Is there one? I would have to say so, in a way. (No pun intended) The communists had people reporting on their families and others. TWI never refused information (to my knowledge) about others. In fact, when I was a twig coordinator, my LC used to call me frequently to "check on" certain people. They would always want detailed info.
Is there a formal organization like that? Anybody here who has been on staff could best answer.
I was confronted by Steven Roberts concerning some information that was posted on GS. Little did he know that the poster was someone closer to him than I ever thought about being.
I had given a close friend of mine (now I know that I had no close friends in TWI) whom I had given an answer to his question concerning a couple who had left TWI. He did not let his lips pucker to kiss Steven's *** until he told on me for being on the internet.
When I was asked about the e-mail, I did not deny that I read information on GS. Of course I was told how evil it was and how he knew all of the people who posted and all the trouble they had caused at HQ. Cop-Outs.
They never ask me again however, a FC and his wife, who are no longer associated with TWI, told me that they were keeping an eye on me and wanted to know any remarks or questions that I asked.
Knowing what was going on at HQ was tough for me because I wanted to call them liars when I had to listen to them inform the fellowships of Martindale and how he was the target of the adversary working through the Allens.
So yes Pat, TWI does have a WGB to inform regions of posting from their area. Not much they can do about it anymore.
I was impressed when I read John's disp. when he informed the Peelers to go to GS so they could find out about TWI and what they did to others.
Yes - and they have files on most of us. (HI GARY!!! MR LINDER!!!).
Making a long story short - about a year (?) ago we received a letter from a higher-up at HQ's in answer to something John requested. In this letter were copies of some of John's posts from GS - old posts that had been deleted months before.
Kinda freaked me out, really - I mean - who cares what you and I say, our opinions are our opinions. There's still a First Amendment in the Constitution - so I guess they have the right to keep our posts as much as we have the right to post them! But I'm a bit uncomfortable knowing what I say here is in someone's file cabinet in Ohio.
Remember to use - IMO - IMO - IMO - IN MY OPINION - if it isn't a real, actual, able to be verified fact. If something happened to you - it's a fact. If you think VP or LCM are (fill in the blank), then preface the sentence with IMO.
IMO, I think the WayGB should find something else to do. The ABS of TWI's current followers is probably paying them to watch us!! How silly.
Hey, what do you think of Pat? A character, right? ...least he makes your days interesting, huh?
He may be Pat but he's our Pat. And don't forget, he's a grad. Geez, for all anyone knows, he might be walking by WOK, WOW and DOS; whattyathink? No? Figures you'd say that.
I'll include you and your family in my prayers. Seriously. Not to leave TWI or anything...just to prosper and be in health.
Who prints and files the posts, you? No you're a big shot.. a secretary. Is she/he a Way Corps grad? Well, "HI" to them too.. you work for a great guy (or has he changed? yuck yuck)
Well, now everyone back to work... we'll keep disseminating info re: our experiences in TWI and you keep track of us.
Have you ever wondered what position you would be holding today with twi if martindale had not run off 90% of the faithful followers, which of course included the most experienced and talented people?
My guess is that you would probably be driving the "honey wagon" at the ROA. ;)-->
THe more I look around the more I realize just how insidiously TWi perverts even the soundest of Church doctrine.
We are exhorted in Scripture to avoid Idle Gossip (which covers 98% of TWI fact gathering)
At the same time the church provided an avenue for one to turn in a brother or sister who was seriously out of fellowship--adultry --stealing etc to the leaders so that the Brother or sister in Christ could be Lovingly exhorted to keep the gospel.
If this failed then the next step was to withhold fellowship until the sin was removed from the persons life and they were then welcomed back with open arms.
TWI decided the operation could be streamlined
1> actively collect every bit of fact, gossip and innuendo and regard it as true
2> Yell and scream an the already tried, judged, and found guilty parties
3> if said parties refuse to agree to the often bogus charges-- M&A them for all eternity and smear their names with all other belivers
So Nice so tidy so completely unscriptual. TWI's WAYGB reminds me of Hitler's Germany where children told on parents and neighbor spied on neighbor.
(here's another post for you WAYGB to add to my 22 year old file :D-->)
They are very much alive and well and actively reading everything that is posted here. The fact that harvey p found it necessary to address the things posted about how they are neglecting the widows in their church should be some sort of indication on the power they know that GSpot has over them.
Power given to the posters at GSpot because twi leadership have not lived godly lives above reproach. They do not like having the underbelly of their precious organization and activities exposed. They do not like to be reminded that they, too, can be kicked out on their a** with nothing to show for it just like so many here have. They do not like having their comfortable, evil existence threatened.
Honestly, I do not know how anyone with twi can read these things day in and day out and still maintain that they are in a godly organization and that twi is the best thing out there.
Do you honestly think that other churches are half as corrupt, evil, dishonest and unloving as twi? Do you really think that God isn't going to ask you to answer for the things you've done and are doing? Do you really think you're doing God's will? Would you own earthly father be proud of you right now? Honestly?
I was "confronted" by the region coordinator, his wife and the HFC one night. They had printouts of posts that I had authored under a previous handle.
They had compared questions that I had about certain Way doctrines with postings on the same subject on GS.
I was thrown out several days later because I "did not believe that the Trustees were leading the ministry in the right direction".
I'd like to suggest that "The WayGB" is more than just some staff dweebs sitting in front of computers all day printing out posts.
After all, someone has to make the connection between the poster on GS and the flesh and bllod person in a Way fellowship
The WayGB is anyone who is willing to turn in the person who sits next to them at fellowship, or even a family member, because they agree with the goals and methods of TWI.
The WayGB is anyone who believes that disagreement is tantamount to rebellion and devil-spirit possession.
The WayGB is anyone who will take a private conversation or correspondance and turn it over to "leadership".
With the exit in the last several years of all but a few who are repulsed by TWI's actions, I'm sure that they don't have as much to do, but they are alive and well.
I send em stuff I post sometimes, just so they can save a minute or three and do something else.
Someone told me recently that they found a post of mine in stuff sent to them by twi too. I expected them to have it and wrote only stuff that I knew to be true and had already sent them and the others I was talking about a copy anyway.
They know it, we know it. They couldn't possibly give a chit less what we think.
This really upsets me to think TWI would stup so low as to have a cyber hit list of posters. They have gone to being Biblical(?) to being Religious to being a 21th Century inqusition.
I feel sad for the folks that continue to be dooped by this organization. This is not Democracy but Terraney with a religious twist. Sounds like a Middle Eastern country don't it.
The WayGB, so christened by the FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT of Waydale, one of many things that he nailed ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
Shortly after the FIRST USAGE of the term WayGB, Don Wierwille passed away. A "dear friend" of mine was allowed on grounds for a short period of time to attend Don's memorial service, what struck this person was the HOW MUCH the twi safety department resembled the cartoon version of the WayGb, right down to the overcoats and hats.
Anyway, they are alive and well and living wherever there is a twi home fellowship, a telephone line, a cell phone, a fax line or an internet connection. Lots of us here at Gspot and Waydale before us have been the recipient of their monitoring, tale-bearing and survived what the bible calls (in my opinion,) FALSE WITNESS.
I have always considered it "enlightening" that THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS is one of the ten commandments, yet, it is an every day occurance (in my opinion)in twi. They teach that they are "The Watchmen," but I personally have never seen scriptural justification that being a watchman OVERIDES bearing false witness.
I am not a research scholar, and have never claimed to be. Catnip? Have you or your husband ever seen any such documentation in either the old or new testaments? How about any of the rest of you?
My point is this, so many great posts here, a reminder to be at least cognizant of their presence. Oakspear has great points, as do Hope and Shell....but my favorite is ex10th....they have drawers of paper, tapes and cds on us....but that road goes both directions...kinda like the COLD WAR.
Where`s pam san? She can tell about posting in the old chat room one time at 1 am from a lap top and saying that she was outside musta wet themselves cause it wasn`t 30 seconds before lights were coming on all over hq..and she was recieving a *visit*.....
Also one poor lady was *caught* on waydale....she had to quit posting...I miss her.
hey rosie, instead of blowing all the ABS on law suits, you need to get the singers new clothes. maybe get a new piano or something, the one I heard on the sunday service sounded like it was from the old silent movies
I wish pam would tell it...she can do a much better job than I....but to sum it up as best I can remember ....She was in a vehicle parked on the street using a lap top to post in the chat room....and when she gleefully told folks where she was.......rofl....all of a sudden lights were coming on all over hq...and security was driving out to find her couldn`t do anything though becase she was on a public point was...if Pam sans experience is any indication....they did/do moniter this sight and the one before this...
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Obviously you haven't been paying attention.
Oakspear and Radar can attest personally, and Insurgent is still experiencing it.
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Help an old man. GB?
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Ahhhh.... Thank you Steve!
Is there one? I would have to say so, in a way. (No pun intended) The communists had people reporting on their families and others. TWI never refused information (to my knowledge) about others. In fact, when I was a twig coordinator, my LC used to call me frequently to "check on" certain people. They would always want detailed info.
Is there a formal organization like that? Anybody here who has been on staff could best answer.
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I was confronted by Steven Roberts concerning some information that was posted on GS. Little did he know that the poster was someone closer to him than I ever thought about being.
I had given a close friend of mine (now I know that I had no close friends in TWI) whom I had given an answer to his question concerning a couple who had left TWI. He did not let his lips pucker to kiss Steven's *** until he told on me for being on the internet.
When I was asked about the e-mail, I did not deny that I read information on GS. Of course I was told how evil it was and how he knew all of the people who posted and all the trouble they had caused at HQ. Cop-Outs.
They never ask me again however, a FC and his wife, who are no longer associated with TWI, told me that they were keeping an eye on me and wanted to know any remarks or questions that I asked.
Knowing what was going on at HQ was tough for me because I wanted to call them liars when I had to listen to them inform the fellowships of Martindale and how he was the target of the adversary working through the Allens.
So yes Pat, TWI does have a WGB to inform regions of posting from their area. Not much they can do about it anymore.
I was impressed when I read John's disp. when he informed the Peelers to go to GS so they could find out about TWI and what they did to others.
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Hope R.
Yes - and they have files on most of us. (HI GARY!!! MR LINDER!!!).
Making a long story short - about a year (?) ago we received a letter from a higher-up at HQ's in answer to something John requested. In this letter were copies of some of John's posts from GS - old posts that had been deleted months before.
Kinda freaked me out, really - I mean - who cares what you and I say, our opinions are our opinions. There's still a First Amendment in the Constitution - so I guess they have the right to keep our posts as much as we have the right to post them! But I'm a bit uncomfortable knowing what I say here is in someone's file cabinet in Ohio.
Remember to use - IMO - IMO - IMO - IN MY OPINION - if it isn't a real, actual, able to be verified fact. If something happened to you - it's a fact. If you think VP or LCM are (fill in the blank), then preface the sentence with IMO.
IMO, I think the WayGB should find something else to do. The ABS of TWI's current followers is probably paying them to watch us!! How silly.
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Hi Gary!
GO PIRATES! (I mean ECU, not TWI)
Hey, what do you think of Pat? A character, right? ...least he makes your days interesting, huh?
He may be Pat but he's our Pat. And don't forget, he's a grad. Geez, for all anyone knows, he might be walking by WOK, WOW and DOS; whattyathink? No? Figures you'd say that.
I'll include you and your family in my prayers. Seriously. Not to leave TWI or anything...just to prosper and be in health.
Who prints and files the posts, you? No you're a big shot.. a secretary. Is she/he a Way Corps grad? Well, "HI" to them too.. you work for a great guy (or has he changed? yuck yuck)
Well, now everyone back to work... we'll keep disseminating info re: our experiences in TWI and you keep track of us.
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I hear ya about somebody on a farm in Ohio keeping files on us!
But somehow, I find comfort in the fact that what I know about some of them could fill quite a few files as well.
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To those "leaders" of twi who are reading this:
Have you ever wondered what position you would be holding today with twi if martindale had not run off 90% of the faithful followers, which of course included the most experienced and talented people?
My guess is that you would probably be driving the "honey wagon" at the ROA.
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THe more I look around the more I realize just how insidiously TWi perverts even the soundest of Church doctrine.
We are exhorted in Scripture to avoid Idle Gossip (which covers 98% of TWI fact gathering)
At the same time the church provided an avenue for one to turn in a brother or sister who was seriously out of fellowship--adultry --stealing etc to the leaders so that the Brother or sister in Christ could be Lovingly exhorted to keep the gospel.
If this failed then the next step was to withhold fellowship until the sin was removed from the persons life and they were then welcomed back with open arms.
TWI decided the operation could be streamlined
1> actively collect every bit of fact, gossip and innuendo and regard it as true
2> Yell and scream an the already tried, judged, and found guilty parties
3> if said parties refuse to agree to the often bogus charges-- M&A them for all eternity and smear their names with all other belivers
So Nice so tidy so completely unscriptual. TWI's WAYGB reminds me of Hitler's Germany where children told on parents and neighbor spied on neighbor.
(here's another post for you WAYGB to add to my 22 year old file
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They are very much alive and well and actively reading everything that is posted here. The fact that harvey p found it necessary to address the things posted about how they are neglecting the widows in their church should be some sort of indication on the power they know that GSpot has over them.
Power given to the posters at GSpot because twi leadership have not lived godly lives above reproach. They do not like having the underbelly of their precious organization and activities exposed. They do not like to be reminded that they, too, can be kicked out on their a** with nothing to show for it just like so many here have. They do not like having their comfortable, evil existence threatened.
Honestly, I do not know how anyone with twi can read these things day in and day out and still maintain that they are in a godly organization and that twi is the best thing out there.
Do you honestly think that other churches are half as corrupt, evil, dishonest and unloving as twi? Do you really think that God isn't going to ask you to answer for the things you've done and are doing? Do you really think you're doing God's will? Would you own earthly father be proud of you right now? Honestly?
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I was "confronted" by the region coordinator, his wife and the HFC one night. They had printouts of posts that I had authored under a previous handle.
They had compared questions that I had about certain Way doctrines with postings on the same subject on GS.
I was thrown out several days later because I "did not believe that the Trustees were leading the ministry in the right direction".
I'd like to suggest that "The WayGB" is more than just some staff dweebs sitting in front of computers all day printing out posts.
After all, someone has to make the connection between the poster on GS and the flesh and bllod person in a Way fellowship
The WayGB is anyone who is willing to turn in the person who sits next to them at fellowship, or even a family member, because they agree with the goals and methods of TWI.
The WayGB is anyone who believes that disagreement is tantamount to rebellion and devil-spirit possession.
The WayGB is anyone who will take a private conversation or correspondance and turn it over to "leadership".
With the exit in the last several years of all but a few who are repulsed by TWI's actions, I'm sure that they don't have as much to do, but they are alive and well.
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Of course they copy and file stuff from here.
I send em stuff I post sometimes, just so they can save a minute or three and do something else.
Someone told me recently that they found a post of mine in stuff sent to them by twi too. I expected them to have it and wrote only stuff that I knew to be true and had already sent them and the others I was talking about a copy anyway.
They know it, we know it. They couldn't possibly give a chit less what we think.
Nothing new under the sun.
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This really upsets me to think TWI would stup so low as to have a cyber hit list of posters. They have gone to being Biblical(?) to being Religious to being a 21th Century inqusition.
I feel sad for the folks that continue to be dooped by this organization. This is not Democracy but Terraney with a religious twist. Sounds like a Middle Eastern country don't it.
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Radar OReilly
The WayGB, so christened by the FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT of Waydale, one of many things that he nailed ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
Shortly after the FIRST USAGE of the term WayGB, Don Wierwille passed away. A "dear friend" of mine was allowed on grounds for a short period of time to attend Don's memorial service, what struck this person was the HOW MUCH the twi safety department resembled the cartoon version of the WayGb, right down to the overcoats and hats.
Anyway, they are alive and well and living wherever there is a twi home fellowship, a telephone line, a cell phone, a fax line or an internet connection. Lots of us here at Gspot and Waydale before us have been the recipient of their monitoring, tale-bearing and survived what the bible calls (in my opinion,) FALSE WITNESS.
I have always considered it "enlightening" that THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS is one of the ten commandments, yet, it is an every day occurance (in my opinion)in twi. They teach that they are "The Watchmen," but I personally have never seen scriptural justification that being a watchman OVERIDES bearing false witness.
I am not a research scholar, and have never claimed to be. Catnip? Have you or your husband ever seen any such documentation in either the old or new testaments? How about any of the rest of you?
My point is this, so many great posts here, a reminder to be at least cognizant of their presence. Oakspear has great points, as do Hope and Shell....but my favorite is ex10th....they have drawers of paper, tapes and cds on us....but that road goes both directions...kinda like the COLD WAR.
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Reminds me too much of spying out our liberty in Christ.
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Hey, WayGB! Tell Harve I said "hi!" okay? He could really crank it out on Johnny B. Goode. Some of my best memories!
Love, niKa
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Well, we can look at it this way, at least the preoccupation of the waygb with GS, keeps them away from the unsuspecting public.
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Wow. Maybe they have he original THE thread.
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Where`s pam san? She can tell about posting in the old chat room one time at 1 am from a lap top and saying that she was outside musta wet themselves cause it wasn`t 30 seconds before lights were coming on all over hq..and she was recieving a *visit*.....
Also one poor lady was *caught* on waydale....she had to quit posting...I miss her.
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Do you mean on grounds or just nearby? Also, I take it whatever she posted gave away who she was?
Also, have they accessed Paw's records before or do they just try to guess who the posters are?
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Did you know the original thread is in aramaic? It's true. The tranliteration is below:
"He-lie, She-lie, lame-o shameful bs-er is-thay."
And they says GS isn't a research ministry? Ha! ;-)
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hey rosie, instead of blowing all the ABS on law suits, you need to get the singers new clothes. maybe get a new piano or something, the one I heard on the sunday service sounded like it was from the old silent movies
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I wish pam would tell it...she can do a much better job than I....but to sum it up as best I can remember ....She was in a vehicle parked on the street using a lap top to post in the chat room....and when she gleefully told folks where she was.......rofl....all of a sudden lights were coming on all over hq...and security was driving out to find her couldn`t do anything though becase she was on a public point was...if Pam sans experience is any indication....they did/do moniter this sight and the one before this...
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