What about Tic? Did anyone know him? Was anyone blessed by him? Wierwille used to say regarding Tic, "Flea Fornication". By this I was not sure whether he was for it or against it? Perhaps we should take a poll.
The puppy given to me the year I went WONC. A little girl in the apartment complex we lived in gave her to me. She was christened Miss Chiquita Banana Carmelita Pope. She was so small that we had to attach a bell to her collar so we'd know where she was and so was also known as Chiquie, the Ding-Ding Queen.(We got elaborate with the naming thing, didn't we ?) Of course, that was "back in the day" before it was illegal to have furry friends. Chiquie stayed with me for years.
I had a ferret once, cute thing that'd come out and play at all hours of the day (or night). She'd entertain twigies with her antics and gentleness. Sometimes when she'd sense a bad mood in the room she'd crawl under the sofa and peek out inquisitively, that seemed to take the edge off the moment and allowed us to happily continue on our discourse on the more than abundant life (or lack thereof).
Well, I never really felt I "belonged" at twi -- all these really nice people -- and then me.
And vpw said that Tic always knew someone who didn't belong.
And Tic didn't chase me off. He just gave me a sniff and moved on.
It was a big deal to me.
I was sorry when I heard he'd been killed.
And I now do believe that dogs and cats and other animals will be in heaven -- it would not be complete without them.
(Animals also choose to be good or bad -- the dog who gives his life to save his master -- the land-mine searching dogs, etc. (I don't know what cats do that would earn them a place there. . .)
Tick always seemed like a one-master dog and didn't have a lot of time for someone else. There was also some sort of retriver at HQ and I think it was Howard's dog. He was pretty friendly and he wouldn't eat cooked millet. Two pluses.
For me it's a tie between Cindy Sheep (named for Cindy H***) and the little baby goats that would playfully climb all over my son and me when we went to the barn to feed Cindy and her pal Rita (also named after a childrens' activities sweetie). My son was allowed to raise the two of 'em for 4H.
We went back to Rome City a couple years later. Cindy was out in the pasture with the flock (she didn't get sold at the fair because she was 1 lb too light--an answer to my little boy's prayer!). They kept her on the farm for breeding.
My son and I walked down the road where the pasture was and called, "Cindy, Cindy." She came trotting over to us at the fence, looking so happy to see us. We were told that because she was the only tame ewe, she was the first one to get pregnant every spring. She was the only one who didn't run away when the farm crew brought the male into the pasture. LOL
Least loving nonhuman: the head rooster. He attacked me every time I went to gather eggs. I never had a moment's remorse at chicken slaughtering time. Chickens are MEAN!
Kit--I've known at least 2 cats that earned their wings : 1. Zaire-a little stray pregnant cat that chose to live with me.We lived in the country and word got round in the cat world that I was a sucker, so every stray seemed to end up at our door. Little Zaire raised litters that didn't belong to her. The feral cats would sometimes abandon their babies. Never fear--Zaire was there ! 2. Moo-Zaire's son and my son's cat. (So named because of his black and white "cowhide" fur) Moo stayed with my son like a puppy and had the sweetest personality ever !
Oh I am a dog lover too. Have a little rescue dog that proves love at first sight really happens. Sure, animals go to heaven ! (hope so anyway !)
SOmeone said earlier that they hoped pets got into heaven--Just remember that man was the only creature kicked out of the Garden of Eden and therefore the only creature capable of sin and separation from God
AS IF we need any more screwy beliefs---but the idea behind the following brought me a measure of comfort when we lost some beloved pets. It sounds as if this may have some Eastern origins, but I really don't know. A friend told me he'd heard of a spiritual group that believed that God sent back all the "lost souls" as animals--the souls/spirits of folks that did bad stuff, refused salvation, or just coasted through life with no thought of a higher purpose. Anyway, seems the way these animal lost souls redeem themselves is to bond with a human and learn how to receive and give love. If they succeed in this, then at the end of their animal life, they have earned the right to go on to their reward. Mission accomplished. I have NO idea who believes this or where my friend got his info, but it is interesting and a point to ponder. Who knows ???
If my pets don`t greet me when I arrive in heaven...well... there would most certainly be sorrow on my part....something which we are promised there will be none of.
I look forward to being reunited with them every BIT as much as I do my *human* relatives....
I look forward to being reunited with my dear shep mix who shared my journey through twi ....I also take comfort in being able to thank her, as well as the miriad of other beloved souls whom I have had the priveledge of their company....for the comfort they provided...the lessons imparted...the never ending patience and loyalty displayed.
I also will apologise...I will earnestly ask forgiveness for the many times when *duty* to twi...job...new family etc, those distractions that resulted in the ignoring and neglect of a faithfull friend.
I believe that they will be there....these wonderfull animals are so much more than we were ever taught to believe in twi...such a blessing from God...I have NO intention of dismissing their importance because of stupid twi doctrine.
SOmeone said earlier that they hoped pets got into heaven--Just remember that man was the only creature kicked out of the Garden of Eden and therefore the only creature capable of sin and separation from God
Mo, were they really "kicked out", or did they really flee voluntarily because of their shame? (of course God was probably pleading with them to stay, but their shame wouldn't let them).
Mo, I asssume you have children. Would you kick any of your children out of the house if they do something contrary to your wishes? However children do tend to run away from home.
...... A friend told me he'd heard of a spiritual group that believed that God sent back all the "lost souls" as animals--the souls/spirits of folks that did bad stuff, refused salvation, or just coasted through life with no thought of a higher purpose. Anyway, seems the way these animal lost souls redeem themselves is to bond with a human and learn how to receive and give love......
What about dangerous animals, ie. Lions and Tigers, or even venomous animals like rattlesnakes or black widow spiders?
I dunno ! --> Since I have no idea where it originated, I'll make up my own doctrine and say that redemption of this sort is available to animals closely associated/domesticated in service to humans. How's that ? Heck, I'll even take it a step further and decree that yucky things like spiders and such are the REALLY stinky people who have to work their way up to being able to bond with humans. They do their spider/moth/worm thing and move on up the ladder. Tigers and wolves and such are just one step away from domestication. Thus saith Way Back ! And I'm opening the door for any other ideas that will make this fit like a hand in a glove. Ha !
....... I'll make up my own doctrine and say that redemption of this sort is available to animals closely associated/domesticated in service to humans. How's that ? Heck, I'll even take it a step further and decree that yucky things like spiders and such are the REALLY stinky people who have to work their way up to being able to bond with humans......
;)-->Why thank you ! If we work on the details a bit, we may be able to start our own movement...perhaps even assemble a class or two--NOT ! (Oh-that's right---it's been done before, and look what happened ! )
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Dot Matrix
The swans at Emporia!
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just ask dee
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Mark Sanguinetti
What about Tic? Did anyone know him? Was anyone blessed by him? Wierwille used to say regarding Tic, "Flea Fornication". By this I was not sure whether he was for it or against it? Perhaps we should take a poll.
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I dunno Mark, but ya gotta love an animal that had the perfect response to the junk that was being generated in the CFS class. Kiss my

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way back in the 70s
The puppy given to me the year I went WONC. A little girl in the apartment complex we lived in gave her to me. She was christened Miss Chiquita Banana Carmelita Pope. She was so small that we had to attach a bell to her collar so we'd know where she was and so was also known as Chiquie, the Ding-Ding Queen.(We got elaborate with the naming thing, didn't we ?) Of course, that was "back in the day" before it was illegal to have furry friends. Chiquie stayed with me for years.
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I had a ferret once, cute thing that'd come out and play at all hours of the day (or night). She'd entertain twigies with her antics and gentleness. Sometimes when she'd sense a bad mood in the room she'd crawl under the sofa and peek out inquisitively, that seemed to take the edge off the moment and allowed us to happily continue on our discourse on the more than abundant life (or lack thereof).
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Dot Matrix
When I was in TWI and a twig leader. I had two cats. One named Ernie and the other "Bushy-Bushy"
*Sigh* They were wonderful. I hope pets go to heaven.
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A Tic story At ROA Do not remember which one 85?
Tic came up to me I petted him for a few moments
and away he went.My opinion he was more caring than any of the hotshots
One thing great about animals they do not care about positions ect
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Kit Sober
Well, I never really felt I "belonged" at twi -- all these really nice people -- and then me.
And vpw said that Tic always knew someone who didn't belong.
And Tic didn't chase me off. He just gave me a sniff and moved on.
It was a big deal to me.
I was sorry when I heard he'd been killed.
And I now do believe that dogs and cats and other animals will be in heaven -- it would not be complete without them.
(Animals also choose to be good or bad -- the dog who gives his life to save his master -- the land-mine searching dogs, etc. (I don't know what cats do that would earn them a place there. . .)
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Cats keep us humble.
Cats keep mice at bay.
That's enough as far as I'm concerned.
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Tick always seemed like a one-master dog and didn't have a lot of time for someone else. There was also some sort of retriver at HQ and I think it was Howard's dog. He was pretty friendly and he wouldn't eat cooked millet. Two pluses.
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Linda Z
For me it's a tie between Cindy Sheep (named for Cindy H***) and the little baby goats that would playfully climb all over my son and me when we went to the barn to feed Cindy and her pal Rita (also named after a childrens' activities sweetie). My son was allowed to raise the two of 'em for 4H.
We went back to Rome City a couple years later. Cindy was out in the pasture with the flock (she didn't get sold at the fair because she was 1 lb too light--an answer to my little boy's prayer!). They kept her on the farm for breeding.
My son and I walked down the road where the pasture was and called, "Cindy, Cindy." She came trotting over to us at the fence, looking so happy to see us. We were told that because she was the only tame ewe, she was the first one to get pregnant every spring. She was the only one who didn't run away when the farm crew brought the male into the pasture. LOL
Least loving nonhuman: the head rooster. He attacked me every time I went to gather eggs. I never had a moment's remorse at chicken slaughtering time. Chickens are MEAN!
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way back in the 70s
Kit--I've known at least 2 cats that earned their wings : 1. Zaire-a little stray pregnant cat that chose to live with me.We lived in the country and word got round in the cat world that I was a sucker, so every stray seemed to end up at our door. Little Zaire raised litters that didn't belong to her. The feral cats would sometimes abandon their babies. Never fear--Zaire was there ! 2. Moo-Zaire's son and my son's cat. (So named because of his black and white "cowhide" fur) Moo stayed with my son like a puppy and had the sweetest personality ever !
Oh I am a dog lover too. Have a little rescue dog that proves love at first sight really happens. Sure, animals go to heaven ! (hope so anyway !)
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Several Cats
SOmeone said earlier that they hoped pets got into heaven--Just remember that man was the only creature kicked out of the Garden of Eden and therefore the only creature capable of sin and separation from God
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If eternity dosen't have pets, then that will show that eternity is screwed up too.
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TWI taught that pets won't be in Heaven so now I believe they will be in Heaven. Chapter and verse, Mr. Martindale and RFR?
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way back in the 70s
AS IF we need any more screwy beliefs---but the idea behind the following brought me a measure of comfort when we lost some beloved pets. It sounds as if this may have some Eastern origins, but I really don't know. A friend told me he'd heard of a spiritual group that believed that God sent back all the "lost souls" as animals--the souls/spirits of folks that did bad stuff, refused salvation, or just coasted through life with no thought of a higher purpose. Anyway, seems the way these animal lost souls redeem themselves is to bond with a human and learn how to receive and give love. If they succeed in this, then at the end of their animal life, they have earned the right to go on to their reward. Mission accomplished. I have NO idea who believes this or where my friend got his info, but it is interesting and a point to ponder. Who knows ???
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If my pets don`t greet me when I arrive in heaven...well... there would most certainly be sorrow on my part....something which we are promised there will be none of.
I look forward to being reunited with them every BIT as much as I do my *human* relatives....
I look forward to being reunited with my dear shep mix who shared my journey through twi ....I also take comfort in being able to thank her, as well as the miriad of other beloved souls whom I have had the priveledge of their company....for the comfort they provided...the lessons imparted...the never ending patience and loyalty displayed.
I also will apologise...I will earnestly ask forgiveness for the many times when *duty* to twi...job...new family etc, those distractions that resulted in the ignoring and neglect of a faithfull friend.
I believe that they will be there....these wonderfull animals are so much more than we were ever taught to believe in twi...such a blessing from God...I have NO intention of dismissing their importance because of stupid twi doctrine.
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Mo, were they really "kicked out", or did they really flee voluntarily because of their shame? (of course God was probably pleading with them to stay, but their shame wouldn't let them).
Mo, I asssume you have children. Would you kick any of your children out of the house if they do something contrary to your wishes? However children do tend to run away from home.
(which is probably what Adam and Eve really did)
Just a little food for thought.
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What about dangerous animals, ie. Lions and Tigers, or even venomous animals like rattlesnakes or black widow spiders?
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way back in the 70s
I dunno !
--> Since I have no idea where it originated, I'll make up my own doctrine and say that redemption of this sort is available to animals closely associated/domesticated in service to humans. How's that ? Heck, I'll even take it a step further and decree that yucky things like spiders and such are the REALLY stinky people who have to work their way up to being able to bond with humans. They do their spider/moth/worm thing and move on up the ladder. Tigers and wolves and such are just one step away from domestication. Thus saith Way Back ! And I'm opening the door for any other ideas that will make this fit like a hand in a glove. Ha !
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Very eloquent statement
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way back in the 70s
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Most loving non-human?
Way Corps 4-10
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