Mebee if I believe hard enuff God will bless me with that boob lift I been wantin'...
Dear God,
I did my job as a faithful mother, now could you please reach down from your heavenly seat and hold my boobs up fer all eternity so's they look like they did waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was 13??? Or at least send me a plastic surgeon who accepts Legos or Rescue Heroes for payment, I have an abundance of both 'round here!
quote:Maybe it goes back to that story in Christian Family & Sex where Wierwille talks about the woman with different sized breasts who "believes" for them to be the same size.
But you know, if it worked, then God must have PROMISED her equal sized breasts, because the law of believing is only about the promises of God, don't you know.
And here I've been believing for Wonder Bra sales, when I could have been believing for bigger ta-tas.
You gotta wonder how God does it, don't you? I mean He can mend broken hearts, give perfect peace, provide all your needs including someone's little ol' mammary glands.
To which I can only add, I posted this awhile back, don't know if anyone got it. For awhile my hotmail account was getting every imaginable advert for everything under the sun. The usual Viagra stuff, plus etc etc. One day I got an email that had this subject line:
Socks! Increase your breast size the easy way!
Now, aside from the fact that such a thing wouldn't be desirable for me, it gave me great pause....the "easy way"....what's that? I had to there a hard way??? And if so, what would it possibly be and how many women try it?
I gave this several minutes of consideration and realized I needed to get my mind on other things. But still, it haunts me.
...the easy way.... Did the Way have the ultimate size enhancer formula all the time???
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Interesting. Was there a laying on of hands, Oaks?
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Puts that old "each one, reach one" in a different light, eh, Socks?
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To quote Bill Cosby (from sevearal decades ago), WHAT'S A CUBIT?
But that "laying on of hands" just might work.
How BIG is your believing??

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DM a CUBIT is the distance between your elbow and the tip of your fingers, generally it is measured approximately 18-22 inches long.
P.s. DUH I just noticed you were quoting COSBY but will leave the info on anyway
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Mebee if I believe hard enuff God will bless me with that boob lift I been wantin'...
Dear God,
I did my job as a faithful mother, now could you please reach down from your heavenly seat and hold my boobs up fer all eternity so's they look like they did waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was 13??? Or at least send me a plastic surgeon who accepts Legos or Rescue Heroes for payment, I have an abundance of both 'round here!
Thanks God, love you!
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Makes me wonder if way women were believing for their husbands to grow bigger uh..uh.. bless me muscles??
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LOL sadie, I was wondering the same thing.
Colleen, yeah I am believing that my boobs rise..
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Here's a pair of comments.
My cup runneth over with mirth.
This thread is just the tip of the iceberg,
but the admin may have to nip it in the bud!
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But you know, if it worked, then God must have PROMISED her equal sized breasts, because the law of believing is only about the promises of God, don't you know.
Good God, what a crock.
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"One by one"
"Honey, I'd like to pray for you..."
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Ahhh... John 10:10. The more abundant wife.
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Huh...believing for larger breasts....
I wonder what I could ask God to enlarge...
"Oh Lord, we beseech thee......."
:D--> LOL
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I didn't know that was *available*.
And here I've been believing for Wonder Bra sales, when I could have been believing for bigger ta-tas.
You gotta wonder how God does it, don't you? I mean He can mend broken hearts, give perfect peace, provide all your needs including someone's little ol' mammary glands.
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I was thinking about this some more (okay, too much coffee this morning, I admit) and you know what?
I'm really not impressed by the "God-gave-me-bigger-knockers" claim.
Now if they had said that God made their foot smaller, then I would be impressed!
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The way always had some impressive women whatever size they were
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I'm just believing for a big heart.
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I thought God was supposed to supply your need, not your greed.
Anything more than a handful is a waste.
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Tom Strange
I thought that was "anything more than a mouthfull...."
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Well, this dicussion is going downhill!
To which I can only add, I posted this awhile back, don't know if anyone got it. For awhile my hotmail account was getting every imaginable advert for everything under the sun. The usual Viagra stuff, plus etc etc. One day I got an email that had this subject line:
Socks! Increase your breast size the easy way!
Now, aside from the fact that such a thing wouldn't be desirable for me, it gave me great pause....the "easy way"....what's that? I had to there a hard way??? And if so, what would it possibly be and how many women try it?
I gave this several minutes of consideration and realized I needed to get my mind on other things. But still, it haunts me.
...the easy way.... Did the Way have the ultimate size enhancer formula all the time???
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Hey, whats the big thing about big boobs anyway? I mean really. If you have small ones you can fit into the styles better.
So be careful for what you ask for.
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I would be willing to perform a 'laying on of hands' for anyone who needs such, though really my 'healing-power' is in my lips.
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You don't mean to say that this discussion is..."sagging", do you?
From one who always thought that they all look great. Really.
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I know somebody that Howard Allen approved ABS to pay for breast implants which got infected
later and had to be removed.
Your ABS at work.
Get out of TWi now
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