hurt it.
HQGuys: we don't want to hurt the Household of God. We belive that TWI hurts the Household of God.
I believe that TWI arose at the right time (the sixties) and rode the wave of anti-establishmentarianism of the sixties and the seventies. Once people began thinking for themselves again, in the late eighties and early nineties, TWI began to fade into the background of the American religious experience. That's just the nature of such a transient-type organization. Abusive leadership did not help matters.
It's not your fault that the ministry is loosing ground; it's just that time, in the greater scheme of things.
Back on Waydale there were several notable stories of people being presented with false information by their leaders with the the hopes that that information would turn up on the internet thus allowing Way goons to know who did it.
Of course the biggest hypocrsiy of all was that they forbade people to come to Waydale yet they appointed people to do just that. Once again an example of a different set of standards for the rank and file and another for the higherups.
But of course, the term "WayGB" is a tongue in cheek term that somebody out here on the GS Cafe invented, right? I mean, they at TWI HQ, when it comes to security, call themselves the "Safety" department, right?
When I saw the term, I laughed out loud for it's wittiness. I remember being followed around at a Word in Business convention by a "Safety" department guy with a tiny "spy speaker" in his ear as if he were a Secret Service agent or something. He followed me all over the Hyatt Regency in DC as if I was going to lead him to a secret hotel room full of insurgents (which is actually where I was trying to get to-a bunch of international Corps were holed up there after they had been kicked out of HQ), and so, after I led him on a wild goose chase for awhile, I finally confronted him by going around a corner, then sneaking back to the corner so I could step right in front of him, which when I did, it scared him out of his wits as he jumped back and whispered harshly into his microphone.
I knew him from days gone by and so I asked him how he liked playing "Secret Squirrel" and snooping on God's people like he was doing. I told him that if he wanted something from me that he should just ask, and that if he didn't stop following me I would smack him one when no one was looking and "how wouldja like that?" He just kinda mumbled; "sorry" and left me alone. I could tell that he was not comfortable with what he was doing, and I felt sorry for him. Maybe he is out by now. Sure hope so...
And so, when I saw the term "WayGB", I had to laugh, thinking about my own term of "Secret Squirrels"...
The WayGB is a term lovinglyapplied to the safety department by the founder and president of the website formerly known as Waydale :D-->
The Society of Secret Squirrels, huh? That is pretty cute.
My first couple of years on staff at twi hq I worked at the switchboard. That first roa after pop....right before corps week, all of the safety guys showed up as swb wearing HAWAIIAN print shirts, and dark glasses. They had given up their safety uniforms for this particular "duty." From that day on they were christened.......NEW KNOXVILLE VICE.
Yeah....at least I never lost my sense of humor ;)-->
I think I'd even bring it up to the New Knoxville area. I could fly it over Way HQ and maybe catch some live pictures of one of Rosies pool parties.
At the very least make some low altitude passes over Grounds just after Sunday service. Just to get WayGB's panties in a wad. If I flew it at 300 to 500 feet perhaps they would try to shoot it down. It would make for some great pictures!
I knew him from days gone by and so I asked him how he liked playing "Secret Squirrel" and snooping on God's people like he was doing. I told him that if he wanted something from me that he should just ask, and that if he didn't stop following me I would smack him one when no one was looking and "how wouldja like that?" He just kinda mumbled; "sorry" and left me alone
Are you boys enjoying what is going on over in Open? It must fit into your description of us reprobates rather nicely about now eh? Hopefully it will resolve itself and us not have to mark and avoid each other. -->
But don't get too friken comfy there boys. It's your leaders past and present that help set us up for this crap in the first place. And unlike you, we have an opportunity to kiss and make up with hopefully only a few bruises. But you'll still be sitting there hoping we get into another mud fight while your acid queen controls your every move.
As bad as this crap here is of late, we still have the chance for escape.
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Tom Strange
I'm with ya on that Paw... I yam who I yam... but I know some still have reason to be anonymous...
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I wonder if they have people in every branch who monitor the site to see if anyone posts who sounds like someone in their area or if the local leadership get a fax that says "so and so poster said that ..... and asked about..... Does this sound like anyone in your area or has anyone in your area said something similar?"
They do things like this and then wonder why people still in don't trust them and are afraid to ask questions and share things with them.
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Everybody sing! (to the tune of the Oscar Mayer wiener song)
S'posed to be a greasy spot by mid-niiiiight,
That is what the MOGFOT screamed I'd beeeee....
But it's been years since then and I am not quiiiite...
Just another lie they told to meeeeee!
They said they had a corner on the truth, see?
But it was hard to follow all the twists.
"Present truth" would change as it was handy,
To grind you down, or fill their greedy fists!
They told me that I'd be marked and avoided,
If I wouldn't spy upon my friends.
They marched around with fingers sharply pointed,
I told them, Stick them all up your rear ends!
So, I never did become a little grease spot,
Unless you count my time on this cafe.
The ministry of liars, thieves, and whatnot
Will get a rude surprise on Judgment Day!
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That was great!
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hey, WayGB--I sure wish ya was here!! We got a real "full-moon" shot jess waitin fer ya...
in the words of the immortal Bugs,
"What a Maroon!"
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Tom Strange
I wonder what they think of the Amazing Sea Monkeys thread... think they're out there looking to sue them for copyright infringement?
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All I can say is-
what a freaking waste of time for them to compile a file on
I was never a big shot anywhere, and left LONG before they
began running in full paranoia mode. I've been out MUCH
longer than I was in. If they STILL think I'm worth a file,
they REALLY don't have anything better to do with their
They might try this "Bible" thing people used to bring on
grounds, and read out of.
how does it feel to spend all your time propping up a
religious organization where you live in fear of getting a
cold and being accused of insufficient believing? Where every
word you speak is being jotted down-you already KNOW they're
compiling files on YOU that are TWICE as big as ours.
When every moment might be your last-you might be the NEXT
person to get the bum's rush off grounds in one hour with
what few belongings and pocket change you haven't given them?
Remember when it was about the blessings of God, not the
whispers and rumours? Christians all over this country don't
live like that, you know, and most of them are better off
financially and socially than you. How long before you are
swallowed, sponge, having been drained dry of any usefulness
to them, and now sentenced to be exiled from them, His
righteous one forsaken (by them), His seed begging bread?
You KNOW they've stolen your future. There's hundreds of
people, probably thousands, they drained dry already.
Do you REALLY want it that way? If you leave, you at least
have a CHANCE at a life. If you stay, you KNOW you don't.
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Radar-- you are correct. There is nothing in the Word that validates a "Watchman" telling lies. I do recall though, that if a watchman fell asleep, the practice was to set his clothes on fire. If that justice were to be applied to International Headquarters, the entire complex would be consumed in an instantaneous ball of flames.
--Hey, cool off Linder, I'm NOT advocating illegal arson. Just saying if this were the Old Testament, God just might have incinerated the chair you're sitting in, that's all. Sort of like that old saw you guys used about executing homosexuals....
But as a matter of fact, though, there ARE consequences even in this "administration" for being a false witness.
But Martindale and Wierwille both used to speak to The Way Corps in our private meetings, you know, up in the fireplace room, or at the campfire area... those times.... and tell us that "A wise man never tells all he knows..." and insinuated that at times in life there are times when a little distortion of the truth in the interest of protecting the "movement of the Word" was in order. Machiavellian, but that's to be expected from an organization that has always viewed it's goals as more important than the means.
I would also like to remind those still in, who say, Wierwille is dead and Martindale is gone, that the very people they trained, who were absolutely devoted to and hung on every word their MOGs said, and were trained and dedicated to carry them out "verbatim," are the very ones in control today. So don't tell me things have changed. It's the same guard in control, and always will be.
Funny thing, too, about those Ten Commandments. You know, we never did spend much time looking at those in TWI, because Jesus Christ "fulfilled the law."
Yeah, right.
I think the reason they didn't want to dwell on those scriptures is because too much looking at "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" and "thou shalt not commit adultery" just might cause too many of us to ask too many questions TWI didn't care to answer.
But as far as the WayGB, I believe there is enough evidence already posted just on this thread to answer the question of whether they exist. I know around the time the depositions were about to occur for the Allen case, at least one of us received a phone call from Baker & Hostetler et al and had portions of her posts read back to her verbatim.
So I will repeat, again, what I have always said.
* Emphasize your own first-hand experiences with TWI.
* Always tell the truth.
* Never post anything you wouldn't want to see posted on a highway billboard with your name attached to it.
* Never post anything you wouldn't want to have read back to you by opposing counsel in a court of law.
* Always, always, tell the truth.
And yeah, they've got everything several of us have ever posted, and keep watch, compare notes, to see if they can contradict our testimony with anything we say.
Linder, and your group of henchmen in trenchcoats hold no fear for me. Come get me any time. Like they said, that file goes both ways. I have plenty of things I haven't even posted on here that I'd LOVE to have the chance to tell a judge.
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Beware the Dark Monkey and his mocking minions...
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I seriously doubt there is someone in every branch tasked to monitoring GS and other sites. What I do think happens is that if someone arouses suspicion by their words or actions, then the search for incriminating posts begins.
Or if someone identifies him- or herself as an "innie", then word is sent out to the "field" to watch for certain things.
In my case I loudly broadcast my problems with TWI doctrine and practice. My ex-wife, twig coordinator, region coordinator and a member of the Board of Trustees all knew very specifically what my biggest problems were...because I told them!
Although I gave scant personal information, and bounced among three handles, my writing style is recognizable, and that helped them figure out that it was me.
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WayGB? Nahhh, there's no such a thing. There is such a thing as the WayG PeePee now, because that's what they really are IMO, a bunch of useless ....ants who work for Rev. Rubber Butt.
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a bunch of useless ....ants who work for Rev. Rubber Butt.
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Well, I still say that Harve played a mean guitar.
Remember, folks: the WayGb doesn't think that they're evil; they think that we are.
I wouldn't mind sitting down with them for a beer, just to show them that we're really still God's kids. Imagine what they must think of us, to do what they do. As far as they're concerned, they're protecting the Household of God from people (us) who want to hurt it.
HQGuys: we don't want to hurt the Household of God. We belive that TWI hurts the Household of God.
I believe that TWI arose at the right time (the sixties) and rode the wave of anti-establishmentarianism of the sixties and the seventies. Once people began thinking for themselves again, in the late eighties and early nineties, TWI began to fade into the background of the American religious experience. That's just the nature of such a transient-type organization. Abusive leadership did not help matters.
It's not your fault that the ministry is loosing ground; it's just that time, in the greater scheme of things.
Care for a beer?
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Sure there is a waybg though there is some
difference of opinion as to how closely and
frequently they monitor this site.
Back on Waydale there were several notable stories of people being presented with false information by their leaders with the the hopes that that information would turn up on the internet thus allowing Way goons to know who did it.
Of course the biggest hypocrsiy of all was that they forbade people to come to Waydale yet they appointed people to do just that. Once again an example of a different set of standards for the rank and file and another for the higherups.
There are plenty of suckup corps types who
willingly heed the call of management so if
they are told to surf the web to "keep and eye
on the adversary" then no doubt they will.
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J0nny Ling0
But of course, the term "WayGB" is a tongue in cheek term that somebody out here on the GS Cafe invented, right? I mean, they at TWI HQ, when it comes to security, call themselves the "Safety" department, right?
When I saw the term, I laughed out loud for it's wittiness. I remember being followed around at a Word in Business convention by a "Safety" department guy with a tiny "spy speaker" in his ear as if he were a Secret Service agent or something. He followed me all over the Hyatt Regency in DC as if I was going to lead him to a secret hotel room full of insurgents (which is actually where I was trying to get to-a bunch of international Corps were holed up there after they had been kicked out of HQ), and so, after I led him on a wild goose chase for awhile, I finally confronted him by going around a corner, then sneaking back to the corner so I could step right in front of him, which when I did, it scared him out of his wits as he jumped back and whispered harshly into his microphone.
I knew him from days gone by and so I asked him how he liked playing "Secret Squirrel" and snooping on God's people like he was doing. I told him that if he wanted something from me that he should just ask, and that if he didn't stop following me I would smack him one when no one was looking and "how wouldja like that?" He just kinda mumbled; "sorry" and left me alone. I could tell that he was not comfortable with what he was doing, and I felt sorry for him. Maybe he is out by now. Sure hope so...
And so, when I saw the term "WayGB", I had to laugh, thinking about my own term of "Secret Squirrels"...
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Radar OReilly
The WayGB is a term lovinglyapplied to the safety department by the founder and president of the website formerly known as Waydale
The Society of Secret Squirrels, huh? That is pretty cute.
My first couple of years on staff at twi hq I worked at the switchboard. That first roa after pop....right before corps week, all of the safety guys showed up as swb wearing HAWAIIAN print shirts, and dark glasses. They had given up their safety uniforms for this particular "duty." From that day on they were christened.......NEW KNOXVILLE VICE.
Yeah....at least I never lost my sense of humor
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I miss knowing that Peter Qualtieri is on the planet. I thought he was sweet.
God rest him.
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Gee I used to enjoy soaring and making model airplanes, Maybe I'll get one of these babies:
Predator spy plane with gps and camera
I think I'd even bring it up to the New Knoxville area. I could fly it over Way HQ and maybe catch some live pictures of one of Rosies pool parties.
At the very least make some low altitude passes over Grounds just after Sunday service. Just to get WayGB's panties in a wad. If I flew it at 300 to 500 feet perhaps they would try to shoot it down. It would make for some great pictures!
I could even send them to the local papers.
Now don't anyone else steal my idea.
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I knew him from days gone by and so I asked him how he liked playing "Secret Squirrel" and snooping on God's people like he was doing. I told him that if he wanted something from me that he should just ask, and that if he didn't stop following me I would smack him one when no one was looking and "how wouldja like that?" He just kinda mumbled; "sorry" and left me alone
That is too funny!
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For you who do not take squirrels seriously: http://www.scarysquirrel.org/theory/theory.html
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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Tumbleweed Kid
I think you'd be better off with a fleet of ships flying in formation. There are great gas powered models available as well.
Of course, you could rent a plane and take photos for about the same price.
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Are you boys enjoying what is going on over in Open? It must fit into your description of us reprobates rather nicely about now eh? Hopefully it will resolve itself and us not have to mark and avoid each other.
But don't get too friken comfy there boys. It's your leaders past and present that help set us up for this crap in the first place. And unlike you, we have an opportunity to kiss and make up with hopefully only a few bruises. But you'll still be sitting there hoping we get into another mud fight while your acid queen controls your every move.
As bad as this crap here is of late, we still have the chance for escape.
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My opinion is that all the fighting just indicates that we can think, and not just in lockstep with what "leadership" says.
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