At the outset of my involvement with TWI, (1973) sickness was not something that was officially condemned, at least not to the extent it was in later years. Probably the best balance of faith, healing, and medicine was at the Indiana University College of Medicine, where I worked, with a bunch of medical WOWs and my favorite general surgeon, whose secretary I was privileged to be (what an awkward sentence!)
People were loved. They were treated medically into wellness, then taught that they could be well. A lot of it was practical - diet, exercise, fresh air, 8 glasses of water and prayer. People did not get clobbered with negatives if they were sick. We were learning and growing and our aim was to help people.
It was in the early 90's that I noted the creeping malaise in the ministry that spelled the end of healthy love and the beginning of unhealthy condemnation of those who needed help with physical problems. By 1994 when I was diagnosed with diabetes, spit was flying at HQ regarding sickness. Shortly after I returned home from the hospital, a SNS tape began with the immortal sentence, straight from the sacred lips of the MOG himself: "If you have a chronic illness in your life, it is because you have chronic sin in your life."
I guess HE was never sick a day in his life.
BTW, the doctor I worked for, being very smart indeed, was no longer associated with TWI by the time this crap got in full swing.
From my observation of and experiance within the mental health feild, there are a few chronic mental health problems that LCM needs to address. "You that are without...cast the first stone".
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Watered Garden
At the outset of my involvement with TWI, (1973) sickness was not something that was officially condemned, at least not to the extent it was in later years. Probably the best balance of faith, healing, and medicine was at the Indiana University College of Medicine, where I worked, with a bunch of medical WOWs and my favorite general surgeon, whose secretary I was privileged to be (what an awkward sentence!)
People were loved. They were treated medically into wellness, then taught that they could be well. A lot of it was practical - diet, exercise, fresh air, 8 glasses of water and prayer. People did not get clobbered with negatives if they were sick. We were learning and growing and our aim was to help people.
It was in the early 90's that I noted the creeping malaise in the ministry that spelled the end of healthy love and the beginning of unhealthy condemnation of those who needed help with physical problems. By 1994 when I was diagnosed with diabetes, spit was flying at HQ regarding sickness. Shortly after I returned home from the hospital, a SNS tape began with the immortal sentence, straight from the sacred lips of the MOG himself: "If you have a chronic illness in your life, it is because you have chronic sin in your life."
I guess HE was never sick a day in his life.
BTW, the doctor I worked for, being very smart indeed, was no longer associated with TWI by the time this crap got in full swing.
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Hasn't Craigers struggled with Depression most of his life--
Guess it takes one to know one!
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It never ceases to amaze me how a group can claim to be so "enlightened" by the "truth," yet be so incredibly ignorant.
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Dot Matrix
Wow, what a jerk he was/is.
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From my observation of and experiance within the mental health feild, there are a few chronic mental health problems that LCM needs to address. "You that are without...cast the first stone".
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Dot Matrix
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